251005 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �` �� ���1! = ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. - � - � '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE WHERFAS, the �it� of Saint Paul presently provide� for� a comprehensive Health and 4�elfare Insuranae Prog�am for Ci�y employees as set forth under Couneil Fi1e No. 231269; and WHEREAS, the �i�y�s Health and Welfare Committee ha� be�n ins�rueted to prepare bids to be let for the con�raets for t�e eontinua�ion of �uch comprehensive Health and Welfare Program; and WHFREAS, �h� Cityts Health and Welfsre Committee has prepared arsd now subt�3.�s to �he �ounell of�he Cit� of Saint Paul reoom�nend�d specifications and general provi�ions of s�ch bids; now, therefore, be it 1RES4LV'ED, that �he Oouncil approve said recommended speai- fi�ations and general provi�ior�� for bids and the proper �ity officials are authoriz�d and directed to prepare and publish adver�isement� for bid�. 4- H � � .7 � 6L � a � ¢ � � N 0 � '� OCT 3 Q 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays ��`� � �' ?�'Q -���ler Carlson Ap 19— ,�- Levine �n Favor Meredith r Sprafka ✓A gainst �tlegc�_ Mr. President, McCarty PUBL•ISHED NQV 71970 O o�.�,�,TS,��,� 25���5 CITY OF ST. PAU4 H�UNqI N� - � � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSION� �A*� W�SAS, the �ity oP Saint aaul prea�ntly provides for a aompreheneive Health and i�ielPare Ixleur�nae Progra� for City employees as s�t Forth under Ecunoll �'i1e No. 231269� and W�AS, the f31ty�s Health ar�d WslPars eom�i.ttee hns be�n inetru�ted to prepare bid� to be lst �or the Qontr�at� !or the aontinuation of euoh aompre�heneive He�lth and Ke2fare Programs and W�RS�AS, the City�a Health and t�Felfare Eta�ratit�ee lles preu� and no�r eubmi.te to the �ouna�.i o! th�e �31ty ot' Saint Pa rea��ended epeoit`iQation,o and glaneral provisiona oP �t�ah bids= ttotr►i thex+efor!� be it RFSOLYFD, tla�� the Counoil approve eaid rsa�e�! speoi- Pioationa and ���srai provisione Por bide and th+� propsr �ity oPFioiala are �uthorized and direoted to pr�pare and pt�blish adv�rtie��snts !or bid�. y.:__ � � _ { �,- _�� � a..,,. . . - OC�-3 0197�1 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Cou*►�1 18— Yeaa Nays �j 3 Q 19�Q �--- Carlaon Apprnv� 18.— I'e�e �++ Favor Meredit.h Sprafka � ��r A�inat �"'� Mr. President, McCarty ��