250913 �5���.3 Counoil PYIe No.. ...........�._..- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eunderaignedhereby propoeeethemalci'ng.of thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi Beint��.��u..._. � Gr�.ie and surfac� with bituminous material the following alleys, all a ; pa:t o� CONCORD TERRACE - 1970 (Various Alleys) , City Project P-0517B: � � f Alley in FRED B�.ANDT'S REARRANGEMENT OF BIACK 38, tJEST ST. PAUL ; P40PER from Clinton to Greenwood to a width of 16 feet; Ail�y in BLK 12, PRaSPECT PI.ATr.AU, from Ada to Anita, to a width o: .6 -�:�t; . A: ° �y in F-,LK 2 & 8, PROSPECT PLATEAU, from Ada to Anita, to a or�d�� o;: 16 feet; .'1�ley in BLK 11, PROSPECT PLATEAU, from Anita to Bancroft, to a 1 wi�'..h o: 16 feet; ;�.t l�:y in BI.00K 24, LAWTON'S SUIiDIVISION OF BLOCKS 14 and 24, , . .-� . B:>.ncroft to Brown, to a width of 16 feet; A: ��:y in �;.11:TIN'S AND LIENAUS' REAFRANGEMENT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, y .> 5, L'?.00h lo, BELL'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, MINN,, from ��,��e to :',da, to a width of 12 feet; A1 '.ey i:� BLK 3 & 9, PROSPECT PLATEAU, from Ada to Anita, to a w:��'c� ok i6_. fc�t_:- - - o` i6 f��t; � A; �ey in I3LK 2 & 8, PROSPECT PLATEAU, trom Ada to Anita, to a �.:ic;;n o� 16 feet; • A:.�ey in LLK 11, PROSPECT PLATEAU, from Anita to Bancroft, to a width o: '_6 feet; ��'. l�y in BLOCK 24, LAWTON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 14 and 24, ;:c:- 8;::;croft to Lrown, to a width of 16 feet; Ai�c:y in MAI:TTN'S AND LIENAUS' REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, �:, ,:. 5, ::LOCK 16, BELL'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, MINN,, from Stute io Ada, to a width of 12 feet; A:iey in BLK 3 & 9, PRQSPECT PLATEAU, from Ada to Anita, to a wid�:� of 16 feet;_ _ . Meredith - `` 5 praf ka �!*� '��°4�°�. Tedes co 'r"'�` Mr. President McCarty or. �000 r.aa � fn �UBLISHED OCT 311970 V