250972 . �.,._..... ,.. Ori�insl to Cib C�edc __ _ --'`` � ORDINANCE 25U�� C COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� �, � ,�^ ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CL IM OF THOMAS F. WATTERS AND BAR,BAR.A L. WATTERS AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Thomas F. Watters and Barbara L. Watters, the sum of �125.00, in full settlement of their claim of damages sustained on or about September 22, 1970, as more particularly set out in a communication rt to the City Council on October 7, 1970. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. NOV 12 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler ��- /'7....��� Tn Favor Levidl4e nrec�i�r— � C� � Sprafka Against T��� Nov i 2 ���o r. e�ident McC rty) Approved. At s • Ci erk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�i�ion Counsel By RUBLISHED HQ� 2 ], �g�� � n.�u�sa a rri.as ` � :. ± � ORDINAI� CE �-�l.�� ''� COUNCIL fiLE NO � i PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Al� ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLA OF T$OiriAS F. 1�'ATTERS AND BARHARA L. i�ATTERS AGA�S�P THE CI'tY 4F SAII�iT PAIIL ; TSE COIINCIL OF T$E CITY OF SAINT PAIIL D�ES OHDAINt ; �ectioa l. That tha proper City o�ticere arec:hereby authorised and directed to psy out o! the Tort Lisl�ilit� i�sd 0035-423., to Tho�a• F. watter� and Harbara L. �atter�, tbe sa. or �i25.00, in iull settle�eat oi tbeir claf�t oi daaaa�}s aastained on or abont i Septeaber 22, 19?�0, a� �ore partienlarl� set ont in a eso�an►��stioa to the Cf ty Couacil on October '7, 19?0.�'' Seetion 2. That said an� shall beipsf� to the said claiaants � npon their ezecution and deli�ery oi a �ieiesse in �'ull to t�e City, 3 ia a iorm to be approved by the Corporatiion Couaael, !or aIl das�nge� ; � Snstained in the wanner aioreesid. i Se�tioa 3. That this ordin�ance she�ll take eiiect an,d be is iorce t2�irty days aiter its pasea6e, app�roval :'_and pa�licntiaa. i � . i ; 3 i i � � � 1 i i I I i , f �Y � � ��O i Yeas Councilmen Naye Pa�ased by the Council Bu—� � �y�e Tn Favor �r�- � ro�;� spraflca 2 197Q T�tesc° NOV 1 ll�r. Fresident (McCarty) APP�vEd: Atteet: i City Clerk Mayor �� Form sp�roved Corpor�ition Counael By � ^ _ .... .,,,� . � Ist �D � 2nd �/ Laid over to 3rd and app f�� `�_Adopted � � Yeas Nays . eas Nays Butler • utler Carlson r.C�r{�on-�-- Levine ����2 �Levine Meredith � Meredlt}r— .;i Sprafka � "`Sprafka ` ; V Tedesco �.,� edesco t Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty ��O