250903 Orl�insl to Clh Clerk - ORDINANCE ���;�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� �� ORDINANCE NO.— AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF WILLIAM A. JASTROW AND DORIS M. JASTROW, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund o035-421, to William A. Jastrow and Doris M. Jastrow, the sum of �219. 47, in full settlement of claim for damages and injuries sustained on September 14, 19'70, as a result of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by Ellisworth M. Heroux, at or near the intersection of Snelling and University Avenues, Saint Paul, Minnesota. � Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in �orce thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. NOV 6 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the�ouncil Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine � Meredith � (� Againat Sprafka Tedesco r. aident Carty NOV 6 1 �0 App e . At � �-��.�,�`'�. Ci Clerk Ma o � Form a�proved Corpora�ian Cou y :PUBLISHED NOV 141970 DyLe�f�to rri.Mr , . ° • 4RDINANCE ��?�� ` couNa� r�t� No- . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO At� ORDII�NCE SET'PLING � CLAII�i OF WILLIIlIYI A. JA�TBEN�1 AND D48I� M. �ASTRUI��, At,�lIITST f�'SE CIT? 0�' SAI�i'T PAUL THE COUitCIL OF 4'� CIq? OF �>INT PAIIL �OB3 ORDAIN: Se�c�ioa 1. TL;st the groper City o�=i�ers ase Lereby anthoriaed to pa�r ont oi tbe T�ort Liability Fnad OA3�21, to willias� A. Jaa�ro�► and D�ri,a K. daatro�, t�e san�a oi �219.47, ia iull setti�t�st ot claia �or ds�aEes 8�d in�nries sustaiaed on Septe�Der 14, 19?0, as a reenit oi an sc�idest ia�rol�ria� • Cit� �alticl• drt��n by Ellisx�►rth M. Hero�, at or near the fatrersecti�n oi S��lliaa and Qaiversit� APen�es, Saint Panl, Min�te�ots. Sectioa �. That �raid aua shall b� pai� to tho asid alai�ants npon their ezecutiva 8nd delfvery o! a rslea�e ia tnll to t�he Cit�, is a ior�s to 'he approied by the Corporation Coaa��l, ior a11 da�asas asd in,�nries �ustaia�ed ia the nanm�r atore�aid. 3�tioa 3. Ti�at tl�is ordi�u�n�e s�all tate eli�ct aad es ia �orce t�irty da� alter its pa�use, a�pro�al aaa pnbliaatioi, NOV 61�i0 Yeae Councilmen Nays Pa�eed by tl� Counei� Butler ��OII _In Fsvor Levine �eredith � ro��nat T�� Nov' 6 �sla �. ��a�t ���c�t9� Att,eoat: APPrnved: City Clerk Yayor �� ,., Form s�proved Corpor�i�ion Couneel By n I s+ � � 2nd U Laid over to 3rd and app��dopted ' Yeas Nays as Nays Butler utler Carlson ` `carlson Levine � '' Levine ���3 � Meredifh � \Meredith Sprafka Sprefka U Tedesco edesco Mr. President McCarty �r. President McCarFy O