250960� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � �f'�,jj�i '\� • CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL NO. �,;v L �� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�;NSE CONd+�LTTr� COU IL RESOL TIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ,`� '� October 27, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF 4Jf�A5: On Au�,ust 20� 1970, under C. F. No. 2501q.2, James C. McKelvey received an informal conditional approval to his application for the transfer of his licenses from the present location, 737 Selby .P.venue to 1414-18 zrJhite Bear Avenue, provided he met all the requirements ��i.thin 180 days of that date, and , � S: Due to his illness and additional tine needed for the alterations at the new location, additional time is needed, therefore, be it i�OLVED: That the portion of C. F. No. 250142, dated August 20� 1970, reading "within 180 days of this date", be and the aame is hereby amended to read "wi�hin 360 days of this date." .Amendment to C. F. OCiT 2 7 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 2 � ��� rBIl�'er� Caxlson A 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka (J yor � Againat Mr. President, McCarty 311970 pUBLISHED OC� �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � , Capital of Minnesota ����"�� � ` l. �j e[.1e aHtvne�2t o u��C'c �a e� p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIftE PROTECTION ���$ DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MER.RILL,Depaty Commisaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inepector October 27, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint P2,u1, Niinr�esota Gentlemen and Madam: James C. McKelvey as � individua,l and holder of On Sale I,iquor License No. 7749, �d Sunday-On-Sale Liquor �,icense No. 3829, a,nd miscellaneous licerises, a�l exy�iring Januaxy 31, 1971, at 737 Selby rvenue, h��ng made application for the transfeE of such licenses from 737 Selby Avenue to a new location, 1414-18 White Bear Avenue, and subsequent applic.;:,tion for the transfer of the licenses from him as an individual to a corporation, The Janet Corporation, whose officers and stockholders are only Mr. and Nirs. �icKelvey, received an inforr.�al, conditional approval from the City Council for such transfe�s on Auaust 20, 1970, under C. F. No. 250142. Due to the moving and needed alterations at the new location this conditional approval gave him "180 Days" to accomplish this a.nd meet the necessaxy inspections. Due to Nlr. McKelvey's recent illness, hospitalization, and s�bsequent sur�ery, on advise of his physici�.n� will need a recuperation period of six months. Therefore, due to these circumstances� through his attorney application is made for the amendin� of that paxt of the conditional approval in C. F. No, 250142, August 20, 1970, from "that within 180days of this d�,te," to read "That within � days of this date." 1�ttached is a copy of the letter of applica.tion for amendment from his attorney. Very t ruly yours, �� ���° - License Inspector O r + � � , LAW OFFiCE6 ROBINS, DAVIS & LYONS MINNESOTA BUILDINO •o��v aosiNa �u��ua E.DAVIB ST. PAU L 5 5 1 O ( M 1 N N EAP O LI S N. ARNOLG LYON• - 9�ONEY B.fE1N9ER0 M�.AOINO A, pqq[N OERNAFID noaetiecRO . � TEIEPHGNE �612) 'j24-$BB4 DAIN T�WER THOMAB O.rE1NB[AO ARNOID M. BElL19 � �ANCB A KAq10AN ��wit�NC� 2fLlC . pCBERT J.TW[EDY WIITON E.OERVAI! WASMINOTON� D.O. [LLIOT 8.RAP�AN MOww40 11.1'ATRICK JAM[S �. r[rtcw�v srwH�ev E.KAAON (� tO25 CONNECTICUT AVENUE N.W. ■TANPORD ROBINS JOMN �.E�9BERa October 22) �a7�o BIONEY KAPLAN DALE I.lAN50N CNARL[B A.MAIPCRN 11911-1965) ' JOMN T. CMAPMAN BTEPNEN A.KNVPP //�//��J ^ TMOMA9 G.K11Y�CR lCO �. �E[NEY '����o2�LL[�/j��S� MARK M. ROOMAN BTEVEN L.POBe �}� ' J[ifp(Y e.NAIP[RN RTEPH[N J.DAVI• � � JAMC/ L.IIOHW[O�tR J08[PH MARKNEBl.JI�. w O� �� •T[VCN M.ODLDOCI�O JAME9 A.BAfLEY � � AO�[Ai M.WAT7/ON MICMAEI S,l[eARON Q OARY J.PALMJI.M[� L�AKCI� N. NOVAK � ,+ ��� �vlo � WA�MINOTON.0.C.OFFICE � i i�Ey L' +�f D I�ONALD A.JAQRl,O/COUNB6L � �'��J(, 0, �``D/� C� P�b���Se��� � Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin l� License Inspector � 6 j �s� Department of Public Safety City of Saint Paul " 202 Public Safety Building 101 East lOth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota RE: James C. McKelvey Dear Mr. McLaughlin: In accordance with the enclosed copy of inedical report, please be advised that it now appears James McKelvey's doctor does not wish to have him concerned with his business for an ad- ditional six (6) months. � • In view of the fact that the original period set by the Council was one hundred eighty (180) days, could we, respectfully, request that they extend the present �riod of time within which to comply with your regulations for establishing his operation at the new address for an additional one hundred eighty (180) days beyond the original period set in the Resolution. To clarify, this letter is to request that James McKelvey be given three hundred sixty (360) days rather than one hundred eighty (180) days to perform the obligations set forth in the Council's Resolution. Would you please advise me and also send me a copy of the action taken upon this requeet. , . �...:�. ,:. ... . . _ ._ �...�,. . _, _. . . _. _ ; � Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin � Page Two of Two October 22, 1970 Confirming our recent telephone conversation, I wish to advise you that the McKelvey family would surely appreciate having this action taken at this time as it would be very l�elpful therapy in Mr. McKelvey's present convalesence. , Yours very truly„ ROBIlVS, DAVIS & LYONS � � I � `, i�-� . � �� . • ;_ . � *`'�f�f..-r��.�✓ ���d�l��b1218 . / SR/vkl Enclosure ._. , f � � • i F • - �'�����;�.: VETERANS ADN(NISTRATION �;_:=,,�a`�'' ;:r , � HOSPITAL _ �� ' �. t` �"� "'� 54TH STREET AND 48TH AVENUE SOUTM i�. : �'"��:-'�� � ` MINNEAPOLfS, MINNESOTA 55=+17 �•..;�' October 21, 1970 YOUR FILE REFERENCEt . IN REPLY REfER TOs �;C �:iLV�l', James C. �Idr. 5�11}� Robins , 721-09-4195 llttorne�•-at-Lnw Robins, Davis & Lyons Law Firm Ninnesota Building � St. Paul, Minnesote � Dear Sir; :4r. t�9cY.clvey was. admi tted t� thi� hospi�al on September 21, 1970. He had sur�;ery on Octooer 5, 1970 consistin� of an abdom�no-perineal resection for cancer of the colon. He is currentl,y recovering from this surgery and will be in a recuperative state for approximately �ix months. �__ :__._ - _,r ��;� �r.�-�----� � �t ' 'z�"� h � ery truly o rs , i• .i �� �j�_��•yn�� � 1 /� � ` �'``,. �2Gf�, �Gc� � `G1.l, � r� ZAC� ROSE'1�BER M.D. ;� y � Resfd t in Surgery . :}•' / � "1�r�}-� 'h,t r,�� �'� � � ' �7� . ' ` .. .. - . .c;� Include Zip Code in your return address and give veteran's social security numtjer. Sbow veteran'f fal!narne and VA frle number on all torre,rpondcna. If VA numba it unknown� .rbow lerviee�umbcr.