250827 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK �`o��'�/�
RESOLVED, That the Council he�eby ratifies and approves the
action of the Saint Paul Boa�d ot Agpeals and Review for the Housing,
Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following
. _-----------_.. ___--...
listed property and as�shown by the official minutes of said Board
of Appeals dated ��r��, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A"
is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
79-70-B Approx. 10 acres, Cross Companies
S.W. corner of Ruth St. by
and Burns Ave. Jay J. Carpenter
�i' 1 � �97�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Naya
Butler �� '� � ��7� �
Carlson A rove� 19—
.�in Favor
Sprafka � yor
A gainst
Tedesco APPROVt�B��SHED Q �4 j���
Mr. President, McCarty �
. �, Gorporation
4 9/"1.3/70
• � Meet�inc� Nc� . ";�a
� �
Wednesday, September 23 , 1970
Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1: 30 p,m.
Members present: Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman
Raymond Grove
Gale Rehnberg
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Members absent: Estyr Peake
Others present: Glenn Erickson, Frank Staffenson,
Phil �Grathwol, Dan Norrgran, Allen
May, Emmett Curran, Thomas Anderson,
daughter of Mrs . R. A. Trovatt�n, John
Cross, James Cooperman, Jay Carpenter,
Andrews Allen, Len Pearson, Bob Hc�wc�,
H. T. Jacobsen, Edward C . Meisinqer.
The minutes of the meeting of September 9 , 1970 were approved as
Mr. Cohen read a letter dated September 10 , 1970 from the Cor�oration
Counsel assigning Pierre Regnier as the official representative of.
the office of the City Attorney to the Board of Appeals . He read
another letter dated September 10 , 1970 from the City Attorney
advising that the transfer af authority for Housinq Code ins�ections
from the Bureau of Public Buildings to the Health Department was
held by legal opinion to be in accordance with the City Charter.
52-70-H 1383 Grantham St. Mrs . R. A. Trovatten
SUBJECT: Letter dated April 28, 1970 from the Bureau of. Fiealth ta
Mrs . R. A. Trovatten, 1383 Grantham indicatinq certain Housinq
Code deficiencies at 1383 Grantham.
APPEARANCES: Daughter of Mrs . R, A. Trovatten .
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read Mrs . Trovatten 's appeal dated Ser�t�mber
5, 1970 . She indicated that the renters are happy with the si.tu.�ti.or7
- 1 -
�)/2 3/7t)
. Mc�ct:iric� No. 39
and wish to stay there. She needs the income ($80) from the r.enta:l. .
Mrs . Trovatt�n' s daughter explained that there were two c��xits leaciiriq
from the basement - one through the qarage and one throuqh hc�r
mother's living quarters . She thought that part of the reason the
bas�ement occupancy was considered illeqal was due to insufficient
window space.
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to waive S�ctions 34 .01, 54 .07 and 54 . ]_3 (4)
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, that no space in any cellar be
used for sleeping purposes�to allow continued occupancy of the
basement dwelling unit located at 1383 Grantham St. under pr.esent
conditions . Such waiver is to be granted until such time as the
property, located at 1383 Grantham St. and owned by Mrs . R. 1�. Tro-
vatten, is sold or any other right, title or interest is trans-
ferred at which time said waiver be nullified.
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayi�s :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
79-70-B Approx. 10 acres , Cross Com anies
S.W. Corner of Ruth St. � —�
and Burns Avenue Jay J. Carpenter.
PRIOR HEARING: Meetinq No. 38, September 9 , 197Q .
SUBJECT: Letter dated April 29 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson,
Assistant City Architect, to Mr. Jay J. Carpenter, Vice President,
Cross Companies, 6100 Golden Valley Road, indicating that Section
4 .05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code limits the height ofi wood
frame residence buildings , other than one and two family dwc�ll.inys ,
to two stories .
APPEARANCES: John Cross, Jay J. Carpenter, James Cooperman .
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cross introduced himself as president of Cr�ss
Companies . Mr. Cooperman, an architect for Cross Companies , h�s
been designing multiple dwellings for approximately 15 years . Mr .
Carpenter has taken the necessary course work to become an archi-
tect but has not yet taken the exams to become a certified archi-
Mr. Rehnberg arrived.
Mr. Carpenter displayed a model of the site which was exactly
to scale and showinq the landscape as it is to be. GrePn ash
trees are to be used to screen the road and parking lot . . .
The Cross Companies keeps and manages the properties it devel_c�ps
- 2 -
. ' Meetinc7 No. 39
. '
and must therefore make and keep them rentable. . . The decor is
to be french . . . Rents will be $180 on one-bedroom apartments
and $220 - $250 on two-bedroom apartments .
Mr. Cooperman said that the 1/2 story above ground and th� under-
ground parking facilities make the units less like tenem�nts .
Blueprints of the proposed site develapment were submitted.
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to waive Section 4 .05 of the Saint Pau]_
Legislative Code to permit construction of the 2-1/2 story
multiple residences as requested.
Seconded by Grove.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : Rehnberg. Motion carrie� f�ive (5) to zero (0)
with one���abstention.
80-70-B Kellogg Square Apartments Kellogg Square Co.
�17 North Robert St. �
Andrews l�llen
PRIOR HEARING: Meeting No. 38, September 9 , 1970 .
SUBJECT: Letter dated July 24 , 1970 from Robert L. Ames , City
Architect, to City Reconstruction Corporation, 80� West First St. ,
Suite 200 , Los Angeles , California indicating that the St. Paul
Fire Chief is dissatisfied with the type of built-in fire �ro-
tection devices whi�h have been required in high-rise type
buildings , and that the standpipe and hose systems in the Kellogq
Square Apartments being constructec� at 317 North Robert St. wo�.�ld
have to be revised accordingly.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen read the proceedings of the Sentember 9
Mr. Curran displayed a new fire hose with a test pressure of 6.00
lbs . and a working pressure of 400 lbs . He also displayed an ald
section of hose and explained that 72$ of the fire hoses in the
City of St. Paul are at least 5 years old. He saici it would take
250 lbs . of pressure to pump to the top of the proposed Kelloqg
Square Apartments . . . Mr. Allen's memo rated the pumping capacity
of fire hoses when they are new . . . Consideration is being made
at the state level to require pressurized vertical shafts anc�
special firefighting elevators for high-rises . . . A three paqe
bulletin concerning fire-fighting in high-rise buildings was
introduced . . . Mr. Curran spoke of the current shortages of
firemen in the City of St. Paul .
- 3 -
� Meeting No. 39
Mr. Al1en said that he is more concerned with safety and well beinq
than the Fire Department. . . As manager, he will know th� people
in the building personally . . The total concept of fire protection
for the building is superior in every respect to what thc� fire
marshall requests and this is substantiated in the memo of S�ptember
9 , 1970. Cost is no factor . . . it 's just that the proposed system
is better than that which the fire marshall regt�ests . . . There
are no wet standpipes in over 40 high-rises in Minneapol.is . . .
The insurers, Sexton, Alexander and Alexander, could find no
instances of breakdown in a dry standpipe system. There is no
difference between a dry and a wet standpipe system in either the
insurance rates or the fire underwriter rating . . . It was cal-
culated to 9/10 of one minute to get water to the top of the
building in a dry standpipe system. . . ElPvator #5 would be used
for fire emergencies and would have a key override . . . 11 wet
standpipe system would be inoperable if there was a power outage
. The total design of the fire protection system for the complex,
plus •fire extinguishers plus 1-1/2" hose to the domestic system
provides excellent in-house fire-fighting capability . . Also,
dry standpipes are always operable . . . New hose would.be madc�
available in the complex which could be hooked up to a pumper . . .
The dry standpipe could be kept full with water if asked to . . .
Hose would be available for Fire Department usage in the stair-
wells on each floor . . . Fire fightinq equipment in St. Paul is
maintained by qualified personnel .
Mr. Norrgran said there are 2 known dry standpipE systems in
Minneapolis . In Rochester, high-rises are expected to be
sprinklered . . . Pumps in wet standpipe systems are reliable
. There are an insignificant number of power outages in down-
town St. Paul . . . By stretching equipment to its maximum, water
can be pumped to the upper floors . . . Time and reliability
pose problems for firefighters on the top floor if depending
on a dry standpipe . . . Above the 6th and 7th floors , ladders G�nd
snorkels do not reach - fires must then be fouqht from within
the building . . . The Fire Department would support a wet stand-
pipe system with its pumping engines .
Mr. Al1en said there are major flaws in a wet standpipe system
to make it inoperable - you don ' t know if the pum� is qoing to
work, if there is a power outage the system is useless .
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to deny the appeal .
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove , Rehnberg, Sommerdorf , Ticso,
Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion carried six (6 )
to zero (0) .
- 4 -
` Meetinq Nc�. 39
83-70-F 673-679 Lincoln Ave. H. T. Jacohsen
E. C. Meisinger Jr. .
SUBJECT: Letter dated August 26 , 1970 from David P. McLauqhl.in ,
License Inspector to H. T. Jacobsen, Inc. , 673-679 Lincoln nve. ,
indicating that an application for a Rooming and Boardinq House
license for 673-679 Lincoln Ave. is denied on the basis of a
recommendation of the Fire Prevention Bureau.
APPEARANCES : H. T. Jacobsen, E. C. Meisinger Jr.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen read the appeal by E. C. Meisinger Jr.
dated Spetember 7, 1970 which indicated that no notice of vio-
lation or remedial action was given to H. T. Jacobsen Inc. ; that
Mr. Jacobsen has orally been advised that there is an illegal.
3rd floor occupancy on the premises; that denial of the appeal woul.d
cause financial hardship; that denial would discriminate aga.inst
the applicant and that the service of a half-way house being
rendered is in the best interest of the public.
Mr. Jacobsen explained that the building was a half-way house for
people coming from certain hospitals . He said there were presently
nine people on the third floor which could hold eleven people .
Mr. Meisinger said the buildinqs were oriqinally constructed with
third floor dwelling units .
ACTION: Mr. Cohen requested the matter to be continued until the
next regular meeting of the board to permit a Certificate of Oc-
cupancy inspection of the premises .
94-70-B 611 Ashland Robert C. Schwehel
Mr. Anderson informed the board that Mr. Schwebel was unabl� to
attend due to a conflict with work but that he would be present
at the October 14 meeting of the Board.
Meeting adjourned at 4 :00 p.m.
�� � ��
Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 5 -
aurucwrs vo ne�w� �n �ry
CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO �w�"�
RESOLVED, That the Counail hereby rati�ies and approves the
action of the Saint Paul Board o� Appeals and Review for the Hou,�ing,
Huildinq and Fire Preveation Codes pertaininq to the following
listed pleoperty and as shown by the official minutes of said Board
of Appeals dated A�.�s�;��,19?0, a copy of whiah, marked $XHIBIT "A"
is attachad hereto and made a part hareof by refmrence:
Case No. Property Appallant
79-70-8 � �pprox. 10 acres, Cross Companiee
S.W. coraer of Ruth St. by
arid Burns Ave. Jay J. Carpenter .
4. T1b1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mri� 18.—
Yeae Nays
Butler � 1 6 1,�0
Carlgon Approv� 18—
��e ` Tn Favot
� ��
Sprafka Ag�at
Mr. President, McCarty
� 9/13/70
. � Meetinq Nc�. 39
Wednesday, September 23 , 1970
Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1:30 p.m.
Members present: Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman
Raymond Grove
Gale Rehnberg
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Members absent: Estyr Peake
Others present: Glenn Erickson, Frank Staffenson,
Phil �Grathwol, Dan Norrgran, Allen
May, Emmett Curran, Thomas Anderson,
daughter of Mrs . R. A. Trovatt�n, John
Cross, James Cooperman, Jay Carpen�er,
Andrews Al1en, Len Pearson, Bob FIowe,
H. T. Jacobsen, Edward C . Meisinqer .
The minutes of the meeting of September 9, 1970 were approved as
Mr. Cohen read a letter dated September 10 , 1970 from the Corporation
Counsel assigning Pierre Regnier as the official representative of
the office of the City Attorney to the Board of Appeals . He read
another letter dated September 10 , 1970 from the City Attorney
advising that the transfer of authority for Housinq Code inspecti�ns
from the Bureau of Public Buildings to the Health Department was
held by legal opinion to be in accordance with the City Charter.
52-70-H 13$3 Grantham St. Mrs . R. A. Trovatten
SUBJECT: Letter dated April 28, 1970 from the Bureau of Health �a
Mrs . R. A. Trovatten, 1383 Grantham indicatinq certain Housinq
Code deficiencies at 1383 Grantham.
APPEARANCES: Daughter of Mrs . R, A. Trovatten.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen read Mrs . Trovatten 's appeal dated Septc�mber
5, 1970 . She indicated that the renters are happy with the sitt�ati.c>n
- 1 -
` 9/23/70
, Mretiny Nr� . 39
and wish to stay there . She needs the income ($80) from t}�c� r,enta7. .
Mrs . Trovatt�n' s daughter explained that there were two �xit.s leaciin�
from the basement - one through the q_arage and one throuqh her
mother's living quarters. She thought that part of the reason the
bas�ement occupancy was considered illegal was due to insufficient
window space.
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to waive Sections 34 .01, 54 .07 and 54 . 7.3 (4)
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, that no space in any cellar be
used for sleeping purposes�to allow continued occupancy of th�
basement dwelling unit located at 1383 Grantham St. under pr.esent
conditions . Such waiver is to be granted until such time as the
property, located at 1383 Grantham St. and owned by Mrs . R. 1�, Tro-
vatten, is sold or any other right, title or interest is trans-
ferred at which time said waiver be nullified.
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voiqt . Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
79-70-B Approx. 10 acres, Cross Companies
S.W. Corner of Ruth St. �-
and Burns Avenue Jay J. Carpenter
PRIOR HEARING: Meetinq No. 38, September 9 , 1970:
SUBJECT: Letter dated April 29 , 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson,
Assistant City Architect, to Mr. Jay J. Carpenter, Vice President,
Cross Companies , 6100 Golden Valley Road, indicating that Section
4 .05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code limits the height of wood
frame residence buildings , other than one and two family dw�ll.in��s ,
to two stories .
APPEARANCES: John Cross, Jay J. Carpenter, James Cooperman.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cross introduced himself as president of Cross
Companies . Mr. Cooperman, an architect for Cross Companies , has
been designing multiple dwellings for approximately 15 years . Mr .
Carpenter has taken the necessary course work to become an archi-
tect but has not yet taken the exams to become a certified archi-
Mr. Rehnberg arrived.
Mr. Carpenter displayed a model of the site which was exactly
to scale and showing the landscape as it is to be. Green ash
trees are to be used to screen the road and parking lot . . .
The Cross Companies keeps and manages the properties it devel_ops
- 2 -
: MeetincT No. 39
.. .
and must therefore make and keep them rentable. . . The decor is
to be french . . . Rents will be $180 on one-bedroom apartments
and $220 - $250 on two-bedroom apartments .
Mr. Cooperman said that the 1/2 story above ground and the under-
ground parking facilities make the units l�ss like tenements .
Blueprints of the proposed site development were suk�mitted.
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to waive Section 4 .05 of the Saint Paul.
Legislative Code to permit construction of the 2-1/2 story
multiple residences as requested.
Seconded by Grove.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voiqt. Nayes :
none. A.bstentions : Rehnberg. Motion carriec� f ive (5) to zFaro (0)
with one���abstention.
80-70-B Kelloc Sc�uare APartments Kellogy Square C'o.
17 North Robert St . �
Andrews Allen
PRIOR HEARING: Meeting No. 38, September 9 , 1970 .
SUBJECT: Letter dated July 24 , 1970 from Robert L. Ames , City
Architect, to City Reconstruction Corporation, 80� West First St. ,
Suite 200 , Los Angeles , California indicating that the St. Paul
Fire Chief is dissatisfied with the type of built-in fire Pro-
tection devices whi�h have been required in high-rise type
buildings , and that the standpipe and hose systems in the Kelloqq
Square Apartments being constructed at 317 North Robert St. would
have to be revised accordingly.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen read the proceedings of the SEntember 9
Mr. Curran displayed a new fire hose with a test pressure of 6C10
lbs . and a working pressure of 400 lbs . He also displayed an �1d
section of hose and explained that 72� of the fire hoses in the
City of St. Paul are at least 5 years old. He said it would take
250 lbs . of pressure to pump to the top of the proposed Kelloqq
Square Apartments . . . Mr. Allen 's m�mo rated the pumping capacity
of fire hoses when they are new . . . ConsidPration is being made
at the state level to require pressurized vertical shafts and
special firefighting elevators for high-rises . . . A three ��qc�
bulletin concerning fire-fighting in high-rise buildings was
introduced . . . Mr. Curran spoke of the current shortages of
firemen in the City of St. Paul .
- 3 -
� 9/23/?0
• Meeting No. 39
Mr. Allen said that he is more concerned with safety and well beinq
than the Fire Department. . . As manager, he will know the people
in the buildin_q personally . . The total concept of fire protecti�n
for the building is superior in every respect to what thc� f_ire
marshall requests and this is substantiated in the memo of Se�tember
9 , 1970. Cost is no factor . . . it 's just that the proposed system
is better than that which the fire marshall requests . . . There
are no wet standpipes in over 40 high-rises in Minneapol.is . .
The insurers , Sexton, Alexander and Alexander, could find no �
instances of breakdown in a dry standpipe system. There is no
difference between a dry and a wet standpipe system in either the
insurance rates or the fire underwriter rating . . . It was cal-
culated to 9/10 of one minute to get water to the top of the
building in a dry standpipe system. . . Elpvator #5 would be used
for fire emergencies and would have a key override . . . � wet
standpipe system would be inoperable if there was a power outage
The total design of the fire protection system for the complex,
plus �fire extinguishers plus 1-1/2" hose to the domestic system
provides excellent in-house fire-fighting capability . . Also,
dry standpipes are always operable . . . New hose would�be mad�
available in the complex which could be hooked up to a pumper . . .
The dry standpipe could be kept full with water if asked to . . .
Hose would be available for Fire Department usage in the stair-
wells on each floor . . . Fire fighting equipment in St. Paul is
maintained by qualified personnel .
Mr. Norrgran said there are 2 known dry standpipE� .systems in
Minneapolis . In Rochester, high-rises are expected to be
sprinklered . . . Pumps in wet standpipe systems are reliable
. There are an insignificant number of power outages in down-
town St. Paul . . . By stretching equipment to its maximum, water
can be pumped to the upper floors . . . Time and reliability
pose problems for firefighters on the top floor if depending
on a dry standpipe . . . Above the 6th and 7th floors , ladders ��nd
snorkels do not reach - fires must then be fouqht from within
the building . . The Fire Department would support a wet stand-
pipe system with its pumping engines .
Mr. Al1en said there are major flaws in a wet standpipe system
to make it inoperable - you don ' t know if the pump is going to
work, if there is a power outage the system is useless .
ACTION: Moved by Cohen to deny the appeal .
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf , Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : none. �lbstentions : none. Motion carried six (6 }
to zero (0) .
- 4 -
. 9/23/70
„ Meeting Nc�. 39
83-70-F 673-679 Lincoln Ave. H. T. Jacohsen
E. C. Meisinq�r Jr.
SUBJECT: Letter dated August 26 , 1970 from David P. McLauqhlin,
License Inspector to H. T. Jacobsen, Inc. , 673-679 Lincoln nve. ,
indicating that an application for a Roominq and Boarding Iiousc
license for 673-679 Lincoln Ave . is denied on the basis of a
recommendation of the Fire Prevention Bureau.
APPEARANCES: H. T. Jacobsen, E. C. Meisinger Jr.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen read the appeal by E. C. Meisinger Jr.
dated Spetember 7, 1970 which indicated that no notice of vio-
lation or remedial action was given to H. T. Jacobsen Inc. ; that
Mr. Jacobsen has orally been advised that there is an illegal.
3rd floor occupancy on the premises; that denial of the appeal. woul.d
cause financial hardship; that denial would discriminate against
the applicant and that the service of a half-way hous� being
rendered is in the best interest of the public.
Mr. Jacobsen explained that the building was a half-way house for
people coming from certain hospitals . He said there were presently
nine people on the third floor which could hold eleven people .
Mr. Meisinger said the buildings were oriqinally constructed with
third floor dwelling units .
ACTION: Mr. Cohen requested the matter to be continued until the
next regular meeting of the board to permit a Certificate of Oc-
cupancy inspection of the premises .
9�-70'B 611 Ashland Robert C. Schwebel
Mr. Anderson informed the board that Mr. Schwebel was unable �o
attend due to a conflict with work but that he would be present
at the October 14 meeting of the Board.
Meeting adjourned at 4 :00 p.m.
�''�.,� '�
Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 5 -