03-523Council FIle # � � �.3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r ,� , /�, , Presented By i , � �g�y��� (3 Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay Arkay 2 Construction Company the sum of $37,500.00 (to be allocated as follows: $11,744.00 out of 3 project funding activity code C99-3H025-0898-33193 and $ 25,756.00 out of the Tort Liability 4 Fund 09070-0511) in full and final settlement of its claims for damages arising out of the 5 Addition and Remodeling of the Martin Luther King Center, City Project No. 9921.00, and to 6 execute a Settlement Agreement and Release in substanrially the form attached hereto as E�ibit 7 A. APPROVED: ����,�, ��-- NDGE OF DISTRICT COURT Requested by Depa of: G i'�'Y ��7TJ!'r1E.v B � �^'t ',.,J1 By: [ Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ( ii� ' 1.� Approved t� Mayor for� Submission to Council H�': Green Sheet# 104077 By: Adopted by Council: Date ��03 Adoption C,�rtified by Council cretaxy , 03 - Sa3 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE THIS SET"TLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE is entered into by and between Arkay Construction Company ("Arkay"), the C ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("City"), and the Adkins Association, Inc. ("Adkins") and Mohagen Engineering, Inc., Ltd. ("Mohagen"), hereinafter collectively refened to as the "Parties." This settlement agreement and release sets forth the terms which conciude and dispose of Arkay's claims arising out ofthe constnxction proj ect known as the Addition and Remodeling of the Martin Luther King Center, City Project No. 9921.00 ("the ProjecY'), and to close out Arkay's general construction contract for the Project. PRENIISES: A. Arkay entered into a general constructiott contract with the City in connection with the Project. Adkins contracted with the City to provide design and proj ect administration services in connecfion with the Project. Mohagen contracted with Adkins to provide structural engineering services in connection with the Project. Over the course of the Project, Arkay made claims for additional compensation for, among other things, changes and delays in the work alIegedly caused by the City and/ar the design team. The City alleges that all of its actions were in accordance with its rights and obligations under the terms ofthe contract documents and applicable law, and denies all allegations to the contrary. Additionally, the City asserted a claim for liquidated damages against Arkay for the untimely completion of the project. Adkins and Mohagen allege that they performed all of their contractual obligations in accordance with the contract documents and applicable professional and industry standards, and deny all allegations to the contrary. B. The Parties desire to now settle and release all claims which Arkay has or could have arising from the Project. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, it is agreed by and between the Parties as follows: In exchange for and in consideration of the releases described below, the City, Adkins and Mohagen shall pay Arkay the sum of ONE HLJNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/1005 DOLLARS ($130,000.00), the sufficiency of which is hereby aclrnowledged by Arkay, as follows: (a) The City shall pay Arkay the sum of $37,500.00 upon execution of this agreement; (b) Adkins and Mohagen, collectively, shall pay Arkay the sum of $92,500.00 upon execution of this agreement. 2. In consideration ofthe payment described in Paragraph 1, above, Arkayreleases and forever Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT A 4�3 -5�3 discharges the City, Adkins, and Mohagen, and their representatives, successors, assigns, employees, employers, directors, officers, agents, attorneys, sureties, and insurers, of and from all liability, actions, causes of acrion, clauns, and demands for any damages or losses arising out of or in any manner connected with the Project. 3. In c onsideration o f t he r elease d escribed i n P aragraph 2, above, t he C ity, A dkins, a nd Mohagen release and forever dischazge Arkay, and its representarives, successors, assigns, employees, empioyers, directors, officers, agents, attomeys, sureties, and insurers, of and from any ciaims which were laiown or should reasonably have been discovered prior to May 14, 2003, including claims for liquidated damages arising from the untimely completion of the Project and for damage to the pneumatic control, provided, however, that, notwithstanding any Ianguage to the contrary, this release shalI not include any warranty claims regardless ofwhen they are or were discovered. It is expressly understood and agreed that the release set forth in this paragraph is limited by its terms and shall not extend to include warranty claims or to include claims of any kind or nature which were uulniown or could not reasonably be discovered prior to May 14, 2003. It is fiirther expressly understood and agreed that Arkay does not waive, and is not estopped from raising, any defenses it may have in law or fact to ciaims not released herein. 4. In further consideration of the payment described in Paragraph 1, above, the City, Adkins, and Mohagen mutually release and forever discharge each other, and their representatives, successors, assigns, employees, employers, directors, oFficers, agents, attorneys, sureties, and insurers, of and from any claims for contribution ar indemnity arising from the claims Arkay made in connection with the Project. It is expressly understood and agreed, however, that the release set forth in this paragraph is limited by its terms and shall not extend to include any other claims which the City, Adkins, and Mohagen have or might have against each other. 5. The Parties understand and agree that this Settlement Agreement and Release is a compromise of disputed claims and that any promises or payments made pursuant to this Settlement Agreement and Release are not to be construed as an admission of liability on the part of any of the Parties. 6. Should any dispute arise over the interpretarion of this Settlement Agreement and Release, this Settlement Agreement and Release shall be interpreted neutrally and any rule requiring interpretation against anyparty drafting various provisions ofthis Settlement Agreement and Release shall not apply. The parties represent that they have not transferred or assigned any rights which they are releasing or compromising under this Settlement Agreement and Release. 8. The undersigned state and represent that they have fully read this three (3) page Settlement Agreement and Release, and that they each lrnow and understand the consequences and legal Page 2 of 3 o� -s �� effect thereof. This Settlement Agreement and Release contains the entire agreement of the Parties with regard to the matters set forth herein. This Settlement Agreement and Release shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties, jointly and severally, and their respecrive representatives, empioyers, employees, directors, officers, agents, assigns and successors in interest. 9. The terms of this Settlement Agreement and Release aze contractual in nature and not a mere recital. Arkay Construction Company � The Adkins Associates, Inc. � Mohagen Engineering, Inc., Ltd. � Its: City of Saint Paul By: Dennis Flaherry Deputy Mayor Peter G. Mikhail Assistant City Attorney Date Date Date Date Date Page 3 of 3 City Attorney's Office� 5/28/03 GREEN SHEET o3-Sa3 wo 10 �; tl 7 7 Peter G. Mikhail FOR TOTAL # OF SI�NATURE PA�ES one �.�,,^ ?�r- ❑ OIYAitOtlEY � OIYCFRII ❑ Ii11111L111LfEAYCEfOR ❑ NIUICYL�FRYI�Cf.TC � MYOI[(ORI1196fAXf1� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of settlement of claims o£ Arkay Construction Company, aqainst the City of St. Paul, arising out of City Project No. 9921.00, for the sum of $37,500.00. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has Nis P���m ever Worketl under a WnUact forthis depaM�ent? VES NO Has this peiaoNfirm e�er been e dly empbyee7 YES NO Dces Mis D��� W�ss a sldll rot namalryG� bY any arteM-citY emDbYce7 YES tJ0 Is Nis pM6m�Frm a taryetetl veiMo(! YES NO Resolution of claims on terms acceptable to City of St. Pau1. IF APPROVE� None. Claims will proceed to litigation and trial_where the City faces the ris o£ a worse result. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 7� n n n n COST/Rfl/ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) V�a no icsourtce Tort Liabilitv -* ecrnirrNw�e�c 09070-051] INFORMqTON (EJ�WM * and Project Funding Activity Code C99-3H025-0898-33193