250912 � �5Q��� counou File xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by the C{ty of Aaint Psul�v{s.; _.........................._..__...................._...-------- - .�. �. .- _ _ ------- - _ ..��._� � _. __...� _._ ' ^--�� ° r�.�: extend LAFAYEi'�' ROAb from �ast Seventh :'tr�et to CTrcve .., .. , -"� t�;;rcet (c�,�;; r:oject iJo. P-0347BR) by condemnin{; a.ad t�.kin� �o� strce� ' pu�;o.�es the following described parcels of 1.e.rc, 4s shown by Drawing 1vo. 300�+, draWer 4, dated Oct. 20, 1974, or. file in -the Department oP Puolic works, , :___.,.. ', Those parts of Lot 1 except street, Lot 8 except street and highway, ar,d vacated a11ey. ac�joining in Biock 25, Kittsons Addition �o St. Pau1, lying northeasterly of a line 28.0 feet southwesterly of and parallel wi1;h the northeasterly line of said �ots 1 and 8 and extension thereof. Also, those parts of Lot 7 except hig�way, and Lot 8 except highway and the northeasterly 28 Peet thereoP, in Block 25, Kittsons Addition to St. Paul, lying easterly of the following described line: ��ir.r.ir.g at a poir�t on the southeas�erly line o� said Loz 7, 61.09 feet southwesterly of the most easterly corner of �aid Lot 8; thence northerly along a strai�ht line to �, point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 8, 56.31 feet northwesterly of the most eastsrly corner of said Lot 8 and there termin�ting. Also, those parts of Lot 1 except street, Lot 8 except Streets, ar.d vacated alley adjoining in Block 17, Kittsons Addition to St. Paul, and the vacated southeasterly 18 feet of Ninth St. ad,joining lyir.g northeasterly of a line 28.0 feet southwesterly of and parallel with � the northeasterly line oP said Lots 1 and 8 and extension thereo�. + ' Also, those parts of Lot 8 except street, in Block 10 Kittsons Addition to St. Paul, and the vacated northwesterly 18 feet o� Ninth St. ac�joining, lying eas�erly o� the �ollawing described line: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of said Block 10, 15�-.66 feet northwesterly of the most easterly , corner of said Lot 8; thence southerly along a straight line to a point ou tne sou�iieasterly l�r�e of said Lot 8, 29 feet southwesterly of the most easterly corner of said Lot 8; thence continuing southerly along the said described line extended to the southeasterly line of the vacated north- westerly 18 Peet of Ninth St., and there �ermin�L•ing. Also, those parts of Lots 2,3,�+, and 5 in Block 9, Kitt sons Addition to St. Paul, and the vacated northwesterly 19 feet of Ninth St. aci�joining, lying westsrly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on �, line 7 feet northeasterly of and parallel with the s�uthwesterly line of said Lot 5, said point being 20.85 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of said 7�ot 5; thence northerly along a curve to the right tangent to the last described line with a radius of i 265 .f.eet and a central angle o� 33° �+3 ' 00 " a distance of �-55•97 f�; thence northerly on a straight line tangent to sa3d curve and 3.06 feet easterly of and parallel with the easterly line ofl Lafayette Road north of Grove Stree� extended � southerly to the north line of said Lot 2 a.nd there terminating. A.lso, condemning and taking temporary construction easernents in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills including right of removal of lateral support from sub�ect land or remainder thereo� � as shown by Drawing No. 300�+, drawer �+, dated October 20, 1970, on file in the Department of Public Works, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Lafayette Road from East Seventh Street to Grove St. (City Project No. P-03�+7B), said temporary construction easements to terminate upon completion of construction or by July 1, 1972. rlgnti zan�enti tiC) "Lile 1ta.5G ciC:;�:riucu .i.iiic wi�i3 a iCLlA3.uA v� � � 265 .f.eet and a central an�le oP 33° �+3 ' 00 " a distance of �-55•97 ft; thence northerly on a straight line tangent to said curve and 3.06 feet easterlJ of and para11e1 with the easterly line o� Lafayette Road north of Grove Street extended southe:l,y to the north� line o� said Lot 2 a.nd there terminating. A1so, condemning and taking temporary construction easements in �he land necessary for slopes, cuts, and �ills including right of � � rer�oval ofl lateral support from sub�ect land or remainder thereof ' as shown by Drswing No. 300�+, drawer �+, dated October 20, 1970, on file in the Department of Public Works, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slapes in the grading and paving of Lafayette Road from East Seventh Street to Grove St. (City Pro�ect No. P-03�+78), said te�uporary construction easements to terminate upon completion oY construction or by July 1, 1972.