250989 ORIGINhJ[TO CITY CLKRK �n�.�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. V �,� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU � ESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE r8f ATF WHEREAS, the existing PHALEN CRE SEWER is under capacity betweer� Weide Street and Duchess Strest, a�d � � WH�REAS, it is advisabte to construct a sewer for clearweter to � � reduce the qua�tity of sewage at the Sewage Treatment Plant, and WHEREAS, the Department of Pubtic Works, City of St. Paul has prepared a coc�tract for the enlarging of the existing PHAL�N CREEK SEWER f raa Weide Street to DucF�ess Street aqd fhe addition of a clearwater server froa� Mendota to Welde St., be it therefore � RESOLVED, that the pians and specifications hereto attached f�r the PHALEN CREEK REL'�EF SEWER-Weide Street to Duchess Street, S-1359A, as submitted by the Coa�issioner of Public Works are hereb�r approved, and be i t FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total estlmated eost of $550,000.00 be pa i d f rcaa 1970 Cap i ta 1 tmprove�net�t Bond Fund, and be i t FUR7H�R RE�OLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertlse for bids on this iaaprove�nent. .�.,,;,,,. �=CF�f�;1 f�PF; ED _ �r, • Corpo io Co s ( OCT 2 9 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas xays aGT � � 191� ,_..�o��-- Carlson Pr 19— � Levine �.In Favor Meredith ` / Sprafka Mayor V � A gainat Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED OCT 3119�0 � DY�LIG,A�TO MtIM7�7t � ����\JV . .� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�►�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMMI�SSIONEo �eV� �• sr�� DATE MtEREAS, t� sxistl� MIAI,EN CREEK tE11Elt Is �r �a'rtlt�l � wt�. s�r..e «w o�.s. se�.c, a� MHEREAS, 1�t ls �1�1# �O l�Rf'MCt • fMiNr �OI' 6IMrw�t�� t� r�d� tM qw�nt i t� of s� at tMs swir�s Trwtr�t �tMt, �M IAIEREAS. tlw 6�prlMnt of P�►1 i� lidrks, Clt�/ st S!. P�wi Irs 'nNrwl � oo�raat �br t1Mr �ula�i� et th� �clstf� NlNI.EM CREEK SEMEII fro� Wirs ftrat !i O�M:s Strwt an/ th� a�itle� it • o1M�t�r sw� ��+w MMiot� .to 11s t di S�t.. N 1 e tM�sn : RES0lYE0, tMat t�s �l�ns � s�eiTte�tlais �r�t� �ttacM�, �s� tMn MNLEN CREEK REItEF SEMER-�M�I�N �tn�t �e O�eMss StrMt. s-1l�A. �s s�itt�d Iry th� Cowtss ion�r o! ►�i1 te Il�tks an h�rrirY p►�rr�rN, an� w it � FUIt1NER IIEfOIME�. tMt th�► t�tal �ttiMRM �at �f' :if50.000.00 b� Mid 1� 197b Ca►1t�1 t�rov�t ls�i F�M. a�l N it FtNtTIlER l�ES01.11E�. thtt tIM hrr�sl� 11�nt Iw � ts Mnlr�► �ir�e+t�il to �Mrt t s� t�►� b t ds oe tM ts 1�e+sv�R. �.�_.� - 0�f 2 9 �'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 18— Y�° xa�s �CT 2 9 1970 Caxleon � Approved 18_ Levine _jn Favor Meredith � Mayor Sprafka A eC�Al11At, �� Mr. President, McCarty ��