250856 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK -J�O Jl��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Nca N���' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENiED BY COMMISSIONE Robert S raf $ „ A� WHBRSAS, In the mstter of the contract w th F. Mor�ttini Construction Company for the construction of the MILTON-WATSON RELIEF SE�lER and SNN�LLLING AVENUE from Goodrich to Lincoln, Comptroller�s Contract L-7193, City Froject No. 69-S-1316, the specified date of co�apletion is October 22, 1969, and WHBRHAS, The Contractor did not coffiplete the contract work until August 1, 1970, and there i$ no showing that the failure to complete the work in the specified tisae was du� to causes beyond the Contractor�s control, ar�d i�IHBRBAS, Section 1.54 of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction provides for liquidated da�ages and cost of engineering �nd in�p�ction to the City for failure to co�plete the work by the Contractor within the time specified, a�d WHEREAS, Ellison-Philstro�, Inc. has sub�itted a claim for �dditional engineerfn� and inspection for said project for an amount caf $1050.00 for the period fro� October 22, 1969, to August 1, 1970, which period covers th� del�y in cc�spleting the work; and VHIItSAS� The City did not snffer any other measnreable d�uaages due to the delay in completing the work; nov, therefore, be it RSSULVSb, That the City shall �duct $1050.�0 fros� the final estimate to cover � the cost of additional engineering an� i�sp�ction for the period froa October 22, ` ` 1969, to Augu�t 1, 1970, as claim�d by RlYison-Philstros�, Inc., said a�unt of $1050.00 to be credited to this project to pay the additional engir�eering and inspec- tion incurred- by Bllison-Fhilstro�a, Ine., and be it FURTHER RESOLVSD, That the city waives liqu3dat�d daesages and egteads the co�e- p pletion date to August 1, 1970, provid�d that this resolution �hstll l�a�e no force � or effect unless the sureties on the Contr�ctors bond eensent thereto and file snch � consent in Writing with th� City Conptroller. '� '0 � O � v � � OCT 2 � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �j � a 19]Q Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty � ' PUBLISHED OCT 2 4191 �� r o�.�,�,n,�.�,� 250��6 . � CtTY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N� OFHCE OF THE CITY C�.ERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM G�OMM�I�ONER ��� �• =�r�� �A� ii�, L+ tb� Mtt�s Oi t.lM e:�oats�ct vitY ]t. M�►s�ttiul Cs�atstittini C�psn� . tor t� amaatsaetio� oi t1r !l11.1�ON•N1?sWl �ELI=E S�9i�R u�d gNtLLINa AYiNt!= tre� iioedriaM t� Liuooln, C�troli�x'a Contsae:t L•71i3. Citr lroi�et Ne. �f-=•131�. tw sN�ili�d da� ot ao�platie� is Oetob�Y 23, 1f69, aad i�EAS, Tir� Gratraatos did aot �pl�t� t� �txaat �st uutil Iropst 1. 1970. aai tws� is m slaMias tlat �L� t�iles� to �pl�t� ti� vesk i� t1r ��aili�d tiw wa dw e� ea�at� b�p�ond tlw C�at�etor's �tiol. �d ii�RiAS, �atiea 1.54 0! tiw �tp�aifiaatl�oaa tos Stsrr�t a�d �wr Co�sqrnation �s+o�i�u tos lipidated da�►qs �d �esst oi �ia�srias �ud iesp�eti�os ts tM Cit�r tos lsitdt+� to �eql�t� tlr No:k ti� ti�a Coatsaat�s Mitria t1N tia sMefliird, awd i1Wt�. tlli�oa-�hiistre��, xac. l�s sai�itt�d � ai�la tor aidi�inial �inasia� aad iaap�etioe ter s�id prsj�et !or �u �t ot ;1030.0� tos t6� pe�iod !tN OateMs t2. 11i�, to ��at 1. 1f70. �Yta1t p�sioa o.wsa tlr� d�la� iw o�i�tius tlw aosk; aN t�tR�, T1� CitY aid AoE aMlf�s a�r �t1MS r�uarsatil• daMps �� to t.M d�la� ia �a�l�tias tlr �rk; Aov, tlwis�torr. � it RElOLYSO. T'�at t1» Cit� s►ali d�bat ilo:i0.00 tra� !� �iwi •sti�at� to aow: tiw �a►at et ad�itisou�►1 ea�i�sins a�N i�apsetiao fos tiw p�ti�r tre� Oetob�r 23� . 1969. Es J�sp+st 1, 1l70. as elalaid ti� Elliao�-�6flstrN, iaa., saia �waC o! �10.30.08 to bn esydilN to tYi� Pro�Ntt bo pap tYs a�iltio�l �lau�tsi� swd iwp�a• tioa isarrr�d by illisou•F►ilits�o�. Iaa., as� b� it M?�ER R�OLYtD, ?liat tlN Ci�r wiws liqriaata da�a�u u�d ucta�r tb� a�- pl�tiow dat� !� �uanst 1, 2l70� pso�i� t6at tltia s�s�lntiea sLall 6�w aa lera� or �t�et nalua tla sur�ti��t ou t4� foatraator boud a��wt tYrrot� �sd 111� s�cY o�aarnt iw rritins �ritti tb� City Ca�ptt+olinr. OCT 2 0 l� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conncil 19_. Yeaa Naya OCT 2 0 1�7Q Butler Carlson Apprnv�l. 18_ �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Q �� A on;nat Tedeaco blr. Preaident, McCarty ��