250820 ORIGINAL T9 CITY CLBRK � �/���r,�U CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. OU IL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY ` , COMMISSIONE ATF N�AS, The Crno�ittee on ban�,s, cc�poaed af' the A�aye�r, the P�rehasimg Agesit, the Cc�issicmer of Finance, and the Ce�3.ssimner of Parks a�d �tecreatica and Ptimlic Baildiaga o� the Cit�r of �aint Pa�il., has secured aa� agreeaent for the purchase o� that certa3,n praperty descril��d as t'oll�rs: I,�ts eleven (11), twelve (12) an.d thirteen (13) i.a B1.ack fo�ax (�) in Comw Proapeet Add3tien, ac�. �, T'he prcrperty described therein is neces�ary far the I�e'b bake Park Site, aad �he pr3.ce at whichii�e prvperty �ay be purchased is at the total a�utnt et' �,504.04, a fair and reaaonable priee according ta tke a�praisal abta3ffied by the Cc�ittee om �a�ds; and �BA�, �aid Cc�it�ee has r�co��ded the pxrchaae of sa3.d pr0perty at the price stated a�ove, a�t evideaced by th� let�er of �aid Co�oo�ittee st�l�ittei here�3.th; nc�w, therefore, be it R�3�LPEH, Yhat pmrsnant to Seetion 3�3 of the C�arter af the City of 3aint Pa�,]., the Caaneil of the �i�y of ��t Pa��1. �es herel�y a�tthorize the pnrchase �f the land described as: ..� ?yots eleven (11), tlrelve (12) and tl�irteen (13) in �.ock f�rex (�+) O in Ca�c� Proapect Addition, acc. � �$��YS6 FU�R, That the praper City Of'tYciala are hereby a�thorized o � and direct�d ta pay ta Arthur W. ffi�ri�, �r. and Eeasa Ber�ha Syring, record �ee �° � cnrners, the a� oi $1.2,544'�.()4, said smm ta l�e paid to the aPoreaaid verid�rs froa fl;. ' O PI8 Fasd Code 6�44, to be re3.mb�rsed fro� F'nad 9'�69-502-�1, �pog their f�rtaiahi�g � evide�ee of good maxketable title in the aforesa3.�i v�ndors, a�ad the total. pa�ent � to me made upoa tender by said parties of appropriatc� deeds conveying t3tle to � sa3d prapert�r to the City mf Saint Pa�l.. � y N p�j 15 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler ��;� �. 5 1'�Q Carlson proved 19� Levine ,�n Favor Meredith r Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBUSHED OGT 17'197Q �� J. WILLIA�1 DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY•E. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 6` 286 Cify Hell 5��C r� l. ,+tir� $aint Paul, Minnesofia 55102 '� October 1l�, 1970 City Co�n.eil City of Sa3.nt Pa�l Gestleaen axd Madam: The City of Saint Pa�.7., acting thrcr�gh its Val�ation Engineer, has negotiated to p�trchase certain property described as follows: Lots eleven (11), twelve (12) and thirteen (13) in Block fonr (�) in Coeao Proapect Addition, acc. _ The owners of the abave deseribed land, Arthvr W. ar. aud Eemra Ber�ha Syring, have acee�pted aa offer tendered th�m by the City in the amaant of $12,544.�0 as co�cpensation for the �a1e of the la�sd to the City. This prcrpertg, including larid and buildings, is needed b,y the City of Saiat Pav1 for boeb Lake Park. In view of the reasonable price for �hich it can be pfarchased, said price being the apprai�ed fair and reasonable a�arket valne therefare, �re, the Cc�nsittee on Lands, do r�co�►end to the Ccr�acil of the City of Saint Pav1. that it author3.ze the purehase oP said land in lien of aondemsation proceedings tn the price of $12,500.�4, as n��otiated with the awner. �er� s, I�ay r Parch in t � - C 'ssioner o ar , 8ecreation and Pa c Buildi s , � - Cca�m�i�sioner of Finance Parcel I�o. 22 File Ao. 17�20