03-536P -, j "_ , " "' : '. : a
�' � ``�. , � : : 'v r`� �
Referred To
Council File # Q3 — S'3 �►
Green Sheet # � O`'l O
Committee Date
Resolution Affirming Council Representative T'nte on United States Postal Service Feasability Study of
Arden Hills Twin Cities Army Ammunirion Plam (1'CAAP) Site for Future Postal Sorting Center
1 WHEREAS, Council File # 03-471 designated City Council representarion on the Ramsey County LOCAT'E Task
2 Force to evaluate the Union DepoYs suitability as a multi-modal transit station for downtowqand
3 WHEREAS, at the May 19, 2003 meeting of the LOCATE Task Force, the following motion was approved:
4 LOCATE Task Force supports the continuation of the United States Postal Service relocation study to Arden
5 Hills Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant ('L'CAAP); and
WHEREAS, the City Council's representative, Mazcia Moermond, voted with the majority recommending continuation
of the study; now therefore be it
8 RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby affirms its representative's vote, and concurs with the LOCATE Task Force
9 position, regarding the United States Postal Service (USPS) continuation and conclusion of its feasability study far
10 relocating the downtocm Saint Paul USPS sorting center to the Arden Hills Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant
11 (TCAAP) site.
Requested by Department of
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date �.o 0
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Councilmember Coleman
6/4/2003: Conaent
�'..7 =7
Approval of re,4adudoa affirming Councii representative's vote, and concucring with the IACATE Task Fotce pasition, re�rding the United States
Pastal Service (USPS) continuation and conclusion of its feasability study for relocazing the downtown Saint Paul USP5 soning certer to the Ardea
Hills Twin Cities ArmyAmmimition Plavt (TCAAP) site.
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❑ anwnopEV ❑ arvc�u _
❑ wuxuuanwcesort � w�wc��aExv�KCra
❑wrwlatlWlsfYrt) �
Has fhis persaJfrm everwnrlaed uMer a conhact fw this AeP�meM?
Vias Mis peraonlfirtn aver been a ary empbyee4
ooes tnis aersonlfiim v�ess a s�an not riormalryrpossesseA bv anr currern ciry emcbveev
Is this pereaNfirm a tarpetad verMOft
uo,o u�nnj 11:a1 b512243056 CONG BETTY MCCOLLUM PAGE �1/05
�•yt�3 Co���/
Congresswoman Be��Ey McCollu�
Minnesota's 4 District
lf i'iY�[ I � .* �/ �_� ...�C./
� j ' \'. � � pJ -
��'G R$� i029 Longworth House O�ce Building • 165 Westem Avenue North, Suife 97
Washington, DC 2fl�15 St. Paut, MN 55102
(202)225-6631 (651)224-9191
(202) 225-1968/fax (651) 224.3056/faY
...� -f�/D/1(�� �j� � l •� l � u � +n�uw.house aovlmccollum
/ 1 CELa� � a! t,e
Ta: S� � �`r
From: Bett}
Date: June
Pages: 5
x Urgent
� For Review
❑ Ptease Comment D P(ease Reply ❑ Please Recycle
I have attached a copy of a recent letter I received from Patrick Donahoe, Chief Operating
Officer and Executive Vice President of the United States Posta! Service, regarding fhe
possible relocation of the downtown Saint Paul processing and distribution center.
I have also attached copies of 2 letters sent out by Senator Mark Dayton's o�ce regarding
his position an this issue.
I continue to be committed to fhis process and to working with ali of the stakeholders to
achieve our regional goais and to ensure positive outcomes for ali those in�olved.
Betty McCollum
Member of Congress
vw �u a�vo 1<.41 OJ1LL4db�b
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Q5�30/03 12:53 Pi3 202
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Fhe Fiortorabie oaty i:9cC��lum
Flouse of P.epressntailves
VJaSt;;���R��C �G635-2u^Q.i
E�e�t Ch7gmsswor.t�rt DdcCaltuac:
T'his �S to advise yau, Senaio;s fs�luk Dayiori ard t3orm CaleR�rs., and Sl, Paul Mzyor d�2ndy SCefGy
ofU;e status o: tiee paten;ial seSoca�an nf the U.S. Pcstzl Service's (tSS�FS} SL ?2u1 Feo�essir,g
and Disiribution faGi�ty. Fai more L�iart t}vea yeyfS Utt� US�S tt2s be�e� asked to considei 1hB
r�lo�ticra of o�rSt'Pa�tB izpl:4y iroim its 73 2cre t�v�ronYgife on KeL"o9� Bat�tevard, 7'he
p`operiy�s slrtegic locat�or. 2djacen! ;o the Unioe� DepoL er.d ifs consider201e devctop:nenta�
p5te��ti�f, ensure C�3'. it W�C� contintte po funf signlfi�nr intores�, boV; tocaity a�d regJUna03y. 7ha
a�Yious lunpecYl.�aen io sa�ch re�ocztJon %,main the sama today �s ttrey dld three years a8o—the
ir�eatific�;io� oFa vi2b15 altem2tive. sRe antl a sp��rce oi ivad;n!g s�Hi�;i�rt ,o suppert both thelaMl
acq�l�s�ffo� a��o the consfruc{ic� oF a ne��t izcility. in P�tarcts 2000 the US�S p�Rnered witrp C@y of
St Pzul ofiici�ls in a� attempi G3 ICentYfy2ppmoriaYe 2[Ee;naE;ve Iocatioqs'6r ovf 5:, pa�l' i2c719��.
Gv�; a h.vo j�Ear period, t5a USP� �n �canJur.cien wilfi �ty o(St. Pa;;l ofiici?Js ar,d r}�e St Paul
Port Auir,arlry, en�ged'{R an rn1e.^uNe siEe searrh �rocess rrithin a pre(erred area �umPSherJ by
the USF� Regre;+�biy, {iris effott d{6 nat yfeta z scYution. !Y G;d, ha�u�ver, PstzbGsh Uie
iundamenl�i ;ncvmpa;ibility of a Sr3itu st�tio� Use �vhile U�e USPS's Fracessino �nd �7s{; IDufion
n:n��Gons rema:n o1 this locafion.
lra OcCaber 2D02 the Genera {GSa), fm m�fiormanca v�d�u if$ obli�a6oc.s
under the Federat scrzenin� ptocess, ad�9sed the i1S?S nf 4t� rnie ir. ihe disposiU1or.. of ;he Twfn
CitiesArmyfvnc�wtition��a,r.(ICAAPjpaa.perlygooaledinlL-denH!�CS. Atshalf�mz�tso[tcstec3
thc USPS far � expressiar. of interest in .h� sRe. ti'he USPS cnrritrm=d jis in;pr ba6ed upon
the folfowing cons:dEretons; 7} the'TCAAP propetiypossesFes a'.frfbute<^ c�;tah 3Df 1I26 SR o'
2 p:ocess9ny and dlsUi.Sufron fzciliiy, a•)2n fts pro�arni,y tr,i r;aaj�r hlgh+,ti�zy systems; 2) ;ts s��
pcovfdes the poten;ial to caisflS7�9atc a number fl; pos:af FacifTy oparat;ons„ o�erT;�� f7te�USPS a
uni�ue a6ifty to en�ynr'e ths eificienty oq ;ts opea �nd serv�ce wvi�nin the Jegien served;
3) t�e aroperty has been wnder ;edera3 ov+r,etsh�p to� ai�cr sixly years; S) �.�c�r� gxiss a io�g•
cs.sbtished meci:anis,�, �orVansiea under the Tederal saeening process; and 5j aYer a
considera�+le coilecG�z ey'ior, on the pa�c of Yhe c�Y and fhe USPS ex:erding �ve.r ts:ree, yeaes, i[
remalns the.only'ot�ernaliYe site Ider�Gteo. On U:is basis, the 13SP5 ttos advis�d:4a �,SAtha9fi
is cnmahi(tetl to compSet6n3 a deEailec� feasit6ify sfudy of the or�p_rty by tfie znaf r�i �uty,
Consfsfent vria� iLs pos� �p� �hrn�yt�QUi �:is process, tte USPS rnma:RS, apen fo the ccnsiderat7oa
of alke;riati� e snes, Reranify, it has 6e2n Indicatsc thaSihere may be su1l3tDy s3tuaied'
cornmun's5es wi;h ze, inleresi sn prov;dtny en ap�ropriate siie. tve asis ir;�t thc3se ha provided to
us as expedltlo�ly as posyi�le, so tha! tAey pn he in�agra.ed lnfo .he current stu�dy, �nd piovfde
the fia,rcevvak �or � ecmprenenslve sei of a�lomaUves that czn be j;,c(geC e4ongsidz iise TCAFlP
YJ�.'.pNa:]l' {): y�2G7-CCu.
` ' _" _'_'... __-............. Y. _.�............_._. �__:
osiacioa iz:sa i�: 2ozzss.�a:7 rts�es soti�r � r.
,LRer t�e preser.> srJdy ts coau�ded. w� [�k fonvzfd :o a coalk�uatea;r ai #i� exi�fir.g �ialGOne ort
fhis issue ;n tne coopetz,9�espirf thai has &s�ingu�shed o�r pravrous ��ulssiarte. The USPS
�ooius iq Ya� in f�sh�an s consenws of apinson on tr;e fut�re d'ue:{(on aR ihis�rocesa !t � c{ear
*�� �� Fo�'�7uSes inherent in our tCeUocg Sa�t��ard sit Y✓fll confinue EQ fasfet gxGiiEme*iE, b:h
�% MaYOr Kz!!y #;imseFhns acF.nowierige� in his mosc 2cent co�res�o��ea�c� to {tx� USPS
"...heJo;�s ;,�e can mav,e tF�ose ef,ar� aheaC. the Fosial Se;y;ce m�.cE:iave a viabte opt�on fa;
relo�6�n oft3�e regtc�al prvyc¢ssing ;u�cJons curren;sy bsm� perforeff in c�e cae.�town 5z;rn
P�ul lobafiiwi'
rHUt b�/tl7
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uoi oti tnny 1Z: 41
06/0:/Zoo3 09:20 �A%
06/JO/2003 13:48 FA.B
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MA}�K dpYtpN
The Honorable Beverly Aplikowsld
Mayar of Ardcn Fiills
I :43 Buss.ud CourU
Arden Ffills, Ivfumesoh 55112
Dear MaynrllpJjkasvski:
May 30, 2003
PAGE 04/05
� 003/ 004
C�3 53�
I have ttan;ecj u{qt e membcr of my staff *eccndy attended a Ramsey County LbCATE Sask Forca m-eting
and, withoui my k�owlcdgc or authotilation, vnted On whctLer or not the Unitcd States Postal Sctvice's A:•d�n
Hiils Sitc Smdy shouTd continue. Two wcelcs ago, I mct with the pastrnasfer G�c�Z at a meeqng in 1 �ashington,
D,C., conwened by.�y ool2eaguc� g�,¢tor Norm Coleman, Unfortunatcly, siuce I was immersod in of{ering ya
�+endment to t}�c jogjgj,y;ja� be{ore thc Senafe thaf a{tcrnoon, l was ab2e to nttend anIy briCP.y,
T agrc: wlth the rie�, �ch Senztnr Coleman c:zpresgeci B; Ltit Wa�hington matin�, thst if a devetopm�nt
praject is suongty opposed by local elecied officials, who m-c rspmsentin� th� majonty views of their constituen�s,
it is unwise and wubalistic for enyone to attempi to £a ce such a�icvelopmrnt p�oject a� r2�at ���i�,
F'��T�narc, dsing 3}te year m which I have been worl�ing with Ardeo IlilIs andRanuey Cour,t�, officials,
Ca;�gessx�ornan g�t�j, McColtutq, and the late Senatar Paul Wel)Ston�, T had alwaYs understood that a priva�c
developmrnt projecc (orpro� ecfs) would be an imponarit eomponent in f6e ovecaIl pl;m. pite;.I w� ahte So iaring
ihc U.S. Army and ��� Min.nesota j�Tational Gpard togcther at a meeting which lcd io a msolution satisiaetory to
��n and to #he pth'cr u,�lved partios, l believed thaz this complioatul reaTi�una�t or thst valuable p: operry had
been finati2ed. 1 was suz�rised and �nn��a �,� ���a��. �le Unitzd States Po�l Service entcred the
�i:tUre and placcd a°hoId" on t}3c �� �j�3 �pr��te developm�t
T ft111y undast�d $�e pty of Arden HiUs' 3esire to add this proj ect to its Pmppty-h� roAs, and 1 s]�are your
desire to get el] facets of the overall projoct rt so tbattheirheacFita caa b� reaiIized.
Tlurefora, 7 have sent the enclosed letter to thc poshnaner C,�, �.w�ch I zsk him to +ui�clsaw the Posta]
Service Irom considerason of �e A: den �LS sife, 7 aiso �ap him to oonoludc this m::tte: as cuickly as pass�'y1e�
so that U�e sico can bC nsed for fhc g�posey w�� y � ��, belicves bzst seive ypi,tT �esmt and futw-c nsidents_
If? can be of assistanc� lo you on t'nie Or any oteer msuei-, p�ease do not hpsjtate to contaei me,
h'Y bcst regar4s.'
2��2251968 CpNO. 6ETTY FicCOLLUM
Mrirlc Dayton
linitcd SraTes S�nsur
t.hclosurc �
cr, 21�e IIonornblc Norm Coleman, United Stztes Senatar
The T $e�. r�cCO23um, M¢mber of Con�,ress
�e�ue�euue os:Z7 FnX 2022257566 vv Ny �"� rA�t 05/F
65/30/20�a 13:48 F?S COHG, BETTY �cCOLIUG �j004I004
° , G1on3iooa
M�RK D.av70N
Th� Hoaorble Johii �. po��
Postmascer Gc:neral,
ilhiz�d States Pustal Sczvice
Q75 L'Fsifaat Plazs; S.W_
wzshington� 37.C.� ?A2S0-0Q10
Dear Mr. Yosknas'te; Qcnerel:
..�u � tr�' �
ksC.F �
�' �+Y
'�T13�24� .�3f'R�E�.v?.EZT:CYf£
WA D. C.
May 30, 24p3
Thankyou lor'comiag to the Capitot rcecutly to mut wit3i Senator Coleman ang myseIf. irt�et thai 7qys
i�n+erscd in of{erind aa emendment lo the leg�lation l�efoic fhe Sena;e that e�iemoon a�d, thus, could ettend on�y
�y brit�Iy.
T eo,�cvr witIi tl�c vjew, u•hich I hr.�t�d ezpresscd at that mec4n8 bY mY �ollcagtle. Sa�ausr Colemzn, tbat n
latgc•scale grojecrSucg as t]�e U.S. Posta7 $�vjce woutfl ertvjeion, if it is st��ly oppw�ed by 7oca1 ciccted ]eaders
and a majori;y ofnsido-nts, qs inevirybly doomed tn failure, Thvs,;n a� rien,� ;j woi�Id be most uawyse fo�. thr
PDSTIl� SCMON t0 CVIII"lIIUC t0 COIIS7CICS'I}1G AT[jCIl RIUS Mi:tn�ota, site for i j posslble fitiurc Itse,
As 1 a:pressed rhat afternoon, I ant also coneetned about the incomparibiliry betwecn t1u pos�al Scn9ce's
�b� timetabk to esalus=� a fut� �o�olidatim ofape.s�bonS� d�eida upon a course of action, locate a�d Socure a sixe,
n funding, and final�y begin eonslrucdon, and tho GSty of AidenAills' lc�itin:ate desire for their site to be
oped, put to tiencficial use, nnd paymg p�operty t� much sooner, Iher�{'� if ft is your dcsire to
consolidatn yow pze, enY operations in the Minaoapo2is-Seint Pau1 area I vr8e You ta consides oth� sites, wlucii
aould Sec(cr accommodatc your pmspective time�able. I aiso urge you or yow dcsigaecs to mnct very eariy in that
� ess �� �'° MgYrns end City Council Mcynbers ofMinnezpo2is end Saint Pau1, Hcxmepin and Ramsey County
Con'mvasioners, and 'the la+dcrs of any othcr affeated cities and oo�nties, so th2t �11 concerned can unde:sisnd yoLT
� t � IItiD° `� �� �t'C Qppottunitios to zespond to tttern, I would be de]ighted to convene such a meeiing gz
Mitmeso�, whene� it would ba tirnely, Y{You prefer lo do so vndcryoyu p� a � yP ��� I ask to be noti5e3 of,
and included in, �b a nuoting,
My be,at reg�ds_
, Marle Dayton
. Unitcd Sbtes Stnatoi
cc:1 }� Hm}nraSlc Not:n �2�n, United 5�tcs S�ato
�e �ionorable I3dEty McCol)um, Member of Congess
The lionorab2e BdverlY Aplikowski, Mzyor ofArde,z �lu