251030 � . . OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK � � Y � w CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCi� NO. �� �o , • �, ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y f � COMMISSIONE DATF - In the �iatter of nazardaus buildinqs beina that sinqle familv frame da�ellin� knavm and described as 572 Concordia in the Cit�✓ of Sairat Paul� and situated ution t{�ose aremises leqallv d�scribed as Lot 4, B1ock 24, �iackubin and f��arsnall 's addition to Saint 'aul, accordinq to the� �lat on file and of record in the offic� of the �eQister of Deeds in and far the Count.y of Ramsev, State of i��innesota. 4lHEREAS, Fursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 250680 , anproved t�ctober 1, 1970 , a .r.ublic hearina vaas duly , e on Thursdav , t]ctober 15, 1970 , before the Council of tf�e City �f Saint �au , sai3�hearing r?ertaining to the condition �f tn� structures located at —�72 Concordia , Saint Paul , ��Sinnesota; and 4dyCREAS, Upon the facts aresented at �the said hearina consistinn of' photo�raphs, insnection renarts and the recanr�iendations of t�� Citv Architect, it is fourd and deter�ined by the Citv Council that �cc�r�linq to the recorcis and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, t�e last record o,;�ne►•/��,��n�r� of the above-dESCribed nroperty is/�yqg' E1 i zabeth Do�vney; !�J!{E�EAS, It is further deternin�d that the above-described ,,� constitute� hazardous buildings ���ithin the defi- ni�i�"�n��•linnesota Statute, Scction 463.15 for the fnllot•,�in� r�asons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine �_�n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka. �Against Tedesco F M AP..PROVED Mr. President, McCarty r � � p,�et. 6arperatierl �w � . O , ' ��1 i� �l� � � �ac�e 2. a. The dv:�ellin� is standinq vacant, a�andoned and is sub,iect to beina entered bv unauthorized n�rsons; b. The exterior of tne d�rellin� is in a dilanidated condition in that the sidinc; and the roof are decayed and the t?orches are sanging and the ti��indo�rs are smashed; c. The dti�ellinq in the above conditian is b�vand reasonable re�air; d. T�e d�-rellinq is unfit for hu!nan ha5itation in its nresent condition and the above corrections must k�e made in comnliance ;�tith the Buildinn Code and the flousin� Code �f t�e �it�i of Saint �aul in order to make the same habitable; e. The ��vellin� constit«tes a nuisance and a hazard to the �u�lic health, safety, and ,�elfare �ecause of its n���!sical damac�e, dilapidation and inadec�uate maintenance; � OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK - � /���`�o CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� �' ' � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. ' ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ DATE pina '�_ noUr, therefore, be i t P.ESOLVFD, That in accordance v�ith �linnesota Statute5 S�ctions 463.15 throu�h �63.26, and ba�ed upon the foregoinh findinns of the City Council , the Council of the Ci�,y of Saint �aul does hereby maEce the folloti�rinq brde►,: ORDE�t 1 . T��e o�mer/��,dq(�y� bf the above-descri bed „���1 shal l make the same safe and not detrimental to t�� nubl i c �eac�, healt'�, safetv and tiaelfare by havinq the said �J�� razed and the naterial s therefrom renoved frc�r� t eh nre^iis es aritTi n—i thirty (3J) days fro� the date of the service of t�iis Order; 2. Unl ess such correcti ve action i s tal;en to co�nl.y ��ri t�i thi s �Jr�+er or an ans��ter served unon the City of Saint Pai�l and filed in the Uffice of the Cl erE: of the Di stri ct Court of Ramse_y County, '1i nnp�ota, ti�Ji thi n t�,�enty (20) days from the date of the service af this Order, a �lotion for Su,ne�arv Enforcement of this Order to raze and renave th� said �tuollq.�q uri 11 be m�de to the F;��msey Caunt�,� Ui stri ct Court; 3. In t}�e event that the ___�,,,�1l�n� _����r� to be razed hv the Citv of Saint F'aul �ursuant to ,iu�gmnnt o�'the t)istrict Court, �11 personal pro�ert�,� or fi;;tures �rhici� may unreasonably interf?re ���ith the razing and re��oval of thi s _____��yp_l l in� ;hal l be removAd ��,�i t;��n ten (10) days fron t�e entrv of jud�r.ient;an3 if fiat ;o rer�oved, thc� Cit� of Saint �a;�l shall re�ove and dispose of such nersonil �ror�ertv and fixtures as provided b>> la���; 4. If the Cit�� of Saint Paul is compelled to take anv correctiv� action herein, all nec�ssary costs �xpended b�� tha City ��ill !�e assessed against the above-described real estat� and collected as other taxes; anc; be it FU�TNCf; RESOLVEJ, That a certified copy of this resolution .and incorporated Qrder herein be served upon the last record o;��ner/c�r�� of the above-describ�d property in the manner. nrovided bv lavr �V 3 197�g_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the G�ounci� Yeas Nays Butler IVC3V 31'�0 Carlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka U Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �UBLISHED NOV 7 ���� O Aroa Code 612 �tiTy. n THOMnS J.STEARNS 223-512i ��s "'9 ARTFtUR M. NELSON ~ % JEROME J.SE6AL . ' � � � _.," °�`� "' THOMAS M. MOONEY % '���"`� ' KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK ' rs ^c PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. JOSEPH E. CARTWRI6HT - CITY OF SAINT� PAUL R.SCOTT DAVIES PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L.FICKER FirstAssistant LEGAL D@PARTMENT KENNEiHA.SKRiEN 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel �? � �li :�'�, !�tr. Albert B. O1 son Council P.ecorder City C1erN:'s Office Ruildinc� � Re: File "!o. 2016 572 Concordia Dear fir. Olson: . . Etttached, hereto, is resoluti�n/order nertainin� to the above hazardous buildin�. Upon nassage of the same by the Cit.v Gou�cil , �lease forti�ard fc�ur (4) certified copies to me. Yours very trul zr, � � PIFRRE td. f;EG�IIER lissistant Corporation Counsel PP��/klm Enc. 11-5-70 �+ Cert. Copies to N1r. Regnier NG �O i ,', `� � 1TY Q � SA1 �1T PAU .._. �'� �' � � , .� ,: , � � _ � a� ,� � .,r Capital c�f Min�esota> ? , , � _ � � _ � -� a � � � � . �; .� � l� ,� ', � �� ��r. � "";� �a� i .,.i"�,��__ ' , . , M1 , �. � � a . _. .�.�. .�.�:_. � ��� .�.� _��- � �, _w.� -. � � � � ,,,.. ;4''� �,� ,�w�•ri�ji��/ f ..� � a. ..� �'�`� .��'�r '� � r :, _ _ , , . � , . .,��; - ' , " �eY � " j �� _ � � �� 'T'� �/.. y �,�� �$ �` ��... s� � ; � . � ,. . a, ��. . , •.� s -� :. ,� ..�y . . ;� . �^ ai F�� ��, p"�„ " � �� � ' . ; �.:: � � � ,� - � _. • ,1 = � ._ , ; . , `t"��t,y - ',,.� � "3.�� `,rti�i' BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architec+ 445 Ci�Fy Hall, 55102 223-4212 October 14, 1970 Hon. Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2016--572 Concordia Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the above location. The owner of record. is Mrs. Elizabeth Downey (ad.dress unknown) and the legal d.escription of the property is Lot 4, Block 24, Mackubin and Marshall's Add.ition. A recent inspection indicates the following: Building Classification: Single family frame d.wellirg. Exterior: Decayed sid.ing and roof. Porches sagging and in generally poor cond.ition. Interior: Inspector could not gain entry, but states that building appears too far dilapidated to rehabilitate. On September 29, the city authorized securing of all openings. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and. the owner has mad.e no attempt to satisfactorily repair the d.amage d.espite our warnings, it is the recommend,ation of this bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings, r trul yo s Robert L. Ames ; RLA/mfs City Architect �,i %`�' '` & }���� P. S. The Housing & Redevelopment Authority advises us that this property is scheduled for acquisition after May 1, 1971, at which time they plan to demolish the building. o��,�,n,�.�,� � 250�'80 • CITY OF ST. PAUL w��uNCa NO -� � , .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL I�ESOLUTION--GENERAL FORI�+I PR��� Vietor J. Ted+�s�4 ' 4etober 1, 19T0 COMMISSIONER �ATF ,-_r WHEREA5 the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings , said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: . Address Legal Description !Ty e of Structure _ 57Z �o�ordis � �.ot.4, Block �4, .l��in & Singi�e ts�ily dw!ellin� lrisrshall'• Addition � � WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: ,�l�abeth Dowrtay THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public h,earing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint the ci ha�nb r of the Court "��t���i►y, C�c�o�e�1�, 197t� House in said city at 10;00 a. m. on ' to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of r�ecord , of the date and time of the hearing. � ��,r - l I910 COUNCII.biEN Adopted by b�te Couacil 19_. Yeas Nays sntler A rov oCT - 1 1970 s� � p� � � � � Favor Meredith . ��r Sprafka � A gainst . • Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � n ,��1 ; , � �� � i oct � i5, i97o �.�._�_�,�.:--�-T� ,i ���� /l �''�..� M.r. Danie7_ �. Klas �`/- Corporatzon Gounsel /� �u�la?n�; T3�?�3.:r ."'_i', `,y`��\� / � � < The Cit�r Council toda %�eqtz�s�� th��3t�u. prep�.re G resoluti�n ardering the correct �r Tz�ec �. g an�em�val o�` -�he s in�;le Pamily dcaelling at 7� Concordia ve. V2r.'?�� f"ii"�,i�_�yF 1f'.>lZ:i`:,q i., --"'--,,, ,``,,�..�..� /� _--'---.�� .\e__�____�%' /� lJ ' City Cl.erk ng � ��