251013 OR161I�1L TO CITY CL6RK � ������ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ,_ RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � f COMMISSIONE Robert k pTe �HEREAS� In th� natter of Cc�aptroller�s Coatract L•7219 for Co�struction ot the Morgan-Return Storet Sewer, �roj�ct Nc. 69�S-1304� Orfei and Son�� Inc., Cuntractor, the �pecified date of c�spletion is J�Ae 15� 197�, and �BAS� The Contractar has proseeut�d the w�rk diligeAtly but due to r�asoRS beyond his cr�ntrol it was not possible to co�plets the eontract by said date of completion,� therefore be it RESOLVBD, That the proper City Officia�ls b� and they are hereby suthurized and direct�d to ex�cnte an amendment to said contract extending the tia�e of co�epl�tion to Septemmber 30, 1970� pro�ided tu�wever� that this resolution shall have � force or effect unle�s the sc�reties on the Con- tractor�s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing With th� City Comptroller� and be it FURTHER R�SOLV�D, That the City of Sai�t Y'tt�l hereby waives �11 claiea for liquidated daa�age� etad that no �ngineering and inspection costs on this projsct will be charged to the Ce�ntractor £or such extended period. ,EORM PPR ED s Corpn� .�'% C n��l OCT3 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya --�;.�C�— �T � s 197� Carlson AP 19— � Levine � Tn Favor Meredith �` Sprafka v yor A gainst � Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED NQ�/ ? �97� � , o�,�.�,.�,�.�,� � �5�(��3 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL �ORM PItf3ENTED tlf Q lu� *_ :�«.�1c. COMMISSIONE �f,1 qA7E �RtA�, In tiwi �att.�t e! C�tt+oll�r�a Gets�ot Ly7Z11 !os Cm�stra�ti�a ot tl� !l�r�ae•l�lti►tn �tern �wr. �n��1ct 1N. 69•��1304� Orl�i a� i�na. Ina.. Gnrtrsctor. � ��aiii�d dat� et a�pl�tioa i is ,Twa 13� 1!7@, ud ti�ltsv, T� Cesttaat�r has pros�w�d tb�;�sk dilisa�tl� b�t du� to r�aao�s bayood �ia �oetroi it ws nst poa�i i� ts a�pl�ta tb� antraat �� s�ii rat� o! oo�+l�ti�a, tL�r�or� b� �t asOLVtD. That tb� pro��r City Otti�ials b} �ad tlay �s� 4r�b� sutLorissd aod dir�et� to ac��t� as �wdMUt t+�� asid aomts�tat a�t�sdia= ' tb� tiN ot eeo�l�tl�oa to �ptrbfs �0. 1l70, prs�d�d Ir�nr�r, t6at ttii� rasloti�a sbatl �av� ao �'or� or �tl�et wl�ss t1� aar�ti�s a�e tM Qow- traeto�'• bsu� wsa�at tlws�t+s ud til� sas6 �►�s�t in Mrlting vitL tl� Cit� Co�ptroil�s, aAd ti� it ' tURTUER Rt�OL1RD, That th� City of �aint Pjnl b►�r�by wiws all alaiw !os liqnii�at�d d�a�• aad tl�st ao �a�iaariln� aud iasp�ction e�sb otr ti�ia yro j�ct Will b� ahar�d to tb� Contractsr �or sdah �xt�ndtd �_�N I ' �r 3 01�7� COUNCILMEN Adopted; by the Co��c� 19_ Y� xa� �CT 3 0 1�70 �_ ., � � Caxlson Apprnve� 19— ��g �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � �Y� roOA111At, � Mr. President, McCarty ; ��