250958 OR161aAL TO CITY CLLRK ,... � . � � . . �50�.�g .. CIN OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. . OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COU ESOLU N GENE FORM PRESENTED eT. COMMISSIONE RE�O�Y�D, �hat �rown BuiZd�rs, Inc. be and herebg i� granted a permit to in�tall a 1�9-ear parking lot to be used in eon��etio� with a 14��-unit apap�ffien� building or� property located ir� the block bounded by l�ontana Ave. , vaca�ed N�braska Ave. , 35E and Westminster 3t. , more partie�larly deseribed a� followss '��t p�L c��' t,� �'�a�.t�d porLion a�' �rantAana Av�r€i:� o�:�ia� �cscr�a.�d tr� I.s#. 23 e�c�p� #.�� ;;��� � P,��$ ''i�.��;c�f .a.nii �o J.fl�s 2� t:zra� ;<} II1.nvk �2, D+��ruo�° a I�c� r�o ar,�l Pi3���.,�� �+�r�a�.� A�.c��.L:f.on �3� ���s�x� o�'�i'6:� v.�csE►'�.:lon; ��ab��t�t t� (r���r�r'1�..3) � g�s���r��t �vi�.I�� P.n�;��r���, nn, �d�x� ��=�*an;s �nd �.}��.t �n��, p:��t �h�r���' �ixe� �ai"c,�.�a a� sir�.p o.� 1WZtzr1 �� �'��. �.n �ldt.h, �r�.z c�i-it�r Iiz�,9 0� n:�!.d y0 ��o� �rir��:b r�r�s�?a��a"a, b��.ng d�g�Y�.k�-;rI �� �u�1.�,�d��s E��;�.rii�.n� �'L a po5.n¢ 10 ����, i�to�4h of' t�� cs�n�,�s: l:.n� oY . v�e.�:.�}cl �f�n�.a�+n 1'l;jrs�� �r.:d �t t� dir.�nc;�3 of 1L3e17 �"�a�-� l��s� �i� $.1-.� *��:�t lix� �02' '�s���:,�,� �`C��"�, �z::�z�c{3 r�n?��g f�aa��.h�r� � d.i:s�.��a�� 9.� � �c3�� ��c� '�����-•3�.2`121t.:�i2�i ��lso d �:� �oo� st 6.=3 A�s����,n�, t�� c�x►'�;r �.iz� b�:��; �ea�tili'A�??J� �s 3's�]�t.e;�t�t ��g�n.t�g �t �+ �o�r�� can tt�:� no�i lin.� of �.��°��ct ia�+:��..�+� �i���37.?l�f3 anrl �10 ���t ��� o� �.� �ast lin€� na Lo� 2,�y Rl.c�k 1�, D�c�son'8 L�'�c� Ccr;�,fl <3nd j�1�n �v�r.��� �dd�.'t�.on; �th�:noo �tr�ia�z �`��-t,�r�.;;trsa7:.�.�; �h� t���' lir� of �a^�s°ir�� r�t����.�.nxs �'�.�n-�� � c�.�.���nc�� oJC 190 ���. Za �2�3 ta�3�� ��TY°� az y�� ?7, Blcc�k 17,, Da�rac�n�� L.ait� C� �:d Ph.���n A�m� ;;dci.�.r.I.�ti, :�xsci �.h��� �i�irsat3�sg. . A1s�r I�� 9 o��pt Lh� ��� �Q f��t th�r�c�os esul I.r�� 30 axca�pt �.he ��s7 .l0 �a�e� �herac.lf a:3d a1I uf Le�t� iU t��t 29, �7.c�c:k 13, Da�r�ast'� �ak� Co�xo �rsd �"u.u��n �iv�t�a� A�di��a�:Z� rsx2d t,,.}��i; .�.�� oi t?�s� ��,e:��t3. por�.�a� of �zo a]_1F3y �� s�lc� Bl��1c 13 n�ad t:��t c�;�:ru a� ��tc� ��caa'fi�-d pox°�.�.aro£ Y,o��Ca�a� Aeretzua Y;��.ch ksercr�x�d �,e ��i� ��s� d�acy''iL�d 1�n�3s ta;l r��so� af t.�tflir �v'aaat:ton� together with North one-half of vac�ated ;;ebraska ;lvenue. FORM APPROVED .�.����.�- �� Asst. Corporation Counsel • COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler - Carlson Approved 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � ASainat Mr. President, McCarty _ ...._� . , , � � � . _ _ ' September 3, 1970 � BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION September 17, 1970 T'lat Map �k27 ` Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 ,passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 7030 Northwestern District of the Christian 7031 : . _'';�'�t�',�;1'C°� PdF�'�1F . 6957 and Missionary Alliance 2� �.;I��1SJ L;'ICAT'ION ; L-1 Amendment 0 Appeal ❑ Permit � �ther X-937 � • ; ��T��:'�:�t: : Relax the density and parking requirements '+ , L�Cr;'I :�")11 ; North of Englewood Avenue between North Albert Street and North Hamline Avenue �. ;.,t��Ai. �FSCRIPTIO;t : See file v. P:<�:5I;'JT Z�?1ING: '�C" Residence "� . -'U:,^,iJ;'�'d; '1'� 7oninp Code Chapter: 64 Section; •03 F�arat�raph s 1 �t , ,�T!'tii'F INVESTIGATION � REPORT: Date; 8/27/70 IIy; CLS A. HISTORY: The City Council rezoned from "B" to "C" Residence the total St. Paul . Bible College property on 7/11/70. B. PROPOSAL: The appellant proposes to construct a 408-unit senior-citizen residence on the property with 120 accessory off-street parking spaces. C. NEED OF APPEAL: The letter of appeal states no circumstances justifying the appeal--only that their proposal does not meet Code requirements. D. PRESENT STANDARD: For the proposed use St. Paul's Zoning Code requires an are'a of 408,000 square feet and 612 accessory off-street parking spaces. E. AREA AND FRONTAGE: The site as described by an amended letter of appeal consists of 188,250 square feet with frontages totaling about 404 feet on North Hamline Avenue, 306 feet on Englewood Avenue, and 324 feet on North Albert Street. This area described by the appeal is not consistent with that proposed by the pending oft-street parking permit application. F. VARIANCE: The requested denaity veriance represents 218,450 square fcet or 53 .5%. The requested off-street parking variance represents 492 spaces or 80%. G. AREA ZONING: This entire area south of Pierce Butler Route is zoned "B" Residence with the exception of three corners of the Hamline and Minnehaha Avenue intersection which are zoned Commercial. H. SITE CONDITIONS: The northwest portion of the site is occupied by low-density residential structures. The bulk of the site is occupied by three college buildings, one fairly new. The property is level and slightly above the grade of adjacent streets. I. AREA CONDITIONS: The surrounding residential area is primarily single-family structures in good condition. Occasional duplex uses and two 6-unit buildings are also included in the adjacent blocks. The block to the south is a City park providing passive recreational space. 9� BOARD ACTION: To Reconm►end � Approval XX Denial Council Letter DENSITY -- PARKING Dated : Moved by : Maietta -- Gadler Yeas Nays 10/13/70 xx Gadler Seconded by: Gadler -- Maietta Gauger Date of Hearing xx Maietta 10/15/70 Secretary's remarks: Mansur Ame's - Ch. Council Action xx McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date , xx Rutzick (Alt.) OR16lNAL TO CITY CL[RK ' �5��i�J', ,� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � all in aeoordar�ce wit� revi��d plans dated �teeeived Sept��ber 1, 197�; snb�eQ� to t�i� restriatioM tl�at no n�ore apart�ent unit� be constru�ted; and s�b�ee� to the condit3.on that said applicant-permit�ee, and its ��ecessor� �.nd assign�, sha.11 make due Qompliaflce �rith a11 appli�able provi�loMS of muni�ipal ordiflances, state stata�es ar�d re�1e� and regulations of public au�horities having aogniza�ce. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� �CT 2 7 �� Yeas Nays -�t-�-- OCT � a 197� Carlson d 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka L yor A gainat �� Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OGT 311970 0 , � � ���� ~�x� � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL `y`� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 October 13, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Crown Builders, Inc. for a permit to install a 167-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with apartments on property located in the block bounded by Montana Avenue, vacated Nebraska Avenue, 35E, and Westminster Street, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. A permit for a 140-car parking lot was granted on January 20, 1968, which included the following conditions: that Nebraska Avenue from Mississippi Street to Westminster Street be graded to specifications as set forth by the Public Works Department; that the parking lot setback along Nebraska Avenue be increased to six feet; that the screen buffer along the north edge of the parking lot be of sufficient height and density within two years to adequately screen the parking lot from the property to the north. On August 16, 1969, the Council granted a petition to vacate Nebraska Avenue adjoining this site with the condition that the petitioners submit an application for a new parking lot permit. This application has been submitted in compliance with that condition and proposes a parking lot plan to replace that approved by Council on January 20, 1968. This new application was heard by the Zoning Board on February 5, 1970. At this meeting the staff reported that plans submitted with this application lack required dimensions and other information. The staff reported that the Traffic Engineer finds the plans meet his minimum standards but would desire fewer units or parking spaces. The staff's conclusions noted that the present plan represented an increase in the parking ratio but also noted that the conditions attached to the previously-approved application were not met nor was the approved plan adhered to. -I.- �L% ; ,,� � � �l.-�,,f.� t �. ��-�.� 1 O Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) October 13, 1970 Mr. Robert Ferderer, representing the Phalen Area Community Council, expressed concern over potential incineration problems with the development. Subsequently, the Board, by a 4-0 vote, recommended approval, with the condition that a revised plan be submitted that would meet design standards. Plans received September l, 1970, meet minimum required design standards in conformance with the Board's recommendation, although providing for only 149 spaces instead of the originally-proposed 167 spaces. Ver ruly yo s, , ��� , ���- -�. PETER J. MA ETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. ��6915 -2- . , � , , . � ; � �5� ' City of Saint Paul, i�inriesota" � APPLIC,�1TION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL 'USE PERMIT � (Please print ,or type) � TO THE Ii�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUN�CIL ���� 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minaesota Application is hereby made to instali and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (�) (c;�) (Private use) (�� (�� (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot ���' ;�� To be used in connection with; ��� �;��� ��� � �� ���� � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-ln Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parkiag area: *Locationi Ml���' : � � ��'�� t��R �;� R� � �� � '1r� �� � � Legal Description : � � �, Applicant's Name . � ��,�* �, Home� or Office Address: � ���� ��s � �• ��* ��� Phone Number . ��,'� FOit/BY TftB APPLICANT, _ ' i�' �dRf !!i� '- D �J /� s aate NO ° �S ,��;� �� v 6 � C1�'r �, 19�9 Pbone$No.• ���Al� ��� �� �� �� �4t p4���4'Ir� q�_� � �_�W tNhen completed: file three copies of this application form and tbree prints of tbe preliminary lay-out piaas of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall aad Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAl1�PZ,E: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outb side of Main St. between First and Seconc#�St. �. �OIVI I�� F1LE �6�9.�.�._. �� � : . . BOA:2D OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION February 5, 1970 nlat Map ��32 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6915 , �1"; �,ic;:"�[1'I''S PJA"•fE ; Crown Bui lders, Inc. 6415 6367 :'. C1���5�IFICA'CI�N ; LJ AmOndment 0 Appeal � ?nrmit � Other X-829 3, :'tiRPc�SL' ; Install 167-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with apartments 4, I,OCATIOPd : Block bounded by Montana, vacated Nebraska, Westminster, and 35E �� I�E�:�AL DESCRIPTION ; See file �%. P:i;SI:iJT' L�tJING: "C" Residence % � ?U�SUANT T�J 7oning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Parat?raph: 4,2 �s � �'I'AE'F INVESTIGATION � REPORT; Date: 1/30/70 By: ATB A. HISTORY: A petition to rezone the northern portion of this site from "A" to "C" Residence was granted 11/24/67. An application for a 140-car parking lot was granted 1/20/68 subject to the following conditions: 1) that Nebraska Avenue from Mississippi Street to Westminster Street be graded to specifications as set forth by the Public Works Department. 2) that the parking lot setback along Nebraska Avenue be increased to six feet. 3) that the screen buffer along the north edge of the parking lot be of sufficient height (at least S feet) and density within two years to adequately screen the parking lot from the property to the north. A petition to vacate Nebraska Avenue adjoining this site was granted by Council 8/16/69. One of the conditions of this street vacation was that the petitioners submit an application.to the Planning Board for a new parking lot permit within a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of formal approval of the vacation. A. ARF.A ZONING: The adjacent zoning is "C-1" Residence, "A" Residence to the east, and Ligtit Industry to the south. C. D�SIGN STANDARDS: The applicant originally proposed to enlarge the existing approved parking 1ot from 140 to 167. Reviaed plans �dated 9/1/70 provide for only 149 parking spaces and meet the minimum required design standards. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 438 feet along vacated Nebraska and 329.4 feet along Westminster Street, resulting in an area of 153,567 square feet. F, TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the application and notes that alttiough the off-street parking exceeds minimum standards, fewer unirs or parking would be desirable. F, SITE CONDITIONS: The site is slightly above the grade of Westminster Street and is occupied by four 35-unit apartment buildings and accessory parking. Landscaping, which was a condition of the 1968 approval, has not been installed. G. AREA CONDITIONS: To the north is a newer 23-unit apartment building and four single- family residences; to the east is vacant land; to the south is a distributing company warehouse; and to the west is 35E freeway and the McDonough Housing Project. 9� BOARD ACTION: To Reconanend a Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated : Moved by . Maietta Yeas Nays 10/13/70 Gadler Seconded by: McPartlin x Gauger Date of Hearing X Maietta 10/15/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur x Ames - Ch. Council Action X McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) " Date Rutzick (Alt.) i . : ' � . . . . '. � � � O i"�l , I � i � � I I � , ''✓' �� . - ; � � ; , ; ; - I D A H 0 -� f-- � � , ; ; . ,., — �------ , , SS/PPl ; I ; � ,' � , , r .� - ; , , , � i ; � ; , . � . � � _ ' ' -. . - � �. fT' , ,�I , � � / i .. -- '- ._.� �_ .Q �h . : , •. �. , i • ' __ . V � 1 I � � r_ ,�� � � � � I �, ' , oa z � I � , , ; ,-� �� .� . ✓ a � ; � 1��s� I ; ' ; � z - _ � � � ; , Q , w � � , o � ,, � ; t� , � J . � ��; � �� � � � --��-- � � � w � ,� �� � � � = 1 , � � lr._._ � �, , � ;{ .� . - Ha �, r : } � � ` _ �- - ,; ; -_...- - - � _ , __ ----- ,�.. , � ���, i �� � , r� :� � , ,;.; �� � �: , � � q , , , � ; _�� , ,� , . .___ ; �� , � ; � ,�_,�RES � _ :� i � � ; � �� ; _. ', � ; __ . _ � �, � : � �:� , �: � . � , , �, � . , �`�� � • % �, : ;,1 ( � � �� ,��, �� � � � . , , , ', � 24 � � / ,` � , i� i � i � ! J �� , �I �, � �t�.�1_.�.. i , 1 , , J '.��, � ; ( --�+--+�..,.,�..—_,---� .f � � , < < • �` �`� � , � � � - ; � , , a I �": :r � ,�l �—_ �-- ?� � � � ! '""' r- • ,,, i H / � t� ..l � , �l I 1� • / : � .. '� � i �,',V ! � ', r' \ ( . ! ./ o � � �� - � � � :� , ,_ � . � . i �; , ;� .�__ .._______ � � , � '�~- ; . � � � ,,�� , � ' , ;� � � � LI�M T zNO�:��y , �-�--------- � ,� �. � � .� ' ` � I �. v � ������:'� �f APPLiCA�I�' �;���>W,� �u��der5, �n�. LEGEND P������ Install 167-car parking lot to be 1 AR�� 1 t�+� used in conjunction with apartments �'��� VJ O ONE-Ff.'.PILY PRESENT ZONING "c�� Residence —� TV�O-F�':`'�:SfLY � THREE- E�=;aA�11LY PETITION SIGNERS -C.�- FOUR-F�lFr,i �Y � � MULTI- F�f��ILY FILE No. 6y�.s s •�COMMEf-�CIAL n1Qa�" � n lNDUST�IAL U VACANT St. Paul Pianning Board, Date= 1/30/�0 � Property under cons's�rrotion MIAtfTTES OI' THE :E9UBLTC HEARING B�EI�OR'�' TfiE BOARD OF ZONING on Th.ursd�y, Febru�ry S, 1970, at 2tQ0 �oMo 1'fiESEId'r: i�RRessrs, Amesa Gauger, McP�rtlin, Ma�,etta, �nd Mansur of the Board and Messrs. Brawu �nd Sarenson and P�tiss Schirmer of ttie staff. CRO�WN BUILT.➢�RS. INC�: A� �pplication for. a permit to instal]. a Z67-car parking lot ta b� used in conju�.zction �aith apart2�sents an property 1QCated in the block bounded by Nantana, vscated 1`Iebx�sstc�, taestn�ins�er� anci 3SEo Mr� Sarensoa said the conditions of the prerriaus appZications by this applicant have not be�n met and asked if the Board wish�es to consider this application before the conditions of the other epplications had been met. Mr, Maietta asked what the new plans sre, and i€ they meet thoee requirementso Mr. Steffei, representing the applicant, stated they are primari�.y because the vacated street became p8rt of the plan and they are ettempting to get financing. It was the concensu� of the Buard to coasider the matter. Mre Sorenson gave the staff report. A petition to rezone the northern portion of this site from "A" to "C" Residence was gxanted November 24, 1967. An spplication for a 140-car parking lot was granted January 20, 1968, including the following conditions: that Nebraska Avenue from Missiasippi Street to Westminster Street be graded to apecificatiaas as seC forth by the Public Works Department; that the parking lot setback along Nebrasks Avenue be increased to six feet; that the screea buffer aloug the north edge of the parking lot be of sufficient height (at least 5 feet) aad deasity within two years to adequately screen the parking lot from the property to the north. A petition to vacate Nebraska Aveuue adjoining this aite was granted by CounciZ on Auguat 16, 1969. One of the conditions of this streeC vacation was that the petitioaers aubmit an application to the Planning Board far a new parking lot permit within a period not to exceed 30 days fran the date of formal approvaZ of the vacationo The adjacent zoning is "C-1" Residence to the north, "A" Reaidence to the east, and Light Industry to the south. The appli.cant proposes to enlarge the existing approved parking lot fram 140 to 167 cars. Revised plaas have bean requested which will meet required design standards. Plans submitted for this applicatian lack required dimensioas and other infora�ation. BTo laadscaping is indicated. The Traffic $ngineer has reviewed the application and ao�es that although the off- atreet parking exceeda minimum standarde� fewer uaits or parking wauld be desirable. He also recommends that driveways be widened to 26 feet. Mr, Sorenson noted thaC the sit� is above the grade of Westminster Street and is occupied by four 35-unit apartment buildings and acceesory parking. Landscaping, wEzich was a condition of the 1968 approval, hss aot been instal2ed. Ttte staff conclusions noted that ehe preseat application was an increase in the parking ratio. �iowever, in the previously approved application: 1) the conditions were not met with reference to street grading and landscaping has not been provided; 2� the parking lot was aot developed itt coafarmance with vhe approved plan. Revised pl�ns have heen requested and ahould be sabmitted prior to Councii hearing shos��ng all the requeEted changes in the plan, Mr� Sorenson recc�aaa�nded that should t�e present appl.ication be apgroved sLZ laii�scaping and parking lot layout changes ��i� . � . , ` . (.':it'�vtV° $ZTL��J��.S,. �C� (2-���'�� �COiltfflUP�� mlg:,e�lr? be ce9mple�.e�i a.*i�hin 4� mon�hs of Cou�nc�3. �p�r�val and t��t tPie Building DP���"`�II1�T1L s�;ould bp instructed to checic th� ��.te developme�at �fter six months �n�? r�sc�.n� Lny occu��f�ncl� c:er4:i.fi.cat� if tt�e development is no4: �n confo.rr.nane� wiY:�: �1.�. conclit:a ores �E�d su.�ruit�ed p�ans� In 4ns•�aez �Q g �ue�>`-•�Qn b� Mx, Maiett�g I�ia�., Steffel stated ctsr�f�rmanee was not �zn�j�r�::ak��z �sr��r�:�_y ��ec��::e �he v�cat�d street trecame p��� �f the plan and the cas.l�sa»y �.s at�Pm�ti?i�; to gE�t f�n�ncing. �"•.r., �cyrensan s i:ated �,�:��x �ra�?s matter w�s bef�sre the F3oard in �.967-b8 th� staff work�cl r�v.it� ��-rc: �,�:�:.�in� c�nditions tc� ensure tlie parking Iot would be developed i.n R E1YO��er �nner. �he Bc�ard �orncurred ts�d ro�►de the �onditions part ot their reccra�enda�:tar�. Tl�P conditions were forwarded to the �ounci� an� the Co�ncil incorpar�sted ��e con.diticros in their approval. In �nswer t:o a qc�estion �y Mro SteftQl, Mro Soreusan statecl that landscaping �as nat c:uzr��sletec� ic3 �:he interior �f the site nr ti�e buffe�� to protect ad jacent prczper.•ties.. ,A� th� time c�f fielrl in�restigation., the e��aly landscaping that could be n��:ed c�*a� �isc:arr�ec� �t�zr�_s�m�s txees. Mr� Srr��f.�l s-::�t�d ,:-k�.ati cv�cerning �he en�ra�nc�s: �hat in ord�r to make them �Sig��x, r.l�� r�tcY: '�:��i.ts we�uld h�sve tc� }��e m�ved; they would 1i�ce �o malc� on2 an ent:r.ance z�r�ci o�t� an ax��:. Mr<, F�^.r�.:ra�r spoke :in �g�s��,itiou stating th�t th.sy would als� like an investigation to se� �i: �he incinKxs�#���x� syatem is ac�equ�te and feasi�le for the number of unita ia� v��� �t:-r. , Sq_e*i�e�. ��at�c� there was one inc�nerator in each building. Mr, Ames drec,r :��tez�t9.�n to tl•�e Cmnuc�l ordina�ce paseed this morning concerning incinerators a��c� whi.ct� :Lncl�a�s � ti�ne�-�.imit �o brtng them up �o standard. Mr, lFerderer s��ted he woald �,.sk� ta sut�Fyort �he recommendations of the s�aff, i�����d by 1�i.t� Mc�'�:.tltn �rd ��conde3 bq Mr. I�ietta, �ppro�►al of th� penmit ca::risd �:n.F::�ir.aouxly, wf th t�F ccondition that a revis�c� pland be subu�itt�d i� a�cnrdaACe wit�� ��11 a� the st�ff°� reuzarks and recommend�tiio�s. It was suggeated xhe Bu�Iding 1��p�r�:m��� Ch�eck on �.o�fo�rc;ance �s �ecamimended by th� sta�ff. Sua�n�.tte� i��: �e�1on.��. Lo Sorenson Robett I.� Am�s, Ch�i�n _12- � • City of Saint Paul, �innesota y7( :J'�� ' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT `'� � — (Please print or type) � TO THE I�DNORABLE MAYOB AND CITY COUN+CIL � the City Clerk ��J City of Saint Paul, Min�esota Application is hereb made to �����x����� y install and operate a new �cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAItKING LOT for (;���) (�) (private use) (��a�t$x�s�) (�i�e�c) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 167 automobiles To be used in connection with: 1505. 1511, 1521 & 1527 Westminster � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Locatioa: Westminster : SEE EXHIBIT "A", together with the North one-half of vacated & Nebraska Nebraska Avenue. Legal Description : i�?� g��]c g� Applicant's Name . CROWN BUILDERS, INC. Home or Office Address: 506 Minnesota Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55101 Phone Number . 224-9619 THIS APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO COUNCIL FILE N0. 245214 FOR/BY TI� APPLICANT, • September 10, 1969 Signature (date) HOWA A. GELB, President Address . 596 Minnesota Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota Pbone No.: 224-9619 When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility aith the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. City Clerk - CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf Nouse 55102 October 2, 1970 File R829, Page You are hereby notffied that a public hearing will be held ia the Council Chambers of the City Ball and Court House in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at 10:00 a.m. on October 15, 1970, on the application of Crown Builders, Inc. for a permit to in- stall a lb7-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with apartments on the property described on the attached sheet. The property is located on the block bounded by Montana Avenue vacated to the North, Nebraska Avenue, Westminister and Highway 35E. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room lO10 Caasaerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has been sent out from the Department of Finance in ccmplfance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Caa�issionsr of Finance O � .� .y :.n a ti.�.�. . .. I . . x �.i�!!�.?r. - Q �.•N-Y'$ b . � . � � . ���a ';� �. . . , . , ' " • . EXHIBIT ��A�� , x , , r ` ., ���., �� , � � PLA�T OF S�'JRVEY , ��:�s� : g, . �- � � ` ' R. `i. �OL�►�AM . fra , � REGl3TERED LAND SUEiVEYOR `� � ST. PAUL, a[INNESOTA � . I lureby c�ertify that th�s ia a tnie anci oorr plat of a sun�ey of �h� fiand shoum arui described h�reon, and � �� any nwmanents or �nerke+s {ndlcated hcrc on )wcc been pIaced as shoum, and tliat any improoernenis or � pi�ya�cat cor�d#iont ltadicated herean are us shoivn. . . Surucyeci A p r.,tf,196�. ' -- ,, . . :, Piat Scale-1 fn.= 100 ft. • Inct�cates 1�on 11lont. ; ' Descriptbn- � . 2�at psrt a� tb. vaoat�d portioa �! xastana A�,�u Mhi soarwd to Le�t 23 +za�pt , t6r sas�t 7 !wt t6�r�ot .aud� to Lots 24 thru �0 �1oek 1� Daw�oan'a L]a C�wo ancl Plul,�s 1wm� �dditiee� �j r�ason o!'its �racstien; snb�lvt to (rrMrTi�) a P��t ntilitar esss�n�t � �r• aoa�sa a�d t�hru that part 1�rsef �jiu� within a st.rip �' land �G tMt in nS.dth, t�e oatt�r l.i.n� o! said 30 taio�t MiBs *astasst b�ins ., d�aori6�d as t�1l.wrst Bisi.a�in6 at � poir►t 10 f�t llort� oi th� o��r li� of ♦aoaL�d lioi�taxut Aw� a�d at a dista:►ar of 143.1? fi�t Wsst ai t,h� trrat Ii� �ot . I�stsinster Str+�t: t2�as Yvnnie6 Mort}�r�j► a distane�� ot s fNt �ad #�rdnati�; slso s 90 loot vidr �a�atat, t�r a�nter lin� b�iaQ cisspr'ibsd aa tallars: HKinninB at a poiet en tir north li�w ot tlseat�d Montana ��+�a � 10 tNt N�st of tl� east lfe� ot 1wt 2!• 81eek 12� Dwso�a Lak+ Caa and Phal�sn Awn+M �dditia�; thsno� s�tt�aalx+g wistar� a1aM� t� i�or�th li� of �rsaat�d.l�ta�la ,�m� s distare� of 190 tNt to th� �id�st Ii,�r� � Lolt 27. �1odc 12, Dwsat's I.atioM� Ca�e asd Pl�d1�e� A�� ` . 11,ddit,ioa. a�d tlwr� tardasi�t�. Also Lot 9 ��Pt tbs M�ist 10 tNt ther�of u�d Lot 30 aboo�Pt ths 'Miest 10 iNt . thei�af and aIl of L�ts IO thr+s 29s A'loek �3, Daxsat•s � Caso aed Pbal�n ��srras Addit3ers, aed tbat �s't of t!� vaoa•t�d port.lep of t�s �l.l.e� in said B'�oak 13 and Lhit par't, Of ths �a�P'��tb�i! �a�p��� t�ieh iwocs�asd to nt� aafor� d�sa�il»d lsr�ds b� � vacated Ptebraska Avenue. �