250840 or+wtWw�ro cirr c�s�eK �SO��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNw< «" ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. LIC�fiTSE CON�NlIZ�T� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � `�� w _ � �A� October 20� 1970 COMMISSIONER � � ���a� Rr,'SOLV�D: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses, applied for by Alfonso E. Wilson at 614 Concordia Avenue, be and the sa,me are hereby granted on the condition that within -, � days of this date said applicant sha11 comply �,�ith all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, end the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws, pCT 2 4 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler �`� 2 0 1970 Caxlson A �o� 19— Levine �In Favor Meredith 1 Sprafka �� r Tedesco A gainst 41970 pUBLISHED OC �Mr. President, McCarty �r �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL . f.� Capital of Minnesota �,�4���� elJe a�t�ne�t o ub�CC'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION P��� DEAN MEREDITH,Commisaioner HEALTH AALPH G.MERRILI.,Depaty Comminsioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Litenae Insyector October 20� 1970 Honorable Nlayor and City Council �aint Faul, l��linnesota GentleMen �.nd I�ladam: Alfonso �,. 4�ilson makes applica,tion for Restaurant, On and Off S ale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 614 Concordia Avenue, which is on the South side of the street, between Kent and Dale Streets. _ Tris location has been iicensed for the same type of business since 1959. The last licensee, Floyd D. ':�ade, held the licenses from Gcta�er 1969 until they expired this OEtober. There are two other 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The closest On Sa.le Liquor place is five blocks a,nd the closest Off Sale Liquor place is two doors away. The nea.rest churcr is one block and the nearest school is two blocks away. The past four years Mr. �Jilson worked for the King Food of Newport, NLinnesota. Prior to this he was emplo5�ed by the John riinder Nieats of Jersey City, New Jersey. Very truly yours, ��:.� ��-`� _ License Inspector � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTA�NT fJF PUBLIC SAFETY LICI+;NSE DNISION _ Date�atober 16, 19 70 --.�,.... 1. 6pplication for Retail �er • - - • On Sals and Off Sa�.a 1Kalt ' Lieaae� 2. Name of applicsnt ��K� �• �LSON 3, Businesa address 6� �pcordia Ave. st.���3,g�sidenoe �� '-�ill� Aveaue, St, Pavl i 1'IiAA,. 4. Trsde name, if any Squaa's Deal PJar 5. Retail .Beer �'ederal Tax Stamp�_Retail Liquor� Federal Tax Stam�_�i.11 be usrad, 6. L�i what floor located Figst, F�,,;�pr Number of ror�na used � p��' �Is and_ ?. Betw�ee�. what cross atreets_ ���� g��t�`�y�ich aide of etraet `��'� 8. Are prema.aea now ocoupied 'Kea'yP�,at businesa 3.2 Hee� Sslea How lpng i5 yea�'a J. Are prem.'ises novv unoccupied�_Haw long vaaant • Previous Uae - 14. Are you a new owner .X� Have you besn in a similar buainess before �p � q4here -- V�hen �� 11. Are you going to oparate thia business •persona],ly Yeaa If nat, �o wi11 operate it - 12. Are ynu ia any ather business a-� the preser�.t �ime A{o - Enro�o�aci �,r�� Food 13. Aa�a thera be.en -any oomplain�s against your operation of this type �f`plaae �b --------�- When __ Where .� 14. 1i'a�ver you ever had ar�� lioense revoked No �hat rea�oa and date Nona � . .... : 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Ye� Native ��a ldaturalized - ..,........_.... 16. Where �rere you born alustfe, Florida I�te oP birth M�urch 13j ��1�, �,,,�,,,,,,��,,,,� -- - 17. I am t9ot rnarried. My (wifs 's) (husband'sj name and addresa is A�r�� 18. (IP �rried female) my �iden name is �- 19. �ow �.ong have yau 1�.ved in St. F�ul t� �ara 20. Have you ever been arreated Na Violatian of what oriminal �.a�r or ordixianoe «. _...._�� — - . 21. �e You a registered voter i.n the Gity of S�. Paul Yes �a N4• o�Mit�er, Mat a regiater�ad voter in M+�Pl�ood and havs Aot ae yet ch�p�� b�r r aidanef• (Anawer Pull and aom le�e1 . Theae a lica�ions are thorou hi aheoKe and'�n lsification wi11 be causa for enia , (OVER) 22. Number of 3.2 places within t�vo blocks �� � 23. Closest antoxicatS.ng liquor p7aae. �ii Sa1e 1 �,t O.�i� Sa1e Next door 24. Nea re s t Church 2 blooka Nea res t Saho a�. 1 �� 25, Number of bc�otha � Tables 3 � c�;.�.g l5 stoo�8 10 26. What occup�tion have you follow�ed for the past five years. (Give names of emplo�exs and date s s o employ�ed.) , Pa�t li �r�ar� • �ploy�d t►yr King Foc�d o.£ Ne�port, l�ii.nnes�ta 1965 to 1970 1965 �_ John Mind�r Meata - Ysrsey City, NeW J'eraey 27. Give r�ames and addreases of trovo �rson$, residents of St. Pau]., IIQi.nn., �ehct �ea� give infox�tion concerning you. Name -"'���r'� '�Yne Address 2E��': Burke Ave., ���ple�aod� Mi�n� Name �la�snd�� �:2arne� .Address »0 i�qller �Ve.� �t. F`gul, Minn. 4 � ♦ i ure o App ican �`tate of �Iinnesota� lt�f� �so �:. '+��ll�t�a ss County of Ramsey ) � i� ALFONSQ �. 'rTL�ON b�ing first duly sworn, depoeea axtd says upan oat that he has rea he foregoii�g sta�emen,� bearir� his sig�+�ura e►nd l�ov�r+s the eontents thereo�, and that the sam� is true of his ov�m. laaowledge excapt as to those �ttere therein stated upon 3.nformation and bela.ef a�ad as to �hose matters he bela.e�res them to be �rueo L�/ , � i ture of Applioant . Al� n�r� F:. f�ilson Sub cribed and aworn t4 bafore me thi 16th day o�` �ct.tabex 19 TD -�., � �o �y �Pub�.ie�Ramse ty, Msnn s a ta' a . �ya My o�n.ission expirss �'i�w°� 28• 19T3 (No e s �hese statement form�s are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully fi�.lad ou�, na rized, and returned to the License Uivision.�� ' AFFIDAV�T HY APPLICANT • FOR RETAIL BEER 4R LI�IIOR I,�CE�3SE Rs: C�n $a�,� �•2 Bser and MaltLicense "'II1sd"Otf o Nama of applican� �11Por„�;; ��. 'r!il$on Business address F'1�-s Cancordia �v�., �t. Paul, t"innesot� Are you the sole owner of this bu�iness4vt�'� . If not, is i�t a partnership? -- corporation? °" , other? -- athers in�erested in business, include �hflse by loan of money, proper�y or otherwises Name No�£ Address How (�!..,�licar�t- i.:_ ��-:c�t��; t;�e ;;.rstr,:iba� �r»i all �►er�ona� �.ra�:rL,;� Ioc�tad '�`�srdi.A from M.arinn N . SLcr�' ay . ?fli�l, �flnn�sot�.) If a corporation, give its name. `� Are you interested in any way in any other ratail baer or �.iquor businesa? N� As sole oaraer? " Partner? ' Stookholder? " Otherwise? (Through loan of money, eto. Exp],ain� � I�c�n e! Address of such business and na�ure of intarest in samp T•��rn� � vv �. Si� ture af app ican °�ilt 15�� '. �:?! ''DCi State of Minnesota� )ss G ounty of Ramsey � '��`��'`''`` �• `��"`�`` being first duly sw4rn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin�; affzd�,vit laearing his signature and l�.ows the contents thereof; that the sama is true of his c�vdn }�.aurledge, exaep-� as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and a� to those mat�ers he believes them to be true. , � � Si� ure of appl.ican� ���7,.f.oi o :�:� ;��.l�on Subsc bed and sworn to before me this ��� day of ���ti�'r 19 �n Notary u lic, oun , inneso a I+�aartin J. L,yden My cor�n3ssion expires ���• 1� 19 7a � . , _ sTa� � �so� � . C�TY.OF RAM,SEY AT,1�'��i 7t; �. '^1T7.��f)N being fi.ret dt�ly �rorn, doth depose and say that he a�kes thia affidavit in. conneetiun �rith e�pplioa�ion for " S�le" Iiqucr licsense (" G-�� S'�le" malt beverage licanae) �a. the �i�y of "�.'� $aint �Faul,.ldinneaotaf that yoear affiant ie a reai.dent of tha Siaate uP l�innesots� and has reeided therein for 4 Jears y�eara, m�ths, a�i is now e�ad haa been fur the tim�e e�bo�re mantioaed a bon� fide reieident of said State and that he now resides at Lr� �''�ller �?venuo � Addree� �i.. �%a1a 1� , Mi.bne s ota� . Ci y �r o� � . . �+1�o so �;, .dil:��n Subaoribed and s�rorn �o before ms th3s �'�}'�` d�y of �c�aY;•>r 19 7� otQry b1iQ, Ram.�ay unty, �'inn �ar.tin `J. i�y<:� n My oo�.iasion exp3re�D�cem,�Z 2�� 1973