250841 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL[RK !`a/�o���, , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL HLEN�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc�rsE cor��r� COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM COMMIS�SIONE /► V w'�—C �,� October 20� 1970 R�'SOLVED: That application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License issued to Ed Janssen's Liquors, Inc. at 777-79 Selby Avenue to Wade Liquors, Inc, at the same ac3dress, and their applicatior: for Foodstuff-Original Container, Off Sale Ma,lt Beverage and Cigaxette licenses at the same location, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within �t� days of this date said Wade Liquors, Inc. shall comply with all requirer::ents of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Leg^is�lative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. OCT20 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��,j 2 O �97U Carlson e� 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith I / Sprafka l/ A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 2 �� �� . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ��� ��� eUe a�th2evtt o u��c'c �a et d � � ADMINI$TBATION T8IIt11 1ri(�M1I1ri880� Str0Ct9 FIRE PxOTECTION ro�c� DEAN MEREDITH,Commisaioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILL,Depnty Commiseloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapectar October 20, 1970 Honorable �ayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minrlesota Gentlemen and Madam: tvade Liquors, Inc. is joined by Ed Janssen's Liquors, Inc. in making application for the trans£er of Off Sale Liquor License No. 2431, expiring January 31, 1971, from the lic ensee� Ld Janssen's Liquors, Inc. at 777-79 Selby ��venue to Wade Liquors, Inc. at the same address. �lade Liquors, Inc. a,].so make applic: tion for Foodstuff- Original Container, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses for the same location. The officers oi the applicant corporation are Floyd D. ?+ade, P esident; and Joan E. tiJade, Secretary and Treasurer. ihe or_ly s�ockholder is Floyd D. 4�ade. Tnis location has been licensed for a similar business since April 1957. The present licensee, Ed Janssen's Liquors, Inc. have held the licenses since that time. Th�re axe no 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The closest On �ale Liquor place is one block and the closest Off 5ale Liquor place'is three bloc�s �,way. The nearest church is three blocks �:.nd �he nearest school is also three blocks away. From 1958 to 1969 r�r. '�Iade wor��:ed with the Highway Maintenance Ramsey County Engineer. From 1969 until recently he was licensee of a 3.2 establishment. I+��rs. tiaade is a housewife. Very truly yours, ��� � �`� . License Inspector O � -WADE LIQUORS , INC . 777 Selby Avenue Bt. Paul, Minnesota 55104 227-6638 September 23, 1970 � License Committee �;' City of Saint Paul . City Clerk's Office � 386 City Hall and Court House • �', 15 West Kellogg St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: This is to advise that Wade Liquors, Inc, has entered into a contract to purchase the "off sale" intoxicating liquor business, including the land, building and inventory of the Ed Janssen Liquor Store, Inc. � located at 777 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Niinnesota. As president of Wade Liquors, Inc. I hereby request your favorable consideration of this transfer of "off sale" intoxicating liquor license from Ed Janssen Liquor Store, Inc. to Wade Liquors, Inc. � Respectfully submitted, � � loy . Wad L,�E.�e��� Pre dent FDW:jmw � ,. . ..�.. ._ .. . .,�,... .�.......,....�,...- . _ _ EDWIN F.JANSSEN CAPITAL 7-6638 ED ' (� �rQ�oR srro,a� 777 SELBY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINN. September 25, 1970 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector Department of Public Safety 101 East lOth Street Saint Paul, Minneaota 55101 Dear Mr. McLaughli.n: � We hereby request that the liquor license presently held by Ed Janssen's Liquors, Inc. , for off-salea at ?77 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, be transferred to Wade Liquors, Inc. Thank you. EI� JANSSEN'� LIQU S, INC. , � � By .G�►.� f/', � E win . Jansse � Its President. �� � �� ��� � _, � , � �i � , �, /, ! � � ( ��_���� �---�1 -� �_�- -- - - �--_- STO� ANO SHOP At SL PAUL'S FINEST � , • } - t � C ITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTB:�NT fJF' PUBLTC SAFETY � LICENSE DNrSION Date S e p lemb er 2 2,�g 70 _�,..�.. 1. �,ppliaa�i on.�f or atin li u or Lioenee 2. Name of applicant D W de a reaident of Wade Li uore, Inc. 3. Bueiness addrsssf7 � S ,�b�► Avet� t�g Reaidence 849 Fuller Avenue 4, Trade naxne, if any Wade Li uors, Inc, 5. Rstail Bser Feder�l Tax Stamp_�Retail I,iquor Federal Tax Stamp�X w311 be ue�c�. 6. L�i what floor located_first Number of ro�s used entire 7. Between w�at aross etraets�von & Grotto Whieh side of etreet North ap�q�oximataly 8. A,re premises now ocaupied���lhat business off sale liQUOr Hqw long I5�eare — �_____,.., .. .. 9. Are premises now unoacupied NA Haw long vacant NA Previoua U�e NA _.____ 10. Are �rou a new o�vner y ee Have you been in a sa.milar busineas before�ee S qua re Deal Ba r� '""""+""' Where�.ar�carrliz at nzlp �e� ��teher. _1�B9,�o �resen� �� 11. Are you going to operste thie businssa personally eg ��Y � If not, w3�o will operate it NA 12. Are you in etny o�her business at the present �isn� Yes, Square Deal Bar 13. Flave thers been any vomplaints against your operation �f this type of plaae No�e Known 4Yhen �There 14, ITave you ever had any lioense revoked Np �hat rea�on and date NA 15, Are you a citizan of the Un�.ted States ye8 Native X Naturaliz�d ..�,..... 16. 1Nhere �rere you bornGuthrie, Oklahoma AQte of birth 1Vlay 13, 1933 17. I_ am �rried. N!y (wife 's� (�y��) name and,.address isJoan E. Wade, � � 849 Fuller Avenue, St. Paul � 18. (If a�arried fe�ls� my �siden name is d 19. Sow long have you lived in S`b. P�ul 14�reare .— �.._ 20. Have you ever been arrested y es Vi�latian of what orimixlal law or ordinanae �... Di ord rl conduct 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of ��. Paul g Yes �'0. (Ana�wer full�r and oomple�el�r. These a lications are thorou hl cheoked and sn falsification wi11 be cauaa for denial. ���R � , _ , . 2 . Number of 3.2 p].aces within �ro blocsks None ' 2 . Closest intoxicating liquor plaoe. On Sale 1 Block Q,ff Sale 3 Bloc�k8 2 . Nearest Chureh 3 blke, Shiloh Bapti$t Neares� Sahool 3 blke, Hill Elementary 2 . Number o# boaths NA Tables NA C�i�$ N� Stools NS 26. What occupation have you followed f or �he pas� five srears. (Give names o#' employexs and date s s o eraplo�ned.) 1958 to 1969 - Highway Maintenance - Ramsey County Engineer � I 1969 to present - Proprietor, Squa�e Deal Bar 27. Give names and e�ddreases of two peraons„ residents of St. Paul, �d3.r�n,, yvho Qa� �ivq infor�,t�on concernin.g you. �Tame Mre. William Weat ABdress ?96 Fairmount ,� Name walt�r �JV. Fri��e Address Endicott Building on Fourth X Signa ur pp iaan Sta te of' �I�.nb.e a ota� �ss County of Ramsey ) Floyd D, Wade being first du�.y sworn, deposea and says upan oath that he has rea the foregoing statemen� bearing his s�,gna�ure �nd knaws the eontents thereoP, and t�za� the same is true of his o�w�n. know�,edge a�tc�pt aa to those mattera therein statod upon informst�.on and belief and as to those matters he believes them to bo �criaati X� igz�ature pplicsan� scribed and sworn. to befora me th' ember 19 70 N ic, County Minnesota � JOHN F. BAN.NIGAN oimnission expi January 9 19?1 r,�tary Puauc, Ramsey cou�ty, Minn. , My ��u� ExPiies Jan_ 9, 1g71, (Note a These statement fox�s are in duplicate. Both copies must be �1,illy filled out, tarized, and re�urned to the License Division.�r ' • AFF IDpV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR L3CENSE Re: Oif- Sale Intoxicatlr� Liquor I�iQen�e Nama oF applioant_ Floyd D, Wade, ae president of Wade Liquor, Inc. Bu�ineas address ??? Selby Avenue, St. Paul Ar°e you the aols owner of thzs busineas9 �'ee If nvt, i� it a partnership? NA oorporation? a Minnesota corporation , o:bher? Uthers intereated in buaineas, inelude those by loan of money, property or other�riaei Nem� Small Business Address 816 - 2nd Avenue South �aer Mortgagee Admfnistration Minneapolie, Minn: First National Bank of 4th and Minnesota Streete Mort gee St. Paul St. Paul, Minn. If a oorporation, give its namo Wade Liquors, Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bueiness? ygg Aa sole a�rner? ye8 Partner? Stookholder? Uthererise? (Through loan of money9 etc, .Explain) ! ,�ddresa of sucsh bueiness and nature oP interest in same Sele p„rn,nric�tnr �f Sr� �ar�pml Bar, Concordia Avenue at Dale Street Signatur o appliaant State of Minnesota as C ounty of I�msey Floyd D. Wade being first duly s�vorn, deposea and says upou oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bsaring hia signature and ]�.ows the contents thereoPg that the same ia true of hi� awn l�ororledge, except as to thoae ��ters therein ata�ed upon inforn�tioa and belief �►�d as to thoss n�tters he believee them to be tr�e. $�3.gnatur oP applicant Subeoribed d srvrrorn to before me thia ay tember�l9 70 � y ublic ay Co ty, Minnesota oo�uni.seion expires Jan�rx g 19� .:�+;N �. Bd��lNiC;AN No'ary PuDlic, Ramsey County, Minn . My Comrt'�ission fx�ires Jan 9, 1971. s�a� � �n�so��) CdUNTY OF RA�SEY ) � / Floyd D . Wade being first duly aworn, doth depo�a and say that he makes thia affida,vit in oannection with applioation for ° Off Sale" liquor 13csense (����g��gg��e) 3.�, th� City of Saint Pau1, Mianeaotaj that your affiant ie a rasi.den� of the State ef Minnesota and has reaided i;herei.n for Fourteen years, -0- mo�.ths, and is noar and ha� bee�t for the timd �bove mentioned a bona fide rei�ident of aaid S'tate and that he now residaa at F er A � Addree s Saint Paul , Adinn.es ata,. Ci y or Towt�. x Floyd D, de Subaoribed and s�rorn to before me .�,� S tember�l9 ?0 � ry b io sey Co y, �63.nnesc►ta My commi�aion expirea JanuarY 9s 1971 JOHN r. t�flrvN!�::,•,r �lotary Public, F�.-?r�:e;� (.:cunty, Minr1. �x ���� Fxplres Jar. 9„ �9�. ' CITY OF SATNT P�UL DEPARTA'�ATT �' PUBLIC SAFETY LIC�I�TSE DIVISI4N nat. iaT-To �s ,� �1 ott ssl• intoadoatsns liquor. ..�► � 1. gpplica�ion. for L3cenae 2. Name of applicant�:�.�.� Q��� �` ��•tt-.. + .�� 3, Businesa addres� rN sbo� Residen,ce �49 �t11�oe Ary. ...�.�..�.. 4,• 2rade nazne, if any V!i Liquors� Zna. . 5. Retail Bser Federal Tax Stamp Z Retail Liquor �'edersl Tax Stamp =�1�. b� u�ed, 6. Ch�i what floor l�csated Yirst Number of rocnns used �t� 7. Between what arosa.straets �� � Gi'otto Which aide of strse� g�� 8. Are premises now ocaupie�� 1►�hat business o!Y �al� liquor g� �Qn�appru. 1S �rr. z 9. Are �premises no�r unoacupied'�t Haw long vaeaat � Previ,ous Uae � 10. Are you a ne�r �wn.ar ,»�va you been in a si.m�.lar business before 7� Whsre Squar� D�a1 Bar� Conoordia �Ilhen Octobor� 196g to pr�e�at • 11. Are you going to operate thie buainesa personally Y�r If not, w�,a wi11 operate it �'ia 12. Are you in any other busiz�ess at the presen� tim� �/1,p�-� 13. Have th�re been any complaints against your operation �f this type o� plaoenon� 1�ohl ...,.��,..,.�_ Whea � Where 14. Have you ever had any license revoked no }Rhat reason and d�te l�t �� 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statea��Native � Natu�a�.iz�d Dalu�h� Mian. 16. Where �vere you born Aate of b�.�h _ `�,�� 17. I- am �rried. Dtly (wife 's� (husband's� name and addreas is � � 18. (IP ma rra,ed fema le� iny ms iden rlame is R��7 19. �iow long have you lived in St. Paul 24 7'�� 20. Have you ev�er been arrested � Vi�lation �f what oriminal law or ordix�agoe __..._...._.,_. �.._...�,� 21. Are you a regiatered voter i.n the City of S�. P�ul_`_��,. Yes No. (Answer fully and aompletely. These a l�.aations are thorou h]. oheaked asd an falsification w111 be cause �o� denia , (aV?�,R) 2 . Number of 3.2 places �rithin �ro blocks 1��M � " 2 . Closest intoxicating liquor p].aoe. �n Sa1s 1 bloalc p�'�' $a�.e 3 blook�. 2 . Ne�rest Chuxeh 3 blk�� Shilah Daptiot�earest S+choo�. 3 bl1u� Hill �1�srnZary 2 . Number of booths wt Tables � Chai,rs ' �► Stools � 2 . What occupati�n;z have you follovaed for the past five year�. (Give namea of employexs and date s s o eznp�.oy�sd.� c � � � �� i a�o �' ,� 2 , Give names and addreases of two peraons, residents of St, Paul,, Ma.r�„ �rha �a� g�ve in:formation cson.aerning you. Name �Ytv� , �� ' �,G� Address � �I � �' � Name Gif/,��� f�tJ, �/�2�=-�i,e Addxe s� ��•��.�" ..� . _.�.w 6J3�/ ture o App iean Sta te of' �rlinne s ota j )sa C ounty of I�ms y � ;�;;�-�U 1�--�- being firs� du7.y s�rprn, deposes and eays an aath �hat he has rea the foregoing statement bear�.ng his s�.�n�tur9 and ksio�evs �h� eonten-�s thereof, ana trr�t tne same is true of his o�arn, knowledge e�tcept as to ose ma�ters therein stated upon information and belief and as to th.ose mat�ers he believes them to be �rtzeo / ��� nature of Appliaant ' bscribed and sworn to befQre me t i s��"�da y of �`C+ Zr��-'� 19� 1 - � .. � � . I . u.y✓�L�-L L�"L.� N t�ry Pub , , znsey County, Minn a M Connni.ssion exp�.res i � -�_��c� 7�� DOP,OTFiY ;1. �—r h7UNKELWITZ hN oYt�`�''�����e� e�,���t forn�s are in duplicate. Both copiea must be fully filled ou�,� o ,mis ;• o`�ar�i�@c�;p+�.c�c��a�, to the License Divisian.�r . AFFIDAV�T BY APPLICANT • ' FOR RETAIL BEER �R LT�UOR LICENSE Re s Otf �Sa].e �an� , License Name of a pplicant Jq,� �, �#� � g�� � gy�� fpf� W� j3QUOZ't• n�s Business address Zq'j g�X�� .�re you the aole ownar oP this businessB �. If not, is it a partnershipR corporation? �� (1ps•p� , other? Others interested in business, include those by loan o#' mon,ey, property or otherwiaea Pla�s (��0�'L Address ��f � �'�c.�re,,. How �jt,�,Q � If a corporation, give its name. Wad� I,i,�uroet �Q�... Are you interested in an;� way in any other re�ail beer or liquor business? As sole c�raer? Par�ner? St4ckho�.d�r1 Citherwise? (Through ioar� of money, etv. Explain� Address of' such business and nature of interest in same S' nature of app lcan State of B�inne s ota� �ss County of Ramse � �}�. �- being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath t t/ has read the foregoing a fidavit bearing his signa�ture and knows the contenta her,bof; that the same is true ��' his ovdn knavrledge, except as to those matters therein sta�ed upon information and belief and as to tl�ose matters he believes them to �e true. , S' uz-e of a gplican Subsoribed and swo to before me this _ day of��-�� 19 � , ��t-•��-c.�,�--_-�� � -, �//L Notary ubl'c ey County, i asota My commias�.�fi expires (c ��..t'_. 19 � DO}�7THY J. MUNKELWI PS��•t:ry Pubfir, R=�,m,e;� County, MinlTa � 4.i; �'�m��iission Expires Oct. 25, 1970, STA�'E i�' M7NNESOTA � � C(�iTY �' RAI�SEY Joari E? Wa,d� being firat duly sxflrn, d�th depose . ,r.__._ and say that he makes thia affidavi� in oanneotion �ith applioation f c�r "_Off Sale" liquor license (" Sa leTM ma1't bevera�e licenee� ixi the �ity of Saint Paul, ,�inneaota; that your affiant is a residemt of the ' State of Minnesvta► and haa reaided therein for ( �C� yeara, moaith�, a�ui is noar e�nd haa bee� fcr the time �botre �enti.vned a bona fide r�eident of said State and that he no�v reaides e�t �'�f�� ��+�t��e%GCsv �+�_ rr_ [addl'@�8 w � ' �� .i... � ��J.Zltl9 8 O'��. C�. '�' OI' T'D1p7l. `�,. Subsoribed and �rorn ta before m� �� this b =` day oP �����-t= 19Z_ � . �a.c.�.c.��� � �tary b1i ey County, �inne ta �dy oom�iasio expirea � � -�.��i�� � DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ' Notary Public, Ramsey County, MinTf�' My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 197d