250968 Orisiaal to City Clerk
- O�RDINANCE �5p�.� :
�.-�-- � �
� __� .
An ordina�e .mending Chapter 4 of the Saint Pau,�
Legislative Code, Building Code - General Restrictions
S ect ion 1
That Table l, Section 4.05 - Height Restrictions of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by
deleting it in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the
following: _ _
� . � TABLE NO. 3 � .
,� _ . ��
� +�ti'�� � : $UI �!�'y � � . "
�.,. '�'�ee se fo imits for wo cted metal construction within tY��f'is�. "'
' ,
S��ec� ' ' fi���e ' . , „�„�,*'*,�
�� , er requixem . � ���n�Y• :M. ''
.+�• �
Cia ation. `" ' '"� ,� Ordinar
Semi- Noncom- `�ood Frame and
of . � Fireproof Y
OccupaiMey Fireproof v�, bustible Unprotected 17etai 'L,"'
_. C�
�'ublic No Limit 75 Ft., escept Not to exceed Not to Exceed 3 Stories Nor Not to Esceed d
Building� no limit if less 4 stories 35 Ft. 2 Stories Nor y�
than 100 persons nor 55 Ft. Churches-2 Stories Nor 45 Ft. 35 Ft. �
See Note :;{b) above 75 Ft. Schools-2 Stories
Institutional No Limit ' 75 Ft. Not to �sceed 2 Stories Nor 35 Ft. Not to Exceed +�
B�g�� � 1 Story Nor � z � '
_ 35 P't. _ U�
R No Limit No Limit 75 Ft. Not to Exceed Not to Exceed Not to Exceed i
Build' 3 Stories Nor 3 Stories I�'or I�TOr 35
S eE , 45 Ft. 45 Ft. D�velling Oth
not e (C� See Note (a) 3 Stoi�! ; p
Business No Lim' 75 Ft., except 75 Ft. Not to Exceed 4 Stories Nor ivot to Ex Z
Buildings � Ofi'ice Bldgs. b0 Ft. 2 Stories Nor
See I`T No Limit S5 Ft.
�««!!to e No Li�,it I 50 F't. i �35 F�. �5 r't. �iot to �;sceed
s 1 75 Ft., if r 5 Ft., If I ^ 6 50 Ft., If Sprinklered 1 Story Nor �,
(b) I Sprinklered Sprinklered 3� Ft.
�) Witn a 2-hour ncombustible first floor, height may be 4 stories or 55 ft; in multifamily houses with a 2-hw�ir �o s#3ble
first floor and,other floors 1-hour, with fire partitions subdividing floors into areas not exceeding 3,500 squa �,'ht
may b�5 stories or 65 feet. '
:��) �utside�he �ire limits, public buildings, busiiiess buildings, or storage buildings may, i��, discretion of th�, issioner of ��
Pubiic Buildings, be erected to grea heights fised by this section. �
-- . -- _ _
(c) Outside the fire 1 its, multi-family houses of wood frame construction
may be erected to _ a height not to exceed three stories (including
habitable basemerit areas) if exterior walls and all structural elements
are protected to pro.vide a minimum one hour fire resistance rating.
S ect ion 2
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
NOV 1 2 1�7,@
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Butler � �
� Levine � In Favor
� � Against
_ Sprafka
. President cC ) Np�( j, � 197�
A s
Ci lerk ayo
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� -- _ PUB�.ISHED NOV 21 �970 .
Dq�{sb ts Prhps
, � . 4'RDINA �TC��E 250��8
' r ;; ' � . �OUNCIL HL.E i�ND
`r P�tESfNTED BY '�� J• `'�iMOO: . . _ ORDINANCE Np
+ �t aa�lia�rae� a�d#� ��� # o � � �1
?�i��ti�r�r �il�. srild#a9t' - �r1p��3�w�
!$ ���I�r 0�' '!� �" �! f� �i�IL � ��
i�etlas 1 �
� �
!'i�t � �, i�:t#� #.03 - � �ts�i�M1s e�' i�M
ia �1 L�f�3�rltiwlr� � b� � � �air� is ��.a�iM l�'
i! i� its �wE#�� �d ia�tia� 3�I� 1#� fi�nN►# �
' � ; ---
�`� - . - -- TABLE NO. 1 _ ,� — � ---i
.. ,_ �
See section 4:��'{�'{,., frame construction and unprotecte�tal �'�nstruction within the firg.limits.
See sectio�.�U�.f_ ighL, ' �tCex�tain special occupancie8. ��� �„ .:�I�f� �
See section�4.�. . �rink�' ` ementi based on occupan�►. sl� :ui� '�^�„ �,
y '
Ctassification a "`� Heavy Noncom- W1`�ied F e ari�l td
of I'ireproof ' � '� I' Ordinary I
Occupancy � Fireproof Timber bustible Uriprnte�l4I�a1 �
— - r
Public No Limit 76 Ft., except Not to exceed Not to Exceed 3 Stories Nor Not to Exceed d
Buildings no limit if less 4 stories 35 Ft. 2 Stories Nor z
than 100 persons nor 55 Ft. Churches-2 Stories Nor 45 Ft. 35 Ft. - �
See:Note ((b) above 75 Ft. Schools-2 Stories
, ��Insti tional No Limit ' 75 Ft. Not to �xcced 2 Storics Nor 35 Ft. Not to I:xceed �
di•ngs 1 Story Nor Z
� 35 Ft. U�
�: y
Reside�e No Limit No Limit 76 Ft. Not to Exceed Not to Exceed Not to Exceed 2 Stories �1
..gu��gs 3 Stories Nor 3 Stories Nor Nor 35 Ft. � „
-.�� no� . 45 Ft. 45 Ft. Dwelling Otlier'1"�a1� C�
Prefabricated D'Iay Be E-'7 ` �
�� See Note (a) � 3 Stories p �
usiness - No Limit 7b Ft. 75 Ft. Not to Exceed 4 Stories Nor Not to r.�:cee� z
uildings 50 Ft. 2 Stori+�s I�or�
:NQte ��� ,. �;�- �g 35 I+'C.
"Storage � I�o Lis� °` � 86 Ft. 36 �'t. Not to Exceed
uildings �' .{;:; 75 Ft.,If b0 Ft., If Sprinklered 1 Story Nor
Note (b ,� Sprinklered 35 Ft. ,4
(a) With a 2-hour noncombustible first floor, height may be 4 stories or 65 ft; in multifamily houses with a 2-hour noncoraibustible
first iioor and other floors 1-hour,�with fire partitions subdividing tloors into areas not exceeding $,600 square feet, the height i
r�t,ay be 5 stories or 65 feet. '
(b) Outside the fire limits, public buildings, business buildings, or storage buildings may, in the discretion of the Commisaioner of �'
Public I3uildings, be erected to greaten c�ights fixed by this section. s �
i3�. .+s. �:i�l�'-� � r�i l�e���'.t�M- - .
�Iss � Ro .a ��ri�t �at to aa�oc�Mi t�l�swr�al.al�"i� ��a1�R� _
l�i �r�t s�c�) i� �oe�ar�c ��al3a a� s�.l s��et��r ���r�r�
as+� �+ot�st�dt t� !e� : �ia� o� l�a�ar ti#a� s+�� ae+at�,�
�awt� �
l�is �aNt�.. �a� !� sfi�a�eR awd � � ,� ���
d�s l�e� �A a�. +�r 3� rrs�a�. � � i�1���►. �
Np11 � 21�70
Yeas Councilmen Naya Paseed by the Council
Butler ��� ;
��— ' T*+ Favor
Levine � .
Sprafka roa.���t '.
Tedesco ,
A�x. President (McCarty) NOV 1 2 1J7�
Attest: '
City Clerk ± Mayor
Form appmved Corporation Counsel By , _..
� � � �
I st � � 2nd ���
Laid over to
3rd and app � _Adopted /
Yeas Nays as Nays
Butler �tler
Carlson rCa�lserr—
Levine ������ Yevine
Meredith „i M�aed+#Ji.•
Sprefka � �Sprafka �
Tedesco `� �Tedesco
Mr. President McCarfy Mr. President McCarty