250973 o�rv�.�t�cia ci� • ORDINANCE 2�Q��3 r COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY S �' � r--� ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF H. H. VOGES AND MYRTLE A. VOGES AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to H. H. Voges and Myrtle A. Voges, the sum of �1'72.82, in Yull settlement of their claim of damages sustained on or about September 11, 1970, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on October 6, 1970. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. NOV 12 �],� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council But�— � � Levine � Tn Favor �14eredii.ir- Sprafka b Against T�a�� N�v 12 1�70 esident (McCarty Approve Atte : City Clerk or � ' orm approved Corpor��ion Cou e By � PU9LISHED NOV 211970 �a�!p! � a " � 4RDINANGE ��: ������ PRG�rHVTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING TSE CLAIM OF H. H. VOGE� A�iD MYATLT A. QOGES AGAINST THE CITY OF` SAINT PAIIL ` TEE COIINCIL OF TSE CITY OF S�AINT PAUL DOES QRDAINs Section l. That tbe proper City oiiicdrs are hereby anthorized , aad directed to paq out o� the Tort Lia�ilitp Fnnd 003�-421, to H. H, Voges aad Myrtle A. Yogee, tke sun oi �,�l?2.82, in iull settle�+e�t oi their claim of da�aaes enstained oa or al�o�t Septe��er 11, 19?0, as sore particularlp set oet in a co�unication to the Cit� Coeaeil on ��tober 6� i97�� � Section 2. T�at said sum shall be pai� to the esid claiaa�nt� upoa their ez�cution and delivery ot a rele��e in lull to tbe City, in a torn to be approved by the Corporatioa Caunsel, ior a31 demages sustained in the ea�er aioresaid, Section 3. Tha'� tbis ordinance shall take eiiect 8ad be in lorce thirty days a�ter ita p8asage, approF�l and publfaation. NOY 1 2 1�70 Yeas Councilmen Naga Passed by the Counc;� Butler ��-- -�0n'� Tn Favor Levine � - � /�a�i� Tedesco _ NOV 1 2 1'70 �. President (MeCarty) APProved,: Attset: City Clerk Mayor �� ,:4,; �orm s�proved Corporstion CQUneel By ,�: n � �� . ' �( ��� I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app.�L�—Adopted ;r l�I� Yeas Nays s Nays Bu+ler �tler Carlson ��i.y,�,� �,�Igen � /v� Levine Levine Meredith + �� Ivtsre�i+fr— 1_ Sprafka `� �prafka Tedesco �edesco U Mr. President McCarfy Mr. President McCarty O