250889 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLCRK NO ���� . ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL ' ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul Agreement between the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 pertaining to the providing of surveillance service to urban renewal areas, as more particularly set forth in said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. p�T 2 1 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�a xaqs OCT 2 1 1970 Butler Carlson App 19— Levine n Favor Meredith l Sprafka U or Tedesco A��st PUB SIiED OCT 2 4 � i Mr. President, McCarty PPRO Ep orpo ion u I �� _. T DYPLICATi TO�RIN7Q 4 '�"''�+��. • CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNqL NO - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ���� COMMISSIONER, �ATE RESOLVED� That the proper City officars are her�by authoriEed an�d dir�ct�d to axecut� on b�half of tha City o� Saint P�ul. Agre�nt bstw+Nn ehe Citq and the Hauaing �nd R�dswiopman� Autt�oritq of th�s Citq of 3aint Paul p�rtaiaing to rhe ps-c�viding of su�weilla�a strvice to urban se�l arau, as ma►rs p�srticularlq set forth in said Agra�sat, a copy of Mhi+�h is attached her�to and incorporat+ad harein by refar�ce. : � �T21 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmdl �9_ Yeaa Nays OCT 21 1�70 Butler . Carlaon Appro� 19— �°�e ' Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A gR�St Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� e � � • ' U. S. DEPART*lE.�IT OF- HOUSING Ai�D URB�' DEVELOPrfENT HUD-621B : • RE;tEWAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTR.�TION (2-69) C�NTRaCT FOR PROFESSIONAL OR TECHNiCAL SERVICES Part II — Terms and Conditions . ' � l. Ternination of Ccµtract Par C��,:ae. If, through any cauae, the Contractor Bhall fail to Asi�ill in ��::.ely t:nd prcYer �enner hia obli�aticns under this Contrsct, or if t�e Contr�ctcr eha11 viol��e �y o� the covenanta, agreenents, � or stipulations o� �his Ce:�t�zet, the ,Lccal Public A�ency sn�11 thereupon have the right to ter�inate this Centract by �ivin� ;rri�ten notice to the Contra.ctor of euch terainatioa �.nd specifying the e��ective datz the;eoY, at least five days bePore the ef�ectivz ca�e o� suca terr�ina�ien. In aucn event, ail Piaish�d or unfinished docu�+enta, data, studies, and reports pre�axed by the Contrsctor under thls Contr�et shall, at the o�tiicn ci thA Lxsl Pu'�lic A�e�cy, beco�e its property �.nd the Centractor ahG.il be entitled to recefve ,just aad equitable eompeneation Por any es.tis�°actory �ork conpleted on auch docu�enta. � Not�rithstc:.�ding the sbove, the Contre�ctor sh�11 �ot be rel�eved o� li�bility . � to the Loca.l PuDlic A.gency :or d�a�3es �ustained b;� tne Loca1 Public Agenc,y b� vixntue oP s.ny breacn oP t�e Cc��ra.ct by t�e Contr�ctor, and the Lacal. Public A�ency mA.y wit�'�old rny gay�en�s to the Contra.c�or �o: thp �urpo�e oP setoff - until such tins �s the exact �ount o� d �-ea due the Local Public �ency fro� the Contractor is determa,ned. . 2. 2erminAtio� �or Co�1*enience of Loc�.l Public Aneacy. T'�e Local Public � . Ageney �,ay ter°W7..��i-ce �Lhia Ccnt��.c� e�ny tl�� oy � no�ice in �rritia� �rc� th� Local Public Asency to the Ccntr�,c�or. IY the Contr�.ct is tez^�in�ted by ;.he . Local. Public A,�ency ��� prov�ded 'nerein, the Co�trwcto.r will be paid an �ount Which beara the s�e ratio to t�e to�al caa�ensatio�. �s the �ervices actualiy � perPoz-��d b°sr to t�� totr�l services of th_e Coa�r�c�or covcr�d by this Ccntract, � leas pay�wenta of cc�eLSaz�on previously .:��,c'se: P�°o�ridud, ho�v�r, th�t iz' less than aixty per cent oi tbe services coa�red by ta�.s Contract h�•.e been p�r�o:Wed . upon the ef�ective date oP such termin�tioa, tLe Cbntructor sng:.l be rei��ur�ed ' (in addition to the above p�.y��n�c) for th�t portion o� t�e actus.l. out-oY-poc�.et ex�senseo (not ot�°r��riae rei�bursed under this Con'cr�ct) i�-icurred by the Contractor durin� �h� Coatrset p::riod rr�ic:: are directly attribut�ble to �he - unco�pleted portien o: the servicea cotie�ed b;� �.his C;,ntract. • I� thi8 Ccntr�ct is ter�,inated due to the �ault oP �he Contr�c�or, Section 1 hereo� relative to , termination ahall Apply. 3. ChF�?e�. 7'he Loc�l. Public A�3ency msy, �rom time to time, request chan�ea in �h� �co�� c� the servicea o� i2:e Contrectcr L-o be per�'o~•ed hereunder. Such ch^.x�e3, 1nc�udin;� �y incre�,se or decrca3e in tbe �ount o� tbe Coa�ra.ctcr'e compen��tion, �'nfch ure r��utua].ly �reed upon by u�d be�we�r. -iY�e Locc�l. PubZic A�cncy �nd the Contractor, shezll be incorporated in k�itten �m�n�ente �o this Contract. HdD•621 B • • . �2•::9) - 2 - . 4. Personnel, a. The Contractor representa t'�at he has, or will secure • '�' �it L�is oWn expense, all personnel requfred in per;orTing the services under this Contract. Such �ersonnel sha11 not be employeea o� or have �y eontractual relationship vith the Loc�l rublic Agcncy. � � • � b. A11 the aex-vices required hereunder vill be per�orn�ed by the Contractor or under hi8 supervision and all peraon.ne? en�aged in the work sh�l.l be fUlly qualified and sha11 be authorized or permitted under State and local law to perform auch aervices. e. No peraon who is serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution shall. be employed on Work under this Contract. 5. Anti-Kickb�ck Rtiles. Salriries oP architects, draft3men, technical engineers, and. tecnnici:�a perfor�ing work under this Contract shall be paid . uneonditione�l.ly and not less often thsn cnce a month without deduetioa or reb�te on any account except only such aayroll deductions a� are msndatcry by laW or ; permitted by the ap�licable re�ulatic:s issued by the Secretary ef Labor pursuant to the "Anti-Kickback Rct" o� .iune i3, 1934 (�;8 Stat. 948; 62 Stat. 740; 63 Stat. , 108; title 18 U.S.C. , section 874; and title �+0 U.S.C, , section 276c} , ihe Contractor shall co�-oly vitn c�.11 applicable "Anti-Kickc�ck" regulations and shall inaert uppropriate prcvisions in t�.11 subcoa�racts coverin�3 work under this Contract to insure co�.�liiince by subcontractors uith such re,3ulations, and sh�.11 be reaponeible Por the submission of affidavits required o� subccnt:actors there- under except �.a the Secretary of Lsbor �ay speci�ically provide Por vririations of or exemptians Prom the requirements thereoP. . . " 6. Withholding of Sal�ries. If; in the perfor�ance oP this Contract, there � �is sriy underpay�enL o� asiaries by the Contr�etor or by any subcontr�ctor there- under, the Local. t ublic�A,gency �caal.l uitr.hold �rem the Contrsctor out oP payrenta due to him an e�ount suf�icient �o pay to emplo;�ees un3erppid the diPference between the salaries required hereby to be paid and the ssla.ries actuslly paid such e�aployees Por the tot�.l nu,:.�er oY hours �orked. 'i'he �ounta �ritr.held shc�.l.l be diabursed by the Local Pubiic E,.�ency �or �d en �ccount oP the Contractor or gubcontractor to tbe respective er�ployeea to Wuon they a,.re due. - < 7. Clai�s and Dis-�ute� Pe:t�.ini�ti to S�:J_�.r,y R�tQs. Cla�.s �d d�spute6 pertaining to saletry r�°�es or to clussi�ic:tions oi' arc;�:tects, d:fl2't3aen� technical engin�ers, and techaicians perYo�ing wor2� t,nder this Contract shall be_pro�ptly reported in erri�in� hy the Contractor to the Loc..�l.l. �'ublic �3ency for the latter's decision which shall be final w�th respect tnereto. - 8. Eaur�l �aA'lo,y-W�nt Oo�o:ti:nit�. During the perfo:�ance' oY this Contract, ; the Contractor a�,rees aa Yoiloas: � � s. The Contr�ctor willpnot �iscrirainate a.gair_st an,y er�ployee or applican� for er�ployn;ent becsuse of race, color, reli�ion, sex, cr natio:�al ori�;in. The Contrac�or wi11 take alfir�ative action to ensure ';,ha� applicants are employed, �nd that ecrployees are treated durin� e�loy�ent, xithout re�;arci 'to their race, color, religion, sex, or nat�or.al ori�;in. Sucr action shall include, but not be li�ited -to,. the £ollo:ring: e�ploy��:.�nt, upgrading, de�otion, or tr•�:na�er; reeruit�en�t or rec:uiL�ent f:,dve .rtisinB; layoPP or terc�ination; i�tes oY pay or other Po�ms oP co�apenaation; azld HUU�218 . . _ 3 _ - ' cz-�y� .� , ~_ � � selcction for training, including apprentice�bip. The Ccntractcr �.r�ees • , to post in con�picuou� places, available to ea�ployees and ap�lica.�ts for employment, notices to be provided by the Loca1 Public Agency setting . • forth the provisioas of this nondiscri.�ination clause. b. The Contractor vill, in all solicitsticns or advertise�nts for e�roloyees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that a.11 quali:ied .applicanta �rill receive consideretion for e�loynent Without rega.�-d • to race, color, reli�;ion, sex, or national ori�in. ' e. The Contractor Will cause the foregaing provisions to be inserted in all . aubcontracts for any xork covered by this Contract so t�at such provisic�s vill be binding upon each aubcontractor, provided that the fcre�oin� ' provisions shall not apply to coniracts or subcontracts for staacard corr�nercial suppiies or rax materials. . 9. Diacrinination BecPuse of Certain Labor Matters. No person enployed cn ; the uork covered by this C�uLract shr�.il be discha:;;ed or in a..ny vay discr��i:.ated � sgainst because be has filed riny ceaplaint or instituted o: caused to be iast:t�:te� any proceeding or has testi�ied or is ebout to testify in �y prcceeding under o: � relsting to the labor standards applicable hereunder to his emp'oyer. � 10. Co�lit3nce 1?ith Lccal Lavs. The Contractor sball comply aith all �pplicable lar�s, ordinr..nces, sad codes of the St�te �nd loc�7. gover�^.�.�ents, aad ahall co�i� no trespass on any public or private property in per�oruiag any c� the work embraced by this Contract. � � . 11. Subcor_�ractin�. None oY the services covered b,y this Contract shall be subccntracte� kithout the prior written consent of th� Local fi:blic A�e:,cy. � The Contractor shall be as iully responsible to the Locz.l. Puhlic A�ency Pcr the ects and oraissions o� his subcontractors, and o� persons either directly cr indirectly e�ployed by t.�em, as he is for the scts an3 omissions o° perscns directly employea by hin. ihe Contractor sha11 insert in eacn subcontrac� • �appropriate provisions requir:ng compliance with the labor standarda p:cvisicns oY thia Contract. . 12. A�ai�sbilit.y. The Contractor shall not assign any interest in L��s� . Contract, and snall not transfer any inter°st in the same (:rneiter by assio.�°nt or noyation) wiz,hout the prior r��itten approval of �he Local t''�sbiic �ency: Provided, 2�ouever, t�3t clr�a.ms gor raoney due or to becone du� tce Cou�rac�c: � � Yron the Local Public Agency under this Cont;ract ;�ay be assi�ned to a c��k, truat �company, or ot�er fin�:nci31 institution, or to � Trt:stee in �an�cru�tcy, � Without su�h approvsl. t;otice oP any such �ssf�raent or transser shsil be 1lirniehed promptly to t:�e Local Public Ageney. _ • 13. Interest of Me�bers oP Local Public Arencv. No �nenber of the govern;:� bod�� oP the Loe0.1 Pub�ic t�;�ncy, :�r�d r�o �ther oYi'icer, e�pioyee, or a�ent c°� t�e Local Public A3ency who exercisen �ny functions or respon�ibilf�ies in co:.nectian, with the carryiup out of the Pro�ject to whicu thi3 Contr�ct perta:�ns, shall C�ve any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Contr�,ct. - 1�+. Interest oP Gt'�er Loc�]. Public OfPicir�ls. Ho member of the govern:a� body oi the locality in uhicu tce Pro�j�et 4rer.� is situated, and no ctner �ublic oPPicial of suc2z locr�liic�, uho exercises nny �unctions or responsibilitie� in the revieu or ap:�roval o� tb� carryiu; out of t�P Yro,�ect to whic:Z t:�ic C�at:act pertains, sha.11 have r�ny personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract. . � . ., . Huo-bzi a _ � _ r � , ' , (2•69} ' � � 15• Interest o° Ce�,.ain Feder�? Of:°icirla. Ho nember oP or Delegate to the Congreas o� t�e unitea S�atea, and no n�sident Co�:.m{saioner, sha11 be edmitted to any share or pexti oP this Coatract or to any benefit to a.�ise herefrora. . � ' 16. Interest of Co�tr:ctor. 'i"he Contractor covenants that he preaently has no interest rznd snall not acquire cny interest, direct or indirect, in the above-deacribed Pro�ect A:ea or Qny parcela th�reia or eny other interest w}�ich uould con�lict in uny r�sn:,er or degree r�ith �he perfor�^...ance oP his services . � hereunder. The Contracto: :Purther coven8.nts thst-in the perPorsaance of this ' Contract no pe:son having any such �.nterest eha1.1 be enployed. 17. Fj.ndinqa Con�'iflentir.l. All 04 the reports, ir.formation, data, etc. , prepared or �,szcbled 'oy the Contracto� under �hi� Contract are con�idential . and the Cont:actox �-ees that the,y shal.l not be n:de available to any indi.vidual or orga.niza�ion uithout the prior rrritten approval of the Local ; Pub�ic A�ency. ; 221527•P (Rev. 2•69) FIUD-1Yash., D.C. . .... . _ . �_ t ., _ + ` . �cSQ� < �� CONTRACT ' SURVEILLAI3CE AGREEMENT ; URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS ' � THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of � � { 1970, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint � . i Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Authority" or the Lacal Public Agency, 4, t of Saint Paul, acting by and through its Department of Public Safety, j and the Ci y ; hereina�ter referred to as "Contractor"; ; ; i . , ; THE PARTIES HERETO DO MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ` ; . ; 1. The City during the term of this Agreement shall provide a maximum of j two (2) patrol cars and a maximum of six (6) police officers for eight (8) hours per day, seven days per week, to patrol mutually-agreed upon routes within desig- nated urban renewal project areas between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. 2. The Department of Public Safety will conduct two or more informational meetings for residents of urban renewal project areas, �informing them of the sur- veillance service which is to be provided. 3. A joint evaluation of the benefits to persons and property in urban renewal project areas will be madeaon a quarterly basis to determine whether changes in the scope, time period, or designated routes should be made. 4. This Agreement shall be for a maximum period of one year and may be ter- . minated by either party upon the giving of a sixty (60) day written notice thereof to the other party. 5. The maximum compensation which the AuChority shall pay is $110,000.00 per year, and the actual amount to be paid shall be based on the hourly rate of the assigned police officers, p].us fringe benefits of 23.2% of the salary rate. The Department of Public Safety will bill the Authority on a quarterly basis for ° , ; � , the number of hours actually worked, plus fringe benefits . The Contractor sha.11 absorb the costs of providing, operating and main- taining the patrol cars . 6. In the event tha.t it is necessary, in the public interest, and in the discretion of the Chief of Police, Contractor may remove � the patrol cars from the designated ar.eas . 7. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agree- ment is subject to and hereby incorporates by reference �the provi- sions attached hereto as Part II - Terms and Conditions (Form H- 621B) . � 8. The funds to be received by Contractor, pursua.nt to this Agreement, sha11 be deposited to Uniform Police Safety Fund 60112- 115. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Authority and the Contractor have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. HOUSIN AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY In the Presence of: OF T CITY OF AUL, MINNESOTA � Q� �`L By . �� � airman �� �i /���; �� r .i And �- ° / ecretary ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL App ved as to form: By yor And ial Assis ant ommissioner o u ic a ety Co oration ounsel And ity er Approved as to form and execution: COUNTERSTGNED: ity omptro er Special Assistant Corporation Counsel 2. � ' U. S. DEPARTME'�T OF HOUSIIvG AND URBAPi DEVELOPMEt�T HuD-szta • RE;:EWAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION (2-69) � � CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIOt�(AL OR TECHNICAL SERVICES � • . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � A � � � � � � � � � . ' . Part II — Terms and Conditions � � 1. Termination oP Ccutract far Ca�,:se. I�, through t�ny cauae, the Contractor shall Pail to :`�,:iiill 'n t;:.�ely rznd pra�er �e,nner hia obli��ticns uszde� tbis Contract, or if the Contrsctcr shall violate eny o� the covenants, agreenents, or atipulations o� this Ce�tr�ct, the Lcca1 Public �ency sh2.:1 thereupon have the ri��,.ht to te�inate this Centract by �ivin� ;rritten notice to the Contr�ctor oY such ternination �nd speciPyin� the e��'zctive datz thereo�, at least five days before the e��ective d�te oP such terrajnatien. In nucn event, all Piaish°d or unYinished docu�+enta, data, studies, and reports pre�a.red by the Contrsctor under this Contraet shall, at t�ae opzica ca the Locsl Public Are�cy, beco:�° its property and the Ccntractor sh�il be entitled to receive �ust s.�d equitable eompeneation for any aetisgactoxy Work conpleted on such docu�enia. � 2�otwithstE.nding the above, the Contr�ctor sh�,.11 �ot be relteved of li�bility . � to the Loc�1 Public A.,�ncy �or de�ages austained b;� �he Loca1 �:blic A�enc,y b� virtue oP a.ny bresch o�' t�e Ccntr�.ct by �'.:e Con�r�c�or, and t�e LOC8.1. PL'�Jlic Agency m:y withhold �ny gay-�enzs to the Contrac�or �or the �urpose oP 3eto�f • until auch ti�e stis the exact �ount of d�e.;e8 due the Local Pub2ic Ag,ency 2'rora the Con�ractor is aeterai:ned. . • _ 2. Termin�tion Por Ca�t*enienGP oP Loc�,l Public A�e:�cy. T'�e Loc�].. Public � . Agency �a.y terWir;��e thie Co�tr;:.ct ��y t1�� oy a no�ice in Erritin� fra� th� � Local. Public A��ncy to the C^v�tl'F�Ctor. IP the Cont��.ct is tez�.+in�ted by ;,he - LocA7. Public fi�ency �s� provided 'nerein, the Contr�.cto� �ill be pa�d an �ount Which bea.rs the s�s rati� to the tota.l cc�p�nsatia�. es the �ervices actualiy � perPoi-�ed b.Qar to t�� totril s�rvices oP the Can�rac�o: cov�r�ci by this Ccntract, less pay�Went� oP cc���saLion previou8ly ,:��e: P�°o�Tir.�d, �o�rever, th$t i1' less ths.a s�ixty per ce�t oi the services covered by tn�.s COfit2'tiCt ��'iC been p.�rforW?d . upon the efPective date oP such terminstion, �Le Conti•c.ctor sa�l be rei�bur�ed (in tiddition to the above ps��en�) for that portion o� the act�sl out-oY-pocLet. expenseII (not. ot�es���riae re ir.bursed under this Contr�ct) i,-icurred by the Contractor durin� the Coatr�ct p��riod �.-�aic�: are directly attributaole to the unco:�pleted porticn o° the servicea co�ered b;l this C;,ntract. I: this Ccr.tr�ct is ter�,�inated due to the fault oP �he Contr�c�or, Section 1 hereo� relative to termination ahall �pply. � 3. Chen?ea. The LocE,l. Public Agency msy, Pro� �ime to time, request changea ia �h� sco�� c� the servicea o� the Contrt:c�cr ico be per�o~�ed �ereunder. Such ch^.r�ea, includin;� �y incre�se or decrea�e in th� E:Wount o�P t�e Co�r�r�.ctcr's compen�ation, �'n3ch tsre �.�utuaily �{;reed u�on by �:d bet�aeer. �Y�e Locc�l Pub�ic Agency �nd the Contractar, ah�sl.l be incorporated in k�ritten �man�ents �o this Contr�ct. . -. �. � N . . � � • � I