250923 r . OR161NAL TO CITY CIHRK � CIT1( OF ST. PAUL couNCa �o��t� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Slf COMMISSIONE DATF � WHEREAS, The City has entered into a tri-party agreement No. 56394 (S.P. 6201-39), Co�tract No. 13803, Public Works Project No. 70-M-0320A, with the City of St. Paul , the Chicago, M�lwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, and the State of Minnesota for the engineering and construction of an overhead grade separation of West Seventh Street over the railroad company's "Short Line" Tracks, and WHEREAS, The proper city officers were authorized and directed to execute this agreement by Councii Resolution 247860, dated March 12, 1970, and, WHEREAS, This agreement directs the City Council to approve supple- mental agreements to this State of Minnesota Highway Agreement No. 56394, and WHEREAS, A two story brick duplex exists at 259 Richmond Street which is over 70 years old and has been acquired by the State and must be removed for right-of-way purposes, and WHEREAS, it is not practical to require demolition and removal under a separate contract due to contracfi completion dates, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City approves Supplemental Agreement No. 4 providing for the removal and disposition of this two story brick duplex located at 259 Richmond Street. FORM PP � � . s �o oratio Counsei OCT 2 3 19,1Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �',s� 2 3 �9�d Carlson � d 19— Levine \ _ �In Favor - - Meredith -/ Sprafka �/ Mayor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 311970 � DWLICAT[TO rRIN'RR ���!/,.� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� '�� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO� ' COUNCIL RESOLUTI4N—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONFIt �ATF Ii1�RfJ1S� Ths City ha�t �ntsnd into a trt-p�rty ag��t No. 56394 (S.P. 6Z01•39�. Contraet Ib. 13$03. Pub11c Mbrks �roJ�ct No. 70�M-0320rA, with th� Ctty of St. Paui, ths Chica'e. Milw!�ukM. St. Pan1 and faetftt Ra11ro�d Ca�ny, aRd th� Stat� of Ninn�sots for tM �inwrin� snd oonstn�ctton of an ow�had 9nas syMratton of M�st S�wnth StrNt vwr tM ra i l rosd ca����r�s "Short L 1�s" Traalcs, a� MMEREA4. Th� 'ro'ar city oftte��s v�n wthorts� ana dtr�at�d t� �c�cut� this a�r�at by Carnsil Mtsolutto� 2k�60, dat�d liirch it. 19'�0, and. MMERRAS. Th 1 s a�r�nt d E r�cts t!N C i tr C.�wnc I 1 to ��row w�l�r- Matai a9r�t: to this State of Mineissota Ni�y A�r��nt Mo. $639�►. �nd MHEREAS, A twe storyr briek du'tax �xists at 2gg Ri�i�a�d StrNt whtel� i s ow� 70 yw n ol d and has bwn aequ 1 r�d by tl+� State aind �wst b� rMSV� for ri�t-of�way 'urposes. �nd MHEREAS� It i� �ot 'racttcat to r�quire da�wlitf�n anr r�av�i und�r a sparat� contract dua to contract co�letion dat�s. NOM, TMEREFORE. �E IT RESOLYED. Tl+�t ths Citr approws Su�t�ntal A�r�nt No. 4 providlag tor the ��noval �nd dispsition of this ria sta►y brtck du'lex tocated at 259 Rtch�ond Str�et. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�rT 2 3 �� 19— Y�" xa� OCT 2 3 1970 Butler Carlson Approve�l 19_ Levine Favar Meredith Sp�� Msyor Tedesco ��t Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��