250916 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK �SQ��( 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � F � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. `� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN D BY COMMIS ONE DATF \ . J WHEREAS The Commissioner of Highways has pr�pared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part m� Trunk Highway Number lll renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 5 within the corporate ltmits of the City of St. Paul from St. Paul Ave. to E. Maynard Or., in the vicinity of Sibley Plaza; and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the �e- partment of Hig�ways, St. Paul , Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and .id- entified as Layout l , S.P. 6201-43 (5=111) from St. Paul Ave. to E. Maynard Drive, in the vicinity of Sibley Plaaa; and ' WHEREAS copies of said preliminary p)ans as so marked, labeled, and identified are also on file in the office of the Cornnaissioner of Public Works; and � WHEREAS the term "said preiiminary pians'� as her�inafter usad in th� body of this resolution shall be dee�ed and intended to r�ean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; , . NOW, THEN, Bfi tT RESOLVED that said preli�nina�-y plans for the iraprove- ment of Trunk Mighway Number lil renur�bered Trunk Highway Number 5 within the limits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. ° FORM PR E Ass orp " n unse! OCT 2 3 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas sutl.er Nays �;T 2 � 1970 Carlson �� +� roved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor � � l Sprafka Ma or CJ Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, � McCarty �LISHED OCT 311970 O DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � Y����%��V CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SSDONER Robert F Sy?raf1� DATF WHEREAS "ih� �:omnissioner of Highways has prepared pr�timinary plans for the improvement +�f a part of Tru�k Highway Number ill renumbared as Trunk Highway Nurnber 5 within the corporat� limits of the City of St, Paul f rom 5t. P�ul Ave. to E. Maynard Dr., in the vicinity of Sibley Plaza; and WHEREA5 satd preliminary plans are an file in the office of �h� A�- partment of Nrghways, 5t. Paul . Minnesota, b�ing marked, iab�ied, and id- entified es Layout l , 5.P. b2Q1-43 (Salll) from St. Paui Av�. to E. Maynard Drive� in the vicinifiy of Sibley Plaza; and WH�REAS copies of said preliminary plans �s Sq marked, labeled, and identified are also on fiie in the office �f the Comnissioner of Pubiic Works; and WN�REllS t#ie term "said prel iminary plarrs" as her�inaFter us�d in .the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean� rerer to, and to incarporate the preliminary pl�ns �s in the foregoing recitals p�rticui�rly id�ntifie�d and d�scribed; Nf�W� TNEP�, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans For the imprc�ve- ment of' 1'runk Highway t�umber 111 renumbered Trunk Wighway Number 5 within the iimits of th� City ot� St. Paul be and hereby are approved. ������, , • "�.: M G; �u.o-.�E: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Butler Nays ` r,. `� Carlson �`' � Hx� , Approve� 19-- !�evxne , Meredith Tn Favor Charles P. McCarty �� �Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, �x MeCarty 55