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.. l _ .. ORIBINAL TO CITY CLBRK ����.,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �E Nc�� NO. �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY j�0�'i�'T'f F. w 1'� \ COMMISSIONE "`�' A'�'F Wl�RBAS, By atzthori�g oP the I,aw� of �iiutae�sota Por the rear 1959, Chapter 34�, H.F. 217 a,nd ratified lry C.F. l�o. 1922L6, apgrcnred l�jr 2, i959, tl�e City cf 3aiat Prr��uul, may pay a portion oP th� etssses�a�le Qosts of Side�►alk Coastz•metidn �h�n snch costs ez�eed the Leaef its to the proper��r c�waer, w��AS, I� ha: �reen determ3aed that the follcririiog d�scri.'�ed parc�ls of prc>perty Ue relieved of the fo3.lc�vring amcn�t: �eacription Amo�at S�c. � 5 ft•; Lot 14, Blk. 2, rlve� E)rchard �211.21 bcr� 15, sl]c. 2, Mv�► orchaa.rd $168.91 � �t 15, �lk. 3, Plum4 drrbsrd $173•10 N I.� � Lvt 14, slt. 6, � Archaxd $ztn.Sa � W 4S !'t. at' Lot 15, Blk. 6, ?lromi C�acc�a�rd $231.2� �' � � � 14, Hlk. 2, J� t�aerd�n Ad�.. �].�2.'�3 �;� m � � Ro. 10 t't. of t'�to A�e. �ac aa,�. ata� Lot 15�, El]c. - 2, Jo�►a Gssr�e�t A�dd. $1'T�•98 , Lo�t 1, Blk. k, State l�k. Add. ?�at �4 �226.7C I.mt 1, Blk. 3, State !k. Add. �5 �228.�F2 Le►t 12, Blk. 1, state Pk. A�1S. Mat �5 $228.4� i.ot ]2, Blk. 4, sta�� lk.. Ad.d. rlat #5 $193•'T9 bot 1S, Blk. 2, Leya,dea ?k. $167.G5 Lot 22, Blk. 8, Haa�k�e's Glevelaad Yienr $ 56i•6�F ��� Lot i5, s�. 5, acaa.e�r �ts. �aa. $203.72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve�l 19— Levine _1n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty • � -. . , _ ORIOIMAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NCIL N0. �b 1.�f , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM19510NErt RI'�eI't F. S�8�8 eATo �sCri�icus �prqa� Lmt L6, Blk. 5, Acade�apr �t�c. Add. ��f�.42 I.at 35, �ear. oP the gi�s � 56•50 Lo� 15, Blk. 4, G.�. iihitney'a Rivertom llats $247.23 8 4Cf.09 1"t. cf Lcr� l�, Blk. 3, Lottd�n Park $198.47 I��t 16, Blk. l, Berl�eley Plac� �lc�g.6p Lot l, Blk. 2, B�rkele�r ?lsce $211.� Lcat 1�, Blk. l, �calester 1�i1].ae 2sd Add. $185.26 Isot 15, Blk. 1, 1�6acalester Vi11as 2aa1. llci.d. $198.1A Lat 14, Blk. 2, 1�acslest�r 9illas 2nd Add. �171.08 Lar 15, �lk. 2, ldacales��r Villas 2nd Add. $2].�.b�4 �t l, 3tanf'ord Place �2p8.1p Zhe � 15 ft. af I,ot 17 & all of Lat 18, Staaitcrd rl. $ 69.8� Lot 1, �eresa llace $178.29 � �AS, Z'he total m�ust of a,ssessal►le costa the City ma�r � is �4�93?•50, na�r therefor� 1� it, RBSE9LVSD, That the Cc�missiomer of �lic Korks '�e and he ia hereby sxthorize�. to �pay t�c� the P�rffianegt I�o�r�amerit �te�volving F�id, Code 64A4 the amomst of $4,93�.50, a pertioa oP the assesssl�le coats mF Sidew�t Ce�tstraction �rder the 1969 �id�+slk Contrset 69-M-4$0, Levy Nm. 5, District Ao. 2, L-'Ti57, � t�e �c�t o� $4,93�.50, said leraaueat Improve�ent Revolving F�d to l�e reiatiursed Frax the City's 5har� of 7�ca1 �rovea�at Aid F�a�d, 4920.�61 (1974� . . �' � NOV 3 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butler NQV 31�7�i Carlson ve�� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PllBLISHED �QV 7 ���� �� �� , . �5���� ou�ucwTC ro��NtsR CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N� ' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE�tiC CO'UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�AL FORM n���er �Qi�1'ti ?. d!�'al1�At � „�,� COMMISSIONER 1���� � �� Oz trh! �t 0� �O�a f�' f'i� �Mt' 1�f +�� 3�, &T. Zl� aad �iti�d � C.T. �YI. 19�„' q�sonr� �iq $s 1954, '� Cit�► �! isi�rt lao�tl, �q►,�q► � p�ioa od '�fu wp�l� ew4s e� �l,�wralt Coe�trio4iaa �Ih�s a�oti ee�clis eo�oeMd �► ti�ar!'its te t� p�► o�s�ar, i1�R�, Tlt Ars ti+Me'a d�ocairMd iLa4 4� �ll�rie� �NSr11�d rlpL o�' l�rt�r 1� �"�1li�nrrd o�t t1�r !'a�1+wr33A� �t ��'...�_iai , �, � �t. s S 1"t,f Lo�! �, lilt. Q, llst Aoeo�ald �itll.ttl Lo� 1'S� �ilt. 8, lltra �urt �,1,�•9�, L�ra 1S, �• �, Zlt� t�retiat�d ' �.73•10 Lo�t �, sl1t. 6, !!At OiewrLL�sa �2],0.58 N ks !'t. � Lo� 7,3, �.1t. 6, l�art t#e�a�ast ;211,g2 Lot 1�1, 'llt. �, J�lm ast�s A�d. ' �.'� 1s. 3A !'�. e� O�o Atr�. nie ad�. qd Lo� ].S, �t. g, Jo� tlsarA�t /4id. ' �141�•98 , La�t 1, ffit. �, �st! 19t. /l�d. ?�t #�► �6•?� Lot 1, D3�t. 3, �t�at� �fic. �'i. �� �28.42 Lo� ].2, �I1t. 1, 3t•af�s 1�lt. A�. }'lat � �8.�9! 1wt 1�, lllc. 4, �ta� !!t. �d. lrlat �i � �193•7�i LOt 1�, '11t. 2, LNlMa !'r. j3b7��S �# 2�, '11t. 8� �'• Cl�laod �i,�t � �►.6�1 boR 1S, �• S, 4aa�■4► �a. 11�d. �2Q3•72 COUNCILMEN Adopteti by the Council 19— Yesa Nays Butler j Caxlson °: Approvea 18_ Levine Tn Favor . Meredith ' Spra�ka Mayor Tedesco A 8'��t Mr. President, McCarty �� � �51��1 cu�ucwn ro nennsie � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��p� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE�tlC � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�AL FORM CAMM�I�ON�II � �• ��; �A� ��0�'l�iCO � �...�.�... Lo� ]�i, �lk. S, ��d�a0► R�t. Add. j2�,bd Lo�E 3S, �w�'. o? t2M ='l�s # Sg,�p Lat 1S, a�1c. �1, a.a. tihita�pr�� iiw�aa �t• ' �T•�33 s �t3.tl9 !t. o! 7.0� L�1, �1t. 3, Load�a laslt �1g8,p� Lofi. L6►� s1t• 1� �Itlt]►4 � i #198.�i0 Lo� 1, �1t. S, �Ittl,q !'1,�t�e �,.Ilk Lot Lk, �11t. l, Ifaewlttli�t �ilLs IIed A�d. �.� Lot ls, ��Z1t• 2, ll�a�rr �il).sa 2sd Ad�t. �3,9e•1p ?�e� lk, lit. g, 1i�a3.�s�rr �illas � A�d. �l�l.at3 Lmt ls, rit. 2, �iMa1Ml�rlar �'illa�s �ad AB�. �1lt.�4 LNi 1, �pe� l9.� �.10 �s. s is ra. or j..t i� a au or r�o� 19, at.si�oara; r1. � 6g,�► Le�E i, 7�a !1� �,1'�g,2g MlIR�, '!!M t��►1 e�aon! ot �aaMaatil� ao�t� t1N► Cit� a� !q is �►,93T•St�, m�r �ha�tf+� '!N it, H�Q�TID, T!a►t th� Ca�issia�o�r o! �lia 1t�lra w �d 1w i.� Lor� q�Losis�d. to � !l�e�a th� � �arcrn��ivalYi� l�und, Cod� �ppp f!a a�oasti o? ,93T•S4s � P�'tilea a� th� eosts ot tl,A�a11t Coest�s�etioan �r 'wql 1g69 8td�alt t�a�raati i9-M-�80: �'l �• S. Diit�rl,� ao. a, L-Ti37� ss taae � et �4,937.�� s�s� �or�o�.�..r� =�►ol�i� land to 1Nr ri3�il�ertN, i'yre�t tlu� ai�q►'• ��i�Loeat D�o�rawst �a r�a�at: a,�o-�is �i9"1�a). � 1970 �- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mril 19— Y� xa� � 31J70 Bur�� Carlson � iAppmve� 19— ���e T� Favor �Ieredith Sprafka �� t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� ;