250846 OR191NAL TO CITY CLBRK �5�fi�n CITY OF.�ST. PAUL couNCa i���� ` OFFICE OF THE CIYY CLERK F�E NO. COUNCIL ES ON E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco. October 2, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF RE50LVED, that a credit in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100) be allowed under Contract L-7222 between the City of Saint Paul and. the Sweitzer Construction Company, said. contract for the General Construction of Fire Stations 4 and 24, and, said. credit to cover d.eletion of three dimensional signs specified in Section 1044, said deletion having been requested by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and. agreement mad.e with the contractor, and. a memorandum of said agreement having been filed. with the Comptroller and. countersigned by him. Credit PIR 6000-603 to be recred.ited to 9170-007. Job #69-41. p�T 2 01970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �(`,�' 2 0 191'� Carlson Approve�l 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ or Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty p�BLIS�ED OCT 2 419 �� r ' �� ' � � City of Saint Paul � a� '� ' . �� � Departmcnt: Public Safety ��-� �`� CONTRACT CHANC;E AGREEMENT NO. G-5 � ,l c�b # 69-41 Contract #� L-7222 Contract�r Sweitzer Construction ;�,o. � �y ---- -• ---_ _ Prc,ject Dc:scription General Construction of Fire Stations 4 and 24 , � --- _---___--- --- �; ._�__...__._ a� o In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Pa�il, th�• .�, �n C�mmissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings has a�;r�•rc! w�th � the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items li�st�•cl in �he• � changes described bclow, not otherwise included in the c�ntract, arc� th�• � reasanable costs of those items for additions to, �>r deductions frc�ii�, th�• U contract. � � � � Delete Section 1044, three dimensional signs. -� . . DEDUCT $100. 00 � .� . . H ���-'� � � . - . v � U r� ' � .-, ,-. 0 s. ,., • . :�. � � C U . � r.. �; • v� ._. . � �. � �� , U � H ,.. ::, U p � 7�.��-0�7 .. ..� Financing Source � � I �` J- � 7� Sweitzgr on truction _�o,,__.,_,�„ :, yc B di l In ector Date Cvnt ract��r .� � ; � : ' ;� 1 �, ' " � ' " ��^ �� BY. _see attached forms ' , G ity Architect Dat�: +�_ ���I �.���� ,; . C�,�'� /,��° ���✓,� �,��� �� __ . ��-�.�... .__.__._.. (;�,rl�mitis' ,TIPT Ua."�I.e ,c rtt��rc,^It�r ! �,,.+�• ,� G�� " a r � • t y � OWNER ❑ CHANGE ARCHITECT ❑ ORDER CONTRACTOR ❑ FIELD ❑ • AIA DOCUMENT G701 OTHER PRO)ECT: St. Paul Fire Station No. 4 St. Paul F1re Station No. 24 (name, address)Payne Avenue at Woodward White Bear Avenue near Burns Avenue Saint Paul , Minnesota Saint Paul , Minnesota TO (Contractor) • �Swe i tzer Construct i on Company � ARCHITECT'S PRO)ECT NO: 67-7 I & 69-25 777 Raymond Avenue CO NTRACT FO R: General Construction Work Saint Paul , Minnesota 55114 � � CONTRACT DATE: • You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: Delete Section 1044, three dimensional signs. DEDUCT: �100.00 • The original Contract Sum was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 414,000.00 . • Net change by previous Change Orders . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : . $ 834.80 : The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was . . . $ 4 I 4,834.80 The Contract Sum will be ���� (decreased)�y�jcj���tg�d) by this Change Order . . . $ 100.00 • The new.Contract Sum including this Change Order will be . . . . . . . . . . . $ 414,734.8Q . The Contract Time will be ��������� (unchanged) by ( ) Days. The Date of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is . • THE CERNY ASSOCIATES, inc. SWEITZER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �H4TE�T Nat' ( Concourse B I d , C���R�CTOR OW R iS rcaymond Avenue A�lunicipal Corporation Addre Address Addr ss n ea lis, ta 55402 Saint Paui , "�linnesota 55114 Se nt aul M nne ota � . � ` � BY BY ��C��ti.��IL-��X-�C4�11 BY DATE �/��/�d �H RD T. F R[CY DATE ���Co� �[) DATE � ��v �D ��� - i en �— DATE OF ISSUANCE Septembe� 9, t970 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER G-5 AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHANGE ORDER • SEPTEMBER 1966 EDITION • 01966 AIAO THE ONE PAGE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006