250979 OR161NAL T�CITY CL6RK �r`���� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �' ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO. ` COU IL OLUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE � DATE RESD�VED, That Rel�nberg Real�y �o�pany be and hereby is permit�ed �o install and operate a drive-in banking faeility on property lo�ated on �he sou�h �ide of We�t �eventh Str�et be�ween Alton and I�adison Streets, more part3�ularly deseribed as followsa Lot� 5-8, C. W. Your�g�an�s Ftearrar�gement of Bloak 2, Palisade addition to S�. Pau1.; sub��c� to the cor�di�ion �hat signs advisirig cw.��omer� �.nd. e�mployee� not to u�e �he alley between the parking lot �nd Madison �tre�t be installed; fu�ther sub3eat to t�e eendition tha� an 8-10 faot sid�walk return to facilitat� ped�strian se�ivi�ies erossi�g West �ev�nth Street in the marked cro�s�rall� b� ins�alled; furtt�er sub�ea� to the condition that proper �ar�eni�g between tMe bank and the prap�rty of Mr. Frisah be to the satisfaQtion of Mr. Fri�e�i; and further sub�ect to the �ogtpliance Kith all applicabl�; city � ordinances, s�a�e ata�utes and rule� and re�;ula�3ona of publie � a o � authoritie� kiaving ao�nizance; a FURTH�R R�SOL�ED, �iat tMe prior re�olution ef thi� Council, > � � � a Q � �ouneil File No. �508�+9, approved Ocstober 2�, 1970, be and the o � same hereby is reseinded and eaMaelled. �T,2 � 1970 ti COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � __ But��g-'- � t)l�T 2 � 1970 Carlson ved 19— Levine n Favor Meredith 1 + Sprafka �/ a Against S�'— Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED ��T 311970 � ;i 1� � r ���� . • I , �.0- - � ie neg resol�tio� is to Qorpe�� a ietak� ia �ounail Reesolation �to. � 48�9 rrl�erein it wa$ iacorrea�ly tated ��.a� the i���allatior� x�,� � �$ub�ea� to ��e �o�adi�io�a th�.t �er�son o��ae �o Al�o� Str�et be i�prcaved . " i � i KA� . . �5 � � � � � s � � i i _ -�-� - , -