RESOLVED, Tha� �feYanberg Realty Company be and he�eby
is permit�ed to install and ope�ate a driv�-in ban�Cing
facility on pr�perty located on the sout�a �ide of West 3eventh
Street between AltoM and Madi�or� Streets, more pa��ieularly
de�aribed ae follows :
bota 5-8, �. W. Yo�ng�sn�� Rearrange�ent
of Blo�k �, Pali�ade addition to �t. Paul;
�ub�ect to the condition �hat Ber��on Aver�u� to Alton Street b�
improved; �arther �t�b�e�t to the condi�ion that signg advisi�g
e�stomers and emplo�ees not to t��e th� alley betweer� the parking
lot and Madison Street be in��alled; fartMer sub�eat to the
condition that an 8-14 foot sidewalk retarn to facilitate
pedestriar� aetivitie� arossing West 3�venth Street in the marked
erosswalk be ins�alled; further sub�ect to �he condition that
� proper aereer�ing betw�en the banlc and the property of I�r. �r3.sch
o � be to the sat3.�faction oP �ir. Fri$cY�; and further aub�ect �o
> o
� o co�plianae wi�h all applicable ci�g ordinan��s, �tat� ��at��es aMd
a. I a
d � rule� and regula�ions of publ� �,uthori�ie� having cognizana�.
� �
� Q
OCT 2 O 1�70
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler 0�� 2 9 1���
Carlson ved 19—
Levine �_j� Favor
Sprafka v yor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty p�BLISHED OGT 2 41970
� � , Y
1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 � PHONE: 223-4151 :,�„�`��
September 15, 1970
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application of Rehnberg
Realty Company for a permit to install and operate a drive-in
banking facility on property located on the south side of West
Seventh Street between Alton and Madison Streets. This property
is further described as:
Lots 5-8, Youngman's Rearrangement of
Block 2, Palisades Addition.
This matter was first considered by the Board of Zoning at
their August 20, 1970, meeting. The staff reported that the
site consists of four lots totaling 21,280 square feet with a
160-foot frontage on West Seventh Street, and is currently
occupied by three single-family residences in good condition.
The staff noted that submitted plans meet basic design standards
for this type of facility. A letter from the Traffic Engineer
dated July 20, 1970, noted the condition that vehicles leaving
the lot should not be permitted to proceed directly across West
Seventh Street to St. Paul Avenue. The letter also noted that
the applicant would be responsible for the cost of traffic signal
work required in connection with the proposal. The staff reported
that because of the location at this intersection, a potential
traffic safety problem exists. Consequently, the Board laid this
matter over to receive a report from the Traffic and Accident
Section of the Public Safety Department.
At the September 3, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting the staff
noted an August 25, 1970, letter from Captain Anderson, City
Traffic Superintendent, indicating that left-turn movements into
the proposed facility would be from left-turn slots which in turn
depend upon the prohibition of parking on both sides of West
Seventh Street 24 hours a day. In view of the studies and
assurances by the Traffic Engineer's office concerning any
possible accident problems that may arise at this intersection,
he sees no valid reason to object to the proposed facility. An
August 26, 1970, letter from the Traffic Engineer's office
-�- '� "` �, �,
Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) September 15, 1970
indicates that alley access would be approved if steps are
taken to improve Benson Avenue west to Alton Street, and if
the applicant installs signs advising customers and employees
not to use the alley between the parking lot and Madison
Street. He also suggested that an 8-10 foot sidewalk return
be installed to facilitate pedestrian activities crossing
West Seventh Street in the marked crosswalk.
Mr. Arthur Rehnberg, representing the applicant, noted
his agreement with the Traffic Engineer's recommendations.
Subsequently, the Board of Zoning, by a 5-0 vote, recommends
approval of this application for a special-use permit, subject to
the conditions of the Traffic Engineer as noted in his August 26,
1970, letter.
Very truly yours,
Secretary, Board of Zoning
PJM:ga f
Z. F. �k7039
Encl. : 1) 7/20/70 letter from Traffic Engineer
2) 8/25/70 letter from Captain Anderson
3) 8/26/70 letter from Traffic Engineer
�� . .
. . . � . �
. . ' c�
' � , �
� �
. �
' ' July 20. 1970 � :
. , .
i �
f��r. Harold L. Rutchick _t
Attarney �t Law - . - �1'
' tJ 2052 First National Bank aidg. ' '
S�. Pau 1, 11 i nnesota 5�101 , �
. � ( � �
�ear Mr. Rutch i ck: d'I'I
f:ecently I met ►yith Ct�arles Wahl�erg at the site of the propos�d "
Guarantee Stato Bank for the purpose of discussin� the layout of the
drtveways necessary for tha devalopmcnt. and h;; h�s sincc submittad a •
plan (No. bll) to us sticwing rhe locations of �he drives. we would have
no obJections to this prQposal provided that vet�icles le�ving the lot
are not permitted to proceau directly acr�ss 4�. Seventh St. to St. Paul �
Rve. i believcs from discussiuns wa nave had in our offtce wlth Mr. �
f'eterson that you are agrce�bie to this resLriction.
7he prellminary estirr�ate for the traffic siynal work requtred in con- �
nection with the proposal is $1,3(30.00. 7hls irrciudes relocating the pale < �
on the sautheast side of �eventh� instaliiiig a v�i�icie deteetor at the �_
exit ti�J;�ich would provide �� �rcen indica�tion far tt�e exiting traffic from
tize lot. and i�stalling si��;�al indications or► the n�rthwest sida of Sev- � p
. enth for the exiting traffic. , \1
� \
� S Inccsre ly. �
. O,
. � . �
Robert H. Raettcer N
" � Traffic Engineer 111 �
cc: Mr. Charles D. Wahlberg �
• � ��W, t�. � U L� 1!U
� , . . AUG : ` 197�1
���''���NC�..7 ��LE � �c: , ���N�NI�NG��@ARD
. �
. , ��� Capital of Mistnewts
� ` Department of Public Safety
R. H. Rowan DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner
cn��f oe rouoe �
RALPH MERRILL,Deputy Commissioner
llGPUTY CHIEFS: 101 E. lOth Street
R. l. FreisChel Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
Patrol Division
R. F. LaBathe qugust 25, 19'j0
llctcctivc Division
Peter J. Maietta
Secretary, Board of Zoning RE: Z.F. 7039
1010 Commerce Building
St . Paul , Minnesota 55101
Dear Mr. Maiett�:
We have investigated the erea in which the proposed bank ts to be
installed from a traffic safefiy viewpoint and also conferred with the
City Traffic Engineer.
The left-turn traffic movements into and out of the bank will be
controllad by the installation of left-turn slots which in turn depends
upon the prohibition of parking on both sides of W. Seventh Street 24-
hours a day.
The offset features of the proposed banks exit and entrence drive-
ways in regard to St. Paul Avenue traffic will eliminate left-turn conflicts
according to the City Trt�ffic Engineer and he fu�ther states that a great
amount of time was spent on the engineering aspects of the traffic safety
problems created by the install�tion af driveways for bank customer usage.
. .�
In view of the assurances by Mr. Robert G. Peterson concerning any
possible traffic accident problears tht�t may arise in the futu.re at the
location of St. Paul Avenue and W. Seventh Street, we can see no valid
reason to object to th�, installation of a bank at this location described
as Lots 5-8 Youngman's Rearrangement of Block 2, Palisades Addition.
Yours truly, ,
R. H. Rowan, �
Chief of Police �-� � -. .. -
��i��/'i%'"v'w'dy't•Y , .;
Cepta�i�f K. M. Anderson,
City Traffic Superintendent
' ` �LTY 01
. . • R� y�
� _ �a
, , o �
� - t
�� :e. . ^o°
Capitel of Minnesote
234 City Hall dc Courf Housa 5510Z
August 26, 1970
�!i� ��t ,,�t �� yi' �', ��'�'
Mr. Colonel Sorenson
Planning Bwrd .
1010 Connwerce Bidg. A��� �� � I`=,'��
CITY CLNi�I`�ii��a i��j,�,;i)
Dear Mr. Sorenson; Saint Pa��I P,;;;�,�;}�;r;
Attached is a skstch whlch shaws the relationship of the driveways
essociated with the proposed Guaranty State Bank to the intersection of
W. Seventh St. and St. Paul Avs. Tha southwesterly drive will be one-
way into the lot while the other drive will be for a two-way traffic. The
second, or northaasterly drivaway, w111 necessitate the relocation of the
existing signa) pole. Since this driveway is tocated within the intersec-
tion, traffic entering froa� it should be controlled by signal indications
locatad on the northwest side of the street. These signa) indicatlons are
�lso shown on the plan. We would require that traffic exiting from the lot
turn eithsr right or left. We feel that this can be accoaplished through
the use of signal indications and signs which would be instal )ed and placed
by the applicant's contractor.
!n addltion, we suggest that an eight to t�n foot wlde sidcwalk return
be constructed as shown on tb• plan between the sidewalk running along the
southeast side of Seventh St, and the cu�b to facilitate pedestrian activity
crossing Seventh St. in the n�arked crosswalk.
Discussioas which we have had with the applicant and his architect
indicate that they wi1 ) comp)y with our rscqa�endations.
As you know� we have previoualy recwaasndsd that no access be permitted
through the alley� and in tu�n� into tha parking lot to be constructed on the
opposite side of the alley diractly behind the bank. however, if steps are
taken to improve Benson Ave. w�st to Alton St. and the appllcant instells
signs advising his customers and employees not to use the alley between the
parking lots and Madison St., we would be agreeable to the alley access.
Mr. Rutchick has indicated that ha will centact Mr. Walter Hurtley, Public
Works Loca) In�provement Enginaer, regarding the po5sibility of improving
' ' ' Mr. Colonel Sorenson -2- August 26, 1910
Benson Ave. Since it is doubtful whether Benson Ave. could be iraproved
prior to the cornpletion of the parking lots� there would out of necessity
be a period of tiiae whsra th� alley access would exist before the work on
Benson Ave. would bs coaplet�d.
Mr. Robert Peterson� City Traffic Engi�eer� has discussed the related
traffic nwveaM�ts with Captain Mderson and hs is satisfied that the de-
v�lapment will not create any usua) proble�s.
�-���� : �
obert H. Roctt er
Tr�ffic Engineer ( I [
Attached (1)
cc: Mr. Harold Rutchick
J ,
. . . -��'"" .
� ° ' City of Saint Paul, I�innesota
(Please print or type)
� the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereby made to 1�� _�������„�g,g„�,_.�.�.,.
No. of islands and pumps : "�`�r
No and capacit : ,,,_.._..__
� .PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (�� (��) �
(indicate type)
Capacity of parkin� lot 4�
To be used in connection with: �� Qf�i�e l�uilda.ng:; � �,
[� MISCELLANEOUS: �civ�-�iu baakiuq fa+aili�y
(indicate type such as Drive-in Refre.shment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Veador, etc.)
Capacity of parking area: S�e �bOY!
*Location : 8E7Rt.�t 3�d� �ff i#0�t 1�h S�Y'ri!'ti brr�Y�! �,1tOA i Mid�.�
Legal Description : Lot� "�s 6 r 7 � 8" �a�
Yc�u►�an's �erra�q�e�# Bioal� Z, �alia�ii� 11�ditioe�
Applicant's Name : ���� �l�y ���
Home or Office Address: �,1),(� p��,'� ,�p,�p�
Phone Number : ?�jM$�7� �
FO Y TftE APPL � � ��j �,�b �� "" �
� � ���'1
aY �z� :_, ���a � ,���. �
S atu e � (date) � �� ��
Address : ��4 p$�, ��R� SBA��'�����
Phone No.: ��'�"��i
When completed: file three copies of this application form and tbree prints of
the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
� 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
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aaa Thursdaye September 3, I970, at 2:00 P,Mo
PRE___SIIdT: Atessrs� �mes, Dvody, Gadle�g P4cParCling and IKansuz of Che Boardo
�nd Mro Sorensoa and Mrsa F'�a�atzen of the etaff,
RE�INBERG REALTY COMi'ANX: An application Eor a permit to instiall aad
operate a drive-in banking faci�ity on propex�y �acae�d an the south
sf@e oiE �dest Seveath St�ceet b�etweet� A�tna a�d Madison Streets,
This matter �as la3.d oveg frc�n t�ae An�aest 2U, 1�709 Board ofc Zauiag
meeting ia order �o re�ei�re ths r�port �ram Cap�ain A�adersnn of tlae
Tr�affic and Accfdent Divisioaa Mro Sc�reasoa summarized the repoxt
£ro� Captaia An,d�rsonA whi�h s�at�d tha� lef�wturn traffic movemeats
iato a�d out of the baalc �.Y9, be �ax2tro�led �� tYae imstallaeioai of
left-tuxa slots whic� ia tuxn depe�a�s upaa the pxohibitir=n of p3rlcin�
o�t botifl sides o£ Edest �e��nth S�see�, 2�a hours pex daya Ia a Iettex
dated August 26, Z9y0, the Tsaffic �n��neer indieated that he wauld
appxave a11ey access if steps ar�± t�ksa to improve Benson Avent�e t�esit
to A,l�aa S��ee� aad �Tne a�Splicasat ins�.alls si�as advising ctsstamers
�nd eanployees aot use t�e �l��y b�tcaee�a the parking lots aad l��disar►
Street, He also su�ges�s �hat s�a. 8-IQ �oo� sidewalk return be i.n-
s��lled �o facilitate pecie�tziaa� activ3.�y crassing West Seveath Stxeet
ia� the ��arked crossra�.lk, P4x� Soreaa,a� uo�ed t�at a reco�endation of
approval from the Board sh�ld incoxpo�rate the A�g�st 26, 1970, 2etter
from tl�e Traffic E�ag�.�;eer,
Itapresentative fos the �pplicant, I�ix, P.�h�tuer;g was pxesent for the
a�eting� and noted tt�at he a�rees vr3.th �he Tr�ffic Engineer°s recom-
t4ra McPaxr�.in eos►�ented tl�a� this propo��a�. was discus�ed quite thoz-
oughly at the August 20, 197t1, Board o$ Zoa�t� meet�ag and t�aC
eeerythiag else was OoICo asad meet� standardso
Mro 2Sansur moved foz ap��coval of ��is ap�li.catia�n, sub�ec� �o the
letter from the Tsaf�ic �aagine�r dated Aug�st 26� I970. Th� motion
was secmaded by i�2r, McPart�iu, �ad car�ied �ima�slyo
Submitted by: C��c�ei L, Sorextson Robex� Lo t�mesa �hai�cma.m
�� ' � � 11 � 1 .
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Description: Lots 5� 6, 7 and 8, Young�an•s Rearrangement of
Block 2, Palisade Addition. except parts thereof taken for
�ridening of W, Seventh St.
.k ' � � � � � � � � � �
�''��� 2796 MFST 7TN 10111EY�ID Si.rMK,MpdIFSOTA 551t6 If1EPMOME 696-0166
� ��'
s . + '
, " ` � • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
, (Please print or type) �� �
y; the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �
: _ . ✓�
Application is hereby made to ��,������ (cross one ovtl
No. of islands and pumps :
No and capacit :
� PAItKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (gx�X� (�g�) �x)
(indicate type)
Capacity of parking lot 2 4
To be used in connection with: Bank of��ice -buildin�
� MISCELLANEOUS: Dri.ve-in bankina facilitv
(indicate type such as Drive-in ftef reshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaaing Pick-up Statioa, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area: See ab.ove
*Location � South si:de of West 7th Street between Alton & Madison
Legal Description : LotS 5,6,7. & $- �K Addition
Youngman's Rearrangement of Block 2, Palisades Addition
Applicant's Name .
� Rehnbexg Realty Co.
Home or Of�ice Address: 1110 Payne Avenue
Phone Number � '7'74-9771
%'Julv 22, 1970
(Signatur (date)
Address : 1094 :Payne Avenue
Pbone No.: - 774-9771
When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of
the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
Citq Clerk �- ,. , �, ,
. , .
FiZe X9k2, Paga
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Caurt House ia the
City of St. paul at 10:00 a.m. on September 17, 1970, on the
applicatiaa of Itehnberg Bealtq C�apany for a permit to install
and operate a drive•in banking facility on tbe propQrty des-
cribed as follows: Lots 5 thru 8, youQg�paan's Rearrangen►eat
of Block 2, Palfaades Addition. The property is located ou
the South side of West Seveath Street betweea Altoa aad
Madison Streets.
For £urther fnformation� cotttact the Planning Board, aoom
1010 Cam�aaerce Building, or telephone 223_�151.
This notice of a public hearing has been sent out fram the
Departmeat o� Ff.nattee 1ti cwep.li.ance with Lke City Chartes.
Cca�aisatoqer of Ftnartce
on Thursday, August 20, 1970, st 2:00 YoM,
PRBSENT': Messrs. Doo@y, Gadler, G�uger, McFsrtl�tn, and Maietra of the Boatd,
and Mesars. Brown and Sorensan, and M�rsa Frant?en of the sta£f.
REHNBLRG REALTY GCMPANY: An app].icatio� far a permit �cs fnsrai2 �nd opera�e
a drive-in b�nking facil�ty mn property lacates3 on the souCh side of Weat
Seventh Street between Alton� and Madis�n Streets.
Mr. McPartlin noted he told the repr.esentative it was not necessary to be
present for the meetin$. ('Mr. Rehnberg d�,d appear Zater cluring the hearing,)
Mr. Sorensan su�tansrized the staff report, ,a part of the fiie, no�ing thet
part of this property was proposed as � drive-ix� restaur�nt facility in I963.
The application was w�th@rawn on Marcla 21, 1963, at a Counci.l public hearing.
Problems relating to �raffic signals and movement ctaused th� applicanC Co
withdraw his applic�tian. �he soutrerly s�de af t4est Seventh Stree� is
zon.ed Commercial, The area adjacent to the in�ersection o£ St. Paul Avenue
and West Seventh Street is zoned Carmnerciala Five l�ts imm+ediately behind
this si�e were recently rezc,ned to �QmmerCialo The rest of th� area to the
aouth is zoned °1B" Residence. Mx. Sorenson no�ed that revised plans have
been received. �he staff feel.s there is a po�ential. problem in turning
movements and possible accident goiats although thc firaffic Exigf.neer hss
approved the plan wiCh certain conditions. That possibi3.ity is shared by
Captain Andersan of the Traf�fc an� Accident Sect�an. Cap�afn Anderson has
verbeXZy requested that �his rnatter be laid o�ver to render, hi.m time to
inv�estigate 4:his further, and suggeat wEist so�.ution� there mi�ht be. Ttne
onZy iandsc��ing on �he pla�x is a buffer in the farm of � hc�d�eo
Upon a �uestian �y Mr, Doady, it was nated by Mr. Soren�s�n �hrat the main
bsnk building wilI. be r�located f.rom nearhy. Z� wiZl incarpor�ate four
lots, plus a parking Z�ot on Benson Avenue wi.lich is not betore the Board as
People living f.n the three homes �o be torn a�wn we_e pr�sent �or igfox-mational
purp�ses. They �ave been waa*_ing frar q�i�e �arc�e' t�.me to get some �cype of
determination r�s to when they sh.ould r�rep�r� �o mave out.
The Board discuss�d the review on tta�e traffic aad sccident situation, �nd Che
timing of the m��ter sQ tha� the CounLi�. co�xld cansider tt as saon as possiblea
Mra Itehnberg said the last thing they w�n,t is a �r�ffic �rc��ile�.of any sorta
He groceeded to explain the s�.te plan to the Board. There ��ill be tthree
drive-in tel.l2xs. The o�1y possi.ble probl�m time would be Frfday nights when
they will be open until 8:�0 P,M, They h�ve diec:u�sed employing an off-duty
policeman ta alleviate trafitc problem�.
REEIHBLRG RFALTY CQ4PANY (8/20/70} {Continued):
Mra Gauger stated that the Baard has always r�lied heavily upon the opinion
nf the Police Depart�►en�.
Mr. McPartlin moved for a layover ta the September 3, 197Q, Zoning Board
meeting in order to learn what Captein Anderaon's coaanents are. It was
ao�ed te�at a zeqaest for a Gauncil date should be made since it would not
occnr priar ta the September 3, 1974, Zoning �oard meetfng. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Doody, and c�rried unanimn�sly.
Submitterl by: Colonel La Sorenaon Robert Lo Asnes, Chaira�sn
. � August 20, 1970
' BOARII OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION September 3, 1970 nlat t�lap �k14
• � Acting under Legislative Code Cbapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22, 19.22, as amended to April 6, 1970. 7039
i . A?':'�,ti:1i1'f°" �lA'7C , Rehnberg Realty Company 5133
�, CLAS�IrICATION s L_.! Amendrr�nt � Appeal 0 '�ermit UOther
Install and operate a drive-in
3, "URP��SE % banking facility
�+. L0CA;10N ; South side of West Seventh Street
between Alton and Madison Streets
5� LEGA', ,)ESCRIPTI�JN � Lots 5-8, Youngman's Rearrangement
of Block 2, Palisades Addition
�� P:t�SI:PJT ZONINGs Commercial
l . PURSUANT T�J Zoning Code Chapteri 60 Sections .05 Farac�raphs f
;s o S'I'Af'F INVESTIGATION � REPORT; Date: 8/13/70 gy; ATB
A. HI9TORY: Part of this property Wss proposed as a drive-in restaurant facility in
1963. The application was withdrawn on March 21, 1963, at a Council public
hesring. Problems relating to traffic signals and movement caused the applicant
to withdraw his application.
B. AREA ZONING: The southerly aide of West Seventh Street is zoned Commercial. The
area adjacent to the intersection of St. Paul Avenue and West Seventh Street is
zoned Commercial. Five lota immediately behind this site were recently rezoned
to Commercial. The rest of the area to the south is zoned "B" Residence.
C. DESIGN STANDARDS : The plen meets the besic design stan�ards for this type of
�_ . __.. ___ _
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 160 feet along West Seventh. Street
with a depth of 133 feet resulting in an area of 21,280 square feet.
E. TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS: The Traffic Engineer, on 8/4/70, reviewed the plan and
recommended approval as the pldn did not indicate any access to the alley. The
Traffic Engineer has included in his report copies of a memo and two letters with
the applicant relating to certai�l conditions that his approval is contingent upon.
In a letter dated 8/26/70 the Ti'sffic Engineer indicates that he would approve
alley access if steps are taken to improve Benaon Avenue west to Alton Street and
the applicant installs signs 8dviaing cuatomers and employees not to use the alley
between the parking lots and Medieon Street. He also suggests that an 8-10 foot
sidewalk return be installed to facilitete pedestrian activity crossing West 7th
in the marked crosswalk. Field inveatigation indicates that currently no paint
lines exist on the pavement in this interaection indicating where in-town bound
traffic ia to atop. Consequently, cars stopping for this signal block the pro-
posed location of the westerly driveway. The crosswalk is not marked. A letter
from Captain Anderson, City Traffic Superintendent, dated 8/25/70, indicates that
traffic movements into the proposed facility be from left-turn slots which in turn
depends upon the prohibition of parking on both sides of West 7th Street 24 hours
a day. In view of the studies and assurances by the Traffic Engineering office
concerning any possible traffie accident problems that say arise at this inter-
section, he sees no valid reason to object to the proposed facility.
F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with three single-family residences that
are well-maintained. The site is at street grade.
G. AREA CONDITIONS: Adjacent to the west is Commercial development; to the east
single-family development; to ttie south vacant lend, railroad right-of-way and
single-family development; and to the north Commercial and a nursing home.
9. BQARD ACTIUN: To Recommend X� Apgcoval � Denial Council Letter
Moved by . Mansur Yeas Nays 9/15/70
x Gadler Date of Hearin
Seconded by: McPartlin Gauger g
Msietta 9/17/70
Secretary's remarks: x Mansur. Council Action
Subject to the conditions of the ° x Ames - Ch.
Traffic Engineer. x McPartlin (Alt.)
��� ���� Da t e
__ Rutzick (Alt.)
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PU�POJ� banking facilPtyate a drive-in ��ta'� 11c�
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PRES�NT ZO{�'ING Commercial -C.�- T`^�0-F�MILY
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