250817 �5��'1'7 Counou File No.......»......�.�.,, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDER. � 1'heundereignedherebypropoeeethemakin ofthefo g lloanngpublioimprovement by the City ot Beint Psul,vis.: Co�struct publ ic sanftary sd,rer in an ALLEY tN WEST E�ID ADDtTION ca�en�in9 at m the._south�aster 1�r corner.of.Wa 1 sh~Park•an�l c�nt�nu i n~.....~..�....�...................�..................�_.....�.... _� ........ _..,,....�. ....g. nartherly in said al ley unti 1 .it..intersects�wtth�Albion..Street.. (S-1431)•�W����,µ�M,�µ._,.,�....•...•�N` ..'....'••y �-r�.�.............................................................................................................................................. . . .......... N � D�ted thie...9th ......»day of......October ----70......._................____..._.... � ...... ................... ...t . ..............., 1 ... � ,.� .........._. . ,���... .,�� o '�° � GOUnOilm ......._.. �. � o m � " PRELIMINARY ORDER. � � WHEREAB, A written propossl for the making oi the following improvement, vis.; ; Construct �1 ic sa�aita P�+ ._ . . ..ry sewe r i n an ALLEY 1 N WEST END ADD IT I ON ca�nnenc i n� at ............___................................................... the soutl�eastmrly �rner.of Malsh Park `sn� co�ti�nain northerl..Nin sai� al ley .• .~ ~ :unt.il.,it...lmtersects,with..Albiea~Street ..�.s-1431.............�.....................?!................._.............................. _ . . ..... ....�..................................................................................... .....................•----•-•---.....---.._..................__.............................. 6aving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul........................... t6es�fore, be it ...................................................__.... R,E80LVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and dlreefsd; 1. To inveatigate the neceeeity for� or deairability of, the making o#eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eetimated oost of said improvement, aad the total coat thereot. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. , 4. To stste whether or aot eaid improvement ie aeked for oa P,he petition of three ar more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the e;ommiesiuner of�ne►noe. Adopted by tha Counoil..._....................._.._.�T.1.5 1974 ......MN Ysse Councilman eutter �CT 1 5 1970 Ca r 1 son Approved......._.__.........w............................. Lev i ne ..................._ Meredith Sprafka Tedesco ...... ............ ......... .... -..�..w............... Mr. President McCarty Msyor. �000 s,a9 �v�trsFr� OCT 1? 1970 7 �