250950 Couaoi!File No..... _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDEIt. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliounprovement by the City of saint Psul,v�:.: Ope�, widen and extend the slley in gLK. 7, MI�NT'ER'S ADD. TO ST. PAUL ae�d the SE� ; Sec. 26� T. 29, R. 23. fran Yictoria St. to Avon St. b purposes the North 8 ft. of Lots 1-12 and the South 8 fttaofALotsdl9-28 aefd��ha�S uthc� 5.5 ft, of Lots 29 � 30, ail in 6)k, �'d : condeAOning for alle �� W�NTER'S AD9. TO ST. PAUL. Also taktng and Y P�+rPoses the North 18 ft. of the South 164.5 ft. of the SE� of Sec. 26, T. 29, R. 23 from the west line of Lot 12, Blk. 7, Winter's Add. to St. Paul to Victoria St. Also condaaning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the siopes, cuts ; and fills, including right of rdnoval of lateral support f�om subject land or re�aainder thereof occasioned by eucayations thereof or construction of slopes in the gradi�g and surfacing with bitumi�ous materiai the alley i� BLK. 7, WIhTER'S AOD. TO ST. PAUI and the SE�, Sec. 26� T. 29, R. 23 from Victoria St. to Avon St. (�-��-.��� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB, A written pmpoeal for the making of the followiag improvement, vis,: ; G�en, w i de� and extend the a 1 1 ey i n BL�C, 7, it i�f7'cR'S A�JD, TG ST. PAU� anG Che SE� �' Sec. 20, T, 2g, R, 23, fro,�n Victoria St, to Avon St. by taking a�,d condem��ng ;�or aiiey purp�ses the Nort� 8 ft, of Lots 1- 12 and the South 8 ft. of Lots i9-28 and the Sou�h 5.5 ft, o; Lots 29 � 30, ali in Blk. 7, W��T�R�S ADD. TO S7'. PAL�. Also takir� artd ��' ;� a conGem;�i r�g Tor a l i ey purposes the North 18 f�. of the South 16�,j �t. of th�� SE4 ot' `� .. � Sec. 25, 7. 2g, R, 23 fram the west iine of Lot 12, 81k. 7, Winter's Rdcl, to St. Paul '"` to V� ctoria St. �. Also condeMni�g �,nd taking an eas�ment in th�V la�d necessary for �he siopes, cuts and fills, inclu�in� right of r�rr,oval of laterai �u��or� rrom subj�ct land or remainder tF;,:reof occasioneG by excavations thereof or construction of sio��s i� the grading anc surracing with bituminous material the �11ey in BLK, 7, 1;1i�i4�'S A�J. TO ST, PAUL and the Sc,;, Sec. 26, T. 29, R. 23 from Victoria St. to Avon St, c 2. To investig��te the nature� extent and estimated cost ot saia imprvvementi� ewa �ae wwu�oai ca8��1 y� 3. To fumieh s plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvemen� 4. To stste whether or ao�eaid improvement is aeked for on�he petition of three ar more owaere. , ' 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commiesiomer of�nanoe. - Adopted by the Counoil................... �.......OCT 2.1_.1970....� Ysse Counc i lman �-�Bdt-fe�t�-' Ca r 1 son Approved........�CT_�..Z j�................................... Levine � Meredith Sprafka Te�es�� ......... Mr. President McCarty Msyor. � �000 �.s� �/ �;�✓ PUBLISHED QCT 3], �97Q