251028 � O$Ia1Nl�TO CITY CL6RK ����7 ,��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �(�C�/�(,U COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, R�gist�red Bill �io. 3-59�9� dated Jsnuary 2�, 1969, haa been i��ued in th� a�o�t of $2,650.�0 for da.mage� to a e�ity police vehicle �.Md Regi�terecl Bil�. No. -5975, dated Febr�ary 2�3, 1969, has be�n ias�ed in the amount of �1,�4�6.95 for damages to a semaphore, and � dispute ��cists a� to the re�po�sibility Por axid as to the �moun� of da�age cau�ed tY�e City; and W1�REAS, Tli�ah Malntosh, th� driv�r-owner of the vehicle involved in �he a�caid�nt with the eit� aehiele on �t�e date of said accident, November 3�, 1968, has presented a cla3m aga3r��t said City of Saint Paul and its agen� and ��:rvant Donald J. �o�.ghrea in the amoutn� of $804.04 and the par�ies are de�irous of r�solving their differenae�; now, therePo�e, be it RESOLVED, �hat i.rz e�ch�,nge for Eli�aM I�clntosh �xe�ut3.t�g a rc�l�ase ir� full to the City of Saint Paul and to Donald J. �oug�a for an� ar�d all claims For damages to his motor vehiale tMe proper eitg officer� are a�thorized to aacep� $1,400.04 in ft�11 Qompro�ise settlement of the bill�, redueir�g Regi�te�ed Bill No. 3-59�9 �o that extent, c�,n�elling the balanc� of it, and eaneellirig Registered Bi11 ATo. 3-5975 entirely. , NOV 3 �J70 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeaa Nays �v ; „70 Butler Carlson � 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� :� PUBl1SHED H0� 7197� a�. cofp ion C�� �� . RNPLiC�T6 TO MlIN7�R �. ���+� " CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSEIiTED�lf COMMISSIONER DA*� , �118„ Regi�ter�d 8�11 �to. 3-59�9, da�ed �ar�►udry �, 1969, haa b�fn i�eued in the amo�nt oP �2,6g0.tt,� for ds�eage�e to a �tity poliae vehiale at�d Registerst! B�1 No. -� g, dat�rd �'ebruaiy g8, r 1969, ha� bs�n i�rued in td� �aount of �1, .� t'or daa�gem to a semngh�ore, and a diepute e�ci.ete ne �o �he reapanaibiiity tor aru! a� to the �mouat or damage oav�eed th� Qitg; end W,EiERRA�, Eli�ah l�tolntc�h, th�e driver-o�aer oP the v�hiale ir�volvtd itt the aQOidsnt Nith the oity vehiCle on th� da�e of attid aooident, Nar�ember 30, 196�t hae preaen�ed a alaim 'ainet ��id City o� Saitxt Faul and ite ageat aad eervamt l�or�aid . Lottgl�t ia the amount oP �04.00 and th� �a�rtise are d��riirc�w o rs�olvi�ag their ditter�naes; noK, thsrefbr�, be it RTs�40LV1�� th�t it� ucohange For $11�al� IdQI�'�o1lh qxeauting a releae� in full to the City of S$int Paul at�d to Don�ld J. Loughrta for any and all alaime Por da�ages to hia �c►tor vehidla t� prap�r Qity offioers are authorized to aaoept $1,004.04 in i�ull ao�promie� settl�meat of the billr, reduoing Regioter�d H��1 No.! 3-59�+9 to that eat�nt, aanoslliag the balano� of it, and oanae3,'ling Reg1+�t►�red Hili No. 3-59'75 entirely. NOV 31�78 COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Couuci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ;VOV 31'�� Carlson Apprnved ; 19— Levine i� Favor Meredith Sprafka �y�r ' at Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��