250848 ORIatNAL TO CITY CL[RK ��Q�r�(� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N0, v • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOL N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RES4�,VED, That Standard Oil �ompany be and hereb� is permitted to reconstr�zet an existiMg �illing �tation on propertg loca�ed on the sot�th��,at corner of Cleveland and 4rand Avenues, more particularly described a� follow� s Lots 29� 3�, 31, except the �outh 10 feet of �ot �9, sub�ect to ar� all�y ea�ement over the �outM 1.Q feet �hereof, Block 3, Ro�edale Park Addi�ion; a11 in aceordance with revised plans d�.ted Re�eived August �0, 1970; sub�ect to the conditior� �he �.pplicam� aomply with the � landscapir�g co�itment for a similar sta�ion loeated at Como and R�yn�ond Avenue�; f�rther sub�eet to aonditions agreed to by - the applicant �nd the interested pa�tg concerning curb 7.ocatio�s , , y and removal of a tree; and further sub��at to eor�pliance with all � � o, � applicable eity ordinanoes, stat� s�a.t�tes and rules and re�u- o� � la�ions of public suthorities havin� cognizan�e. � o n. a a o ¢ c.� � � � Q O � pCT 2 0 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Naya Butler � �T 2 0 191 U . Caxlson Approve�l 19_ Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � �r Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty 2 419 p pUgLiSHED OCT � y � � y � 1 ��. . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL �.. ;.�_, 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 '��' .: September 15, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of the Standard Oil Company for a permit to reconstruct an existing filling station on property located on the southeast corner of Cleveland and Grand Avenues. This property is further described as: Lots 29, 30, 31, except the south 10 feet of Lot 29, subject to an a11ey easement over the south 10 feet thereof, Block 3, Rosedale Park Addition. This matter was considered at the August 6, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the applicant proposes to construct a new filling station building on the site which has recently been enlarged. Revised plans received August 20, 1970, meet required design standards and provide the required 10-foot buffer. The Board discussed the problem of proper landscaping of filling stations with Mr. Fred Housenga, District Manager of Standard Oil. The lack of adequate landscaping at the Standard Oil filling station at Como and Raymond Avenues was noted. After some discussion, it was the recommendation of the Board of Zoning that this application be approved, subject to the applicant complying with the landscaping commitment for a similar station located at Como and Raymond Avenues. The motion to recommend approval carried by a 5-0 vote. Very ruly yours, � / �_. l� � _ ETER J MAIETTA PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning CLS Z. F. ��7015 � � �,�_.,�.r:.,5b b�� 0 � • '� . �� City ot Saiat Paul, Minaesota . . APPLICATION FOIt SPECIAL COUNCIL U3Ts PERI[IT � (Piease print or type) � TO TH8 �N+dRA�BLS I(AYOR AND CITY (70UI�IL � the City Cierk City of Saiat Paul, Minaesota , Applicstioa ia hereb made to���� �construct an existing y (cross one out) �c FILLIl�G 3TATION No. of islsnds and pumps : 3 Ielanda & 6 P�mps 8 • No. of tanks and capacity: 3 Taake 1-8000 gal. QPARKIMi IAT tor (customere) (employeea) (private use) (pnblic uso) (other) (india�te type) Cap�city ot parking lot To be used in connecticn with: � laI3CTId.AI�tiEOtT3: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreahment Stsad, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaaing Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) -- .Capacity of parkiag ares: _ 5� . �Location : �8i� coraer o! Clsvelaad b Grand Legal Descriptioa : Lot 29,30,31 Block 3 AdditioaR�o�edal� Eacept the E 10� of Lc�t 29. Sub�act to an alley �aa�eat owr tha 8 10� Park Applicaat's Na�e � Standazd Oil (F�ed Howeaga) t��#• Some or OYtice Addresg: 1405 Meirosa Ave. So., Miaa�eapolia, Minasu�ta Pboae Number : LI-S-1954 ����I ��, �a. ZON t NG Fi LE '�!�� � �-�-�o ignat date Terraac� G. Maurar Address : 190 Ratr�y Stt., St. Paul. Minnasota Pboae No.: 227-g334 ,;: When completed: file three copies of tbis application form and three pri�ka,.o! the prelimiaary lay-out plaas of the proposed facility aith tbe Cit Clerk*< ' Room 386, C3tq Hall and Court House, 8aiat Paul, Minnesota �� , % ' Z-3 6/11/56 •f,�'� J: �f, � n *SXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of �ain St. aad First St. '��": .�_. .,, _ 2. 3outb side of Maiu 3t. betweea Firat aad 3ecoad 3t. `��,�, >� ` � �`�> '? �"�-a � �, �. �s - J �1�'��.`��.. s ��;/ G '��� �q ��� ' . �BQARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION August 6, 1970 nlat Ma ��19 P _ . Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 7015 � . ".":'1,1�.:�1fd'1'°S PJA'1E , Standard Oil Company 2209 �° '�����"Irr�A�i'ION : �.1 Amendment 0 A eal X-924 P� 0 Permit � �ther 3 ^ "���°>>t� ; Reconstruct an existing filling station 4 � Ia�>CATI�:7�J ; Southeast corner of Cleveland and Grand Avenues 5� z.EGAU D�SCRIPTION : Lots 29, 30, 31, except the south 10 feet of Lot 29, subject to an alley easement over the south 10 feet thereof, Block 3, Rosedale Park Addition 6, PR�SEP�T ZONING4 Commercial 7 , PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapters 60 Section; .OS Fara�raph: f s3 � ��TAF'F INVESTIGATION � REPORT; I�te; 7/30/70 Bys ATB A. HISTORY: A permit to remodel an existing filling station was granted on June 15, 1960, for this site. B. AREA ZONING: The frontege along Grand Avenue is zoned Commercial and the area to the north is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans dated Received August 20, 1970, meet required design standards and provide the required 10-foot buffer area on the east portion of the property. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property has a frontage of 150 feet along Cleveland Avenue and 110 feet along Grand Avenue with an area of 16,500 square feet. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the plan and recommends approval. The epplicant has been ttotified that a aignal conduit crosses the area where a new driveway is to be constructed. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The property ie developed with a filling station. The southerly portion is present vacant and rough graded, a small retail structure having been removed. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The four corners of Cleveland and Grand Avenues are developed with commercial uses. The reat of the uses in the adjacent area are residential. 9e BOARD ACTION: To Reco�end � Approval � Denial Council Letter Moved b Dated : Y . Mansur Yeas Nays 9/15/70 Seconded by; McPartlin X Gadler X Gauger DACf' of Hearin�; Secretary's remarks: Maietta 9/17/70 x Mansur Subject to the applicant complying X Ames - Ch. Council Action with the landscaping commitment for the Como-Raymond filling station. X McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date Rutzick (Alt.) • • ,I � � I�� , t ' • - - _-- II �I I I I I ?�../ � `/ � ¢ � l�,li i� 0, ,9 � PORTLAND � ST. THOMAS OLLEGE j0 0 Oi0�0�0' O O i0,0�0 O�O O!�� � � ' � � i� � ; , �, � � � � � � �l_1___� �� � �� --.�' � ' - � � � � ► � w � i � � � �� � � � i i � i � ' �� �I � i ii � � ' � ' , � O j I� _.l � �, ; i , � ! � i i I ' � � ��O'' C� � b ;; O S I � I � i , i � , _ ` � , ---------J �--__— -- ------- l� - - � --.�_._ _ -� I � J CHR/ST CN/ i ! � i , ! ' I , � � ����I � t`� ° '? ��' ''� i ��.� �'� �� ,,�� � r-�, I� 1 , , I � � � i � ` � � il �� ! I � � � , � I � i I � i � ! �; i ! � I � .� - P.S. , j jl � I I I� I ` i� � �� I , i � � �..� ��� ��� � � � � .� � � � � � � � � 1. __ _ I 7t� ''S� �sl �-i.L.�_lr_�.-s I�..�� i ' I ( � i �G I _r-- -T � ,_ .f,. I � ' � i � � , , � I n I , - -�-- 1i I : � �r i ��o�o � , � i._ � : o0 0 0 0 ; � � � ��o o �,' o� Io a��� t� � �' � � " ( �16 '' � �► � o � Q , C,��pND �d M�,,�R�,q� AV E. � • �;¢'�;��� � ¢ o � 0000 o� o '„ o ,4 ; �� � o,o0 20 a;oo c� ; � � j �� i A , � � , � � � , � � � �v ' i � � � � , i � _ ' � O' '- _ _ _ � � i =_ 1 ' � " r , - - - - - - - - -' _ -- -- -=-�-= -- - - 1_ _�__ l _1__�F�- , �;-T',-- �:_ - , - - -- - - -- -,- - - �� , - � � I; h,%- I � ! � I � T ; , i , � � , � 1 � i � � jaio �; ��!o�o 0 0 0 � oo� �� �- c� o�o o,o������,��o�o�o, c�'o,o�olo'��� ' �. _�_ _ __._ _..__ _�. ._ _�_- __ __.,__.. APPLlCANT stanaera oi� �ompany LEGEND P������ fillingrstationexisting ���� ��� O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING �o�a►erctal � -Q- TWO-FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS �� THREE-FAMiLY FOU R- FAM lLY � MULTI-FAMILY FILE No. �ols NoR�H n /� NDUSTRIAL u VAC�h1T St. Paul Pianning Board, Date: �/ZS��o � Property under consideration MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE TEiE BOARD OF ZOA1I1�1G on Thursday, August 6, L970, at 2:00 F,Me PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Gadler, Gauger, McPartlfn, and Mansur of the Board, and Messrs. Brown and Sorenson, and Mrs. Frantzen of the staff. DISCUSSION ON CAR-WASH APPLICA`TIONS This discussion involved applications of John Je Walsh, Richard G. Snow, the Standard Oil Company, and Pipe Line Ofl Company. Mr. Ames noted he had received a letter frar.i the zonin� staff. requesting some type of pracedure for handling car-wash applications. Mr. McPartlin said different locations may necessitate several types of decisions concerning £illing station operations and car wt�shes. Ms, Ames said many car washes do not have the sequired 40 stacking spaces. For clarification, Mr. Sosenson sa3d the John Jo Walsh applicstion was preceded by an appeal from the 40-car requirement; 29 stacking spaces is the amount they wi1L provide. On the Richard G. Snow matter, the filling s�ation is existing. He applied for a car wash also; not � filling station remodel.ing showing 40�car stacking spaces. On the three applications for the S�andard Oil Company, only two involve car washes. The one at Grar_d and Cleve2and Avenues 3.s � aimple remodeling of a f�Iling station, Pi�pe �.ine Oil Gompany has filed an appeal along with their permit applica�ion. For tod�y's ineeting, i� is only the permit that is being �onsidered, as a filling sta�ion remodelf�g. Mr, McPartlin said he understands that by applying £or a one-bay car-was4i operation, the applic�nt is alleviating �he necess�ty to foliow regular car- wash requirements for a 40-car stacking space. He comanented that car washes are a nuisance, and said ti�at the City CounciZ should adopt some rules of procedure to foZlow regarding car-wasia applications . Tn explanation, Mr. Soxenson said a fil�ing statioa� v�ry often has a car-wash bay in it. Originally, it was set up as a h�nd-�;ash operation in the station. A year ago the City Council said �hey shou�.d review the car-w3sh ordinance. Mr. Sorenson noted that in both the a�.d and new Zoning �Code there sre no provisions for accon�nodati.�g car washes of such different �ypes. He recoum►ended that each �ype of opera�ion be looked at on an inci�vidu�l basis. Dif£er�nt kinds include: one-ba,y, d�ive in ar�d b�sc��. out, driven out c:et �needing � longer exit line to alloca tim� for "drip-ciryi.ng"), completeky self-service, machine-operated (customers remain in car), etc. He noted that if the Zoning Board feels st��king space is not adequat�, that �hey should recamm�end denial of the permit. Mr. Ames said that different L-ypes of equipment are used--some take 3 minutes, while others take 15 minutes. r4r. Gauger £eels some guic3el�.nes should be established by the City Council. However, Mro Ame� noted t��t with such a variety of car-e�ash operationa, 15-20 �y�e� of guideline� would be needed to £acilitate �hem. Mr, Gadler nated that dI£fererar situstions m�y arise due to the ares of the £illing station or car-wash site, wl�ether the area is residential, coaanercial, etc. In rega�d to established guidelines, Mr. McPartlin noted that perhaps some app�.�ca,nts would not fotlaw them. Mr. Sorenson noted that the previous City Council considered the csr-wash problem, and referred it back to the Zoning Board and staff £or review. Staff feelings are that one-bay operstions inside a filliag station should be considered on theiz individual merits as a filling station remodeling and not a car-wash operation, since the filli�ag statfon remains the primsry use. _S� MINUTES OF TI�E �UBLIC HEARING BEFOItE THE BaU+,RI! OF ZONING on �'hursday, August 6, 1970, at 2:00 P.Ma PRESENT: Messrse Ame3, Gadler, Gauger, rlcFartlin, �nd rqensur of the Board, and Messrs. Brown and Sorenson, and Mrs. Frantzen of the staff. STANDARD OIL CQKPANY �#7015): An application for a permit to reconstruct an existfng filliug station on property locatec3 on the southeast corner of Cleveland and Grand Avenaes. Mr. Sorenson suumiarized the s�aff report, a part of the file, noting that the Tr�ffic En�ineer has reviewed �he plan and recaamiends approval. It is reco�ended that a 14-foot bu££er be provided along the east pxoperty line, and thet curb cuts be 26 feez onto Grand Aven�e. Representing the applicant was Mr. Fred Housenga, District Man�ger for the company. He noted that �he application is for a comple�e rebuildiztg of the station. Fol.lowing a question £rom Mr. Gadler, P�'Ir. Housenga reglied that c+n. khe subject site, there isn`t neuch room for t�rees. He suggested that proper iandscaping of this st�tian, as we�I as otherg of concern, be included in the app.rov�l of the permit. He noted he has tried twi�e to obtain funds for landscaping, but to no evatl. Mr. Mansur moved for appro�al of this pexmit, subject to complying with the landscapi�.g com�nitment for �he atation located at Camo and �yueond Avenues. Th� cuotio�a was seconded by Mr. McPartlin, and car.ried unanimously. Submitted by: ColoneZ Lo Sorenaon Rolsert Lo Ames, Chafrman -9- � � . -� � �- ��' a ' City ot Saint Paul, l�innesota �� APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT ��Q � (Please print or type) '�� �I� TO THE I�DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN+CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to�� reconstruct an existing Y (cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : 3 Islands & 6 Pumps 2-6000 gal. No. of tanks and capacity: 3 Tanks 1-8000 gal. � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: Z SL *Location � SW corner of Cleveland & Grand Legal Description : Lot 29,30,31 Block 3 AdditionRosedale Except the E 10' of Lot 29. Subject to an alley easement over the S 10' Park Applicant's Name � Standard Oil (Fred Housenga) thereof. Home or Office Address: 1405 Melrose Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minnesota hone Number � LI-5-1954 R./BY THB APPL , , � US-ANDERS ' T. PAUL C0. 6-�2-70 igna ) (date� Terrance G. Maurer Address : 190 Ramsey St. , St. Paul, Minnesota Phone No.: 227-8334 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Aoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. _, City Clerk . • . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 September 4, 1970 File X924, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House iQ the City of St. Yaul at 10:00 a.m. on September 17, 1970, oa the application of Standard Oil Company for a permit to reconstruct an existing filliag station on the property described as follow8: Lots 29, 30 aad 31, except ihe Sauth 10 feet of Lot 29, subject to an alley eaBemettt over the South 10 feet thereof, Block 3, 8osedale Park Addition. The property ia located on the SouCh- east corner of Cleveland and Grand Avenue�. P'or further informatian, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Comaerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public heaxing has been eent out from the Department of Finauce in compliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance O