250904 o��c�s c�t , � � ORDINANCE �����4 COUNCIL FILE NO.— PRESENTED BY � c�- ORDINANCE NO ' � �� . AN ORDIN.ANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF GEORGE MUSTA AND MARGUERITE MUSTA, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND AND WIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to George Musta and Marguerite Musta, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �200.00, in full settlement of claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk at or near East Ada and East Congress Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on April 15, lg'70. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to thesaid claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take e�'�ec3t and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. ,,�v b l��o Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C uncil Butler Caxlson i� Levine v In Favor Meredith � Sprafka Against Tede�co Mr. President c rty) QV 6 19� Approved: Attes�, r ity Clerk Magor q�� Form approved Corporation Counsel y ' pUBLISHED NOV 141970 ��Y pl'�[ � . . s ��NVfl�� \ ORDINANCE ., . . COUNCIL FitE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO +�� AN OR�DIHAi�CE SETTLIl� TSE CLAIM aF G�ORG� I�f8T1 AND MARGUE�i.ITE MtTSTA� I1�tDIVIDUALLY AND AS B�TSBAND A1QD i�1IFE, AGAINST 'P� EIT? OF 3AIltT PADL 'Pffis COQIiCIL OF TI� CITZ OF SAINT PADL DOffi a�1AIN: �` • Section l. Tbat the groper City oiiicere sre hereby authorized and directed to ,par out oi ths Tort Liabiiitp �d 0035-�21, to George Mnsta and Mar�n�ri.te l�sta, 3.ndividnally and as hnebaad aad xile, the s�n o! ��0�.0�, in f�ll settle�rai oi clai� tor da�a6es _ and in,juriee snstained by reagoa o! a tall oa a derective side�ralk at or aear �ast Ada a�ad Ea,t Congress Streets, Saist Paal, Kinnesota, on April 15, 19�0. Seetion 2. Thie�t eaid sno s�al.l be paid to tlte sfd clsiaaat� npon tbeir ezecntion aied delivery ot a releas� in fgll to the City, ia a lors to be approved by the Carporation Connsel, tor sll dassas� a�d fa�urias ssetained i� the ,anner a�orssaid. �ection 3. That thi� ordinanee ahall take eifect and be in lorc.� thir�Ly days aiter its passage, approval and pnblicatiaa. NOV 61�70 Yeas Councilmen Napa Paaeed by t Counci� Butler Carlson , I�vine jn Fa�ar Meredith � ��ainat Tsedesco NQV b ��0 Mr. President (MeCarty) Approve�d: Attest: City Clerh Mayor � :'�� Form a��zoved Co;gor�i3o� �ouneel BY _ � � Ist C ( �� � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app. � ��___Adopted r Yeas Nays Y s Nays Butler �tler Carlson '�rlson Levine t ,, �evine �50���4 Meredith �eredith Sprafka �Sprafka � Tedesco �Tedesco l/ Mr. President McCarly �. President McCarty O