250881 o�s�.i s�cie,c�t _ � ORDINANCE �i0��1 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY _ � ,\ � ��� �'\ ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF EILEEN P. SMITH AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City,,officers a`re hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the To�t Liabili•ty Fund 0035-421, to Eileen P. Smith, the sum of �600.00, in full settlement of her claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk at or near 2123 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on March 4, 1g70. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days a�ter its passage, approval and publication. i 1 NUV 51�7� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler . '`� Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith C �1 A gainat ! Sprafka T���° NOV 5I970 sident (McC y Approv • Attes : City lerk �- M or �� orm approved Corpor�tion Counael y � PUBLISHED NOV � �970 Dqtla�1��ehae . . . ORDINANCE � ������� - couNCi� H�No._ PRESEWTED BY ORDINANCE NO /-� f°✓ Alt OBDIMJIITCB 3BTTLIl�r TH� CLAIM t1F EILBE�i P. Sd►sITS 1�Gi�i1dST THE CITY OF 3AI�T PAUL T�B �OIIl�CIL UF TH8 CITY OF SAINT PAtTL HOBS ��AI�t Section l. That t�e prop�r �it� o!licsrs ue l�ereb� a�thorisid �� asd direct� to �ay ont of the Tort Lisbilit� Fasd tM13g-421! to $ile�s P. Siith, tl�� s� of �600.04, ia tnll s�ttlese�tt c►t h�rf<alaia !or dasaaes e�i ia,�ari�a �astaia�d �► rea�o� oi a iall o� a �deie�eti�a aiiewtll� at or s�aar 2123 Far� Pa�l�ty, Saiat Panl, l�tias��ot�, oa lrtaaseL 4, 1970. Sa�sti�►a �. Trat aaid � sLsll b� paid to the aaid �laiaast npoa ber asecztioa s�l deli�ery oi a release is lnll to the City, in � �or� to Be sppro'ed mT the Cor�oratiQa Coaasel, ior all dua�ss a� ia�ari�s sastaine� in tbe �eAn�r aforesaid. seet�on �. �►at t�is ora�a�.s�• �.�sii tar� �rieet asa be ia toree tLirty da�a aiter its �aasa,��, a�proral and �ti►liaatioa. �p1V 5 ��A Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by th Council Butler ��On n Favor Levine Meredit�t Sprafka �. �t ����� NOV 5 1�70 Approv�i: Attsst: City Clerk Mayor � �;,� Form a�Proved Co�por�tion Coune+el By _ � Ist� � lg � � 2nd � .� Laid over to , 3rd and app � � �dop+ed '�� � Yeas t�fays Yeas Nays Butler � ,\utler Carlson � '' �arlson Levine '� �°� �evine ���` �� . Meredith � �eredith \ �� � Sprafka �5prafka Tedesco Vedesco Mr. President McCarFy �Mr. President McCarty ^�O