250906 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � � � ~ r CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� ND ����U �zc�rsE corn��r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL R OLUTION�C NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 22, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATE WHEft�AS: Superior Dairy Fresh Milk Co., li censed Foodstuff Vending Machine Operator, surrendered License No. 79e5, expiring March 31, 1971, issued for equipment on location c�o RamSey Co. Welfare Dept. Nalpak Building, 333 Sibley Street, which was issued as the result of an application for such license they made in error inasmuch as they do not have any equipment at this location, and request refund of the fee posted, therefore, be it R:E'SOLVFjD: That the proper city of�icers be and they are he�eby authorized to refund to the Superior Dairy Fresh Milk Co. the fee of $ 9.00 posted for the license, and to cancel said license issued to t�iem. CANC�LLATIGN (Refund) License attatched to City Clerk's Copy of Resolution. MAILING ADDR"r�S OF Or�ATOR: Superior Dairy Fresh Nlilk Co. 2112 Broadway Street, PT. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55413 Rec. 1319 Appn. 5960 Lic. 7985 OCT 2 2 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Q�;-�- 2 ? 19�� Butler Carlson Ap ve 19— Levine n Favor ""� Meredith Sprafka � or Tedesco ASainst ,� .� Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED OC� ��