250959 , �
� , S CIT1( OF ST. PAUL couNCa "
RESOLVED� Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized
and directed to execute Agreement between the City of Saint Paul
and Gauger and Associates, Inc. , pertaining to the design and con-
struction of a Traffic Operations Building, pursua.nt to the terms
and conditions contained in the said Agreement, a copy of which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou�c�T 2 7 191_�1 19—
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Carlson �
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty
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This Agreement, made this day of � 197�� by and between the
Cfty of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota� acting by
and through the proper city officers� under the authority of a resolution of tts
Council , C.Fo Noo p approved , hereinafter -
referred to as "City" and Gauger and Associates➢ Inc. � hereinafter referred to as
"Associate Architect", who shall assist the City Architect in the design of the
Traffic Operations Building for the Department of Public Works as provided herein.
Based on•. a proposal submitted by the Associate Architect dated May 15, 1970.
addressed to the Commissioner of Pubtic Works and signed by R, Richard Gauger�
and on fite in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, the City and the
Assoc�ate Architect, for the consideration of 7�/, of the project cost for said
Traffic Operaeions Building do hereby mutually agree as follows:
Starting times and completion times for the various phases of the Project are
. specified in Section !V, TIME SCHEDULEo •
This Agreement may be terminated by the City for any reason whatsoever9 at
any time upon written notice to the Associate Architect. In the event that
such termination should take ptace at any time othes- tha� at the completian
of the Preliminary Report9 the Final �esign, or all the work tncluded in
this Agreemento thery �nd in that
' -1- -
. event� the City will pay the Associate Architect the same percentage of the
fee to be paid for that portion of the Agreement as the compieted work bears
percentage-wise to the total work to be performed under that portion of the
Agreement. The original copies of all drawings, prints, plans, and field notes
prepared by the Associate Architect prtor to said termination shall become the ,-
property of the City. Such termination shall not affect any legal right of the
C1ty agains� the Associate Architec� for any b�-each of �his Agreement. _
All documents, dr�wings, copies of des3gn conputatdons, survey noYes, soil �
explorations, and correspondence produced by this Agreementi shall become the
property of tfie City and shal�i be submitted to the City upon termination of
this Agreement or at any other time upon request by the Ctty. The City may
use, extend, or enlarge any plan, specification, designs� survey, or other
� document produced under this Agreement for any public purpose at any time
` without the consent of, or further compensation to� the Associate Architect.
� 1 . Claims
The Consultant indemnifies� saves, and hotds harmless and agrees to
. defend the City, its officers� agents, or emplayees thereof, from
i any and atl claims� demands, actions or causes of action of what-
� soevec- nature or character arising out of or by reasorr of the
' execution or performance of the work of the Associate Archi�ect
! provided for under �his Agre�menYo
2. Independent Con�o-actor
For the purpase� o� this Agreemen�o Yhe Associate Archit�cY shall be
deemed �o be �n independent c�ntr�ctor and not an emp�oyee of �he Ctty.
Any and a�1 emp�oyees of �he Associate Au-chitect or o�her persoers while
eng�ged in the performance o¢ any work oe� $ervices e�equ� red by the
. . , Associate Architect under this Agreement sha11 not be considered
� employees of the City; and any and all ctaims that m�y or might arise
under the WorkmeR's Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said
employees or other persons while so engaged� and any and all claims made
by any thlyd party as a consequence of any act or anission on the part of
the Associate ArChitect's emptoyees or other persons while so engaged on
�ny of th� wor� o� services to be rendered shali in no way be the obli-
gation or the responsibillty of the City. The Associate Architect shall
pay, as they becane due, alt Just claims for work, toais, machinePy, ,
skills� materials, tnsurance premiums, equipme�t, and supplies furnished,
rendered, or performed for him in the execution of this Agreement.
3, insurance .
The Associate Architect shall carry an architects' and/or engineers' pro-
fessional liability tnsurance policy in the amount of at ieast $150�000.00
and shali provide a copy of such professional liability insurance poticy
to the City, which policy shatt be sub�ect to approval ss to form by the
City. The poiicy shatl provide that the City shatt receive thirty days'
written notice of cancellation thereof ar notice of any material changes
in said policy.
The Associate Architect sha11 secure and maintain such insurance as
wil� protec� h6m from claims for bodily SnJuryQ da�ath,. or property damage
whic@� may ar�s� �rom �he performav��e o� P�is see-vic�s uv�der �his Agreern�nY,
'fh� A�s�c�a�e A�chi�e�t shaY9 c�pty with a�lY federa� , state9 and local 1sNs
�oge�hev� w1�h �11 ordl3na�nces s�nd reguta�boras �ppl icab�e �o the vvc�rGc. Ne
sha1Y proeur� a�� licer�ses, perr���s� or a�her righ�s n�cessary for the fulftll- -
�aien� o¢ hls ob� lc��t6ons under tP�Os Agre�nan�.
' Before final payment can be made for the work on this project� the
Associate Architect must make a satisfactory showing that he has complied
with the provisions of Laws of Minnesota, 1961 � Chapter 213, Article 1 ,
Section 6� as the same may be hereafter codified, requiring the withholding
of State income tex for wages paid employees on this project. The required
affidavit forms may be obtained from the Commissioner of Taxation, Centennial
Building, St. Paul , Minn�sota, 55101 .
The Associate Architect shall be deemed a contractor for the application
of all provisions herein and laws against unlawful discrimination on account
of race, creed, or color hereunder. The Associate Architect agrees, in accor-
dance with Chapter 363, Minnesota Statutes, that in the hiring of common or
skilled labor for the performance of any work under this Agreement he shall not�
by reason or race, creed, or color discriminate against any person who is a
citizen of the United States who is qualified and available to perform the
- work to which such employmert relates.
The Associate Architect warrants that he has not employed or retained any
company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the
Associate Architect, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has
not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide
employee working solely for the Associate Architect� any fees, commission
' � percentage� brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent
upon or resulting from the award or making af this Agreement. For breach
or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the fight to annut this
contrect without liability, or in its discretion to deduct from the contract
price or consideration or otherwtse recover the full amount of such fee,
commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee.
� p During �he period o¢ the contrac�� the As�o�iat� Archgt�c� shall nat knowingty
employ any �rofesstonai ar technicaY perso�nel who ar� or have been in the
�mploy of the Depar�men� ofr Pub�ic Works or �h� �ureau of Public Buiidings at any
time during the period af the contract� except regularly retirec9 ernployees�
without the written consent of the public employer of such Rerson.
The services of the Associate Architect to be performed hereunder are personal
and shall not be assigned, subiet, or t�ansferred unless written authority to
do so is granted by the City.
The City and the Associate Architect each binds himself� his partners, succes-
sors. executors. administrators� and assigns to the other party of this
Agreement and to the partners� successors, executors, administrators, and
assigns of such other party, in respect to alt covenants of this Agreement;
except as above, the Associate Architect shali not assign, subtet, or trsnsfec�
his in�erest in this Agreement wtthout �he wri�t�n consent of the City.
; Nothing heredn sha11 be construed a� cre�ting any pe�sonal liabitity on
the par� of any officer or agen� or any publlc body which may be � party
Duly authoriz�d repres�nta�ives of the City sha11 h�ve the right to inspect
th� work of the Associate ArchBtec� wh�n�v�r they deem it necessary.
� �
- The Associate Architect shall :
1 . Have canplete responsibility for doing all investigations, preparation of
ptans and specifications� and supervision of the construction contract with �
the assignment of producing an end result in the form of a physical facil-
ity satisfactory �o �he City and in accordance with the standards and
fu�cti�ns generally prevailing within the city for such facildtieso
2. Be compYetely respo�sible for the adequacy and prapriety o� ait phases %
of design and supervision of construction. The Associate Architect
warrants that his findings, recommendations, specfficatlons, and profes-
sionat advice will be performed in accordance with generally accepted
professional architecturai practices.
3. Serve as the Associate Architect to the City Architect in all the phases
of the project, and shall give consultatton and advice to the City during
the performance of his services.
The Associate Architect shall :
1 . Confer with the City Architect and Chlef Engineer to determine the
requirements of the project.
2, Prepare a prelimcnary �tudy and report on the pro,ject •in sufficient
deta i 1 to 6 ndd cate c�ea rl y the probl e�ns p nvol v�ed and tF�e al terna�e
solutions availabl� to the C3�y, This repor� shall inc�ude schematic
layouts and sketches, a cost �stOmate for the pro,�ec�, and sF�all se�
� forth the Associ�t� Archi�ectos recammendafiions.
�i .
3o Furnish five copies of �he �bove pc^elim6nary report.
Yh� Associ�te Architect sh�ll :
; _6r
� � �
� ' i . Pre'pare detailed construction plans and speciftcat.ions for the proJect.
2. Furnish the City with engineering data and assist in the preparation of
required documents for hearings or Council action.
3. Advise the City of adjustments in the approved preliminary reporY
necessitated by changes in project concept or scope, design require-
ments, construction costs or any other factor developing durtng ftnal
design. .
4. Fu�nish revised cost estimates based an the completed finai pians and
5. Prepare and furnish � reproducible set of detailed construction ptans /
and specifications as may be necessary for advertising for contracts
and other documents required for city records and use.
The Associate Architect shall : �
1 . Provide for the contract supervtsion when a construction contract has
been executed by the City to obtain compliance on the part of the
contractor with the ptans� specifications� and special provisions.
2. Arrange for the coordination of the contractor's operations with those
of the Water Department, utility companles, City Traffic Bureau, and
any other agency that may be involved, to abt�in an orderty progress
of the work wtth a minimum of tnconvenience to anyone affected by
'� the proJect,
i '
` Th� Associat� Archetect sha�l :
' Provdde al � gea-vices raece�s�ry ta termbnate th� canstructdon contract an�
� prov3de neeess�ry fina� re�ords for th� pr�Jec� when � construct6on
eontr�ct has beew �xceeee�ec! by �h� City �nd eanpte�edo .
_'_ . .
The City will :
1 . Provide its requirements for the project.
2. Make available for the use of the Associate Architect all pertinent
city records and documents pertaining to this pro�ject which would
assist the Assoclate Architect in the assembly of data necessary for
the preparation of plans and specifications. The City reserves the
right to establish rules for the time and location that such city
�ecords and documents would be available for examination, study, or
copying. �
3. Furnish to the Associate Architect the preliminary design and survey
data presently available. This data may include a survey of the site
or sites, aerial surveys� preliminary layauts, and may include a pre-
liminary sketch shawing general dimensions of the proposed pro}ect.
4. Examine ail studies, repo�ts, sketches, esttmates� drawtngs, speci-
fications, proposals and other documents presented by the Associate -
Architect and render in writing decislons pertaini�g thereto. �
5. Advertise for proposals from bidd�rs, open the proposals at the
appointed time and place, and pay for all costs incidental thereto.
6. Oesignate persons to act as city �epresentatives with respect to
the work to be performed under thls agreement. Such persans shali
F�ave comptete authority �o transmit instructions, receive inforc�a-
tion, inter�s-et �nd define �he City°s pol3cies and dezisisions wdth
respec� to ma�er6alsD �quipment, ��emen�sa and syseem� pertinen� ta
�the +�ork covered by th6.� Agreemen�o
7o G6ve promp� writ�en �o�ice �a th� Ass�ciate Archi�ec� whenever the
C6ey o�see-ves oP othenvtse becom�$ awaPe of �eoy arror, omigslo� or
� c�eed f��- moc�t f 6 ce�t i on 6 n the pro�ec�,
; _
8. Obtain formal plan approval from a11 gaver�mental agencies or other
parties having Jurisdiction over the project.
9. Furnish such data as is available In city recards. .
10. Furnish and matntain a permanent bench mark located at a convenient �
location at the site. �
it . Furnish �nd maintain horizontal control points at the site.
12. Provide for �he printi�g of ali p�ans and specifica2ions us�d for bid�
and construction purposes.
. i
1 . General Requirements
The Associate Architect, by sub-contracting wi�h approved soi � exploratior�
specialists, shall make all necessary sub-sua-face investigations �s
requlred by the Clty. The fina� and complete soundings and borings need .
. not be made until preliminary pYans. for the structure are �ccepted by the
City and the Associate Architect is directed in writing to proceed with
the finai des�gro. The Rssocia�e Architect shall make h�s own analysis
and evaluation of the data, including bearing capacities, and shall sub-
mdt �11 date and his a-eport Yo the Cdty Archdtect an� �he Chi�f Engineeu�
for f3na1 determination as Yo s�il boring informatior�o .
2, Reco��s and Reportis
Soil �am�le� shali be furn3shec9 to �he Cd�y up�n requesg, Yhe building
ptan sha� l be �ccom��nied by � sur-vey sV�ee� show6ng �he boring and soundie�g
data for that struct�e-e, Twcs copies of al � soundir�gs and 6oring data
shall be furnished �he City by the AssocBage Archi�ece On fi�ld note farm
or test repor� form, including th� results of l�bor��ory tests, �vaivations,
� �nd recommendat6ons. At the time G�ids are request�d, gh� /�ssoc9ata
Architect shall provide sufficient copies of all soil investigations
� so that they will be avaitable to alt bidders.
1 . Definition
For the purposes of this agreement, "utilitles" shall mean and include
all private, publicly� or cooperatively owned pipes, lines� or facili-
ties for the distribution or transmission of electrical energy� oil �
gas� water sewage, steam or other material , and communication lines,
and devices.
2. Location -
The Associate Architect shall locate, from utility company or city records.
- aj1 existing utility installations which affect design and construction
and show them on the contract drawtngs. Utilities shall be identified.
as to owner, type, and size.
1 . 7he design shall conform to all applicable codes and ordinances of
the City of St. Paul and shall be approved by the City Architect and
the Chief Engineer.
2. It is agreed that four formal design conferences will be held. Such
. design conferences shatl � however, in no way remove from the Associate
- Architect the responsibility for proper design. These conferences
shall be known as the 01Project Determination", "Prelim8nary Report",
"Final Design", and "Pre-Bid" Conferences.
a. The Project Determination Conference is for the purpose of out-
lining to the Associate Architect the general area within which
the improvement is to be constructed, the project concept9 and
the City's standard practices and procedures.
b. The Preliminary Report Canfe�ence will be held when the Associate
Architect has determined the general characteristits of the design
. -10-
� proposed. A written Preliminary Report shall be made to the City
Architect and the Chief Engineer at this time which shall include
the recommended design characteristics, design criteria, and all
salient features of the project including a description of alter-
�ates that were studied. This Preliminary Report shall inciude /
prelimtnary cost estimates for the proJect and alternates, if any.
, c. The Ftnal Des6gn Conferenc� wili be held when the City Architect
� and the Associate Architec� are satisfied that the plans and
V specifications are complete in every detail and are ready to be ��
used for advertisement for bids. Prior to �his time, the Associ-
. ate Architect shall submit the final plans and specifications, a
- final estimate of cost, and all necessary information relating to
the project to the City.
d. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be arranged for and hetd by the
Associate Architect, should either the City or the Associate Archi-
tect determine that it is necessary, in order to explain pians or
specifications details to prospective bidders. All prospective
bidders and any other interested parties shall be invited and the
Associate Architect shall keep minutes of the conference and fur-
nish copies to all in attendanc�.
3. The Associate Architect shall report to the City from time to time
du�ing the progress of the worko He shall prepare and present such ,
info�mation and s�udie5 as �ay be perY€nent �nd necessary or as may be
requ�sted by �he C3ty Archdtec� or the Chief Enginee� to enab6e �he
City to pass crit3cal Judgmen� o� the �eatures of the design worko A�
ehe request of the Cityo during �he pragress of the wark, the Associate
�rchit�ct shall furnish the City such plans or other information or
data tn such det�il as may be requi�ed �o enable the City to csrry out
. -11-
� or to proceed with related phases of the project not covered by the
; agreement, or which may be necessa ry to enable the City to furnish
information to the Associate Architect upon which to proceed with
further work.
4. Tt►e general conditions, special conditions, and technicat provisions
should conform Lo the standards of the City of St. Paul . '
5. During construction the Associate Architect shatl carry out any design
computations that may be required for revisions in plans or for
checking of construction fatsework or formwork.
6. A�complete cost estimate for the project shall be included in the '
� Final Design.
1 . General
• Contract administration shall include all services necessary for
� assurance to the City that the project has been completed by the
Contractor in accordance with the plans, speclfications� and special
provisions, and in accordance with the provisions in Section 11A of
this agreement. These services shall include� but shall not necessarily
be limited to, the following:
a. Quality Control
The Associate Architect shall provide for the testing of all other
components required to be tested by the plans and specifications
of the project such as materials, mixtures, and structural elements.
Copies of certified test reports on such project companents will be
required for the City as set forth etsewhere in this agreement. The
Associate Architect shall provide for the inspection of �he compo-
nents after detivery to the project and before they are incarporated
into the worko
b. Inspecting construction operations and methods.
� c. 'Checking dimensions� elevatlons� grades.=
� � d. Checking and approving shop plans or drawings. '
e. Coordinating the contractor's operations wtth work to be
done by agencies� governmental or private.
2. Pre-Construction Conference
The Associate Arc�ttect shall arrange for and hold a prc-construction
conference for everyone having an interest in ar who is affected by
the proJect to discuss the ge�eral features of the work, the contrac-
tor's schedule of operattons, and the coordination of the work with
utilities, industries, cortNnercial establishments and other agencies
concerned. The Associate Architect shalt k�ep �minutes of this confer- •
ence and shall furnish a copy to all in attendance.
3. Partial Estimates
The Associate Architect shatl prepare or check progress estimates of
the work done for monthly payments to the contractor; such progress
estimates shall be submitted to the City five days after receipt of
such estimates from the contractor.
4. Reports
' The Associate Architect shall keep a diary of the contractor's
operations for the proJect. This report shall be availabte to the
City when so requested and shali be submitted to the City at the com-
pletion of the proJect as a permanen� recos-d of the Contr�ctor's
operations �hroughout the worko . .
The Associ�t� Arclhitec� sha11 prepare �nd submit to the City a .
weekty o��por�� det�iling the pragresg of th� wor6cs diffiCUltQes �r
unusual f�ature� enc��teredo minor changes m�de9 �nt3c3pated probte�s, �
and s�eh oth�e- i n�orrr��6 on �s 0 s pert i rv�nt or rtques��d by �he C6 ty.
..y�_ .
. � 5. ' Modifications
The Associate Archltect shall inform the City Architect and Chief
_ - Engineer of any conditions that may require modification of the con-
tract. When such modlfications are approved by the City Architect and
the Chief Engineer he sha11 prepare Contract Change Agreements for the
approval of the City and the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be
permitted to p�ace�d with any modifdcations until the Contract Change .
Agreement has been signed by all concerned. In the event that such
� modifications resul� in an increase or decrease in the contr�ct amount, .
such modifications shall be approved by the City Council .
6. Conduct of the Work.
The AssociaCe Architect shall require that the Contractor eliminate or
hold to a minimum any operation or procedure resulting tn a nuisance,
inconvenience, or hazard .to the public and shall keep a record of all
complaints pertaining to such conditions on the proJect, noting thereon
the disposition or action taken with respect to the compiaint. This
record shall become a part of the ProJect File and be submitted to the
City along with other documents pertaining to the project. The Associ-
ate Architect shall require cou�tesy and friendly relations on the part
of his employees or representatives on the project in their dealings �
with the Public, and the City may demand the remov�i from the project
of anyone who cannot madn$a1n such r�lations with �he Public or who �
brings discredie to the �iYy,
7. �dnal Onspection ,
The Assocaate Architect shall arr�nge ¢or � fi�aS inspection of �he
proJect with representatives from all interested age�cies. When the
�omple�ed proJece 3s approved and accepted by �he Ci�y, the Associate
Archi�ec¢ shall prepare the f1na1 �stDmate for p�yment to �he Cvntrac-
Qor in the manner prescribed by the Ci�y.
" 8. Construction Reserve Inspection
Before recommending the retease of the construction reserve, the
Associate Architect shall make an inspection of the project when
the reserve payment to the Contractor is due and shall arrange for
the Contractor to make any repairs necessary in accordance with the
1 . Computations and Correspondence
When the Finat Design is submitted to the City, a complete set of all
computations and all correspondence pertaining to the project up to
' the point of Final Design shall be submitted to the City. Within
thirty days after city approval of the project at the final inspection,
the remaining correspondence and computations pertaining to the pro-
ject shall be submitted to the City.
� 2. As-Buiit Plans
Within thirty days after city approval and acceptance of the proJect
at the final inspection, the Associate Architect shali furnish to the
City e complete set of drawings on which are noted in red pencil all
changes from the original contrac� plans. Such information is to con-
stitute the complete and reliable record of as-built pians for the
City's permanent fileo •
3. Test Reports
Within th3rty days after city approval of the project at the final
inspection9 the Associate Architect shall furnish to the City one copy
o¢ atl certified test �eports as provdded in Section 11 � D.l .a.
The Associate Architect shall not start work on any portion of the proJect
� until he receives written instructions to do so from the City Architect of
the City of St. Paul .•
The Associate Architect shall submit the Preliminary Report within thirty
calen�ar days following authorization to proceed.
The Associate Architect shall not proceed with the Final Design unless and
until he shall receive written authorization to do so from the City Archi-
tect. Upon receipt of said authorization� the Associate Architect shall
proceed with the Finai Design and shall deliver to the City the completed
. � Final Design no later than ninety catendar days after receipt of said
This Agreement may be terminated by the Associate Architect if he
does not receive written authorization to praceed with the Final Design
within six months after the City accep�s the Preliminary Report.
Construction Report �ime schedules shall be as required in Section II { D.4.
The City may extend the aforesaid time �ompletian periods upon wr3tten
request from the Associate Arch3tec� because of delays encountered tha�
are beyond hi� controla
The Pr�oject Cost 3s defined as one of the foilowing:
. 1 .' The Consuitant 's final cost estimate� as approved by the City in the
Final Destg� in the event that bids for construcCion are not received
within the six months of Final Design approval .
2. The lowest construction bid in case an award is not made within ninety
days of the bid opening. �
3. The final contract constructian cost.
The ProJect CosY sha11 not include any of the fotlowing items:
• Cost of engineering des3gn, inspection, testing, soil explor�tion,
surveying, Finance Department charges� or other planning or admini- �
stration services. �
The payment to the Associate Architect for the Prelim�nary Report will be
the sum of $15,Q00.00. This lump sum amount has been negotiated by both
parties before entering into this agreement and is considered to be full
• and just compensation for the work to be performed under this phase. This
' payment will be made in a single sum to the Associate Architect, subject to
the retentian provisio�s, within thirty days of approval of the Preliminary
Report. if the Associate Architect is selected to perform the Fina1_ Design
for this ,project, the above amount paid for the Preliminary Report will be
deducted fran the amount due the Associate Architect for Final Design.
If thds Agreement is continued beyond Yhe Pre� iminary ReporY seage, �he
payment to the Asse�taYe Architec� for �he Fi�al Design of the Project wi11
be �n amount equal to 75� of �h� Associ�ee Archi�ect's fee as provid�d herein
minus any payments made to the Assoctate Architect for the PPeli�inary Repart,
This percen�age ha� been negotiated by both parties before entering into thi �
Agreement and 3s considered t� be �u1i and J�s� compensation for atl work to
be don� by the Ass�ci�te Architect up �o �nd Oncluding Fi�at Design. If the
( -t7-
� .
� time allotted for Final Design is more than thirty days, the Associate
� Architect may present partial biltings for each thirty day period based upon
the estimated percentage of completion of the Fin�l Design. These partial
payments will be subJect to the retention provisions. Payment for Final
Design will be made, subJect to the rete�tion provistoe�s, within thirty �
days of approval of Final Design.
If s construc�ion c�ntract is awarded, the payment to the Associate Architect
for in-contracY an� post-contrac� services will be an a�r+ount equa� to 25% o� '�
the Associated Architect's fee as provided herein. This percentage has been
negotiated by both parties before entering into this Agreement and is con-
� sidered to be full and just compensation for all work to be performed under
this phase. Payme�ts to the Associate Architect will be made monthly upon
presentation of a statement and the total cucrwlative payment for this phase
witl at alt times bear the same ratio to the total maximum payment for this
, phase as the amount of construction wark accomplished does to the totat esti-
� mated Project Cost subJect to the retention provisions.
, The Associate Architect wiil be reimbursed directty for the cost of soii
exploration, the procurement of exploratory soil samples, and the evaluation
of exploratory soi� samples done by an independe�t tes�3ng laboratory. AI1
such work done by the Assoc�ate Archdtect and cos�s of coordinating such
�c�lvitdes will be considered � par$ of his a-egtal�r fe� and not �ligible for
direc� payment, Direct pa�ment wi �l be based on, �nd in the sam� amount a�,
�h� cost billed to the Assoc3at� Architecti. Ai� 3t�ns of work to be ct�imed
as eligib9e fos� direct payment must be approved by the Cdty Architect and the .
Chie� Engineer in writing in advanc� of the worko Alt cos�s e93gible goP
di rect p�y�nt sP�ai 1 be nuade kn�vn �a tha C6�Y by s�atement wi thi r� thi r�y
. days of their accrual . Such statements shall properly identify the work done
and shall include copies of the invoices from the testing laboratories or '
soil expioration agencies. The City will pay approved direct costs wtthin
thirty days of receipt of the invoice from the Associate Architect.
An amount of ten percent� but not in excess of $5,000.00, of the cumulative
payment due the Associate Architect to provide for adjustments in Project
Cost will be withheld until thirty days after agreement termination or until
final Payment. tn any instance where the amount withheld is insufficient to ;.
provide for dow�ward adjustments in the fee the Associate Architec� shall pay .
the amount of the insufficiency within thirty days of determinataon.
Final payment to the Associate Architect wiit be made �ithin thirty days after
all of the conditions of this Agreement have been satisfied except the Con-
struction Reserve Inspection described in Section
Approv as to form: Mayor
As Corporation i�n�'e Commtssioner of Public Works
Commdssioner of Parks s Recreation
' S PublOc Buildings
Approved as to farm and Ci�y C�er6c
execution thi§ day
of 19700
. �ount�rsdgned:
Assot Corporstion Cauns�l City C�ptroilcr
� .
� � . /
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� ou�u�r►TS To�e�wroe �
. . � ,� CRY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO� � g
RE30LV�D, T'l�at t��e p�roptr Citg► ot�!'ic.e�rt ar�i htsaby �as�ls�d
�uad dis-�ct�d to ��aacuta Agar��at bst�s tba Ci'ty►'o! �ai�►t Ya�sl
amd Gnt�g�r aad Associat�t�, Is�e., 1,�artai�.n� to t'!� de�,g� �aad c.anH*
struction oi� a Ta�€f ic Op�ra�.i�s Hu�.lding, p�r� � t.fi�► t�rma
and canditiaas c.cmtai.nad i�ct thrR �►id A,�r��m�s�t, d cap�► of �hl,c.h is
atta,ch�ed har�to a�nd ia�o:p�aratsd hts�ia by► rs#�r+�a►ee.
OCT 2 7 197t1
COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the f�o��ncil 19_.
Yeae Naya
.��. 0CT 2 7 1970
Carlaon Approved 19_
Levine �Tn Favor
Sprafka � �r
m�,---- A 8'8uist
�-..-.,.,.,,, —
Mr. President, 11�eCarty
�s"o �� .
Gr'AUGER � ASSOCIATES. INC. architects �^ � '
engineers -�
Febru:ry 3S, 1�?1
�rthxsstaerr� 1��tio�sl Ba�k of St. P:u2
55 8. 5th ,treet
St. Paul, Mirane�ota
Attas 1�lr. �uar Nelso�
Dear �lr. I��laon:
Oa �uv.a��r 18� 14�Q, our �ix^�e enter�d i�to an erci�ita�ct�sal and •ngi�eerin$
agras�ant vith t4a C#.ty of St. Panl far tke dusiga af t�a Tra#fic Ape�rstia�a
Bvildiag. ?ha firat pbasa� of tha vark ineZud�ed t�e gr+�lfmi�try rspo�t witb
prsliminsry skatches. T�e roport Mws delivased ebout February 1, 197�1, �tas
bean apprave�d snd our f irm has �ean pafd the a�w o� $15,t�QQ.� iess +� 1�
r�tainage to datt.
Q�r erEi�te,d total fee for t�fs p�tojecC wt11 be� $73,680.00 wfth 75x d�e
�gen co�letfoa of phass II (coaatruction drsMic�gs). We antici.��te i b311i�sg
on I�xab 31, I9J1 of $Z8,4t�4.Od net aad i b�lli�g aa� Agrii 30. 2971 of
$18,6�t�.00 aat. �s�e�t !s us�al�y s�tde Mitbin 30 d,aTa of �l�a billing.
Our corporattaa wiil ax�d de�s l�reby usign ��� procaads (�t�8,t100.�#) �ro� th�
a�ticipstad �►r�h billiag to tha 11orQttva�sCar� �ti�ta�tl Baaak cr� $t. Paul to
:gPly to our outat��diag negotis�ed laun.
By copy of tt�i• l�tter, we are �ed�riai�sg td�e� Ci�y o� 8t. Paul of this agre�at.
3�bser�.be�d snei awcrn to bafor� ma GADGffi� � dS�i�L►�83, I�C.
th�s Z3Ch day of f ,/' ,� C. /
i .-� - .j(�LsL���t �
�t3* �.��atet��t', �r�st.de
_ Febrt�t���� 29 ?I. !"--' ;%i' ' ' ;
;j �, / .- �- �a�,.� �G��Lh--_
. `�'�;;�;,�.:.?..�' � '"/��t�--- R. Richa�d Gaw��eF:�,Vi e► Pr$si�ea�.
I�os�ry P'��Iia ' �; � ' � `•
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minp. � ;G, f ;"����tiTEP
My Commission Expires luly 3, 1974 , , , - - - -
RKPi:jIDt �' i,
cc. Mr. Lau MclCsnna, CwmpEraller � '„; '
I�t. Harr�► I�i�ra�utlt, City Cl�rk ,�f�..�--,
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