250957 oR�a��w�ro c�rr e�e�eK �5���� * CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL N0. � � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COU IL RESO UTI —GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOI,VED, upon the pertinent appeal, �nder the Zoning �ode, by Northwestern Distriat of the Christian and �Ii�sionary Alliar��e, owner of the �ub�ec� real estate, aituate in the �i�y of Ssint Paul and described as : The West 100 fe�t of Lot 3, Bloak 13, excep� the l�orth �#1.43 fee� ��ier�of, and eacept the Sout� 6�.97 feet th�reof; and Exc�pt the We�t 104 feet thereof, all of �ot 3, Block 13; and Al�.� of v�.cated H�bbard Avenue aceruing to Lot 3, sioa�c i3 and �,ots 1 and 2, Block 16, by rea�on of the; vacation thereof; and The North 91 f��t of Lot 2, Block 16; and A11 of Lot 3, Block 16, exeept the �orth 91 feet thereof and �xcept the We�t 12� feet thereof; ar�d All of Z�ot� 1 and �, Block 16, �ollege Place Tast ' � Div�.sion; � _ _ � �hat the prowisions of said Zonir�g �ode, in respect to den�ity o' o .� and parking r�q�ire�en�s, hereby are det�rmined ar�d varied, iM 1Y L li� � �- their �pplieatio� to sa3d real e�tatc, a� and ta �h� extent d cj � necessary �herefor, and that a per�it hereby is granted unta � Q � said appellant, and it� st�ccessors in interest, in respee� of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty O OR16I�AL TO CITY CLHRK �5���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ oATF 2 said real estate for �he construction of a 408-uriit s�nior-citizen residenee on the property wi�h 12� acae�sor3r off-s�reet parking spaces; sub�ea� �o the �ondi�3.on tha� the variances apply only for the period of ti�ae tk�at the pro�eet is used as a h3-rise for the eiderly; and tha� o�herwise, gaid appellant-per�ittee, �,nd its succe.�sors in inter�st, shall make due complian�e wit� all appli- cable ordinances, stat� �tatu�e� ar�d rules and regula�ions of publie authori�i�:s having co�nizanee. , �o� � : —.-` r�iae 1s ttwt�x pu'blic �°����� � ��'''�' ��� t��� �.�: � ���.� � �e � ��, � � � a� .�► �� .�► . oa P �l9Ceted+a��s itlile.� e Ave: lin�t7veen H autd 'W.° A�e�;�d�d'as��io�o�+as e�tw2st�04.�t af L�Dt 3t H�L���!�'6 ;' ��hs ntrrth l�..03 fcet ax► cefrt fi�ue bout� A4.8'D . � t���1t 100 fe�! f1is�K, I.ot 8,�lock 1�: s'�ct 03'vacated H�ba�+d'Aoe. ac� I' tl'tuil� :tq T.ot 3 ��ock �S aAd L�ofs; ��. 3334ck��8 �bq i�oA b��te �.��e�o�. s� �� r�ia �,.s�x; � �fi�o� �.ot s. �x is ' ' c`� i iemE�e�ceat a��e�gt tae, feet t�sr�f• d g! ts 1 an�v�� t9, Ca�- � D�t����.'1��. �� OCT Z Z,,191.0 , ���"�.. COUNCILMEN i coew�s, xs�e► Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , ��� 2 � ��7� --�e.ttl�r-- Carlson Ap d 19.— � Levine �n Favor Meredith yor Sprafka l/ Againat T�desee--- Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 3 � 1�7A � City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 October 2, 1970 File X937, Page You are hereby nctffied that a public hearing will be held in the Couacil Chambers of the City Sall and CowcC House in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. on October 15, 1970, on the appeal of the Northwest�rn District of the Christian aud Missioaary Alliance to relax the density and parking requirements on the property described as follows: The West 100 feet of Lot 3, Block 13, except the North 41.03 feet thereof, and except the 3outh b4.97 feet thereof; and except the West 100 feet thereof, aIl of Lot 3, Block 13; and a11 of vacated Hubbard Avenue accruing to Lot 3, Block 13 and Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, by reasoa of the vacation thereof; and the Noreh 91 feet of Lot 2, Block 16; and all of Lot 3, Block 16, except the North 91 feet thereof and except the West 124 feet thereoF; aced all of Lots 1 and 4, Block 16, College Place East Division. The property is located on the West side� of Hamline Avenue between Hewitt and West �nglewood Avenues. Por further information, contact the Planning Boaxd, Roaa 1010 Co�erce Building, or telephone 223-4151. ?his notice of a public hearing has been sent out fraa the Department of Finance in campliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLSR Conxafasioner of Finance t O ' �����r7 . _ • * , 0 4 BOA�RD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1090 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 October 13, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of the Northwestern District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance to relax the density and parking requirements on property located north of Englewood Avenue between North Albert Street and North Hamline Avenue, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This appeal was first heard by the Board of Zoning on September 3, 1970. At that time it was noted that an error in the legal description accompanying the appeal existed, and also that a determination concerning the necessity to appeal height and setback requirements was pending. Therefore, the Board voted to lay the matter over. The appeal was again heard before the Board of Zoning on September 17, 1970. At that meeting the staff reported that the legal description had been corrected but still involved a plan that proposes residential land use with a higher density than any place in the City outside of downtown, except for' 740 River Drive. The corrected legal description excludes two houses north of vacated Hubbard Avenue which are nearly surrounded by the site. The staff noted that if these lots were included, the resulting density would be comparable to the most dense district of the proposed Zoning Code and to previous appeals granted by the City. The proposed 408 units would represent less than 465 square feet per unit, less than 1/2 the required area. Setbacks on the plan were determined to be adequate but there is yet no plan showing height. The staff reported that according to a Public Works analysis of the sewers in the immediate area, they do not have the capacity to drain the runoff that would be generated by a large apartment complex. However, they would be adequate to handle the type of development indicated by the Comprehensive Plan which is eleven dwelling units per acre. Concerning the parking appeal, the staff reported that the appeal to relax the parking requirements asks for one parking space per 3.4 units. The staff reported that the proposed parking lot surrounds one dwelling on three sides and another on two sides. The staff noted that such gerrymandering of the site could be detrimental to the remaining uses, the proposed use, and to the area. The staff suggested that the 1 1/2-1 required parking ratio should apply since there was no assurance that the project will be an elderly high-rise rather than a regular apartment development. If the use was restricted to the elderly, the staff suggested a rate of one space for every two units, plus one space for each employee. •��--�` "`r�-�.sy„r� -1- l l� O l Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) October 13, 1970 The staff further suggested that the parking lot be depressed several feet and buffered from the adjoining property. The staff also noted that access should be oriented toward Hamline Avenue rather than Albert Street. Mr. Merrill Robinson, representing the St. Paul Association of Communities, appeared and stated' approval of an elderly residence at this site. He stated that area residents are in agreement with the development. Mr. Sullivan, attorney for the appellant, said the development would facilitate a great need in St. Paul. In discussing the density appeal, the Board considered the fact that the appellant has not presented a firm proposal, thus making it difficult for the Board to make a recommendation. The fact that the variances requested are drastic was also considered. The site design, which excludes the two lots adjoining the appellant's property, was discussed. It was noted that more apartments could be built there since they were already zoned "C" Residence. The report from the Public Works Department indicating sewer inadequacy for this proposal was also noted. Listing the vagueness of the proposal and the excessiveness of the requested variance as the reason, the Board moved to reconmiend denial of the density appeal. The motion carried unanimously. In discussing the parking appeal, the Board noted that appeals previously granted for elderly apartment developments: 1) have been less extreme, and 2) have been for projects which were guaranteed to be and to remain housing for the elderly. In view of the excessiveness of the requested variance, a motion was made to recommend denial of the parking relaxation appeal. The motion carried unanimously. Very truly yours, �; �l�C��e%��� ��`/ . ETER J. MAI TA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. ��7030 -2- Harry E. Nlarshall . � �,,, �F, Albert B. Olson City Clerk and � ,�o�' S� Council Recorder Commiss�oner of Registratian �. °� < . � _`9�EC!3"- y ^..__ %� _ .. ^c OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 188 City Hall SE.Paul,Minnesota 55102 July 1�, 1974 ZOA�.IIg BpSPd Co�nerce Bldg. St. Patal Gentlemea: Th� City Coua�cil referred to 90� for r�cba�ndatioa ttie attached appeal of l�orthvestern District of the Christias and l�issionary Allia�nce, for relaxatiar► of den�ity require- ment�e and psrki.ng requirementa on praperty located Aorth of �aglewood Ave, between Albert St. and Hasil.ine Ave., sa mcare 21i1.1y deacribed in the �ttached file� in ee>nnectio�► with constructioa of hc�e��ing for senior citizens tbereon. cr'Y t�Y Y�'8� �� �Lty rk � n6 ZOfVI�G FILE � - '���+� � ULVIN. SIILLIPAN AND SIILLiVAN �p� - Arroaxsxs sr Lsw �/� � 817 CO�[ERCE BIIII.DINQ 8T. P�IIL,1[INNESOT� 66101 T[lvHONt 224•3390 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. 8ULLIVAN �JJ` r� JERROLD J. 8ULLIVAN ��// July 7, 1970 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o St . Paul City Clerk Room 386, City Hall and Courthouse St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re : Zoning appeal to relax area density requirements to four hundred square feet per unit and to relax parking requirements to one parking space per every three and one-half units for the con- . struction of a four hundred eight residence building for senior citizens upon the following described portion of those premi.ses � located in Ramsey County, Minnesota in the subdivision entitled • College Place East Division, the same having heretofore been zoned to "C" residence, - to-wit : The West 100 feet of Lot 3, Block 13, except the North 41.03 feet thereof, and except the South 64.97 feet thereof; and �cept the West 100 feet thereof, all of Lot 3, Block 13; and All of vacated Hubbard Avenue accruing to Lot 3, Block 13 and � Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, by reason of the vacation thereof; and The North 91 feet of Lot 2, Block 16; and All of Lot 3, Block 16, except the North 91 feet thereof and except the West 124 feet thereof; and All of Lots 1 and 4, Block 16 ?0���� � � �- f�E- � � �}'� Gentlemen: The Northwestern Distrie� of the Christian and Missiona�� A1liance, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation, owner of the above ULVIN. �IILLIYAN AND SIILLIPAN � �TTOItN8Y8 �►T IJW 81T CO�tERCE BIIII.DINd 8T. PLIIL,YINNFBOT� b6101 T[LVHONS 224-��Y6 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SULLIVAN premises , for the purpose of constructing a four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens upon said premises, which con- struction will require relaxation of area density requirements to four hundred square feet per unit and relaxation of parking require- ments to one space per every three and one-half units , presents the following information: (A) APPLICANT: The Northwestern District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation by Leo E. Berreth, its President. (B) TEL. N0. : 645 - 4848 (C) LEGAL DESCRIP. : See Above �(D) STREET LOCATION : Located North of Englewood Avenue between Albert Street and Hamline Avenue. (E) PROPOSED USE . Construction of a four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens . (F) PRESENT USE . Last used as dormitory, class rooms, chapel and offices for St. Paul Bible College. (G) PURPOSE OF APPEAL: To construct the said four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens upon an area equal to four hundred square feet per unit, with one parking space per three and one-half residence units . (H) NEID OF APPEAL , This appeal is necessary by reason of City of St. Paul ordinances which r�ire, for the construction of this type building, in a "C" residence classification, zoNtr�� F��E �.. �LVIN. SIILLIPAN AND SIILLIPAN � dTTORNBlS �T IJW 817 COHHEBCE BIIII.DINQ ST. P�IIL,][INNEBOT� 6b101 T[L�MONS 224-3�J96 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. �ULLIVAN one thousand square feet per unit and one parking space per unit . . (I) This appeal is made under St. Paul Ordinances, Legislative Code Chapter 62.01, Section Zoning Code. Construction of a four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens with one hundred twenty outside parking spaces is contemplat- ed as soon as necessary financing arrangements are completed. Such arrangements cannot, however, be completed until a determination is made herein. Accordingly, two site plans drawn to scale and contain- ing the required information, are attached hereto. Also enclosed, please find check for the required filing fee, and application for Special Use Peznnit, to allow the parking installation shown upon the attached site pTans . Very truly yours, � _ ,� ,� ; � �`,, � - ',�I �� / /-�-'t,�� �� �., Jerro d J. livan, Attorney i 'THE NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT OF THE CHRISTIAN ; AND MISSIONARY ALLIANC � BY � � eo E. Berr t , President ZOtUlNG FILE - '��� t _ Harry E. Marshall �,�, �, Albe�# B. Olson City Clerk and ��' �i# �:� Council Recorder ' Commissioner of Reqistration ��`� %. � �:-�;:..,i�T.J ; �s, M1c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS S86 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5S1o� 5ept. 9� 19�4 Zc�aaing Board Co�erce �].dg. St. Pa.nl Gentlemen: The City Caune3.1 referred to �rc� the attac�ed A�D Z��iI�i AP'P�AL o� the lPorthweat�ra 3ii�tr3:ct o� the �hris and l�tssionatry A1liance, Por relax�tion o�' area de�sity reqnire�rents or relaxaticra of parking reqtxire�ents pertaining to propertq lo�ate �orth of Fngle�rood Ave. bet��ea Albert St. and Ha�.l.ine Ave.� a� more f'uily set crat in the appeal. Yery trttly ycurs, � City erk nS ;`;; ..< <_, _ '.`,� �.. . S�P - ���� i CITY PLF,t�fVI;VG 8u��+ZO �� ):31^t r'i!�! n,r(nr,,.�,- � �� � .f i^" ,. , �...°' . � � _. �. � � `� '� " ' -�.Q„� � '�- �. ..: . ' e .J� � � ' � � FILED ' ' ' r �, �`i� � =1: Uzvix, SIIZi.ivAx Axn SIIZr.iv�v.� ��t � p; r��_ � ;� t.�.� �. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 817 COMMCRCE BUILDIN(} ���'� � '^ �~ ��F�G G Cii I � r;_•_„� J .��1�. ST. PAIIL. MINNE30TA 3 S 1 Ol �J 1 �'i s U L� <i��` � TELEPHONE 224-3396 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SULLIVAN September 8, 1970 AMENDID ZONING APPEAL The Honorable Ma.yor and City Council c/o St . Paul City Clerk Re: Receipts 916 and 917 Room 386, City Hall and Courthouse dated July 10, 1970 St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning appeal to relax area density requirements to four hundred s�x+�-�o • square feet per unit and to relax parking requirements to � one parking space per every three and four-tenths units for the con- struction of a four hundred eight residence building for senior citizens upon the following described portion of those premises located in Ramsey County, Minnesota in the subdivision entitled College Place East Division, the same having heretofore been zoned to "C" residence, to-wit : The West 100 feet of Lot 3, Block 13, except the North 41.03 feet thereof, and except the South 64.97 feet thereof; and Except the West 100 feet thereof, all of Lot 3, Block 13 ; and All of vacated Hubbard Avenue accruing to Lot 3, Block 13 and Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, by reason of the vacation thereof; and A11 of Lot 2, Block 16; and u`l` ��� I�ry ��; ;; �{ � i��' Lot 3, Block 16, except the West 124 feet thereof; an$FP :: i��� i All of Lots 1 and 4 Block 16. �+Tr P�'�f��'���`�� ���hD � Sc3tnt Pet!i. Minne��- Gentlemen: The Northwestern District-of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation, owner of the above � _ . _. - :' � ,-._ j _ _, . : _�,.,�t�� , _, - . �' _. , ��a,.�--- � _ , �,�-� � + � ULVIN, SIILLIVAN AND SIILI.IVAN � ATTORrTEY$ AT LAW 817 COMMERCE BIIILDIN(i $T. PAIIL. MINNESOTA b5101 TELE�HONE 224•3396 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SUI.LIVAN JERROLD J. SULLIVAN premises , for the purpose of constructing a four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens upon said premises, which con- struction wi11 require relaxation of area density requirements to four hundred thirty-six square feet per unit and relaication of park- ing requirements to one space per every three and four-tenths units , presents the following information: (A) APPLICANT; The Northwestern District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation by Leo E. Berreth, its President . (B) TEL. N0. : 645 - 4848 (C) LEGAL DESCRIP. : See Above (D) STREET LOCATION : Located North of Englewood Avenue between Albert Street and Hamline Avenue. (E) PROPOSED USE . Construction of a four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens . (F) PRESENT USE . Last used as dormitory, class rooms , chapel and offices for St. Paul Bible College. - L� �� i_� �� :; U � U (G) PURPOS E OF APPEAL: To construct the said four hundred ��,�ht :u,il�,�) residence building for senior citizens up ��,���� � �1 to four hundred thirty-s ix square �i�t� � ��^��th one parking space per three and four=tent s residence units . (H) NEID OF APPEAL , This appeal is necessary by reason of City of���t. Paul ordinances which require, for the construction of this type building, in a "C" residence classificatidn, , � - . � .� _ .� ',� ,� " �.____._. ...� '� , � _ � � ' _' _ � - 7�,�% _ _. � . • . ULVIN, SIILLIVAN AND SIILLIVAN � ATTOItNEYS AT LAW 817 COMMEBCE BIIILDINQ ST. PAIIL. MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPNONE 224-3396 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SULLIVAN one thousand square feet per unit and one parking space per unit . (I) This appeal is made under St . Paul Ordinances , Legislative Code Chapter 62.01, Section Zoning Code. Construction of a four hundred eight unit residence building for senior citizens with one hundred twenty outside parking spaces is contemplat- ed as soon as necessary financing arrangements are completed. Such arrangements cannot, however, be completed until a determination is made herein. Accordingly, two site plans drawn to scale and contain- ing the required informa.tion, are attached hereto, the required set back lines being shown thereon. The height of the building walls shall be fifty-four feet to the roof. Also enclosed, please find check for the required filing fee, and application for Special Use Permit, to allow the parking installation shown upon the attached site plans . Ve truly yours �� %� � � .� �� � ' � � - �_ �' ' Je rold , an, Attorney � � U4� �'� ���� � �3 . . a ��, 'Vd � :+ .._� _, J ( ��j r �' M �''�� I.: � ClTY pLAiV�1i6��JC ��t�t�D �i"t P��!` i^.9i•���.:..- � . . r . . _� _ _�;�' �• '� -V+���� � . _� - y:_ __. . - --- •.-, - . . . . i 0 � aF��vr ���-- '� �.�'�'����'�'' S�r g 3 0� �� �.�� . WG����a��-� crrY a���x�s oF��c� _ ;;,"` G : : ..- > • ;, ST �AUL,MiNN:. � �. . ULVIN, "SIILLIVAIIT AND 'V IIW.IPA.N;. _ 4q � �2� A�roxx�s sT Lsw ` ° � Q �� $17 COMMERCE BUILDINO � � �� 9T. PAUL. MINNB80TA b5101 J — � � � .�� . . . TBLEPNONE 224:3398 - � . . . � � . . V� t �s ,n � 4�1.'R�SLIE ULVIN � F�7'RICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SUI.LIVAN p�st�r�, fe��s t�a pq�re �f �t��i�'�t �f�►� h+wrd�rd si�t m�t s�si�is�te �,idi�g !�s se�,�t Qit�,�rs e�o�ar u�►d pr+�r�, +w�3��t �s�- , strnot�aa �r�,li �wt�ace r�l�a�ic� a� $rsa �i�sieY rw��ir�t� to loar hv�dr� �I►��cty�►r i�c •qwt�rre i�+e�t pe� m�d;t ,�d xe LNratf+�an o! pa�'k• �8 r+q�ra�,r � enu • p�es�� �t ��►t �' r'°`r '�r�r'r�r tlu�w ar�t �s��a �tr' , �+or�t� tni�o�ctrt�ie�t s �►} ��CAi�T; 'i'Mrr' li���rait��nt �iatxiat �►f t�r t��.ttisn +u� �t+�it�r�r Jlli�aro�, a �a�s 1�*��fiti Cosp�or'r�ttioa �jr '�E+ E. �rtk, it�r 1►r+�rid�c►t: � ��� �'�I.: �10. : d!�� � 4�4r�t Ec) �z D�Bt'�P. : 1�a� l�� � �►� �'�'� , IACAr� t Ltf�s��$ l�s`�l� vf ��,a�owt A�a �ratx�te�t Alb�es� ��stitt aa�t Baal�s 1ve�s: : ��� ��� ; �E s C�it�tic�t oi� a l�oux �d�wi u�C �a�d;t r�ai�c� 1w�3di� !o� ��io�c �t�,��t�: �!3 �� �; - _ �� t Lr�t �ari u do�cLt�►; al�ra ��r�e ���+� ol�ia i�o� S�. Fsal �f.��� �lle�e. tt�) ��t SEP �� ��;'�� ct�r � �!� At!lGAL: To �o�sstrnct th� sai8 l�e�ar �+�F����n��Qr�s�dar�te b�il�di�ig for ��aior citise�s up� a� ,ts�ea �sqnal to i�an� �dr�ed �i�i�y-rix sqa�ar� �laet �r m�.t, rit11� � Ps�� �Pice p�r t��a� and #�nr�tairl�u �ii�aa� �ti�►. �� X� �� t!plS�iL s Z"�ir sppaa�ic��aa e b�r reasoa of Ctt� of�aBt. Pa�1 i�raa requir � !pr tha ac�s��,raria� of tki�r' t�► b�,ldi�tg, t� a "Cn reaideaee �Lu�ii`�,c�a�Z, r ._� �_ �.� -�.A.. -- � , � �, ,,� � � ,� � ,�, � � '� ��� � � n ;, � , , � ' �-� ,�, Q .,.�. ... �4�.. .��.. � ..�.� . � ., . . � � � .� �. . �'l..�� . . � . - . .:: _ `` . . -, _ , . . �LVIN, �IILLIVAN AND �SIILLIV�IIT . ATTO8N7;Y8- AT LAW 817 CObIME$CE BIIILDING} . 9T. PAIIL,MINNS80TA SS101 . Te�PHONB 224.3398 WM. I,ESLIH ULVtN PATRICK F. SUI.:L(VAN JERROLD J. SULLIYAN �e]��t �� �.��� A�D� ��I� APPZAL 7� fl+�ios�ble I�iy�di a� : Cit7 �il � aJo S�. l�an1 �it�r C2�sk ae s R�ceipt�r �I�i �d �1� �Oa�t 38b. Cit� �t 11 s�,d Covrt�►ow�e �t�d .�t�i► �t�, 1#70 �t. P�wl, M#�eaevta SS10� , �i� Zvalst spp��sl tc� raUnc. ar+�a d�auiey s�eq�ise�sts �o #� �te� s%�X�y-�ow��s�a� i+�e� �� m�t �d to rel�nt �rkir� �c�a4�,i��ts to � �te p�t�tin� �p�e � �ve�r'thru a�rd fou�'�►t�r u�d,�a fe�s t�r eo�� .�tts�c�#,os oi a i�� �syd si,�t `re�i��s� '�►L�#� �+r� sa�or aitisa�s �pc� i�ue fa►21�r#,�,�, 8�e�r�l�d p�rtios of 't�oas p�r�►� loaatad i�t 8aase�► Co�►tf, IN�Qta irt E#w ��riivia�v� �tiCl+at Co11s�,s F�,+�ee; �na t D�►vi.e i�o�, ti� aac�rs hat�i�tg hsra��#a�e 'b�e�aai, � t1'i �rC�� =ei��t� �o*��.0: , '�! �1l8t �.� ��4lC tf� L4t �� ��,t�ik �* �7C13+�pC t�� �1'�'�"' ��.+� ��ltf: t�ts�el, a�d s�raspt � S+� b4.9? fest thsr�uf; � �ca�q►� tli i�t i@0 �'i�t tlurr�rof, all of �t �� : s�k �.:!f at�d All e►� va�sat+�d �bs�ri A� sa�r� to Let 3, �lo�l� 1� �d �r 1 aa�i R, Bie� lb, A' r�s� ot t�ae traeat�.aa t►h��ceo#; �rtd Ali af Lot Z, B3�c' �►6► +� _ Lot '�. Blc�k 16, ��c+c�pt ��`°i�est i24 �feet �har+�l; a�t � L � � u � U Al2 s� Lota 1 a�td �►, `Hlock 1l�. .� SEP � 'i�;` 6�rtlr�en: CITY PLAiVNING BOA.RD , -- . . Saint Pa!rl, Minne�- T'he 1�+o�z�n�es�►rn Di+�►t�i.�ait�.Of �� t'" s��i�a a�mW Mi,�t�ia�+tx�y All�e s a M�aaitoa�ta �•B�s��it Co=p�►rati+c�,; a�ue�t of the a�ova , : , . , ; � r � , ..� �'e..�..�..��:.� ' � , � '�.� F� F � � � �,,,: r � . .-. y,, : . � 4 �� !�d � , �� r�' ...�_.�'� � � : a-,;-a � �-..--� _...- _ . .._.,-- .�_ _...,._,s...----,-=-,J . . � . . . . . , . . . . Ti�.r[l . . . . .. . . . . .. � �•_ .-�.r� � . . . � .. . . .. � . �. �� ., .. . ' . - � . ULYIIIT, SIILLIYAN AND SIILI.IPAN , ATxoxNSr$ sx LAw • 817 COMMERCE BIIII.DINO , 9T. PAIIL,MINNE&OTA b6101 � � TfiLfiPFJONE 224-3398 � WM. LE8LIE U1.VIt� PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SUL.LIVAN. OA# L�t�li�t1� t�t1t'1`+! �li� ��' 1tR�.t � �'R! �� ��Qe ' Q�� 1'���• �=S T�ii �at �.�I r� �r 8�. Pasil �1l+d#,s�wr� Lt�s�ttiY+t` +�od! : �utp�as ���.t#i, S�tie�t �� Cdd�. �aas�ruv�las� +af a #o�r �ds�d e#,;ht �,t r+a�,+��oaE �id#�g �CS� s�,a�: �it'ls`� �i�t�t a� ll�r�wd twat� +o��i�a ,�sk�a� ��eaas is r�paEt�►lat� ed as soo� �� ne�ae��ra�`7' lia�t� a:'r`�q�y�t�. +�r�r•a+�p1eC�l. awoh ar�r��� ort�rt„ �r, � ec�apletad m��til s. �l+r����eui►t�a�t !s 3■rtd�r it��ii. Ae�ord���r, t�+p �ite pla� dra� �a ��rl� +�d �ta3�t- i�� �� a�n�,s� i�idza�a�f�� are �att�a �rrto, >�r ra��is�+i a� baa� 1� iia� ��t tfurr�a. 'T'h� �s�i�� ot ,�� brild� �ral�s sl�il � �i��*g�r �mm�t ,�o C�`'s�f. . ; _._ f Al�� ne�loir�d, pl�ar� li�i �ie fe�►r ��e s�sqt�ia;+at �il� �es, s�d s�,plicatie� !a� Sp�oisl �i�• Fe�it, to �1�aM' `t�as P��k�,�rt;:�s��lla�ivr slrvrrt u� ttis a�f+�d �it� .p�t. �: . - "�a�r t�1�r �rv�trs, ,.. = � t1 ' �� ��li � i � � (� � j u � ll ' SEP 9 i9?� ; CITY PlAtV1VING BOARD Sain# Pa«I, Minne�- �� — --��t: i_ ��`.`�""""'_"°_,--�--�...a:,_ i._ .�...,, �;r ,'�.`} ,. q � __.7��� i ' ,i `��' �' � � . , d_� --k., ._ � , ....�,_ • -- �,._ ....,�o,.���:,� � ; i , Harry E. MarshaU �,TY op Alberi� B. Olson City Clerk and ���'�;� Council Recorder - Commiasioner of ReBiatrattion o , � � a � _f13•• aa S� �` M1O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� Sept. 29, 1970 Zoning Boa.rd Commerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council ref�rred to the Zoning Boaxd for reco�¢nendation the attached amended zoning appeal of Northwestern District oF the Christian and Missionary Alliance for relaxation of area density requirements and for relaxation of parking requirements pertaining to property loe�,ted I�orth of Englewood Ave. bet�reen Albert St. and Hamline Ave., as more fully set out in the am�nded appeal. V�xy truly yours, j ��_�� City ��rk �, ng f�r�'�5� '�i�.1�� �t�i,11�� ;.j�` �� A Ir" �,_� F.�.". `� .� !-'. � J J �,J.^� ii � ��,.�� �."'/ .- , � � ` � UL�IN, SULLIVAN AND SIILLIV�N � ATTORNEY$ AT LAW 817 COMMERCE BIIILDIN(� ST. PAIIL. MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONE 224-3396 WM. LESLIE ULVIN p PATRICK F. SULLIVAN SeP�CE�IIlbeL 25 � �77� JERROLD J. SULLIVAN S�CO1V�? At�I�IDED ZdONING A�'pFAL The Hanorable Miayar and City. Council c/a St. Paul City C1erk Roam 386, City Hall and Caurthouse Re: Receipts 916 and 917 St. Paul, Minnesata SS102 dated July 10, 1970 Re: Zoning appea 1 ta re la.x area densi ty requirements ta f aur h�m.dred sixty-four square feet per unit and to relax parking re- quirements ta ane parking space per every three and four-tenths units far the canstructirm of a faur hundre�, eight residence building far seniar ci.ti�ens upon the fbll�aing described porti�n af those premises located in Ramsey Caunty, Minnesata in the subdivisian en- titled College 1'la.ce �ast Division, the same having heretofore been zaned ta "C" residence, to�wit: The West 100 feet af Lot 3, Blnek 13, except the North 41.03 feet there af, and except the South 7 8.00 f eet thereaf; and Except the West 100 feet thereaf, all of I.at 3, Block 13; and All of vacated Hubbard Avenue accruing ta Lot 3, Block 13 and Lots 1 and 2 , Block 16, by reas�vn of the vacatia� thereof; and Al l af Lot 2, B lnck I6; and Lot 3, Block 16, except the West 124 feet thereof; and �,,11 af Zots 1 and 4, Bl,ock 16 . Gent lemen: The Northwestern District af the Christian and Missianary A,1liance, a Minnesota Non-1'rofit Corpora�rior�, owner of the abave premi.ses , for the purpase of constructing a four hundred eight Lmit residence build3.ng for senior eiti�ens upon said prem�ses, which canstructian will require relaxatian af area density requirements t�n faur hundred sixty-faur square feet per unit and relaxatian af park- ing requirements ta one space per every three and four-tenths units, presents the follawing infarmatian: �.�-, , � � ., n •� ,)�i,:��#� � f � "C,,� �';; ��r ' r ( �:--:;\.� L u i. ,_� � a�� w p .l�..,:_3 � . , � . (A� �,PPLIC$NT: �ie Northwestern Dis�rict af the Christian and - Missianary �,lliance, a I�tinnesota Nan-Profit Carporatian by Irea E. Berreth, its �'resident. (B) TEL. N0. : 645 - 4848 (C) IrEGAL DESCRIP. : See Abave (D) STREET IUC�ATION : Located North of �nglewood ,�venne between Albert Street and Hamline Avenue. (E) PROPOS�D USE . Canstructi� af a faur hundred eight unit residence building for seniar cit�aens . (F) PRESENT USE : La.st used as d�ormitary, class roo�ns, chapel and nffices far St . Paul Bible College. (G) PIAtF05E OF A,PPEAL: Ta canstruct the said four hundred eight unit res idence bui lding f or s eni�or cit izens upon an area equal to fa� hundred sixty-four square feet per unit, with �ane parking spa.ce per three and faur-tenfihs residence units . (H) 1�ED OF ,APPEAL : This appeal is necessary by reaso�n of City of St . Paul ordina.nces which require, for the canstruction �of this type buildi.ng, in a "C" residence classification, one thousand squa.re feet per unit and ane parking s�ace per unit. (I) This appeal is made under St. Pau1 Ordinances, Legislative Cade Chapter 62 .41, Section Zoning Cade. Canstruction ot a four hundred eight unit residence building for s+en:Lor citiaens with ane hundred twenty outside parking spa.ces is crmtempla.ted as saan as necessary financing arrangements are c�npleted. Such arrange- ments cannot, hawever, be completed until. a determination is isa.de herein. �.._}r '•` ► '�_ _�.. _n{ .. . .�_ { . , , .� "� _� � , _ �a.��? � � - _ " 6 _ _.�_ _.._ .... _ __. _.. _.._ . __ _ _. _.. .,,....;,.� . , , • . ' Accordingly, twa site pla.ns drawn ta scale and containing the required information, are attached hereto, the required set back lines being sh�an thereon. The hei�t af the building walls sha.11 be fifty-four feet to the roof. We have previously delivered ta yau the check for the required filin� fee, the site plans, and the application for Specia 1 Use Permit, to a 11ow the parking insta llat ion shawn upon the s ite plans. , Very truly yours, c �b . u v ttorney �- �r� � b _, . . I ,.�. . .. � t F .«^� -'.w i..�� » ���. . ........� . L,..,.._ ,......►-._ .... ... . . _ . � .� / . ' ' , • . . � � ' . � .. .:,.,�./. . ' - . . . � � -( / � . . , � - � i .. . ..n . . . � � �k AND w�LT;Fr,LiV'AN • � � � ,U��! 5��� ; ; � � � ' �: � � A'CTOHNEYB� AT LAW � � i • ,!� f .. . ..! � . / 1 Bi'X COM�ESCE BU�INO `� , . I ,�jNg�BQ'pA:SS101; 8T. P ~ .�� / , - � �rt¢.ePHpwe 2zA.�►39i 1 , �% ' . f ' � ' `. ESLIE ULVtN �� ., X� .�.�' '���� RICK F. SULtlVAN1,� i �� SRROLD J.�SULLIVAN Y � i� __ ' l �oar� �� � �►� ' ' � ' : � � ,, : , ;� , , , � . .ai�5�. �� +�a _ !�'#�► �raa�i,l : t : �i.t,�, �a1 �t i���k ; cLt �tt, t�t� ��l�arr� Coa�r�YewE � �s x ��ipt� !1� �►d !� .' P���,� ltLs��r� :��ld� , d�►fc�rd .iul� ia, 1�17ii . ; _ i�t �t�� �t � l.� �iL�. ��a �t `�' ;�rt.i�ls+rrr��a ta !o� �d�si* � #�� ��t p�c #rE a�d t� �rr�t p�rk�rs �- ����ra� ±�.s pi�;� s�+rr� � , t�wr atd loa��:d�,s _ �ri�a �r �#�Mt 'er��4��+� �. a ��' ha�it� �i� ��id�a�a� b�ili�,� !�r +�#ar �t��� :.� � f oll�rrr � �osil�r� iaa a►t �horr� ho r - p��i�rt t�k� � �t ��t�, ; ��a��t �tt t�adaii�sta� �o» tit1,�.+�o1Zs P� �' ��ti�t�j:�t �► IMrrt� �'+�+p�fo�c� '�t saaird t�► ''�i'��i�1��,. '�-�rit t . � �st it�Q �t � ��. �, aloak �3 a���t t�a �aet� 41�i�� l��wrt �f�s'�►o�. a�d �lrt �t►� �to�h 7�.tIQ �a�� Mws#�;' a�d �Oarpt t� i�tatt i1'�t �s� t�ssod, ;�s11 �►' Le� 3, ��aa�c 1!; aad , All o� �at�d ��d. �►r��r s � � L� �* �los� L3 s� Lsta : 1 a� �, l�laek 'I�, b swur� a����#�w�sr�ttor� �e�`� �i � , All �ri' L+rt �, 11 It�k 1+b; +�ei L� 3, D�Ic id. �anurp� �t �a�,' 3�4 ,#�t t�rrsol� a�i All m! Lot,a 1 a� �, D�t� L6. t�l+�wa s �ba �r�i�a► �3,ri.t�rio � n! � i�i�tlr� ��wd �t�►s��a�ut�► , 4ilL�m+�, a !t#�u�esa�a �t=1'�tol�t C�cp�ata�i�, o�c �rf tlMr aia►w pr�,s�, �'�e ttw� �ep� a! +qr�sts�t�� a !+� �r�+� ���tt a�it a�a�d�aa� �i�� far �aaiac �eitis�nit a� .�+a3wt p�n�s+�t �i+� sa�►r�,��ia� �i� s.+��. �.s�►��r.R�� �.� a�ua�� �r.��E��r � i�o�r' `�� •�St�-l�t aq�srs ��, � asif� �t s��a��aa +�! l�r�* Llt�, �c�i�i�ta �� +� rt � �' l�Mr�r�' tiu�c� �+L �S�t�wt�r +�a�ts„ p�'at+re�t� t� �oll�r�s iaa��tia�s . ; ...�. �:,::�a..:.� _:.....,� :. ,._.�.._�__��_; _ E - , .. � r,; 3 � }� ,(` , � � ���' S�'��i'� rfi'`,� `�'� . ��,��L� �0�� � Y : .. ' . ` '• °. �LViN, S'QLLIV�N AND S'�7LLIVi�iN " . Ax�ro�YS Ax Law : 817 COMME$CE BIIILDINft ST. PAIIL.MINNESOTA 5 S 10� TE�PHONe 224-3398 WM. LESLIE UL�fIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SULLNAN tA� �Pl►LIC�A�F: �rs #1qrt�nr.�rC�a ��sta�#,�c� aE' �S �is�� atit Aii���� ����" +� ��+� �w����► C�aep�atatim � �ss-�. lrr�#yrt�►,, i�s 1�lc����� �') 1'�L. N0. t i4� - +4�►$ (�i) L&4AL 1�t�iP. : lla� llbe� � �) �� L��IE�! x Laeat�rd �th o! En;�ro0dr Aw�a�� �►� A,l�a�� �s+�t a�d Hri#�� J1ro��ai. ts� P�C►P48l�' Ue� s Ca��rnati�dt at ,s ;�o�ac lme�d�'�i •i�►t m�t� s�ssid�o+e bni�di�� ��ar a�aimr �ttiss�. �) �ltE�t�'!' U� s Lait t�s�t u d�it o�+uN►s so�t, obap�l �q�t al�i�� toNC �. �'ita��bl�r �Ctoil��. a E�) ��►� t�' A�FEALt �a a�a�rt�nst tbs u�! lo�c l�i�vri si�t �it s�ai� tiaiL�b�i�� ;Ear a�ipe a�ti��r � sm �ar�a �nal �it� os� �� ���� � �rd femr�tlur r��id� aai+�. fa� � � APi�"�L s �i� rtpp�s 1 ;ts �iraacy b�`sssae� r�i Cit�► a!' �. Pa�ul er�di�s �i�b a�q�ei�c`, te�r t1a� o�ts�ti,��dt o! �is �y►p� �ni�dtn;�, � a `� ��sid�� �a�as�iti+a�tta�, o�ar t�wss�d aqwe�e �t p�t �it ��i �r parki� ��S pts mi�. (I� T4►i,r appwtl ir � �r $�. �#i t�+di�aa�,� Lt�itL��iw C.edt �ap�e� 6�.41, i�t�.a� Lars� Co�rt. Caauttsu�e�taa a! �r tom� ��►d �i�►t �a►it rrr�i�d�n�aM► b�ri�di.� �sa� ��iae �iti�►n�r Mit�t a��► �unda�csd t�r�ty oa�a�t �ayrk�i •�a�r is o���aP�st�i a� �o� �s �a�►sasay l�a�ia� arsa�nts s� e�e�pLrt�. � - wa�t• �o�. bow►�nt, �r oa�p�� ��1 a d�r�s��tia� #r ,Mad� �aac� r_.:_: , .� ��. ..._, �...._ . ...�_ . _ _ ._._._._ ..�.� �, - �.. f � F , : _ ,._ ,. �-_� ) ' ti � ; � ;'�' ' I}`� (��; �;l.� � '�; — �� E _..o.. _ _, _ . _ _ .�.. _. —-_.�.._ _�._..._._..o..J S �� . � . • � ' ULVIN, SIILLIVAN AND ►SULLIPAN + ' Ax�roxx�YS AT Lnw 817 COMMERCE BIIILDIN(i 9T. PAIIL, MINNE80TA SS101 . TELEPHONE 224-3396 WM. LESLIE ULYIN PATRICK F. 9ULLIVAN JBRROL.D J. SULLIVAN - Aa4t�cdi� 1*, tNO ait�► p�� d� ta �alr a�d ea�tai�ni� �r r�quir� t,ml�aat�oa, ar+� at�ta+�#�td her�te, t�a r�qui�c�d r�t back lia�e�s hati n* �hpra t b a e s�on. �; 1��� o i t� bu��,i d t n� �a�i l„s i l��l �►e f i tty-few�c lrst to � soo�. Wi T�atv� pac�evioe�sl�r deli.v�sad t� y►ou t�r at�cl� �oE t� r��sitrd filin #�e, t� •it� lau�, ,ard t�ue appiiaatian ��aac Sp�ial �r� Ftsaft, to i u a 21wr tht par � i�sta-1]rat ia�c� stun�c► upaa �!u ���t� plattr. ,,V� �1� yau��� i �` , 1 ,'' /,` . ,,, r, o . , ��"�'M��► i �� J ' _ �_ ', �n r[. ` , . ���_ i I )" �' ', �`.', �' '��. . �'' - �: I � _�--; 'r_ __ _ -_-•_ .t-._ . _ .__-- . _ . _ . ._ . __.�� I�iINUTES OR THE PUBLIG HEAPZAtG BEFOIi.E TSE BOARD OF Z�VING on Thursday, September 3� Z9?O$ ae 2:OU P,�Z, PR�SENT: Messrse Au►es' DoodY9 Gad�.er, ricP?re1i�, and Mansur af tihe Board� and Mr, Sarez�sc� �nd Mrse Fr�ttczen of tihe staffa , N6RTIiWLST� DISZ'RICT OF 1"HE CHItISTIAN AND A2�SSI�]ARY ALLIANCE: An appe�l. to relax rhe deasity and parkin; requireme�ats oa pxoger�� Iocatied nos�:h vf Engle�Tooc?� Avenue be�weea North Aibert Street and Idorth Hamline Aveuueo Mro Sorenson stmamsrized the staf� �epa�t, a part of the f31e, no�ittg �hat the City Couacil rezoaed this pro�perty from E9B" ro '�C" P.esidence on Ju2y I1, 19T�o The propasal is �o co�struc� a �•08-un.it settior-citizeu residence, with :�ZQ a�c�ssory off-street parking spaeesa Tiz� building will be six stories Iaighe P'or �:he prvposed case �he Zoning Code requises an area of 4�48p000 square feet and 612 accessory off-stx�eet parl�ing spaces, Therefore9 �hs deusity var.ia:nce x�epxeseats over 24�,t�t�0 s�ua�re fee� sr 61%, and �he aff•s��eet parleing vaxiancc renresen�ts 492 spaces or 80�'�0. t�ro Sorenson aoi:ed, haweverx ttiat tfia� appe�Zant�s le�a,1 de�crip�ioa is ia erzors which may chaage these f�.�u�es canside�ably. �he si2:e as described ecrosi�ts of 159,9�3a� squa�� feet �it'rz �-roffita;es t-otalin� abo�a� �o-t'Ka fee� on Noreh Hamiine Aven�e, 306 fe�t an �gle�wood Avene�e, aad x�6 feet an Noxt�h A�6ert S�reet, He taoted that this ar�a is �ot couaistent w9.�h that proposed by the peadi.n� off•street parking permit appli.ca�fdn. The eatirs area south of Fierce Bu�les Route is zm�ed °'B" F�esideace wft� tche exteptio�a of tliree ca�:raers of t�e Ha�lin� ax�.d West rRiz�nehaha Avenue iater- sectio� which az�s za�n�d Com�e�ci��o The �ostihwes� portion of the subject site is accupied by Iam�-�den�i�y residential s��ucturesA arAd ,ti:, P�ui Bible College its�Ifo In conclusion, Mro �oxenson said tlae l��aa dc�sc�ipt�.on musC be chaag�ed to coafoxm to the cox�ect ar�a, Prop�x rnoti�icatioa of area x�siaiemts may not have beea girrea bec�.use of th�.s factiar4 2'here is a de�ermi�aatian fro�a the Building Department pe.n�iaakg �n �:h� poss:�b�.e �eed for setback a�sd he3.�h� agpealso The de�as�.ty ap�+�al skaoaa�.� �e a�eaded to allvra for a more reasan� able amount; tihis is ��sidPra�;�y mor� dense than ai►y other resider�tial deveiopm�et, eld�rl$T o� otiher�ise outsirle o� the docax�Lv�u a�eaa The �a�kiug groposa}. does not mee� �tamdardss anc� reco�ds sho�w thaC for pu:blic �1derly housing, t�:e average parkf�g �rovided a�� pu��.ic elderly is aore than �ha� is proposed for this deve�.ogmen�, Parkia� �hou�d 1�e pravided at t�ie xate of a� least 1 space for each 2 �rel�ir�6 uni.�so iZ�� Soueasan stated tYaat the �rem cguestec� vari�czy wi1l be de��iattsa�t��, tisa the ar�� �.�� will �et aa un��r��rable -3- P10RT�lESTERN DZSTRY�� 0�' THE GHR�STZAI�T ANA r�SSIf1�TARX AI�LIANCE ��I31�o> (co�ta.) pxeceder�to He su�gea�ed tihat tihis appea2 be l�zid a�rer� iet order ta re�eive a detexmination from the Building De�,artment �td clarificatioa of the Iegal de�crigtion, Mrc, �1mes aoted that hi3 dega�rtme�.t has not bad Cime to report on thi� matter as yeto Attorne�r fo� the appellan� way Jerro:£d Su�.l�van9 who noted that the l.egal de�cziptic�, when correctedr r�ill chaa�e the squaxe footage9 thus alt�ring the density and pazlcina space va�iancesa He staLea that the le�al descrip- t•ioa� should �ncle�de aXl a� Lot 2, B1ock 26, Colleg�; P1ace East Divisioa�o Mxo Sorenson aoted that caith tni.s ci�aa�e, the �i�e is different £xar.► the siee p9.an submitted to the sta�fe Se staLed i� is s�ha� tPgeriymandered61 e Mr, Su�livaa no�ed �ha� whea the site was before the Za�tiaz� Board for the rezonin; of the praperty, t�ey c�ea�ed tchat the develapmeet� wauld iaclnde about 406 u�.its� wh�.c� is only 2 Yess thaaa the proposal arntaro in rega�d to seniar citizea housi��� Mr� Maasur questiaa�ed the ��eitzmaa TurnmKey p�o��c�e Mr, Ames said a�.ffere�asc pres�ects vaay; in �o�e cases, the square foota�e pe�c ��p3rtmeat unit is 5t�4, t�hi.le ia o�hers i� is as much as 1000 square f�ei-e l��t, McPartlin r�tortied thexe is no assur�nnee in this pragosals a�d £eel.s fhe varia.aces are tmo ex��cesne to coszsider fou SzpgrovaA� I� was z�oted by rir, Su�.livam that other ��.d�gly housing sitesp fina��ed th�ough HUD, ha�e 2Q-25% variaacea ?'he s�bject proposal would have a 39� variaaceg ar a r��ifl of pa�ki�� oxa. a 1-'� �asis.. Mxa McFaxtli� aoted �hat �sxo�ects bui�t an �ti� Pau�. s�eau�.d Yasve to co�sform t;o St„ �a�sl 8��1Ad8�d3q not only those set �p �Sy re3e�ai ha�ssi.ng a�ez�cieso �Ix, So�enson noted �hat �.f the d�x�,si�y iras base� o� eld�rly puh�ic housisz� si�es, �his p�opex��:y� wou�.c� a�.�aw a�.1y 230 uni�s»-�.�t 40II as praposeda With [sp8 it would be moxe d�n5e th� �n.y ather �ev��.opment ia the Cit�F e�scept �or d�aatiswmo iTpon a questio� frc�a Ma:� �adler., Revexex�d T,ea Be�rreth o� St4 P��1 B�b1e College replied tha€: they ca��.d�x' t s�T�. �ti�e land �or 40 y+aarg y a�td the c�2y iateretion �hey hacl in pruposing �'�is de�e3op���.t was �o prov�de a pce]i�ic service for the e�derly citizems of Sto Pau�o Mr, G��i1�r ��mnez�ted that this tirf.Il bec�e a �°sl�arn �f the futur�a°' He ��rtt�sr noted �ha� the variances �.re extr�me, and �h�.� a. re:l:igiaus organi���ir��s �i�ou�d bufid a s�reseture of whi.ch the e�der�.y citizens ca� be {aro�do . �40 NGi.t��ESTP� DIS'I'RI� OF C1dP.ISTI4IN k1�SSI�Tt1RY 11S�I.TAt+TCE (9/31�0� (Coatd,) Accordin; to FHA, rir, Sullivan said the appe3.lattic aaus� build to their specification�, i,e,, apaxtmentc sizeo If oaly 230 tanits saould be possible, it taould be prohibitive cost-wisprs He s�±id i:he FHA plaa for the elderly is so that those peop�e ca�t affard the rents ar�d have �ood, c2ean housin�o Theaxetically, FHA has a I�appy no�sn �ox allo Mro McPastl.in commeuted abot�x �he Aru�3 A�a�;ttimeats oza. Co�icox'dia Avemue; Che fiz�az�.cing company to�.d the c�anea: �hey �i�d ti� have �o maaaq rooms �nd �he size of the raom�, He sicated �ha� �he variaace� far tl�e sub3�ct proposal are roo great, but tha� eve� if the Zos�ing Bourd recommemds denia9., the City C�uncil will aot co�cur, as hapQes�ed foz t�ie rezaa.i.A, of the prc�perCyo Ae ieels tha� fiWe �*ears fx�oma aatier �he City Cou�cil tai11 re��ize what a a�3.st�ke this develop��nt a�ase Mr, Ames sta�ed �here are �oo many loose e�ads for this matter nat�m he s�tggestced that this matter be laid �ver to allo�or his depar�ment time to aaswer the iaquiries o� the plax�tin� staffo In x�egazd to height, 1�Tco au13.i�aa;°� said it wotA�d be 54 fee� �o the roo� a.nd & st�ries h3.gh, Mr, Sc►r�asc� �ot�d tha�t ths Fix�a� Depasr�t �13, ba c��a�tQd to det�emiue erh�ther a�p o���g pae�pegr� cr�a�s� °�si.1Z h�+sre �o be uca�i��ed �o� �hxs appea2 since the Iega� descriptinn has bee� chaa�ed, He ir�qesixed fsom the Board their fee].in�s on propex density ��r this ty�pe of �trus�uree A represeatative frc�u �hV archi�ect's ra�fice fo�x tl�e prc�posal no�ed that min�i�nn reqnixement� have to be me�� �he t�.nits �13. be ��io same as o�hers aroux��l St, Pau� sponsored by �a Tlai� is m�rely a d��Efexex�t federal pxograma Upon a questior� by Piro dlmes, the rep�eseixta�3.ve n��ed �hat the subjec� unite would be avaiiaiale f�r ge�sons 52 years of a�e or olds� assd ear�aing e�,tdeg $5,000 }�err ye��; re�ts wou2d be federa�l� suhs�.diz�do �dos�. resideats taoaald be an Social Secu�ity, Mra Ames noted that �he staff �e�ds so�e ;ae9.�leli.nes tcs fol�.ow in praposals of t�iis type, In reg�rd to th� Codep Mra Gad�l�� asker� t,�hy �he req�c�.�ce��a�ts carr't be m�ta Mro Su�.livan said Sto Pa�z�. 8xb�.� �o1'�e�e t�iec� to �e1� the proper.Cy eo a � safe purchaser9 but cor�4dn°� g�� a a"-air price iEar° �h� �aYxd� T?�ey des�.r�d to puE: tlhe �.and to good use� and decided upc�� the pze5��t propasal as bene�iciaY ta �he neighbor�hoodo They w�t �o taYce as 3.z.tt1� as�� of '�2�eir ch��� txeasury as pQS�ib1�•�that �.s t�v �e�sox� to� f�de��� £u�da.nga At the r�tte o� �OQ cc�its, ihe coa� ot the l�x�d woaz�.d �� arouad $I.���J���04�o Unde� s:heir pr.opasa�.a the �s��t wau�.d be 3aeL-�een $7SCD-$Yd�QO, ..5> NORZ`HWESTERN DISTP.ICT OF THE G'�iItIST7AN A�D MISSI�tARY ALLIANCE (9/3/70) (Contd,) t�s a poit�t ia� favorF Mr, Gadler safd aC Ieast ati tihis lae�tic� the xeoideats o£ the structure wouldn��: be sub�ected to the noise af a freeway as in many ather elderly high�x�ses, Mr, SuYlivan noted that buildings £ar rec�eati�9 diafng, eCca will b� providedo 7.'he uaits �:hemselves wi11 bs either oue- bedroa� ox° ef�icieacy typesa Mr, Ames s�ggested �halt the appe$l�nnt's attoa°�tey speak to so�meoae in the Building Departmetat as to req�irEmea�s f� hci�hic, �tc, Mr� McPartlin x�oted ��aat this p�opasax �siil crawd �he neighborY�ood SOsa�ething ar+�fal"� Reprssentiag the Ha�line Co�ama�n.iCy Assocfa�i� was �2so Merri�l Rabiu�ono trho aoted his own coacera is 5ahethe� the deve�.opment �iRl �e Qconanicaliy feasible and tne ateea�eate develo�aae�� �f this one is �.ot pezmitted. He questicraed rhe faet of risiug cost� in x�l�tia� t� el�eg�.y citiizeus beix�g able to a£fc�xd to live �a this develo�nto fle x�ated there haF beea aa xeal oppasitfon fram rche nei;hhtsorhaod; �he Sti o Pau1 Biixle Ca7�Iege has made every effort to in£orm the .axea �esidents of tl�e prapa�a�,o �ie co�neatea Chat guestis visitin� t�ie deve3.op- men�t' s resides►ts would ueed parkii.zi� p1:�Ges, buti th�� w�ou�.c� probably cause only pro�l�ns only an hoYid�yso He f�e�a eY�is pxoposal meets a very critical need in the entire cos�unity, Mro Sore�nson avted that the psrkiaag lo� applicaClon that gaes al.oag with ehis develop�aent has aot been schedule� Eor Zonin� Eoard hearic�g as yet� The stnf£ has aot received plaas �hat caa� be re�.r�.e�red iz� term� of desigx staadards and detailso He xwted the appls.c�a� apgare�at�.y �.sn'� �a �he poiut whex°e thc�r are ready to co�mit �l�emselves to a cer�aira pl� ua�il they knaw wha� they wi13 be abl.e to doo M�o Sul3ivan asked if Y:Ise appxoval af ��e paxking lat agplicatioa cau3a be subject to prope� p�.a�s bei�ag subm�t�ed to th� s�affo iKro Sorensor� �aid the Zoaiug Board and �ity Cousc�l wi11 ac� cui the ap�seals and the permit �as separate matters, but said tnese cotild be h�ard �he s�rae da�ro Si�e pl�ans for the parking lot axe neededy hawev�r, that i�tclude dimeas�ons su�ka as b�afferae t,nc�e�stops, e�ress, etcr, t��aia the que�tio�, �r�sE about t�ae S�o F°au� ?3i.b�e �ul�ege s�lli�g the p�ope�ty once the develogm�t is coms�ructedo l�iro 3ullivaa noted that i� casaaot be sold for. 40 yea��Q and t�►e martvage c�not �e paid of� before Lhat time periade ILeverend Berreth said the Co�.lege cou�cl Iiave sol�3 fhe 1�and to A��mliae University fos a fooCball fielrl� and this use wc�u�d have ti�ken it oft the �ity's tax �tolls As proposeds t�.�es ww�l� be paia oa ehe Zand even �though it is a aon�prafit or�aa.iza�ionm ��m NOATHIeIEST�RN DYSTR.IG'T OF TYiE CHI`�TS'�TAN AN� MISSI�1AItY ALLIANCE (�/3/7Uj (Contde} Mz, Doody moved for a �.ayover of this appeal uatil Che 5eptember I7, Y970, Zoui�eg Board meeting, The motion �vas secanded by M1ca Mansur9 aad carried uaanimuusly, It was noted that the appel2ant shau�d meet with tihe zoniag staff; also, it was noted th�e �xeax notie�s would not be sent to property ow�aers� unless people appear on the zpll that were noti notified for this meetit�g, becanse of the change in the legal deserip�iono Mr, Gadler asked that �he staff contact the Degarcmez�t of Public Works to see whezher the seet�e�s ia that area can facilita�e such a lar�e nxoject, Folloiwia�g the re�ular meeting, kTra Gadler reque��ed that the staff cor- respo�d c�ith FHA to r�ceive writf�er� confi�ma�ian o� tbeir requiremeats for the St, Paul. I3ib�e College pro�osal and to request �heir atteadaace at the Se�tember �t7, �.970 cons�.deratiaa�o Mxo Ma�asu�� noted that x�� the '�1�.lder Ho�me, parkin� isn°� sueh a prob2e� siace most xesidents do notc amtst. autc�ol�iles, Hawev�r, l+iro Doady fee�s tha� at the Sto �aa� Bib�.e College developme�at, at least 3/4 wi11 pa9sess vehiclesA A�a McEar��,i�n noted that peop�e at t�aa� develapm�ex�t will have more maraeq thaa� ai: oth�x �ypes of elder resi- dences, sin�e t�e annuaZ inaome caxa be as high as $5000, Mr, Doody su�- gested that parking be a�raa�g�d at a 3/4-1 ratiao Im relation� to deasi�y9 M�ca Soreuso�► ques�icx►ed haa the Zoni�g Board feels; other high-rises ha�re f��,a 50U�1OQ0 square fee� per uait, In terms of land area the staff can detea�iae deEes3.�y fot tk�is ysxoposal, �ut a cozrectian of the legal. desc�iptioa wai11 cYaang� tbat muusbero He aoted that o� Albert and F.x�gle��ood �here is a buildi�g that could po$sibly he sald and insCalled with aaa apartm.eant buildinga Subinitted by: ColcmeA 3..a Sorex�son P.obert Lo Ames, Chairman. ..7m . e1INUT�„S OF 's.1��,+° �f3BI:IC I�.EAi2$.�'G BEl�3RF�' `J.��F B(}ARD dF e�O�TFI�?G on 'i'����sdayra Se�+�eanp��� ��, �9��, at Ze�1b Po�ie PRd���l��.`: t�e�s�'�o G.�dlert I�ePar�l���, �iaiet��9 �ad �tzick �a� �e Board, ��.d M�s�rso T��c�rra and Se�rex�scraae �d Mrsa FrA��z��a of Che staf£, A10R�F�i�?S`S��i<i DT��t�aCT £�� T�IE GHI��S`��:AN ANp M�SSxON�,RY ALI,�i1�CEe Aa�a apgeal .�...,_..�..._,a.�.�..�,.�._._.�..._.e�.._....�...�,...�,�..,...,.-- �o relax �e dea�si.�� ar.� p�:rki�� :��g�ixex;a�s��s e� �xoge��y 3.acatced no�� ai E�t,�I�w�vd ?;�aeffiue �er�•reE� 1�oa��Ia �Lb�s� S��ee� �nd I+k►s.��a t�2anliae Avea�aaeo 1`his nas�ter was L�isI av�er �raa� �� S�p��e� 3b 197�, Ztiat��,g Board mee�ing s�x�cr� so ���;�a.y� ic�ms� a_.�c�s xa��aF�cl re�Q�.vi��� �, St�t�:�r�c��e �����d �ii�re are seve��? a�e°a i.�e�s �ac3 �ea s�sa�ari��c� CFie ��a�f�s �egs�r�� He said tlae Citgr �ca�xcil ��ezoue� �,�.e �+�o�e�� �.� J�.�Ly w�.F:�.� Che idea i� c���.d be t�sed £or a �nigh-d�tv�.�� �eside�t��1 s��e fcsx �Y�e eL�3e�.l�o A rugor� �r� �ara�iasioaer S�a;ca�ts.a ff the 1?ep��i;mQ�t c�� l�ssi�l�.r,; WmrTcs aoLes ttz�aoe un asx�P��is of th� se�w- er�s in �he 3.�medf�Le wicf.rra�.�� c�� �i�e proper��r ind�c��es t�ie�° dc� �aat h�ve �..he �ap���.�y' �r► s3raxra �he �r.c�ff �Sa� �u�o�xld be geat���%ed b;� a la�'�� ap�trt- mem� c:ama�Yexv '�e se=,rers ra�€x�.d ��a�e�a'��.y� be �der��aa� �or tYi� �pge of de- �reYapm��.t �x�di�a��d crs� G9iarC 25 of �c� Pi��ni�ag Ba�rd's C�pr�hensi�e Plano Mx, S�sea�s� expL�ained �ha� tl�is ��a�� su�es�s eleven dc�e114.r�g rax�i�s per a�re #c�r �his ar��o �sa �dd�.�f�ca� ?�rro Sare�sa� noS:ed t�iie te�ter re�e�ived f�-� �t�se�a 1�� G�s����s ni�����a� v� �±e �'edesal H�si�sg Admi�i�tr�tic� i� 3lianeEtg�li.sa wi�ic�C f.aad�cated �begr �a�s�e ua racord oi �e pr�pasal ie� eheir offi�ea �T�riances z��qe�esee.�t by �he �gae7.9.a�x� have �� �ee�t ��a�asf.r�esed b�s �he I�ti�,o 7�a.e I.e��e� �mted �Iara� �i �en:�rall� does �� accep� apgli�atia�� f�r sncra�g��2 in,s+!a�an.c� e�s�less �Iae :�c�i� �s v�'op�r fo;: t'he det�el.op�ats aa�d t�iat �b.�y� �a�t �ee�er in�:+��3ec�ed �ii� xe�t���dations uf P'� it� a�a effart �s� trbtaiu �es�c�.es��i�� z�raix�g.� itevl���.xa,� ��ne s��e� �4�a �o��r;s�n �c���ci �iat ��e ��er�s���y f.t�eP� has a eorrectc- ed legsl descrip��.ca�; the si�e na�r ��o�als 1�39g aS0 �,q�are f�e�P or abou� �a tj3 acres, �e ��r�per��9 �.� dev�l.€sped ia a p�oge� u��zuaer�, W��.a te�a s�W sel� �o tlie grctp�as�d �.se as �lderl� �a��sf.�g, as �rell �s �� �ther �e$idential u�€De og �f��iic os s��-p�s�3.ic a�sea �e p�esentQd a si�ce pl�sa �� �h� Bzssrd, arad p�ii�a�ec� cr�aL �ha� ��Ze ��r�te�es� por+��arn c� �he sf�e ea�ls�des tw� �esid- enti��. s��.�»��ares; �ae staff feels �e s�.�� 3.s gerr.ymanriered �ic�x could be de��i���:��., �ae �ro�er�y° Lac�Ce�i ��: �he �or���� cc��x,�r o� I�r� Albert S�r�eC a�d Eragle�w7o¢�d l�veaa�e pres�rs�s � �S�'ca�leuz in �h.�t the pra�st�sai is �o � �aae ��.s �'�sr � Lit���ry ���fld�.�.go �e a:ea cc�u'd i�e inczeased �o ovex 2?_2,f�Q0 sq�a�e fee�<; _Z�ae st��f iee�.s �a� if �my�iza� is �pgroved �Qr �}ais si�em � �i�ig��a���a sho�ld be i�c�.�udeci a�d �pp�ov�d by �k� Cr�rpora�f�n. Ct�uasel zes�ric�i� �1'ae �ro��gty �� tlze gres�m� a�se e� i.x� Che faatu�e ;ta ma�a�sin �t as pnr� �� rhe re�ideze�:ial devele���a� w�.�.��� iaecreasi� tta.e r�.�ar of aaa�i�s, '��.� ����rd ?�o c��aasx�� ��� p��po�ed 43� ��C� ca�Id �epres�u� 4�i� sq�s�re ��et �er exn;itu '�.� num�er af �nlCs �ra�ld be e�arable to �e Cleveland-Frrrd :�ark4ia� �r.1k&ey Pro3�t�a �he Fraa�� �ed Gzn�to ProjPCt, sfnd the 1�ls����I�a Es- t,�tes �LL :4.�clo�dec� 4.� oaae �a�xildi�$o YS� wot�ld be mnre deuse than en;����g �aggide c�� dc�r����� eLci�eriy as� ����rw3.se i� �he Ci�;,� e�ept for 7'�t� Kl.�reA D�i°z��:o `i't�� a�r�r�:�;e s�€:� €o� Ra eLderl� high-�ise �s 675 sc��are �e�� ��X -�� N�R'THWESZ°ERN DISTRICT OF THE �IRZSTIAN AND M�SSIONARY ALL7ANCE (9/1�/70� (Conta� �ait; �he ex��ea�e �rariaa�ce of �his prc►pas�l wauld 1ae dei�rimental Co the residexa�s of tet^.e �x+eaA and E:he Ci�� as � w�tolea '.I�is sitea if ea►larged, to �..n.clx��e t'�e l�l�er�: Strc;�t� ��a�erLf��s coa�Id c°��i�. abmat� 335 u���so Mro Sore�s�rc a��e�i ��Sis wa�sld be comp�rable w#.t.� the aaos� dease dis�ri�t uf �he pxogosec� �c���.x�g c.e�3e ar�d p��vicros appe�als gr�,.�teei bg �he Gieye 7$�e pro- p�se�i sicxa��;�re we�a�d be six s�or�.�s hi$� w�.�h �ra�lLiple wriagso 1l�� staffr �eel� aA aX tercaate �a �his p�topa3al wo�sld b� a Y�shaped b��.ldi.mmg sahich mi.gh� e���d �a 13 s�arfesA b�t� woulc� aase Less grssund space sred be more c��pACto 714�e o�de� me�°s dcr;cc4i�o� �ee�n'� seem to :Ei� 3a� wi�h the aoatem- plat�:c:i dev�les�imet��e `�e�e is s�o �efit�i�� ap�esl oC �he parkiag laC require- mex3�:3» Alra 5osext�tsn said �be t i/2 - 1 req�ai�ed r�t�o shos�I�i �p�ly six�ce there is ac, assesr�a��e �:ha� �he laxa�3 wi�l co���in aa� elderly �igg►-�ise r-ather tiaa� a re�l.ar 60�" Resic3e�ce agarC�e�t dee��lr�pmea�e If the elderl� bigh-sise �as be�il re �he s�a�'� ���Lr� �a�� �z�e s�a�r� far �acEa �wro ��its wa�al,d b� �Qedede pl�ss o�e s�a�� �a� ea�c�i empla�°�LO He presen�ed $ ske�ch of � propo�ed park- ing plau ta Ch� Bcxard� He ssid f�ar�t p�rhaps �tae �psrking shu�ld be depr�ssed oaie or �s� fee�s �x�pe�ty bea�fe�e� aa�d wirh a��cess oriented �� Har�line Ave�ue; In re�ard �co set�iacks� with s�e sugges�ed Y-shaped t�ul2diLx�� tk�e h+�3ght va�ta�icrn may �dt be re�t����do P2ic� MaieC�� �s'kec� th� s�af� �'bo�at Chs ��o ��side�+�es an Nc�r� Albert SSreete �ad wh� ��.s �az�el was included i�, the se��t�iago Mro Sore�sc�a said it was x�cam�mecc��e� that �he g�Ci�ir.�er fn�lx�de �iesee I� r����d ��a �°�e l�i�e� �zou� �i�.e �A, a �cep�r�se�ta�i�e of �he appeLlaa�t �aid thep are a��e�apicizig Co fin��,c� Che pr�;j��� t�arocc�. FH�1, Ua�;Yi the PHA has assura�ce 4-3cae zasiing is �corxec� a�� perrais�ive9 �he�r do not g�� f.a�valved wif:h s pr�xgst�salo At��:�ne� fa� �he appella�ati, Mz� 3e���Ic� SuLlivan9 �ated th�� FHA cariaa.�t cotx- sidex a�yti�ing� ^.�u`f l a p�o�e+�t is p�c�posedo Theq wex�e �ao� qt�o�ix3g FHA at tiae 1ast; �a�i� ��sard �eetiae�--�a�y arely spoke abota� �he �vc��xir���s of ct�khe� d�veiogm�ec�Cs ff.���aced CChrau,� I�, ir� Ste Panlo It was �nta��� b� the other repr.ase►z�a���±e t�at FHA doe�n�� want ta dfc�ate haw e pro,�ect �hottld be dcmeo Zzi. o�her g3wtsje��sa satch as IiUD, 13 percemt of the �xdivid��ls awn 89s�.'OfiO�S�.Le S e l�xo Maiet�a coIIm�ea��d �ha£ si�ce �ais is nat a f�.a7n prapasal, the Brvard does not �a�va e�o�gh iuf�ru��tiora to make a recc�mne�datioao He ao��d that ttie var�.a�ces �°eqwes��d are drastic� �ia co�n�rat was aiso reflec�ed by Mro Gadlero Mro I�aief��� �g�in q�xes�3.oaed the �ao zesidea�es rnn the rezoned ps�aperts►o He felt this ma�► later be a�sed for �t�a�°her���tmex�� buildin�, A rearsset�- �a�iv�: t�f th� apg�llane ta�oter2 t,�at �ae �ade sn ir�spe�c�iog� af ttae pr�perty regardi�ag sewers a�er� took a fix�s�e �nit �c�et� which was alI rig6� for tlee groposed d�vel�pea�,�� Iat regard tcr sewess �s the area, t�r� McPartLi�s again read �e leeter frem Canaaissian.er Spra�kka daC�d September l�g I970a to khe $aard, Mre SQrez�sots noted Chat is the f�sfo�matl� �e sCa£f �as �o rely c+sa fox d�fs�an-uuskiago -7- � .,�,_ .... �)��1t lr ',.l�'�rttv i,��`iAc{?. .a t�; � . ?�: '. ..� 3 ;� r,':� � : i. `'` : i�r�Jx� ;i� Ei!,�.6i�rlla� {�'.��j �+� ,"C�., i�d?°1.S'- 's ,., . , .. e Re�-es��?t.i,±�g tiin S� i?a°��. t�s.,ax '<^-�r�'.rn� �;' :;��z.�u�;ni��;�2, c:��s l�t M��;r.'LII Rt�ia:;°�- . SO�'. f'R'1l SY83�P_Q S�a�S? �}1.7:.�''t^:S t�S.,`">� ,_a:"t:.'? f".;/.Tr��jr' .`'��i'`? � �.,^ff";�!::��...1"=k,[:S .,^yR"'!� 7i1(1P�'F SC3R1C... 's�ea.€'� r��� he �ro�cecs �;��.. �1� r.�s��;ed ':�e is c�dc�.a::ily opg;�=s�d �;o �r��i�z��es �a�€:° in. �his �->�+se, �r� s�=c�Y.�� "s,s:�� �� ��a� sre.a 9.;�:�+d rs+��cr �� �R;;� �Yci�:z-1� xe��,�e��.�:�� Res;�dex,o�°s o� �h� �zre� �t��� ��.�rGra �tnptr np�i.f�.r��t��a c�� ��� �Sra��c�sal, ar�c3 s�ib- sc�q�:je�2�1�% a�e in ������►.�° t:zs d:tae d�s��l4�:�����:.. 2�(x�, Gadt�t° zs.e��;eci €-��� �����I� �e ;� g�sc��? ���c� �,��:�:., �£ t�a.� >>ax�.a�zo,c�s �t�� �sd� 4.�d�: R.e's���e€�.c? I.eO �£r�°e�;r�. =�r; �'�„� t��; ?�;�r- �a'hS` �� �°raA� e=�?!tf�:JS i`:��,1'�u fi�,�'ve i�eeLB �`�SIE�sT'�SQ"$�C'.G 3�i1�!��i i_�taP_ ��iF: z��' .,cF.�� �.;:: ic -�:'� z� C��3�t?k:�3�'.�F>� �i"��49K��. t7� ;'�° Sff�:C�� `Li':. $S c"$. �7�L�1xx.�' Sk'k'alBt:7�. �d3'" �?%li�t3.�:.3X?"^C� {:�3�'.C.d'�'� �:!:� �l.��F"-':! f��'f->�A�'���7Ga` ��'e;ft���� �'tl.� ,�O�S., 9.r1 �"d..'�i�l'.':d ?`r„-z �s� ��$F'%�'�r'?�.� �'ie'C?�O..a^L 75�� �'�'L� �ry>?�.j.dltt�,_ �;'.C� s��c� �he �Q��ege �k�nz��3 �l�c: �}��z���:r�r�a°s a.,_ �,r�r�l.c��' �: e�.e�d �i :��:.�z��ses i�t �2��l�� l�'jIP. �.,� ��;fA�Y.?:i G:' ����t:�'��°a,3i +"7' :3i� i�3'�;£-` _`"l.a�;n .i�.=i.;l�.Cs �;° L,?",°ri,�� 8 t'�.i3P� ��:'�� Mr:, S�tl_'f:van said e��ae �� �t�� �'e�� �a�°r'e�~� �c�� ���has� o� t��e a.a�d ca�s b�s� HamF.ine LTniversi�:y tics �,xse �he si�e �'o� a �x.or��baLi ffeldo Rethe� �ha� lek; Che properC3v be a�sea � that naannex$ the S�� Pa�l Bible College de�ided �o ba�ild a high-rise £�or the eLderly to faciLitate a great nee� ix� S�, Paul, People in this buflding wil.1 be 62 �ears of age aad oldero �e majorit� will be widawso He noCed �hat a �ew storm sewer that is planned for the an°er� will b�e sble tc� a����.ea:date 3a300 per���.e; �:,�.eze�v�eQ 40� ��1.�� as px��� gosed for �his dev�lap�ne�c� wc�aald na� affe�t �hiso As far as �he L�$al d�^s- �r�.p�i��, he asked �h�8; at�e a���.dm�� be made; �,his crh��a,�e `.�a� i��AS�pora�:�d in�o �h� f f Y.e�. X.t'.A YB���CI ii�d9 44'1� '1'!.'YT^�"t.�;j?. 7c3?:'7.F".le:'�=`� �`tX'.� ��._f�r ,��,'l:;:3 z;���f� ��R.`.'" �S!R,�.c3�. @;� $t"9E? <'s ;;?E"8�.; SBflf'.��.?'.1.� k'.I1�iF� �?'(FL'! E��'.i •`�3�9', ti:.�l�? ;_ ,�� �` 1#�-`°./SEa � �?6_' i.i.'.C�?.� �';1�c? :i;!�'�.K3��,CP.r'a �ait�k�! f?a;. �'�"`v��tTG S�.Ft.��' '_�°2C-?�f'� ��°i%FS(T �H? e;,s;'.r"- .�„�1�^� it�t�t`n r.:�rt ? R `�1=- 4. �1Y!' ?;;? �":?t?�� . • ,.. - . . . � . <-.;, ��1� �"s�4`; !.�.�'=2 �`" . �:3�:._ x'C"t;? �'c:,�'P:�' �% .: �i:t�iZ ;a' ,.,a� „t��� sa:w.. �«� i'�i` �.��2e��ti>_�" ;t4' ��tca�fez�4��ra�.�::��.��*��.;J��, �1$'0 �i�C�s's�'�` 1?:e`v`C.'<s ��?k' C��';�sv3S. t:�� x`�.C. �_s'?;�,�' :`� d�a s:r�'� ? C' ! . 5�.1�#d",ir �`�i4� ,f L�a�i:: �'�' ��i ^ . ��. -,�� . , �i-i l ��X � i _ . . .�_ �>� C}.�.`d:_ '::f.s. 1.!' . �'"t;aH p.f;}??. :�.� ..,.a. ....^�e.:?4�'�.t. .t . :.x? �y.. ?Y,1!�� . �. �rv s,��s3 ].mOk*51'4', �J`.�.�D�'I.4.1.�':j i3��'.' �,d.?±C>'��t:� ?.. . �' �.«.. ....��,{�,?'; i��.1�:?�'i' '. .�1�`?', ... . .°.?�:�.xstSe'.* w�� ULVIN, SULLIVAN AND �ULLIVAN ATTORNEY9 AT LAW - 817 COMM�RCE BUILDINO 9T. PAIIL. MINNESOTA 58101 TELEPHONE 22s1-3398 WM. LESI.IE ULVIN �n� p���x„ ,ry� 1 A�p1 PATRICK F. SULLIVAN k� ��w� (r � .L7 V JERROLD J. SULLIVAN sr�a�w ���v ��z� ,������ �'he Hanarable M+�yor u�d City Co�meil c/o St. Faul C���► ��r� Ra�, ,3�;�, ��,�� ��,I and �aurthouse �e t ���i�st� 916 and 9I7 �t. Pa�u2, �Tiu��a�� 55102 ��ed July Z0, 1970 Re: Zr�3.ng aype�i t�► ze 1a�c �:r+e� c�e�as���y require�nts to f our huaodre� si.�ty-�ac� syuare ���C per un3.t �nd ts r�l�a.x parking re- quirements �v ane �►sr��g �cpeee �,er �v�ry th�ee and €o�ur-tenth� uafts grrr t� +�ra�n:e��rra�tiAn a� � four hu�t.dre�3 e��tt� ��:,�id�nce buiiding for �seaaivr �itis+�n� upan t3�e falla�ing +de:ac:a��b�d ps��tic�n nf tho�e premi�es ioc�t�d ir� Ra�sey Caemty, Miarr+esa�� � the subdivisisan en- ti�led College Place East Divis��t, t� sa:a�e having f�e�cetofare b�an �s�ned ta "C" reaidea�e, to-wi�: The West ZG10 f+�et a�� �t 3, Blflck 1.3, except t�ue North �1,U3 fee� thereof, ar�d �a��ept �h� Sauth 78.40 i�et t�h+�r�evf; er�d Lxcept the Weat X40 feet thereof, all� o� Lc� 3, �lvck 13; 8�ad AZ1 af v,�cated Hubbard A;v�nwe ac+�ruing to Lot 3, Blxk �.3 �d �ots 1 ar�d 2, B2ock 16, by ��a��, nf th� wa�atian ther�aa£; and Al l of Lat 2, �lac�c US; snd 3.at 3, Block lb, �ccept the �eet ].24 ��e�t ther�ai:; and !11 nf Lots 1 and 4, 8�c�c1� �6. Gent temen: �'he Ne�rtiawesceana► District of th� Ch�ist3.�. and I�i�aia��r9 A]�lia�ce, a Mix►nesot� N�-P�ro�i� Corpo��tinn, vw►ner of tl�e above paremises, far the g�p�� flf c��truc�iag a four hundr�d �3.ght �nit residen.ce building �� �eniarr cfti�ens upon �ai�d pacem�.ss�, ^�h�.ch coa�tru�ti,vr► �i21 r�qu�.r� reLaxati�o�n of are8 ��r�it�- req�ir+�s�r.ts tv �'our hundred si.�ct�-fa�r sq�are feet per unit an�i r��xatio� of park- i�g reqt�iremants to a�e spnc� pear eve�rp three� and four-teuths untts, �zesent� the �allawf.�cg infos�ma�ivn« ,,._ . � .�. ... , _ � _.. __ �__.__ . , r �� j . 'P. .'. . � . t. ��t� : , � �. •� � � .. .-r. � ... , . . . '� . � . .... � UI.VIN, SULLIYAN AND SULLivAN ATTORN'�YS AT LAW 817 COMM�RCE BUILDING} 9T. PAUL, MINN�80TA 55101 TELEPHONE 22A�-3398 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SULLIVqN (A� AFPLIC�9,i�'�; The �Iorthwest�m �istrict of �hQ Christien �nd I�i:sinna�y ,�1].ian�e, a Minne�ota Non-P�ofit Caaaacporetioa by Leo l�. Berr�th, ita Paeei.d�nt. (B} 3'EL. N4. � 645 - 4848 (�C) I�GAL DE SC•►R I P. : Se� „ALb ovrr (D) STREET LC)CATZON « L�aeat�d North af Engl.�wood AWez�e�� b�tween Albert Str�et and H�ml�.n� Aver►ue. �E) PRAPOS�D US� : Conat�uatian af s� four hundred +ei�ht unf�t residence bui�di�ng �or ��niar citi�ena . (F) PRESENT U�E : Ias� used as darm�.t�ary, ela�ss arocac�, chapel 8nd of�ices for �t . Faul Bible Coll�ge. (G) Pi�t.PQ5E UF AF�EAL: x,� cr�n�trucC the said foar Iwnd�c�d eight e�n,i� re�iden�e b�►�.7.di�� f c� s eniar cit i:an� upan �n �re� e�q�s1. to four 1^�uu�a��d �fxty���ua� �qu�re feet per unit, with r�e p�ricing spnce per three ar►d faur-tenths re�id�nca tas�.ts. (H) NE�D OF APPE�L : Z"hi� a�ppe�a►1 ia nece��ary by reasora af Citp af St . Paul trrdinences Whis�h req�sir�, �trr �he aana�rueti,on af thi� type bui�.di�g, in a ►►C" residence e18��if�.�atian, ane� thouaand �qu�re �ee� per unxt and vne parking a��ee �ez u�i�. �I) T�f� app�eai f.s ;i��t� u�ic�er St. l�ul {?tdir�ances, L+�gial.a.tiv+� �ode Chagtez 62 .Ui, Seati� Zoning Cod�. Canstruat�.�n o£ u �our hundred eight waf.t res3.der�� building �oar s+Cniar citisens with oae ht�dx�d ttaa�,tq autside p�..a�1��� tspn��s �,r ����ang�ted 8� so�r► �as z��ceas�ry finaancing arrang�meri�� ax� c�g7.�terl• St7C�1 arr$n - r�ents aannat, ho�wever, be cample��d ut�til a det�r�.�n��i� ia ma:d+e her�: .., . .-.♦ r.•' ' � �__ 'i.. ,.. :,���,,,,�r� i� . i,_. .. .. __ ... _, .__. . ,.. .. .. UI.VIN, �ULLIVAN r'1.ND SUI.LIVAN ATTORNEY3 AT LAW 817 COMMERCE BUILDIN(? 9T. PAUL. MINNE80TA 55101 TELEPHONE 2,24-9396 WM. LESLIE ULVIN PATRICK F. SULLIVAN JERROLD J. SULLIVAN �:c��rr�t�ngly, two �ite pZans dr�ywn tQ scale axid cvn�ai�►�. th� r�qu�,re�. ax �.nfs�rmation, are attached here�r�, the r�qui.�ed s+�t back in�� heing shown t�.er�an. �h� hei�i� �� th� buil.dir�g wal.ls sha1l 1�� �if�y-four feet to the rpof. We ha v� �r�v iaus ly de 7.ivered ta yt�u �he check f us t�e req uired f�ling �e�, th� site �1ans, �na th� applic�tticm �vr Speci.�I Lr�e I'�rAa�t, �D rz l lrn�w th� ga.�l�in,� i.as ta I l�t io� showlr� u pon the �ite p���. 'V�ry tru ly ysaur�, , � ` -� �, ' �� ;; �rro r� . "au, , , Attaarney . ;.. f� :',' I�` ,� - � , ,, ,.��„� ��„� �� -_,. .... . . . , .. � . .. ,,.,_., •, .'" •-. • y. .. .N-.:, � .�' ...A... 'y., 'l. � I � ` � • ' ' � - - - - - - - .,, �.�,,:. . ,�, � �..r . . � � . . • � _ '�-- � . ��� _ . .,�y:,.;_�., � � � . � . C i .'' : ' ~ -� - N -. ' ."�•�• . � . . . 7� � ' ` ' . ^ : . , � � � 1 � � jL � ir � ��' � � '..' �. � ` QL � � . ' ' . , ` `'�� ` .. ,� y -� . E � �Es� •q'' • � _ ' � : : . � bt,� � '- _ _ _ - : : • . � . , . � i I Z�==� __ � � , ---J F... _ - ' - � v� - r�' --r.T , I �� A��/ iCeM'� , �-- ---� w - - ' ! ; I � ( ��� . I --- �-- _-- z ---- - --- -- G r�K�� ' 0;�, 'rj l� v 4�,�.� � --- � - - - -�------ _.:__.__�_ t�,� ; F- / � / � p , � _ i� O v!v�! OiU � p � � � ' __ a � TAY 0R ; ! : 1 v . __ �.� �`� -, c , � � I � , , � n � ' � � � .� - � � I I ' I � . i � �- � i - --- --- _� U i � i �. . , , i i --r --f - - - - -i---t _ _ ; � l � � , � � �� -� � �� �U�� � I � � � o � oIo'o�o 'O � O 0��� p � , � � ' �� � ' � O C � � � ; � "'� �_ ' 'L��. H�WITT W � � 'i 6 � �.� � � U U _ l: l � l U r � �'��' O� �����"�; O! � O� � �-� O O O O O O � O ' � �,. � �'� y v i � i � i � � ;,__.� - - � - - - - � 4 , �,, � . ; � , ; � -__- - - _ _ -� � , � � .. �. _ � �__,_ � � _ 0 1 , � � � �. - � � ot n , � , �, ;� ;� ��� ,�; �' � � - .- - - ; ; __ _ _ � � Q. c _ , � I ���� c ' �� o , , � , � __._ _ , -'J -- . � , _ ---� - - ____ � H U66Af�D ,� �'�prp � S _ _ _ � � ---- � �j �.., _� �_� f��'� .:, '��_�� ( , , i � 1 � �� � �` �� AvE w � ..i- � , � , .�. ti ,�, . :, - - - - �� °�a►°, �`_n ' � � �� ° c�� � � � n- / , � � V � '' �� � � � O j�' � � �, ��:' C��� C�, ��_� c��, r�� t`' ��, . ! �� '- �,� ��1� ' � ' ' O ' ' � � . _, � ,,_ ,__�� , --,— � S N AR Y � � � ' � �-�- ! - l /� �• r ( ' i�l� � I � O � �f I — C� `1 i `.� � \y \ � . II� I - _ � �� �� I i r ��, �� � ,� (� � � I � �'� I � �� � � . I J � , i � . i - _ y-�-� i � , � - _.. - --- I � t ; � I I - � `- !�J � ( (1 '� � � C�,1 O O �J'� O� � � �, ,r �, � ���, .3� `� .:� � 7 - � I I j w '�/,.%�D•� T /'� •''' �� N G L W O O � � ' . � it. a V� ��� . �----r— � _ M :� �,,i `rT � � I i. . `✓ , i � J �' ti : �, ,� , ;,� -�� +w, _�. <� �)� _� -, ., � c �. � -o , -. .. , _ __ � � �„� `�-�' , E_. � � C� i ' ; � � � Q ' � � �p " ` -,- � F— � � ` � i �',� - `'��,�(``-� �.,� � � � I ,^ - ��J �� � � �. � 3 � Y�I.� �:�c^ , � � � � � VJ � � t 1 j I ' 'O�U O�O O ¢ (� O y4� :.-' 1 ',;> , .,� `4-J ,�. � �� � I � i. _,7 ',� ,�� :�,� , � � , , . 3' ;;�, � � � ... � �_ _ _ __ __ _ '___ ._______ _ ____ _ sSs2Me�E.�c1a�_ .__ ' �i�y ���____�_ —__ _ , n � � � � � � ) C_� �t",?�O�O�O �— � O � i C��OIO� OI 0� I� � - mo �J n �J ��`� :% '��� �� ; ) � . _ � � � � i � � � J � ��{ � i _1_ _ � ' � � � ---� _ _ �._ — 1 - i_ ; , , , , 1 � � , � ; .� ; -1-T.T_�-j--�.-�-j� � r�_T_ l� 1_ r � 1_ l _1_� _1 � ��'�LlG`��"�" Northwestern District of the ���ND Christian and Missionary Alliance • �U�����.� Relax the density and parking L��� I If�P� requirements �J`°'r° � ONE-FI���ILY �F���E�T ZQ�'v�P�fG "�" Residence -Q- T�IQ-F�'xP;,glLY � THF�EE-�AI�,I!Y PETITCPJ StGP�lERS -�- FOUFZ-F/�P�,�ELY �Q M�.ft��!I°�"r��.�,'!�.Y FILG f�o �030 � o n CC)��=i.;�i;�.;E���L N oRTH � � It�I�3°J�"i'�I�L . u !��C�3��'�' St. Pa« ( f?i�anning @oard, Date� s/28/�0 �::�� Pro�;:rt�� 11r��i.�r C;��:��;irl�r�,Y;,�►,