250984 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. . COUNCI ESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Agreement number 1441, dated November 6, 1963, between the City of St. Paul and N.S.P, to extend steam ma.ins to serve the Civia Education Center, resulted in deposit of $12,650.00 by the City, this deposit paid from the "Civic Arts Center Revenue Fund," account number 3400. The agreement further provides that in the event an additional steam customer ties into this main, the amount of $12,650.00 will be refunded to the city; and WHEREAS, N.S.P, did make refund of $12,650.00 to the City, which amount was deposited to "Civic Arts Center Revenue Fund," account number 3400; and WHEREAS, Expenditures may be made from this fund for any purpose authorized by resolution of the City Council upon recom- �' mendation of the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic o � Buildings; and � � '� WHEREAS, The Commissioner recommends that the entire amount �' < be approved for the purchase of or replacement of capital �, equipment, to include addressograph equipment, exterior ligl�ting equipm�€nt, repair of electrical systems in the theatre, and N other capital items; now therefore, be it � RES�VED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to make these capital expenditures from the "Civic Arts Center Revenue Fund," account number 3400. OCT 2 9 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays -�t�.--_ OCT 2 9 1970. Carlson / ve� 19— Levine ,�In Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayor A gainst –`Pe�es�o— Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED QCT 311970 � {� � ���'��,(,�,'��, DUPNCiTL TO MtINT=R . �lA��r�'�V�' .. , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"p� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ���r COMMISSIONG� nA*F WI�RPAS, Agr�ement nwnber 1441, dated l�ovember 6, 1963, bet�en the City of St. Paul aad �.S.P. to ex��nd ateum maina to serve the Civic Bducation Ceater, resulted ia depoait of $12,650.00 bq the Citq, this deposit psid from the "Civic Arte Ceater xevenue Fuad," account aumber 3400. The agreament further provide• th�►t in the eveat aa additiowl steaat cuato�sr tins into thi� main, the amount of $12,650.00 Mill be refunded to the city; aad W88RBAS, N.S.P. did matke refund of $12,850.00 to the City, , Nhich saaunt Maa depaaited to "Civic Arta Center �eveaue Fund," account aumber 3400; aad • � . WB�RBAB, Bxpaaditurea may be made from this fund for aay purpo�e autborized bq reaolutioa of the City Council upon recom- mendation of the Coa�nisaioner of Librariei, AUdi�orium and Civic $uildings; and i�BRSAS, The Co�mi�sioner• recoim�ead� Ctult the entira amouat be approved for the purphaae of or replacea�en� of capital eqaip�ent, to include addraaaograpb equipment, exterior lighting equipmeat, repair of elactrical sy�t�s in the theatre, aad other capital itema; aaa therefora, be it - �BSQ.VSD, That th� proper citq officsr� �are hsraby authoriaed to mtke thaae capital expeaditure� from tha "Civic Arta Center flavenue Fund," account o�mbar 3400. - �j 2 � 1970 COUNCII�II�N Adoptad by the Co�ic�7 18— Y� xays �CT 2 9 1970 ��� . Carlson � Appro� 18_ Levine rn Favor Meredit.h Sprafka 0 �r Ag'ajrigt Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���