250845 f1R161NAL TO CITY CL6RK •�d5o��� CITY OF ST. PAUL F ENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CI�Y CLERK COUNCIL RESO U N E L RM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco ctober 20 1970 COMMISSIONE � RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of Five Thousand Four Hund.red. Twenty-five and 37/100 Dollars ($5, 425. 37) be allowed und.er Contract L-7319 between the City of Saint Paul and the Lieberg Construction, Inc., said contract the i�e Construction of West Addition and Remodeling of the Merriam Park Community Center at 2000 St. Anthony Avenue, and said extra to cover the f oll owing: Removal of unsuitable soil encountered at Waxming House Ad,dition, lowering of footings to suitable earth and providing backfill material. ADD $5, 425. 37 -s�id work having been requested. by the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation - and�Public Buildings, and agreement ma-rle'with the cont'rac"Eor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Charge to 6000-603 to be reimbursed from 9767-460-004. Job #70=23, �T2p1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler OCT 2 � �� Carlson rove� 19— Levine � Tn FAVOr w� Meredith �'`� Sprafka r � Tedesco —��gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBUSHED �CT 2 ��� �� ��� . ' City o: Saint Paul �50�`'�� . � Department: parks Rec. & Pub. Bldgs. CONTRACT CHANCE AGREEMENT NO.2 s � Jr.�b #_ 7p_23 Contract # .L-7319 Contractor Lieberg Construction, Ine. ,... c� --��..__.. .._.w... �- Project Description Construction of West Addition and Remodeling r of the Merriam Park Community Center at , n ony A`ve:�"��� � � --------.._.,._. „ o In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City o� Saint Paul, ih�� � C�mmissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildin�;s has a�;r��c�d wit:h .� the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items lir�t.��c1 in It�E� � changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, arc� ihr � � reasonable costs of those items for additions to� or deductions frc>ni, tiic� U contra�t. � u :J •� :J � Removal of unsuitable soil encountered at Warming House Addition, � lowering of footings to suitable earth and providing backfill material. � N U x.; ADD $5, 425. 37 � ,-. . 0 � i J� r+ � � U � ... • � �J �I � p .0 � � �� � �` � n f-� V l `` � 9767-603-004 ' � �• '�' P Financin� S_o�rce U � D, 5tanton, Purchas ing Dept. � Lieberg Construction, Inc, �, :� . nic Bu ldi l ector Date � Cc�ntractur ��Y ��'�""""""" ':i, �' lQ—�(�p-� � see attached. City Architc,ct Dat� $y����i��� ~'- w ��� �. ' I i.��;� ?�G�-�'�-� ���� � �.� � � C . -- . �--��- �`. � <�mmi ys ioner . llate " � rfr�tru�ll� r ` 1 �,,1�• ' • ' �'J'h''�