250816 Y �5���6 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK • CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL SOLUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WFEAEAS, Ordi.n,ance No. 3250 a�tboriaes aad provides fca� pay mea�t for Averti�ne v�rk, �d � WI�REAS, The Co�i.ssic�er of Parks and Recrea.tion ar�d Pt�bli� Ba31d3ngs has authorised ove�r�ixe work iri his depart�eut d�aiasg the p�riod f'rc� 3ept,�aber 19� 1970 tl�ough October 2� 197Qr the�efore, be it RESOLYED, That ths pra�per city office�s are }�r��y sutl�i.zed to pay the e�►ployees �o perfonned ��h overtim� wc�rk in aaac�rdaries w3.th t►he p�avisions of Qrdix�an�es No. 61�l�.6 and A1o. 3���. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��CT 1 4 19�Qg_ Yeas Nays Butler ,* ``'� 1 �1 197� Carlson Approve� 19� Levine � Favor , Sprafka J � Mayor A gainst Tedesco . �. Mr. Vice Pr�si�±ent P;"ere�:th PUBLISHED OCT 171970 �� � . �S �o �-----._...____.___�...__._.�...:._,_Y r' �;�1� � For Payroll Pexiod from September 19, 1970 to Oc�obsr 2, 1970, inc3usive Depa.rt,ment: Pax�cs �c Recrea�ion & 1'ublic Buildings � OUTSIDE ROLL Narusiewicz, Frank S. 79 2.5 0 197.50 Various Golf R�nger at PMalen Golf Morrissette, Ebelyn M. 37 2.25 83.25 n Refectar�y attandant at Phalen Qolf. Loomis, Jerry D. 21� 2.25 51�.00 N ftefectary attendant at �omo Qolf Vaughan, Jobn A. 1� 8.3250 33.3� 9/21s Truck stvck in b�ush d�rnp. � 1,983.31� _______.__ �'. � _...______ _ _ � - For Payrol3. Period �`ro� S�p�cember 19, ��7c to October 2, 197Q, iticlusive Department: Parks & Recre�tion & Public Bui.ldings OF'FICE ROLL NAME HRS. RA'1'E �PAY DAT�. BEAS O�T: Hall, Myrtle E. 2 5.6625 u•33 9/2� Heavy payroll work. Boyer, Linnea E. 2 3.0938 6.19 9/25 " a " . . � . 2 OUTSIDE ROLL Berven, Zouise G. ?l� 3.00 21�.50 9/19-10/2 Refectory Manager at Como (3ro1F. Carlson, Cht�xles F. . 1� 6.23l�3 2l�.91� 9/�s Truak stuck 3.n brush dmnp. Davis, Henry L. 1 6.23t�3 6.23 9/18 Flat tire on Chippes� Feeder. F'i.tzgerald, &�uce E. 2$ 6.�.125 179.55 Various Cl.eanup and picnics at Highland Parh Flis, Jose�n S. `� 6.8531 6.8,� 9/18 Service call -flat tie on Chipper. Gr�w, Robert H. 11� 6.�.125 73.7� Various Change cups, cut greens & chores. Ha�glund, Jo�'sn W. 252 6.l�125 163.52 �� Picnics & auctions at Harriet Tsland .�.11 Hartmon, Joseph R. lt 6.23�3 2�.9lt 9/19 Cut greens at Phalan Golf Heinz, Doris V. ?2 2.2812 17.11 9/20,21,26 Refectory �����t Highland Cfolf Heinz, Joseph G. 52 l�.z�5 213.85 Various Refec�F.ory manager at HigYiland Golf Zrestone, Arthur G., 3r. 2 8.1�3 16.86 9/2Li Servics eall-Hiddan Falls Jansen, Richard C. 1 8.32�0 8.33 9/18 �lat tire on Chipper Feeder. "1 Golf. Kampma.nn, Gary �. !t �.23l�3 2lt.9�1 9/27 Cut greeris & change cups at Como Lacey, �.igene 0. 36 5.2750 189.90 Various Take conde�nnation pictures. Lunzer, MicY�.a1 P, 32 6.2343 21.82 9/26 Changs cups & chores at Como (�olf. �liemela, Victor A, !� $.325d 33.30 9/21�. Truck stuck in brush dump. como, _ Resemius, Cfregory J. 16 7.03�3 112.50 Various Open, clean bldgs., grounds-Park- Ryde�r, Clarence 0. 70 3.0875 216.13 's Go1f Range� at Hi,ghland Golf. Como, Stelter, Thomas J. !�2 ?.d875 3�1•59 9/20,22 Change cups, cut & aerate greens- Woodward, Byron L. l� ?.9218 31.69 9/2!� Truck stuck in brush dump. � :`� � _................. .... .. _ _ . ...._. t� � ' For Payroll Period from Se�;.em�e� 19, �.9?0 �o October 2, 197�, 3nclusive Depart,-nent: �axks �c Recre�.��on & °ualic �,zz.ldir.gs O�FICE ROI,L NA��SE HRS. RATE �PAY DATr RF.�LS QV: Ha13., Myrtle E. 2 5.6625 11.33 9/2� Keavy payrolS work. Boyer, Zinnea E. 2 . 3.0938 6.19 9/2y „ " `� . . � l. 2 OUTSIDE ROLL BervEn, Louise G. 712 3.00 2I�.�.So 9/i9-10/2 Refectory rlanagor at Como C�o?.�. Carlson, Ch^�1es r^. . 1� 6.2343 2�•9� 9/24 �uck s�uck in 'oxush �u;np. ]�av-is, Honry L. l 6.23t�3 6.23 9/].8 Flat tire on Chi.pper FeQd.ar. Fi.tzgera3d, Fk�uce E. 2$ 6.l�125 179.55 Various C2eanup and picnics at I'�.gh].ar.d Par'_{ Flis, Josoph S. '=� � 6.8531 6.8� 9/18 Service calJ. -f:at t� on Chh�...p�of.�^. Gr�w, Robert :I. 112 6.�.12� 73.7� Various Change cups, cu� gxQens & anoros. Ha�glund, John W. 252 6.I�12� 163.52 " Picnics & auc�ions at H�sriet Is�an� > Har�mon, Josep:� R. ?� 6.23�3 2�..91t 9/19 Cut greens at Pnalen Go7.f Heinz Doris V. � 2.2812 17.17. 9/20 21 26 Refoctor K*�`'���t Hj.ah7�a.r�l Golf , ?2 � a Y ''" � �� b :ieinz, Joseph G. 52 �.1125 213.E5 Various Refectory manager at :Zighla.n� Go?.f Irestono, Ar1:h•ar G., Jr. 2 8.?�3 16.86 9/2I� Service call-Hidden Falls Jensen, :�.c��rd C. 1 8.32�� $.33 9/18 Flat tiro on Chipper Feeder. � Golf� Kampmann� Gary E. ?� �i.23i�3 2l�.9�t 9/27 Cut greens & chzn.go cups at Gomo Lace;�, �ene 0. 36 5.27�4.. 189.90 Va.rious Take cond�..�a�ion picttaro�.: Lunzer, Michaa]. Po 32 ' 6.23�3 21.82 9/26 Char�ge cups & c:�oros at Como Gol�. Niemsla� Victor Ao !t $.3250 33•34 9/21.a. Truck stuc� in brush d�p. como, .. Rese�3.us9 Gre�or�j J. 16 ?.0313 112.�0 Various Open, clean bldgs., grounds-Park- Rydc�.^, Clarence 0. 70 3.087� 21b.13 ,s Golf R.axige..r at HH;ghlarzd Golf. Como. Stel�er, Thomas J. !i2 7.687� 3�i•59 9/20,22 Change cups, cut & aera�e green�- Woodward, Byron L. 1t 7.9218 31.69 9/� Txuc�c stuck in b:L:sn du.-np. r . � r� � __�__�.__......�_.__._._.._.__ ' For Payroll Pexiod �om Sep�e:nbE� 19, 19?0 �o Oc�obex 2, 1970, inciusive Dep�..Ttmex��C: Par�s & Recrea�ion & Public bu�.]�ings � . OUTSID� ROLL ATarusiewicz, Fra:tis S.�9 2.50 . 197.50 Vario•as Golf Ranger at Fhalen Golf .� N:orrissette, Evelyn N. 3? 2.25 83•25 " Refectrry atte�naan� a� Phalen Golf. I,00mis, Jerxy D�' 21� 2.2� ,5'c�.00 �� Refec�ory a��er.�iant at eomo Golb Vaughan, John A. Is $.3250 33•34 9/21� Truck s��ck in brush da��np. � 1,983.3�C ,