03-553Council File # b3 — SS� Green Sheet # �O �,. G 'a-- Presented by Refened To MINNESOTA Committee Date In Honor of Jim Peterson 1 WI3EREAS Jim Peterson has served the Science Museum of Minnesota as its president sinqe 1984, leading it through a 2 period of unprecedented growth and development; and 3 WHEREAS Jim charted the Museum's course through its move to the Mississippi Riverfront, the design and construction 4 of a breath-taking new $99 million facility and significant growth in its endowment; and WI�REAS, beyond his role as administrator and community leader, Jim's unique gifts have been those of a teacher, leading the Science Museum to become a major producer of Omnitheater science education films, initiating a statewide outreach proa am to schools and developing one of the country's pre-eminent collections of traveling science e�ibitions; and 9 WHEREAS the Science Museum of Minnesota last year served over 1.25 million visitors, students, teachers and 10 researchers, making it one of the region's favorite places for people to be and to learn and to grow together; and 11 WIIEREAS Jim Peterson has been selected by the Boazd of Trustees of Gustavus Adolphus College to be their next 12 President, meaning that he will be leaving Saint Paul eazly this summer; 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOZVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul extends its deepest gratitude to 14 Jim Peterson for his vision, his leadership and his hard work on behalf of our extended community and wishes him all the 15 best in the days and challenges ahead. Requested by Deparhnento£ � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � App� � Adopted by Council: Date ��__ � �-Op'3 � Councilmember Chris Coleman MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'E� TOTAL # OF SIGNA"CfJRE PAGES DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 40262 63 � Ss � 6/2/03 INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIlt. CTLY CAUNCII. ASSIGN _CITY ATTORNEY _ CIIY CLERK NpMggg _FINANCIAL SERV DIlt. _ FINANCtAI- SERV/ACCTG FOR ?�10R(ORASST.) _CNII.SERVICECOMNllSSION ROU'1'ING �T TEAM (Kershaw) ORDER ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncr[oN xEQUESTen: Adopt Resolution honoring Science Museum of Minnesota president Jim Peterson. Approve (A) or Reject (R) PI,ANNING COMbIISSION CIB COMMI'1"PEE CIVII, SERVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON'1'RACI'S NNST ANSWER 1'f1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/fiIm ever worked under a comract for this depamnenYt Yes No 2. Has this pe�soolfum ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nonnally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Jun Peterson will be leaving the Science Museum, after having served as its president for 19 years, to accept the position of president of Gustaws Adolphus College. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ FUNDING SOURCE: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTNITY NUMBER: FINANCJAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl�