251040 r � ., �5�.�'�-�d ORIOINAL TO CITY CLHRK �} , � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � -\ UNCiI� RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � \ COMMISSIONE pTE WHEREAS, The Legislature �f the State of Minnesota, in its Extra Session for 1967, by Chapter 13, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Extra Session, under Section 13 thereof, established a Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Commission, and by Section 13 of said statute provided that the administrative and planning expenses of said Commission should be borne equally by the State and by the City of Saint Paul, and by Subdivision 4 of said Section 13 provided for an appropriation by the State of $125,000, to be expended orrly if a similar sum of money is made available to the Commission by the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul did make $125,000.00 available to the Commission as authorized in Council File No. 240935, November 14, 1968; and �,,� WHEREAS, The City had available in its Capitol Approach Bond Fund No. 7220 s �� as of September 30, 1970 a balance of $250,098.29; and � �u � WHEREAS, The City is presently in receipt of a Capitol Area Architectural c � and Planning Commi.ssion memorandum to the Comm,issioner of Administration dated z `� October 6, 1970 outlining the request for funds for Master Plan Publication in r the amount of $9,271.85; 50% to be transferred from the General Contingent � � � ; Fund, and 50% to . be made available from City of Saint paul Capitol Approach '� Bond Funds, in the amount of $4,635.93; and N WI�REAS, The City is also in receipt of a Co�nissioner of Administration "Administrative Transfer No. 16 (10/16/70)," authorizing the transfer of $4,635.93 from the General Contingent Fund to the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Commission, in accordance with the applicable State statutes, and the directive from the Commissioner of Administration to the State Auditor authorizing said transfer; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint paul to co- operate with the aforesaid Commission in its plans and program; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor ' Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco ' Mr. President, McCarty O r , . r OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK �5�' F;�a e = CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa -��'`� v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ �pTF Page Two RESOLVED, That the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to transmi.t oxr behalf of the City of Saint Paul the City's share of funds to be used by the Capitol Area Architectural add Planning Commission for Master Plan Publication, in the amount of $4,635.93, and to transmit the City's draft in said amount, payable to the State Treasurer of the State of Mi.nnesota, for use by the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Commission, such amount to be payable out of Capitol Approach Bond Fund No. 7220. ;. I�p�1 31�)0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yea� Naya �V 3 ��o Butler Carlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ ayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty '�UBLISHED NOV 719T0� . O �� � � 2�1�'�0 .�.,t,n.R�� � . , � CITY 4F S7. PAUL' �u�� ND OFFICE OF THE CtTY C�LERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEN�RAL FORM ��.r COIAIAISSION� DATE , fi�lltEAB, Ths Legialaturt o! t!►� Stata o! �na��ota, ia its E�ctn Ses�ion for 1967, b�r Chaptsr 13, I.a�rs of Mimw�ota for 96�, sstra 8s�ai+�n, usd�s 8sction 13 thsrao�. •atabliahsd a Capitol As+�+� h�tsctural and Pl�maing Coriaai.on, and by S�ctioe� 13 of uid �t�tuts p d�d that tba ad�ini,�t�catiw aad plaanin�� �zpan�s• of �aid Cc�i��ios ahoald �a bosas aqnally b�r tl� stats and b� tbs C�Cy of �int laul, and b�r �nbdit►i�io� 4 of �aid 3ection 13 pro�rid�d tor an appropriaCion by thi Stata of �1ZS.000, to ba �acp�adad only it a •i�ilar n�s of �ey i� o�da availabla �o tltis Cosi��i�'Dy the City of Saint Pani; and W��iAB, Tha CiE� of :aiaC Paul did �ake $ ,000.00 availabl�e to tl�t Ccr�i��ion aa authoris�d Ln Coua�cil �il� l�to. 2�3, llawabsr 14, 1968; aucl i��. Tb� City had availabls in its Capitbl Approach sond 11m�d �o. 7220 a• of 8�pt��r 90, 1970 a balaac� of #250,098.29� and W�AS. Th� CitT i� preaatly ia rtc�ipt ol��a Capitol Arra A�^ohit�ctesal and pLnnia� Coria�ion r�as�advr to tir Carisa�,os�sr o� Ad�ini�tratioa dstad � 4cta6�r 6, 1970 outliniug th� raqvs+it for #�md• fd�r Ma�tes Plan Publieation is tlr �t o! �9,271.8�; SO�X to be tsanaf�s�s�d �raa the G�nsral Cootingsnt lhmd, and SO"X to i3b• rel� availabla �ror CiLY ,o! Sjaint Yaal Capitol Approach Eood lwnds, in th� woynt of �4,635.93; and ii��iAB. ?he City ia alio in racsipt of a Co�Mi.�asionss of A�inistratios� "Adwisirtratiw Tranat�r llo. 16 (10/16/70)�" autho�risin� t� traasfir oi ��635.9� fro� t!N Qsn�xal Coatinsant lh�oad to ths Qapitol Area Architsctutal and llanoia� Co�i�aioe►, in accordance aith ths ap�licabls State �tatnte�� and � tha dir�ctiw traa tha Co�iuioosr of Adsiai�tratt�oe� to tlw Stits Auditor authori:ieas said translier; and iT��LS, it is th� d�sira of tlr Council of tb� City of Saiat Paul to co- operat� Nith tts� alos+�aaiid Co�isaion in its plans �d pro=sar; �nar. th�r�lors, b* it COUNCII.3�IEN Adopted'by the Co»n�l 19_ Yeae Nays , Butler Carlson Appro� 19_ , Levine Tn Favor Meredith MaYor Sprafka A��+�n$t Tedeaco . Mr. President, McCarty �� � . � � (((���j� DUrLICAT[TO lRIN7tR �^���0 , , . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N� � OFFICE OF THE CITY aLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOh1—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED.EY COMMISSIONE� DA� Pa�a Tao �ttaOLYSD, Tlut ths psop�s City o�licialr o!� t!r City of Saist lanl axtis � harab� autborissd aa�d dir�ct�d to traw�it as behal� of tb� Cit� a! 8aint � loa�l tb� Cit�'• sliar�r o! fuads to b� w�d bp ths� Capitol Arsa Architsatnral �d plansing Co�ai��ton for Naster Plan Publicat�.on, la,thie ae�ouut o! 54,635.93. � aad to tsaase�it tha C�ty'a draft in `saf,d a�ahmt, ,payabls to th� itats Tnaaursr o! ths 8tate of Kl.awsota, !or na� by ths Capitol Ar�a Archit�ctural and . Plannin� Co�iaaion, anch a�o�mt to b� payable vqt o� Capitol Approrch Eond �rtad lto. 72a0. . � 3. 1�70 COUNCILMEN Adopted �y the Co�,nct� 19.— Yeas Naya I�p�I 3 1��0 Butler Carlson Approv�l 19— Levine Tn FSVOr �@I'eC�l�l Sprafka �� ' at Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty . ���