250982 i PRIGINAL�PC� CITY CLQRK I�����/ • -A CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE 4LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY COMMISSIONE DATF In the i�iatter of hazardous buildinqs �einq . that one stor�,r single family fram� dwellina knawn and described as 736 iV, Robert Street in the Cit,y of Saint Paul and situated uoon those pr�rnises legallv described as Lot 1 , Aud. Subd. i�fo. 67, accordinq to the plat on � file and of record in the office of t�e P,egister of Deeds in and for the Count�� of Ramse.v, State of i�;innesota. ' F 4lHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. hla. 2506$1 , anproved Octo6er 1_ 1970 , a �+ubl i c heari na �as dul,}�e c `on � , � �� 1;Z7jZ , before the Counci 1 of the Ci tv of Sa�nt !'au , sa� h�� nerta�n n� to the condition af the structures located at 736 rd. gobert , Saint Paul , ;�tinnesota; and . I�JfiCREAS, tlpon the facts nresented at the sai d heari nct consi sti nc� of photograp`�s, inspection renorts and the reco�rnendations of tne Citv Archi tcct, i t i, found and deterni red b�� th� Ci tv Caunci 1 t'iat accorcfi n� to the records and files in ttie office of the Register of ��eds, t�e last record o�rner/oti�rners of the above-descrik�ed nro�ert.y is/�I�� Lean Frank; and that there are no other lien holders of record; !�1HEREFiS, It is further determined that the above-described buildin constitutes h�zardous buildinqs ti�lithin the defi- n tian a ;��1ini�esota Statutes Section 463.15 for the rollotvinn reasons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naye Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine , =_In Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka �U A gainst � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty F� M APPRQy�D Asst. Corporation Cou e{ O � . , , , r,+ ... ����� � �5�5;�� Pa�e Z. a. The buildin� is vacant and sub,ject to �ein� entered bv unauthorized nersons; b. The exterior candition of the buildinq is such that thP stucco and sidinr, are fallinq off and the cornice is decaued; sidinn is nissing from porches; c. The buildinq in t�e above condition is be�iond reasonabl� renair; d. The �uildinq is unfit for human habitation in its nresent condition and the above corrections r�ust !�e made in cor�r!liance U��ith the Building Code and the Housinn Code of the Cit,v of Saint Paul in order ta r�ake the same }iabi tabl e; e. The buildinq constitut�s a nuisance anci a hazard to the nublic health, safety, and ��elfare because of its nhysical dama�e, dilanidation and inadequate e�aintenance; • QRIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � - �Q����. . � •. � . � CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NC�� ��" � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �►�E NO. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATE � no+r�, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That in accordance �rith �linnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon thc foreqoinc� fin�inc�s of the Citv Council , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby ma�;e the� following Order: QRDER 1 . 7he o�rner/o�vners of the a5ove-described buildinq shall make the same safe and not detrimental to t ,�e nu ic �eace, health, safety and welfare by havinq the said buildina razed and the rnaterials therefror� rer�oved fr�r� t� e �re��ses vrYt in thirtv (30) days fror� the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unl ess such correcti ve action i s taken to comr�l,y ivi tfr thi s Order or an anso�er served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, '�innesota, v�ithin twenty (20) davs from the date of the service of this Order, a Plotion for Summarv Enforce�ent of this Order to raze and remove thP said building vrill be made to the Ramsey Count,y District Court; 3. In the event that th� buildinq i��f�� to be razed b.y the City of Saint Paul nursuant to u Qd me t o � t e District Court, a11 �ersonal pro�ert�r or fixtures which may unreasonably interf�re i•lith the razinp and removal of this b ildi shail �e re;�oved �•,it;�in ten (10) days from the entr}� of ju gment; an 7f not so rer�oved, thP Citv of Saint !'aul shall remove and dispose of such n�rsonal nronertv and fixtures as provided b�� 1a4:; � . 4. If the Cit�� of Saint Paul is compelled to take an,y correctiv� action herein, all nec�ssary costs expended bl� the Citv will be assessed against the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes; anc� be it FURTHER RESCLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owner/owners of the above-described pronert�,r in the manner. nrovided bv lati�r. OCT 2 9 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays OCT Z 9 197�? -�t�--- Carlson roved 19— Levine `-��� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � � m A gAlI18t' �:�--- Mr. President, McCarty ��l�I.ISHED ��T � �. 197�1 � �. � 'i � � � I . �� ... . . . . , .: .. N m. > a�^' + ' ! . � I T Y O F �Ai N`T �'AU ���u ���' �� �� a � .:, Capital of Minnesota �" � , �, � `��' � .r�°� � � E � ��� ��r �. , ' ,� „ , , {��� �` � , �,.-�___—_ _.�: a • , � �" ,_ ,. ,� J .t. � �•'3 �%°�.�asza' � � ,,.. � � � � � ��� , � ; � � � . `' �o-�.' +�.,�ur��.�...�d�t,�:+GC _ � ., i. - � a �, � � .,,�, . , , _ . - �, �.. /, � � � , � � �7 �rI• �� � ��S��-i ^ ` J �b s r , ,u � �, �, �M y,.....�F. ��3"`e: :�'. �.�.�..5.,.�1' �� : 'f�Y� ct^�„-&t � . . l .. �oC�:.: BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 October 6, 1970 Honorable City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlernen: Re: 736 N. Robert St. Since setting the date of public hearing on the above matter, the son-in-law of the owner has contacted this office and agreed to keep the above property under surveillance and secure until the State Capitol Commission determines the destiny of this property during the next legislative session. If they find that they will be unable to develop the property as they wish, the owners have committed. themselves to removing the structure. This bureau will maintain a 30-day check on said building for security purposes. We therefore recommend that the public hearing be laid over indefinitely. V tru y s Robert L. es City Architect RLA/mfs . �;C".4:..t✓�. �,,.�- ,���;ti..�.. :h , j . . I �� V ����'���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �c�0�y'.71 t • ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�RK F�� NO ~ . CQUN�CiL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM .�esr�rEU�r Vietor J. Tedesco O�tober 1. t9?Q COMMISSIONEIt ; �AT� ; WHEREAS the �ity Architect has reques�ed the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings, said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: Address . Legal Descriptian Type of Structure � ' _ 73b N. Robert 3t. t,ot 1, Aud. Subd. �67 Single Eaasity d�llfag WHEREAS. it appears that the last known �ecord owners o.f said buildings ' are as follows: Lash Frank ,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a p,ublic hearing be held by and �` before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the �ouncil Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a. m. on Thu�'�di'�►, C�tober 1'3. 1�70 to consider the advisability and necessity of orderang the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above descr"�bed property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazar� to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that .the City Archltect, on behalf of the City . Council, notify by mail the record owners of the piroperty in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persor�s of record, of the date and time of the hearing. � �; OCT — 1 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»ncil �19— Yeas Nays Butier OC7 — 1 1970 �� Approve� 18— "�Le�e � �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A gSiligt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . Area Coda 612 �1TY � THOM/1S J.STEARNS • , Y23-5121 ��,� °�, ARTHUR M. NEISON z JEROME J.SE6AL W y ° _;�;;�:::_: THOMAS M. MOONEY '` ���, ^ KENNETH J. FITZPNTRICK �'� ^� P11UL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E.CARTWRI6HT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCO7T DAVIFS PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J. KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER Pirst Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Hali, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporafion Counsel r Jct�ber 23, 1970 ,``+��U�„;;�,2 !�1r. ��1 bert S. O1 son Council �ecorder Citv Clerk's Uffice Buildin� 7e: File fdo. 2066 736 P!. Robert Street �ear f�1r. O1 son: Attached, hereto, is resolutic�n/order nertainin� to the above hazardous huildin�. U�on passaqe of the same b,v thP City Council , �lease forward four (4) certifier� conies to me. Yours very trul��, � � PIERRE PI. REGNIER Assistant Cornoration Counsel PCJR/klm Er�c. 4 Certified eopies sent to Mr. Regnier 10-29-70 N.G. 56 Oct. 15, Q I � � � �` \ ,�^ ��,, � ; '�� ?,-i�. �������. ,� . �<t�s �� '� '� C���P���x•�ti.:s� ��ui�sel ) ' ! bU1?.c?12�C' � , � �� ,; .,✓j/,-' De��r ,-?i..r: .--� �\ T3�e City Coune�.l t�<��'y�/rec�u�st�'��that�`��u prepa.re a resolu.tion orc�ering the carree . �n �r �Jxeck � and removal of' tY�� sira�;_le f c�„�11�.�' t�W E3.�_�.l`1�; �'t t� �1. �Ob @� t. / ,� � Ver,y truly yrours, '`,� ��,,,-___„`� �___ Cit,y Clerk n�; � � � ��