250946 ORt�i1NAL:.O CITX CLBRK ,
t . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa o`��6
. ,
WHEREAS� apter 449, Laws of Minnesota for 196g,
established the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board and imposed
a duty upon the City of Saint Paul to pay to the said Board
all sums charged to it as its share of the Board� s Annual
Budget, as provided in said Chapter 449, and further empowers
the City of Saint Pau1 to take all action that may be neces-
sary to provide the funds required for such payments ; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is empowered b� its
Home Rule Charter to operate, .maintain, and repair its sew-
age disposal system; and
WHEREAS� Section 115.46 of Minnesota Statutes ig6g
provides that an.y taxes levied or to be levied for the main-
p tenance or operation by a municipality of its disposal system
�; or part thereof shall not be subject to any limitation and
�' shall be excluded in computing amounts subject to any limita-
c � tion on tax levies , and further empowers the proper officers
o � of the municipality to levy such taxes and take such other
o lawful actions as may be appropriate and neeessary to provide
J R, funds to meet the cost of such work notwithstanding any such
� limit; and
� W!�REAS� the Council of the City of Saint Paul intends
- to finance a portion of its cost of maintenance and operation
of its disposal system and the disposal system of the Metropolitan
Sewer Service Board by the le vy of a tax in the amount of
�2,000,000.00 pursuant to the above authority; now, therefore ,
be it
RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that
it hereby approves the sum of �2,000,000.00 for maintenance
and operation of its disposal system and the disposal system
of the Metropolitan Sewer Service Boa.r.d, and hereby levies a
tax for 1971 in the amount of �2, 000, 000.00, together with an
additional 2� estimated tax shrinkage in the amount of
�40,000. 00, or a total tax levy in the sum of �2, 040,000.00;
and be it
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson ove 19—
Levine �n Favor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
ORI{#INAL.T9 CIW CL6RK ��i a���
- � '� .� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��' u�
Page 2.
FURTHER RESOLVED� That in accordance with Minnesota
Extra Session Laws i967, Chapter 32, this levy is certified
with the understanding that portions thereof will be financed
by rebates from the State of Minnesota from excise and other
taxes imposed by the aforesaid statute as replacement of sums
which would otherwise be levied against real and personal
property; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Comptro ller of Saint
Paul is hereby directed to establish a separate and distinct
fund account to which all tax settlements are :credited and from
which all payments shall be charged for the above purposes ; and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Glerk be and hereby is
directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy, in the
amount of �2,040,000. 00, collectible in 1971, to the County
Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, immediately upon the
adoption and approval of this Resolution.
OCT 2 6 197 0
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Naya � ,,��� � 1��0
Butler `� �' �
Carlson ed 19—
Levine � Tn Favor
Sprafka � or
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
� aurucnrs To�unrae ' ; ��t1�
� � i'` �'�- CITY OF ST. PAUL ,��� NO
COMMI�SSION " ' f A� .
WHEREAS� Chapter 449, ,Laws of Minnesota for 1969,
established the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board and imposed
a duty upon the City of Saint Paul to pay to the said Board
all sums charged to; �;t as its share of. the Board' s .Annual.
Budget, as provided in said Chapter 449, an.d further empowers
the City of Saint Faul to take all aetion that may be neces—
sary to provide the funds required for such payments ; and
WHEREAS, the City �f Saint Paul is empowered bp its
Home ftule Charter to operate, .maintain, and repair its sew-
age disposal system; and
WHEREAS� Section 115.46 of Minnesota Statutes 1969
provides that any taxes levied or �to be levied for the main—
tenance or operati.on by a munieipality of its disposal ays tem
or part thereof sha11 not be subject to any limitation and
shall be excluded in computing amounts subject to any limita—
tion on �ax levies, and �urther empowers the proper officers �
of the municipality to levy sueh taxes and take such ot�er �
lawful aetions as may be appropriate ari d necessary to provide
funds to meet the' cost of such work notwithstanding any sueh
limit; and
WHEREAS� the Council of the City of Saint Paul intends �
to finance a portion of its cost oY maintenan.ce and operation
of its ctisposal system and the disposal system of the Metropolitan
' Sewer Service Board by the levy of a tax in the amount of
�2,000,000.00 pursuant to the above authority; now, therefore ,
be it � ' �
RESOLVED� By the Council of. the City of �aint Paul, that
� i.t hereby approves the sum of �2,000,000.00 for maintenance �
and operation of its disposal system:and the disposal system
of the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board, and hereby levies 'a
tax for 1971 in" the amourit of �2, 000,000.00, together with an
additional 2f estimated tag shrinkage in the amount of �
. �40,000.00, "or a to�al tag levy in the sum of �2,U40,000.00;
and be it-•
COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co��nciL 19_ `
Yeas Naye . . . ,;
Butler �
Caxlson Approv� 19_ �s�;
Levine Tn Favor
� Sprafka ��
A oninat -
Tedesco � .
Mr. President, McCarty
. ��9
, �
� . •
ucwr��rarRu+t�e )�n
. :, . -�• CITY OF ST. PAUL �c��� NO ��
Page 2.
FURTHER RESOLVED� That in accordanee with Minnesota _
Extra Session Laws 1967r,.r:iChapter 32, this levy is certified
with the understanding '�hg:t portions thereof will be financed
by rebates from the State of Minne,so�a. from excise an.d other
taxes imposed by �he a�oresaid statute as replacement of sums
which would otherwise be levied against rea� and personal
property; �nd be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the •City Comptro ller of Saint : �
Paul is hereby directed to establish a separate and distinat
fund account to whieh all tax settlements are .credited and from
which all payments shall be charged for the above purposes; . and
be it
FURTHER R.�SOLVED, That the City Clerk be and hereby is
directed to cert��y a copy of the foregoing tax lev�, in the
amount of �2,040;'b00.04, collectible in 1971, to the County
Auditor of Ramse� .County, Minnesota, immediately upon the
acioption and a�pr�vaY of this Resolution:= .,:. ,.;,,,,�. _,_.,
. ,
_ ,
_ :�s..._ .
U�� 2 b 197,� � =
COUI�FCII�'N ' Adopted by the Co�rncil • 18._ _ ,
Yeaa Nays OCT 2 b 1910
suta� .
Carlson .� APD�'o°� 19---
" Le°ine -�n Favor
: Meredit.h � ��,
. . pp17�Llaa . . . � rodAlllAt . � � � .. � � . ..
� . � � . . � . .._..:. .. . : . . . . .. . . .
. �Y. PTP.S1fiP.lit, �CCATty
. : a�
OCt. 26, l��
� I �I
,-----�-._._.�� !
j�+\ �„�'
, �Har,. Thom�s J. :t��7_lay � ,
Cour>ty 1ludit�r �
Cotzri; House `' �. �/�
Der�,r Sir: . _.---.____ `�
j�_._ ��\ .\ .,
TYie City Councii dire �d,m� to s �` you''��e attached
certified copy o�' ��u il File No. 50946, ad�pted today,
levying a tax in the ount of �2a 0,000 for maintena�nce
and operation of its osal sys and the disposal sys����n
of ths Metrop��ft,� Se rv oard, as more Pully set
out ther�ir�./' �-----�
� Vsxy truly yours�
��,,.,�', City Clerk
n� �