250937 oasi�e�cic,c�e:t � ' . ORDINANCE �5��3� COUNCIL.FILE NO ' �3� PRESENTED BY � �/ ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE SUM OF $100,000.00 ON DEPOSIT IN THE CITY MARKET�S REVOLVING FUND FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN MAINTENANCE, OPERATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY PUBLIC MARKETS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1970. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the provisions of Ordina.nce No. 7502, C. F. No. 96029, approved August 23, 1933, to the contrary notwithstanding, the surplus funds rema.ining in the "City Markets Revolving Fund", in amount not to ex- ceed the sum of $100,000.00, ma.y be used by the City of Saint Paul in the calendar year 1970 for purposes other tha.n ma.intena.nce, operation and improvement of the public markets of the City of Saint Paul; pro- vided, however, that the �.pplicable budgetary procedures contained in Section 203 of the Saint �aul City Cha.rter, as amended, sha.11 be followed in the transferr=ng of funds out of the'�City Markets Revolving Fund". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . NOV 1 0 1'70 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Butler -��— � Tn Favor �` �evin�_ /:,, � J`" � �J Against ,� Sprafka Tedesco NOV 1 0 1910 Mr. President (McCarty) Appr t ty C erk yo a�� Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By PUBLISHED NOV 141970 Doplle�b q Pr�t�e ' � O � DINANCE ��}�� t COUNCIL fILE NO._. PRESENT�iD BY ORDINANCE NO �� ,AN OBT�I11�12�CE It�TgflHIZI�G T� t�E 0� 1'� S� � �Y40,At�4,00 t�f DtPtN�TI �t T�8 CITF �1� � R�L�T�G F�IH F+(� I"�ElC�S�'S OR'HBB TNA�' 1tA�I1lIBbAI�CB, d�BS11TIt�t A�T? I!!�`8p� t�P T� a/IINT 1��L C�T�Yw 1"'��C � ��� i VA Ar�+ riiir�� i� ��i Y i � �L � � � ^✓a �A�7i �� i/YQii Y�T♦ . - . Y�M�M� +i♦ . . � . �� �! ���!"!$ Of� ���lC.! �. ��Zi, �'.�s g. �El. ��� �St 23, il�.3, to t�e �atYit�m�ing #�e s�i�aai��e� ia tbe "'Ctt�► �wrkets 1 l�et , �s a� nc�t to n�- Q� �e �+t e�f $I�+Q ��0.t3Q, �e�r �e n� t�e Cit� of Sai�t Paau,1 i8 t�a �s�tr �a�r 19� !�c �s� , ea�erative aoad of f.�e � _ �ets of tha City a►€ Saint Pa�].� p� v#,i+td� �r: t�nt the �p licahl�s bud8+etar�' Pa�'oc�as cmn�tained fa Sirctivn 303 +�# the S�t Paul. C�.t C'�art�, �es �d, �a31 b4 . folic�d ia the traasf�rr#�g of � a�t of ttr�'�3.ty llarlcets ��!wrol�i� l+�d". Sectfo� 2. �� ordiaa�� �all ta�e �ff�t and be in fos�a thir� {30} days fr�o�t aacl a�t.er its pissag�, ap�ntiv�a�. aad pmblicatia�. �pV i o �s�o Yeas Councalmen Nays Paesed by the Counci�� �ttler �_ � Levine � � Tn Favor Sp� !� Ag►a3nst Teaeaco NpV 10 1970 1V.�r. President (McCarty) Apprnved: Atteet: .� i City Clerk Mayor �� " Form aF�mved Gorpox�l'�ian Couneel By .. _ ��+ �6 �� � � ��d � �° Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted L� Yeas Nays Y as Nays Butler �utler Carlson �.CaxJeen-- Levine ������ Yevine Meredith ` '�-Meredi�l�-- � Sprafka �prefka �. Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty �r. President McCarty O