250870 � �_� -
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Resolution Ratifying and Confirming $Y —
Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No. 1�
and Asaessment Therefor
In the matter of �� � � � � +� �, �,� �p� � � ��
��ret +�t �, la�s� t3�t +� � a�t � � !� �r�i►�t i�t �e
s�� �, �r�rt M�j 1r� �' at +rwrR�t sd' �"�r�r 3ir tl�
� +�r�! warl�s#rM� �rl,li 1iai��rr a�el�ai �it ai�► #� ��dt 1'�, i. �. ia�aMt's �
Y�t�#si.�i�t rt � �i rM�i Li� �i�rl�a'� �'ieaws it. �ii�L,��t 1�'�r �. �� �rg
�•s �s �ia t�t +wt �^.�irr ��I�rt s# �M� I�■ry►. t�► llrie �tt i�r Mt Lrt T
ia +r+�i �t. �d; ��� t'ir �S+�r�t ��M�e, �"'1#�!�
under Preliminary Order �� , approved � �,� �� ,
Intermediaxy Order �T , approved � �4,� �#�
FinalOrder , � -- , approved —•��� �� .
A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements
therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment
of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
°q'e^�� 3i38ti13�T�6i�ts RS te each }�ar�p� pf lanri ripenrihnii +hn�+oi:.
Yeas �;y E� ,�, Nays �T 2 Z 1,�0
G�" :;_. : ;i v Adopted by the Council— ___
L`����`�" OCT 2 1 1970
I�/f��F;�D I T H AApro
S�RAFKA �In Favoi
T�D�S� r
M�CARTY � Against .� �4 ���p
` �--� � `�,W;.i..,....,._ �w-r�"^"' �.. .� . r ,i'1A� .
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- � ' �Ir�
Report of Commissio�er of Finance
on Condemnation of Lands File No. �
In the matter of ���� � � ,� � � � �,� � � � ���
tlM�i �M �f �t�, � iML' '� �i" !i� �llt �'�1 A�# ��M M!
� l�MM�rI�l� ��i*�i !�►��MM� �M�rl*!" i1r M��iMt �! �M !�t �i
pM� �M � !L� �'�w �l�L �M i� !M l�tc �3s �► �. �t'!
i�i�it+Jl��ii�s tt �! �! � � �t�"Mt �'i�l� �. � �t1t �R. �iE� �IiA�r
�r., ��r�, �iw �!r � � �i � �rlw�w 11���1►. �r � ��ir � +�' �t 7
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under Preliminaxy Order �� , approved ,�� ',� �,�
Intermediary Order � , approved � �. �
Final Order � , approved �� �,'� .
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, conta.ining the undersigned's finding on said matters.
. -p`� =--1�%`�`�
��s ne� Fi nce
Nov.1o, g
�/"-P��.ry i
....,,.� .
Mr. Daniel A. Klas .-----��
Corporation Counael //�
Building � �
� l%'
Dear Sir: '\ �i i
�he City Couneil rePerred,.._.ta�t�u ttie, s,ttaahed NpTICE pF
APPEAZ to condemnation p�e������ $ iri`�co neetion with the
grading of an alley i lblock�lg,\�\ R.�`g�y�t�8 Subdivi.aian
oP Blocks 15 a�zid 16, tineon s Fr ces St. Addition, �iled
on behalf of' Michael nd Theodora Fi�hite.
���.�� \\,_ �// VeY'Y truly yours,
��� ��
� City Cierk
� _
` � �.'�� L� �'� 52 ",i`� " ,'(�
TO �i� ��r�O�,�BL:� T�YO�i AH D Tti�: CI T'Y Ct�3t!AtCI� �3P' �ATI�T P�U�U L, I�i I i l?d.
_ Th. uade�sigrysd respocL£ully sst�t farth:
T'bat they are the f�e oi+nera of the following describod rsal estate
in F�aa�say County, A4tnnssota tio-wit:
Lota ld aad 1? �3.ack 15, �• �• arYant '� 3ubdivisioA of
Bloaks 15 ar►d ff�, 9�f�eont� Franc�s 3t. �►dditinm �a �t. Paul,
whioh property is �.��on �wa es 131$ �. 3rd 3t. , �t. Pgul,,
l�inn�eota and ie Cholr ho,�e�tead.
T'ha.t they ob,��at to the t�ki.ng of th• No�th 2� ��et oP t�e Ea�t 24
f e�t of aaid I�t 1? aa propoaed by ths City cf 3t. Paul ,as it r�ould
dspraaiats tho rr�lue of said Lot 17 ,whould alao depr�ciate the valua
cf thein c�es 4A aaid Lot 16 aa t2� progoe�►1, c�t areating a turn around
would bs dangerous to tha �i�or cbildrsn oP th� vndorsigned and would
cr.�►Ls a nni:samae �hen motar vmhi+elea back up and �urn arouad at all
houra ot t hs day and ni ght.
Z'�t th� �ark�t val�s of lots i�a thia a►r�a i�, at le�►a� ��f?Qfl.00� per
lot and ths dam�g� to said Lot 1? by arsating said �ux� �ra�uad �a at
1�a�t �3t�pQ.Op .,�3 �.o the ho�e of said uadersign�rd wrould be a� leaat
Tbe►t �h• logi�aal a�d corroct proaeedin�s on ths p�►rt o! ths City
wou].d be �Co op+aa sud �rado all�y trom Clar+anae 3t. to ths servic• laao
on Johaeon Parkway.
Your ob�sctors respaatt'ully rsqu�ra� that�• propo taking aP eaid
l�►ad S'or •a8er�snt and tura a�o�nd purposes�t but iP �ic4 �a�soenC ia
sllor+ed tihat th�y be ecu�p�na�►�ed in �t l�a�t tl� �um cf ��04�,W aa
des4g�� �o t2�rir proporty.
Dated Uatobor 17th, 1970 ,
A� chaol �. te
�-��� X`, ��'i''` _
��e+� T. I�enery o�lc�ra ,. b� ts
� r
� Attorn�y for C�b�sctora
640 r:':ndfcott on �th 3t. ,
3t. Paul, �in�n. 551Q1
� �,u ,. . _ _ _ _
.. . _ � : . . : � � U� v
� �
, _
: . 11 _� �
S'1'�`1'L Or' ,�iTi`I��SO`1'ti liIS'1'itIC`l' COUft`l�
CUUiv'i'Y Ur F��:�_�Ly Sr�CUi�i� JUL'I�I�L 1�IS`1'�tIC`1'
Iviichael �:. "�'Jhite and �l`heodora P. �7thite ,
hu sband and wif e , .
Appellants �
- IVU'1ZC�; Oi�, �PY�xL
City of Saint Paul, a :�iunicipal
Corporation, �
8�espondent �
TO `I'H� CITY OF S�I�T PxUL, a 1�Iunicipal Corporation:
PL��IS� TaK�; i�OTIC�, That the E�ppellants herein ; namely i'��iichael a.6�Jhite
and `1'heodora P.� yvhite hereby appeal to the above Uistrict Court f��m
the Resolution adopted by �the City Council of 'the City of Saint Paul
on October 21st, 19'70 ratifying the award for' ,���ri,��s for the taking of
their land. �
Z�e nature of Appellant ' s �ppeal is that Appellants are the fee owners
of the follo��in� described real estate in %tamsey County , i�linnesota to-tiait :
Zots I�6 and 17, Block 15, �� �, Bryant 's Subdivision of Blocks 15
and 16, Stinson 's rrances St. �ctdition to St. Paul ,���lhich is also
known as 1315 �. 3rd St. , St. Paul , i4�i.nnesota and is their
homestead. '
, ,.
That Ftespondent is taking the North 20 feet of the r�ast 20 feet of �
said Lot 17 for the purpose of creating a Cul-de-sac or turn around
� or dead end alley, which cul-de-sac �,�ould extend to about 29 feet from
the rear end of their home �,vhich is sutuated on said Lot 17 .
The creation of said Cul-de-sac and the use of sar,le would be
extremely danoerous to atipellant 's minor children and would create
a nuisance when i�_otor vehicles back up and turn around at all hours
of t he day and ni oht.
' Tne 1�ward of ��:315 .00 for dama�es for the taking of said land and
the • resulting use of same causin� a nuisance and danger to appellantts
� �children is grossly inadeq_uate and said damage to :�ppellants is in
� excess of Three �'housand Dollarso .
� � �-�r�Ci- i%'_�.' `,/ / �� ' :,:-�i/ � �
[�C--yi't..? ! '• i1_"'.�-.�.t_�G-. . . -. .
J ame� 1. lienery � ��lic hae 1 �. ,ihit e� ��pe llant
`" �,ttorney i or �,ppellan'ts � ��. �-���-= ` �''�' %`%'� f
� ot,0 Lndicott or. l;.th �t. , �1'heodora .r . „nite , xz;,pellant
St. Paul , ��:inn. 55101
� �
. , �
_ . �;� _