250896 OR161NAL TO CITY�LBRK ���y�6 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "�� �' �r ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. . COU. IL OLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tha.t the budget of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1971, ha.ving been heretofore filed by said Authority with the Comptroller of said City, in accordance with the budget procedures of said City, ap- plicable thereto, the particulars of said budget of said Authority being the following: (Item 1) Budget requirement for the fiscal year 1971 for accumulation in the redevelopment project fund for the eventual repayment of Federal advance is the one mi.11 limit authorized by law. . . .$270,000.00� (Item 2) Budget requirement for relocation service for the fiscal year 1971 is the one-tenth mi11 limit author- ized by law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 27,000.00, is hereby in all things approved; be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t there be and is hereby levied for the support of the said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on all property taxa.ble therefore in said City, a tax, collectible in 1971, sufficient to produce the amount specified under Items 1 and 2 above, but in no event to exceed the mill limitations as provided in law and as specified in Items 1 and � above; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, Tha.t the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax ]�evy as aforesaid, collectible in 1971, to the County Auditor of Ra.msey County immediately upon adoption and approval of this resolution. �T 2 2 197 0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Ye s Nays ��utler 43�T 2 ? 1��D \ arlson Ap ve 19— �I,evine n Favor �Aieredith �� � �sprafka � - �edesco Againat FORtv PPR ED r. President, McCarty qss Corpor i C sei PUBLISHED OCT �+ �7 pUADRU�LICAT6'GO DSPARTMiNT �n��`- �, CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO w V . • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ���* #i� �� +�' � � +� �� �MM1�� � � � +� � ���w� a�d �#�r�►�rr���� i�' 1� �!�" !�' t� �. !!�r �r ��r��es 1l�,� �rt Iw�e �� �d 1���.�► �ri�t �� ���r�► �+i ,r r�► t� �p�i�C� 1� r!�' '� +�i �t i�� t� �t ����+ww�� wt����i ��!� ti�r �`�1 1!� ���+���wi � s�!' � � �, �-�.� � �..�..��►��.+�0,� t= �} �t �r� �r �►�r�r�+� +�� � �����.� � ��r�'�'°�'�► r�►�► ��► �tx � � � �R+r�v����r,►�ss,�sw�rM����� �r���*�* � ��" � �� �� ���� � �� ���. l�atc �a�r '�1 � �►# ��ri #+� 1�wr �����..,�i� �d !I��+�aw� ��t�� � � � C� • ik�t, +� �c �� � �, �'' xt+�t a�rd � �� '� � t�w �t � �a��� � � w�► 16��� �w�� !�► L�r .�r � �. �� � � x��,� � .. _ .. F�+�i+��' �.'��, '�11� � �:'�► '�� �s �� �► +N1i1�ci��'► � ��N������r`� � � � �� � a��rr��;�rl' .,�t sw�r� COUNCIL�IEN Adopted by the Counca'1'CT 2 2 �� 19— Yeas Naya But�er f�C.,T 2 2 1�7� Caxlson Approv� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �ayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� ; , . � � � �� � qb , � � . � , �_,_, OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER �� SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 I LL LOU McKENNA ��� ... City Complroller October 1, 1970 Honorable Mayor, Chairman, President and Members of the City Council I submit herewith the budget of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for its 1971 redevelopment and relocation program. Minnesota Statutes 462.545 reads in part: "Subject to the c.onsent by resolution, of the governing body of the municipality in and for which it (Redevelopment Authority) was created, an authority is authorized to levy in each year a special tax upon all property, both real and personal, within that taxing district". , The budget as presented proposes the maximum tax levy of one mill for redevelopment-($270,000.00), and one-tenth mill for relocation-($27,000.00) . There are two items mentioned in this budget which I would like to bring to your attention: Item C-4 - Payments in Lieu of Taxes. These payments are based on 30% of the Gross rentals of Downtown properties. Chapter 745, Section 3 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1969 provides that any redevelopment authority shall pay to the County Treasurer, to be distributed in the same ma.nner as property taxes, 30% of the rental received or such percentage as may be otherwise provided by law. Possible rentals from other renewal areas apparently have not been considered. On page five (5) of the budget message the following comment is made: "Urban Renewal Bond Fund Interest has not been estimated for 1971. Since it is estima.ted that in 1971 the taxes paid from Capital Center will exceed the taxes prior to the beginning of this Urban Renewal project." Since the issuance of the first Urban Renewal Bonds, the Housing Authority has voluntarily agreed to pay the first three years of interest on these bonds. This decision was made in an endeavor to relieve the tax levy of these costs because of the substantial amount of downtown taxable values taken off the tax , - ��� � � �� ��� � �������� �,, �;' �-:1 O � , ' ' , • Honorable Ma.yor, Chairman, President . � and Members of the City Council - 2 - October 1, 1970 rolls because of demolition for "Capital Center". It is their opinion that new values now on the tax rolls in "Capital Center" have now equaled or exceeded the total amount of values initially removed from the tax rolls when they (Housing Authority) acquired this downtown property and therefore no additional interest payments are included in this budget. These items have been brought to your attention to assist you in your decision in adopting this budget. Respectfully submitted, Lou McKenna City Comptroller v� �u�a � ��u� vu�c►, Np1111 �Qul. IYIIIIIICJUId 'JJ I U 1. �vl,:,;. ,�.�ir,I�CIU, �XG4Ul1VC Uif�1:Wi-.�111UI1�LLJ J�t. l0 ;�.� . ���� .,.' � ' . . .. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUT��O��T�` ., :� �bl� �;!k��dT PNJL, MINNt�'�?T�� The Honorable Lou McKenna August 31,1970 Comptroller City of Saint Paul Roam 109, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' Dear Mr. McKenna: The Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, formally adopted the Tax Levy Fund Budget for 1971 at the meeting of August 27, 1970. The budget was adopted in the exact form which was submitted to your office on August 13, 1970. Sincerely yours, N Edward N. Helfeld Executive Director Enclnsure I �? . _'"��? J. i�%,1P', , . � �� , �'� � , �! il(IC'��l J. ��f1C�' ���llllL'S .� ��.i'{�i:i�' . � � . . • _ _ ,�. . . ,_, .'•_ ° � RESOLUTIOPd IrO. 70/8-27-Z ' � . RESOLUTI0:7 AP?itOVT`:C RED��I�LCP:��-,*,T A,�:D P.ELOCEITION � BUDGE':S FOR �7?E °E:�°, 1�71 ,1?;D I.Et7Y i�'DE�:EiOF.'::.�IT . TA.�C OF 0�'E *.I LL UF0:3 '�'L T:1:�:�LE V;Ll':1L IC:F CF ALL PROPc.�TY, R::.L 1::�� F�ZSC*;.�L, 4lIT:?Iil �:;: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, �IT2:��SOT�., :L;D a t.ELCC iTIC�i '.r�X Cr ONE TE2yTti OF C.;E 2•'.ILL UrO�, A T:1}::�uLc. VALUATICI� OF .' • , � : ALL PP.OFERTY, :�:L �L,D :E.SO:y�L, WIT'dI.i THE CITY . •� � OF SAINT PAUL, 2•SI�I;.GSOTA • WHERErLS, the Housing and Redevelopment :luthority of the cs.cy of Saint Paul, Mfnnesota, has reviewed its conter�plated expenditures for its P.edevelo�,rent � �nd Relocation Progr�?�s for the ycar 1°it, and ha:; estimated its Redevelo�er.t Tax Levy budgec needs to oe thc equivalent to one nill, taxable valuatiQn of all property, real and personal, ir. the Ci.ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota, with adjust;:ient for �icr.nestead and non-taYed p�rson�l property and its relocation tax 2evy bt:d,�,et needs to be the equivalent oL one [enth of one :r_ilI of ta;cabia valuation of a7,1 pxoperty, real and personal, in che Cit� of Saint P3uI, Minnesota, wi[h adjustment for hoM�stead exem�tion and non-taxed personal property; and WHEQEAS , there has heen presented to and considered at this meeting the Redeveloperent Budbet for 1971 and a Relocntion Eudget for 1971. NOFa, 'I�iE?.EF�'ZE, EE IT DWSOL�:EJ ry t;:e �iousins and Redevelop:^.:ent E�utnority of the City of Saint Paul , .,i:�nesota th<3t the pro�osed Redevelo�-:ent Tax Levy Budget for the year 1971 , includi,b an a;r�ou�t equivalent to o,:e inil? o� ta::able valcation ot aIi pro�ert,:, rcal �,d personal, wittiin t'.le City o� Saint P�_ul , Minnesota, with adjust:^ents . ior honestea� �r:er..c+tion <�nd n�n-t:t�:�d per.en�l praperty, and t?�e �.~onosed :elocation Tax Levy 5ur.:�et for the year 1971, ic�cliidir.� an �^�ount equit•alent to one tenth ot one r.ii11 of tc•.:table val.uation of all preper�y, real and personal, in tne City of Sain: Paui , Minneso[a, ��±th adjustments for hoclestead exe��ption and non-taxed personal property, are hereoy approved. RESOLVED FL'3T:zER, pu:suant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.545 , Subd. b, �:�e housing a�d R�develor::.ent Autherity of the �ity of ' Saint Paul, �Sinnesot�, does t�ereby levy a speciat tax of one mill of the taxable valuation of all p-c�ert,;, real ar�d personal, located witilin the Cit� of Sa��it Paul, � Minnesota, for redcvelo�:^ent purposes , with adjust�:er.� for r,en-taxed persor:al property �s pro��i��3 by :�Iir.nesot3 SCatutes , �ectien �72.G'+, a�:d adiust^�e^t ior ho�estead eYetnpt.ions on real property as authoriz�d by �iinnesota Statutes , S�ction 273.13, Subd. 7 (a) , and in �dditioa thereto, does here�� levy a further special � tax of one tenth of o^e ni11 of tne ta�z`�le valuation of a11 propert}�, real ar.d personal , within the City of Saint Paul, :•iinn�sota, :�ith adjust:nent for r.oa-taxed personal property as provided for by Minnesota Statutes, Section 2?2.64, and an adjustr:�ent for hoTestead exe�notions on real pro;erty as autnori:ed by tiinne:ota Statutes, Sectio;� 2i3. i3, Subd. 7.(a) , for relocation �ur�oses. RESOLVED FL��1�'.E2, that the E�;ecutive Directer is hereby authorized and directed to sub,�it the 1971 :edevelop;,ent and Relo�ation TaY Levy .,t,d�;ets to the Gontroller o: t'�e Citv of Sz�nt Paul , �itn;�eso:a, £cr ir.clusion in ttie buci�et of the City o` Saint 'rat�l , to be �u:�►irted for con�ideracion ar,d a}��!rovzl b}• the Co��ncil oF the Cit� af Sain� P�u1 , '•!inr.csota, 4nd a:te: ��E�rov<.1 by said Counci? , of tt�c 3u:it;ets t���rein �}�pro��ed and t�:e special tal ievics hcreby mad�, fu: ' certi:ication of sai.d ta:ces to t��e �luditor of the CounLy of Ra:r.sey, State of ;Iinnesota. . , 8/6J70�� • , � . • . . � . , . ,. � . . . . � , . ' , , . � � . • . IiOUSII�G A;�D RED::VELOFt•:r.i�T �IUTHORITY . . • OF THE CITY OF SAI;�'T PAUL, �IZ:��ESOTA ' � TAX LEVY FiJ:�D - RED�VELOF':;E►1T , �. • . . � BUDGLT - 1971 � . • • . ' E�?iIP,IT. R . ' . • A. Estimated Balance 1/I/71 � $939,422 ` �. � � - B. IA'CQ:L � , ,.....�_ . 1.) Estir�ated Tax Levy - 1971 $ 270,000 2.) Gross Rental Income • . , Capital Center -. R-20 300,C00 � 3.) Interest on Investnents • 50,000 � � TQl'AL I:�CO.� $ 620,000 C. E�PEt3SES � 1.) Administrative Expense . Capital Center - R-20 � $ 280,000 2.) General. E�:pense � I00,000 3.) Pay,r,ents in Lieu of Taxes � 9Q,000 4.) Miscellaneous - Reserve for � Cash Grants-in-::id to :iinn. R-20 - ' • • Downtow-n and t;inn. R-26 - Riverview 174,541 5.) Rese�c-ve for Interi:ri Financing ' ' � � and Contin�en�ies � 914,581 ' TOTAL Eh'PE;�TJITUP,ES $1,559,422 � . . . _#�. , ; . 8'6/70 , ;, . . .• � . . . ., . � , . _ . HOUSII�G A'•.':D R°DEVELO?;��:;T AUT�iORITY . OF THE CITY OF SAI.;T PAUL, MI:+:dESOTA � . TAX LEVY FUt1D - R�LOC�TION �. � . � . • BUDGET - I971 � � . . ' � EXHIfiIT A � .. � • Estimated 1/lOth 2•;ill Levy • . 2��Q� . . _�.Salaries � � $18,300 . � Travel 600 Retirement Contributions . 1,830 t�ublications � 100 Sundry Overheac� . (Rent, 'dcat, L�z�hts, Statiotiery, Telepnone, Etc.) , 4,67Q Relocation Fi_nancial Assistance 1,500 $27,000 �.► �aai i i���i JIICCI, .�iillll rau�, IVII(111e50i8 ��f UI. :�`.�ti; :W.tiEliblq,execut��arrector.�llU(IeLL3 5L itS :'e {''�� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTNOR�TY :� `: �,;�'�;' �� SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOT� The Honorable Lou Mc Kenna, Comptroller August 12, 1970 City of Saint Paul Room 109 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mc Kenna: . Enclosed is our copy of the tentative Tax Levy Fund Budget for 1971. For reasons beyond our control the Board of the Housing Authority has not officially approved this Budget. One of our commissioners, Mrs. Rosalie Butler who also serves as City Finance Commissioner, is presently hospitalized. Should our Board make any changes in the Budget, you will be notified and sent a copy of the changes. Sincerely yours, I v ,\ Edward N. Helfeld, Executive Director Enclosure , n lav�re!���:�, J. N��y��< <a: �;, , , '.� .,, �_ ;'�;� �,�-, -,: �;��„ R ll��uni�����, Kr;nnerh J. Lynch, James J. Daly;��l� �'. .� - ����, � . . . . . ,.,. R�: - .�.„:.�:, .. � . . . � .� . , , . t�-.�. , , . � .. . � ' .. . . � . .. . �. �. REPQRT TO THE COMMISS{011ERS D��,TE nugusc 6, �9�0 REGARDING Consideration of the One Mill Fedevelopment Tax Levy Fund and the One-Tenth Relocation Tax Levy You will have for consider�tion in your meeting of August 13, a resolution for the approval of a one mill tax levy for redevelapment and a one-tenth mill tax for relocation for the year 1971. These levies are autharized by State enabling legislation. I. REDEVELOFMENT TAX LEV1' We estimate the one mill tax levy for renewal will yield approximately $270,000 after it is adjusted upward to tuke advantage of legislation enacted to campensate governmental units which have a millage limitation for losses of revenue because of various tax changes (i.e. , money ar.3 credit� tax, household personal prope.rty, business personal properCy, etc.) EXHIBIT A is entitled T�x Levy Fund - Redevela�ment 1970 - Actual and Estima�ed. Intexest on Inv�strc�ents (Item 3-3). The cash availability for Investments was reduced durin� the months of January and February, 1970, for. the reason of interim loans tc� the Minn F-2d, Downto�,an Project, of $973,731 and interi.m loans ta NDP of $365,000 in June, 1970. � Administr�tive E:;nense (Item C-1) represent the local share of the Downtown Urban Renewal Praject ��hich are assurned by the locality in a praject which is an a 3/4 - 1/4 basfs. Sur� items a� Administrative Expenses, Salaries, phones, insurance, printing, tt�,�,porary operation of acquired property, lefial service:;, and relocation costs are not shared in a project and must be assumed locall.}•. . . Urban Fenewal ��n%� Fc::zd Inr_erest (T[em C.-2 shows actu3l am�unts �o be paid .. •. v.. .. . ...r .�r�r� rrv. .��r..r � � �v� •�v�+l ( • v � � ii � V111 UI v// 111� ! 111N4�. �Y11/Y�YL\I41f� �4:.rA.,.� . .. • -2- 8-6-70 in 1970 based on the informal agreement wherein the Board of the Aousing Authority voluntarily agreed to pay the interest on Urban Renewal Bonda until the time when assessed valuations equalled or exceeded the valuations before renewal in the Downtown area. � General Expense (Item C-3�. Many of our programs are not particularly identified with any current project, and these must be charged against local funds. In thfs category are FHA Pro�rams, Neighborhood Facility Grants, Operation Break[hrough, and the like. The Housing Authority has assisted others in project planning, i.e., Model Cities, Censua tract 9 and 10, Liberty Plaza, and, most importantly, advance planning for NDP programs. These costs must be assuined locally. General Expenses reflect these costs and other salary costs and expenses which are charged on a pro-rata basis to the Tax Levy Fund. Payments in Lieu of Taxes (Item C-4). These payments are based on 307e of the Gross Rental Receipts from Downtown Praperties. It should be noted that some properties result in a net loss which is further compounded by paying 30% on the gross receipts. Miscell�neous Exp�nse (Item C-5). There are certain payments which are required from time to time which are charges to the tax levy fund because there is no - alternative source of funding avai.lable. These expenditures fall into a variety of categories. Most recently the Authority was xequired to pay for the costs of curb cuts and utility relocations in order to permit the final FHA closing of tha Liberty Plaza Housing Development, ($1,800) . Subsoil conditions on one �articular moderate income housing site were so unpredict- able that FFiA required a large number of additional soil borings, ($5,000). Another example of :aiscellaneous expenditures is the donation of funds to the CiCy to permit the conveyance of lands to the City where federal regulatiotis prohibi.t the donation or dedication of these lands. A recent example of ti:is type of expendirure was the donation to the City of $6,400 . x . . , . . . . _ . _ __ _ _ ' ' ' � ' ,�_ �..� . .. ��. fi �i;�'� .• • ' . . . . ::�:( . .... . -3- 8-6-70 ' for the purchase of land for the construction of the Neighborhood House Community CenCer on the West side. Anticipated 1970 and 1971 expenditures i . � for this purpose would include the purchase prices for the ice arena aite � � ' on the West side, ($30,000) , and the Martin Luther King comtaunity aite in Summit-University, ($15,000). Another category of miscellaneoue expense could involve the acquisition of properties which are not allowable federal expenditures. The Authority m.zy be confronCed with this problem in its attempt to assemble the ice arena site on the West side since recent FND administrative rulings will probably preclude budget increases which are cauaed by amendments to an existinR Urban Renewal pl.an. It is estimated that the assembly of the ice arena site might require an expenditure of $50,000 from the tax levy fund. , �: ;�::. • • -4- ,, .. . 8-6-70 EXHI„_ BIT B is our projection of the 1971 Tax Levy Fund - Redevelopeient Budget. Interest on Investments (Item B-3) . Interest income on investmenta for 1971 is estima;.ed on the basis of anticipated excess cash being available for investments at current rates of return on U. S. Government Securities. Administrative Expenses (Item C-1) for Minn R-20, Dewntown, are estimated at the same level as in 1970. General Expense (Item C-2) includes pro-rata share of Administrative salaries other than Minn R-20 and expenses which are otherwise not reimbursable from Federal funds. Payments in Lieu of Taxes (Item C-3) is estimated at 30� of Gross Rentals ' in Downtown project. Miscellaneous Expense (Item C-4) for 1971 includes expected local cash grants- in-aid contributions for the projects listed. Budgeted also is $100,000 included for such itmes as additional but not yet determined local share for payments in lieu of taxes for Concord Terrace, Minn R-37; Riverview, Minn R-26; and NDP, Minn A-1-1, which amounts were not figured into the current and latest approved budgets. , Reserve for Interi.n Federal Financin and Contin encies Item C-5). By far the most important use to which the Tax Levy Fund is .put is to serve as our cash reserve while awaiting federal funds. In NDP Year I, the first flow of federal funds came in September, though the year began May 1, 1970. In NDP , � Year II, no new federal moneys have as yet come in. In this period, the Tax Levy Fund serves as the source of interim financing. Obtaining moneys from local banks is difficult in most cases since they need a committment to incur costs from the Federal Government which cougnittment is often not forth- coming in a timely fashion. There was an uncertain period, for instance, between May l, 1970, and June 15, 1970, for NDP financing while awaiting Federal permission to incur costs. The banks may be short of cash, and thus, the rates they would , . - °� • � -5- 8-6-7t� • � tharge would be in excess of the project rate. . Most intportantly� we cannot predict with any degree of accuracy when the federal funds will be available to pay off the loan. In a tight money market this is critical information according to the banks. For these reasons, the Tax Levy Fund is our most � useful fund. As previously stated, the timely purchase of Real Estate in Minn R-20, Downtown, was financed on an interim basis by means of a $973,731 loan from the Tax Levy Fund in January of 1970, since Federal funds were not yet available. This expedited a committment to purchase property for the IDS Complex. In addition, the Tax Levy .Fund loaned money to NDP in the amount of $365,000 in June of 1970. Other uses to which this fund might be put are: � a. As a revolving fund for interim financing of private Housing Development within Urban Renewal Areas (single family to multiple). These moneys would fill the gap when other interirn financing is unavailable and allow onr rehousing program to continue and to provide new housing construction. b. Maintenance of vacant lots in public ownership which are not owned by HRA. c. Activities to promote the successful carrying out of Urban Renewal projects that require non-Federal funds. • Urban Renewal Bond Fund Interest has not been estimated for 1971. Since it is estimated that in 1971 the taxes paid from Capital Center will exceed the taxes prior to the beginning of this Ur.ban Renewal project. II. REI,OCATION TAX LE`/Y FUl'ID - C1NE-TEN'TH MILL The Authority. is thc� designated Central Relocation Agency for relocation other than Urban Renewal. The Authority is responsible for maintaining a Central Relocation service for all the families and persons displaced by public action in Saint Paul. This relates to the present agreement that the Authority has with the Ci[y of Saint Paul, wherein the Authority agrees to supply the services to + s, �-s -��*3T�Ar ' ' -6- 8-6-f0 aasisC in any possible way in relocation. � __ Funds are available from Urban Renewal Budgets for relocation costs within the particular project, but are identified with those specific projections. Ia addition, we have a continuing responsibility to familiea displaced by code � � enforcement, other public acquisition, and catastrophes such aa fires. �le estimate the one-tenth of a miZl tax levy will yield approximately $27,000 Which will be nsed to defray the relocation staff expense. EXHIBITS C AND D show expenditurea in 1970 and projected expenditures for 1971. , . � vi..s s..•:,�,. • : " HOUSING AND REDEVELOPT�NT AUTHORITY � . � OF 'THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � • - TAX LEVY FUND - REDEVELOPMENT 1970 - ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED ; EXHIBIT A 1970 ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED A. Balance in Fund - December 31, 1969 Cash, Investments, Receivables $1,128,325 B. INCOME 1.) Tax Levy Actual and Estimated $267,845 , 2.) Gross Rental Income Capital Center - R-20 387,726 * 3.) Interest on Investments 48,466 TOTAL INCOME ACT[JAL & ESTIMATED $704,037 C. EXPENSES � 1.) Administrative Expenses Capital Center - R-20 $279,828 2.) Urban Renewal Bond Fund Interest 216,393 3.) General Expense - Non-Reimbursable Items 80,402 4.) Payment in Lieu of Taxes - R-20 I16,317 ** 5.) riiscellaneous Expenditures 200,000 TOTA.L ERPENDITURL:S $892,940 Balance Estimated 12/31/70 $ 939,422 * Availability of cash for investments reduced during the first six-months by loans to Minn. R-20 - Downtown and NDP. �t�c See Narrative - (i.e. Curb Cats, Soil Borings, Donated Land) . , . , i4Il�/�7�'� `�" , � ._ • . � . � , HOUSING ANU IcI:G,�:i�i;l,i►�'?:r:;�'C All'CIiOiZI'lY � OF TkfE CITY Ot� SA�I.i;'1' ('Aul., i•IIi�iidESOTA � TAX L�.VY FITND -� 1;Elir:,'IsT,OYMENT � T3trt�C�:T - 1971 EXl i I I�15' is . A. Estimated Balance 1/1/71 $939,[t22 B. TNCOriE 1.) Estimated Tax I,evy - 1J71 $ 270,OOU 2.) Gross Rental Incon�e Capital Center - R-'�0 , 300,000 3.) Interest or� Invast�ne,�t.s 50,000 TOl'AL INCOt�i� $ 620,G(�0 C. EXPENSLS 1.) Ad�„ini.straCi-ve I:xpei�se CapiGal C.�rrter - k-�0 $ 280,fi0f1 2.) Ger►eral E,�:pens� lUO,GOU 3.) Payir�ents in l.ie�� oi `1'di:es ��,fiOU 4.) Tii.sec_l l..,ne�_,us - ,�e.si:t've Foi Cash Gra,�t_s-•i,�-::ici i:r, (t.iri��. It.-%i� - Dow<<t-�t�n ac,;i iii.t;;t. ),.-%F; - f;iveruieti 174,541 5.) Reserve ro�• 7��tez iin 7�'ina»cirig and Gor�ti.�,�_�i,r:ies 91�:,881 -� TUTA7< EXiI',t�i;I'i'iii�FS $1,55�i ,4?2 , _ 8/6f90 �' . , , . . _ . . • HOUSING AND REDEVELOP�iLNT AU1'FiORITY � � OF TH� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, �1INNESOTA TAX LEVY FUDTD - RELUCATION � 1970 - ACTU�L AIvD ESTI2�IATED EXI�IRIT C . Estimated 1/lOth Mill 26 500 Salaries $18,285 Travel 530 Retirement Contributions � 1,855 Publications 50 Sundry Overhead 4,240 Relocation Financial Assistance 1,540 $26,50Q , � y� ' • 8Ib/7� °� . , . . . - � .. � , r , � � • . . t � . + ' HOUSII3G AI�D REDEVELnP:Ir".Iv'T AUT[iORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TAX LEVY FIJND - RELOCATION BUDGrT - 1971 EXHIBIT D ' Estimated 1/lOth Nill Levy 27 000 Salaries $18,300 Travel 600 Retirement Contributions 1,830 Publications 100 Sundry Overhead (Rent, Heat, Lights, Stationery, TeZephone, Etc.) 4,670 Relocation Financial Assistance 1,500 � $27,000 � �� Oct. 22, � 70 :�'�.-�.___ � I�. _--._�,`.,\� �� Hc�n. Thomas Kelley � County �udi�or /" Court House l��,,�/'�% Deax Sir: !�--�-��� � � The C3.ty Caune il re ested me t �nd yau the attach.ed certified cop.y of Council I'i e No. 2508g6� dC�pted tod8y' ?evyin�; a. tax for the support of e Housi� Redevelopmen� Authority o�' the City of S�nt Pa Minne , as more fully described in th� resolutio .�--� �� � Very trul.y yaure, n� City Clerk oct. , 197� �__ .__...��` NIr. Daniel A. Klas i/�°'.�,��, ,,�`°`� Corporation Counsel r'/ � Building i � Deax Sir: �' `�.�\� / � The Council requests that_yr�u preP�are�re8olutiOn appxaving the budget oP the Hous � s�rd.;Redeve�Zo�nent Authority of the City of Saint Paul f �971. � ``�;> Very �ruly your�, � �''---.. �- City Cl�rk ng o�