250901 ;�50��1 . Counoit File No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof th6foIIowingpubliaimpmvement by the City of Seint Psul,v�s.: _..�x.ad�..amd_.s.ur.f���..�ci.th..b i.x�min�as�...uaat�r.i.a.L.an.d..�ans.�r.�.��..�Qn���.�.�..�ul:b...and,.9.0 t te r .-2n...�1.NT.Hl34.�..�.T.R��:t-a=om..htai.-land..Roaci..ta...t1��e..Scaut.h..line..uf.the..Mcufih...y..Qf...x17��..�I.Qx:tJ:l�r�st of,the.Southwes t.�..of._the. Northeas t.� of__Sect i on 1 1�Townsh i p 28NN .���..+. ��..... �Range..22W_....Also �.CUnS#.ru�..S�Ht�.G..fAC:..S�XA.C'A]„JoC�S.�C.Ru����..r�Ltl�..lCl��,,.�?rv�ce connect ions� --------�---• ....».......____......... DRted tbis...22nd......dsy of......Octobe r........... . 7� .... ....................� ..... ' ........ .. .,..��.�.. - �" _ � ca oam�. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A �vritten propoeal for the making of the followiag impmvement, vis.: -»---•....GX7ts1�.»�qd..�!AC:f.a��..!rl.lth.,bi,tuminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter . ................................................. .................___ on y�j�j!{�QP_STt�EET �rom Ma i 1 and Road to the South �.i ne of the Nortft � of the Northeas t ..................................................... .................._.............. � of..�.�„�Q�thwest,;� of the Northeast � of Section 11 , Townsh[p 28N, Range 22W. Also cons.t.r.uc.x...se..►�t�x_.f.AC:..S�.o.l:lr.i,�tater,_purposes.and water service connections...,..N...................y.�..•,.M having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul.................................. t6erEfore, be it •...... ...... .............................. R.ESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be aad ie hereby ordered and dtreoted; 1. To inveetigste the neceesity for, or deeirability of,.the making of eaid improvemeat. 2. To inveetigeite t,he nature, extent and eatimated cost of eaid improvement, and the totel oo,st t6ar�t. 3. To furnieh a p1an� profile or eketoh of said improvemen� , 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on �he petitioa of tbree ar more ownere. 6. To report upo�t a11 of 4,he foregoing mattera to the �mmia�ioner of�nanoe. Adopted by the Counail....................................QCT.,�c,,.2._1970.....�.. Ysss Councilman Butler OCT 2 2 1��Q Ca r 1 son Approved.........._.............._......_.............................. Lev i ne '�"� Meredith — - Sprafka ., Tedes co � � '"�� ......... .....:...:. . _... ................... Mr. President McCarty syor. �000 �.s9 . P�r OGT 2�19� � 0