250814 � � .. ��4��'�.� ,I:� COUNCIL FILE NO. , CITY OF ST. PAUL W Resolution Approving Assessment By and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fix' Time of He File No.—.�Z4�Z-� � aring on the Award of Damages In the matter of ��dea�ing and taking an easement in the land necessary for Che slopes, cuts aad filla, including right of remaval uf lateral support from subject lan� or resainder thereof, occasioned bq excavations thereof or aoastruction of slopes in the gradiag and aurfacing with bituminous material W. Jessamine Ave. froet Albert St. to Hamline Ave.; Brewster St. from N. 3nelling Ave. to AT. Albert St., and Albert St. fro� Jessamine Ave. to BrewsCer �t. (G-1821) 241844 January 22, 1969 241846 January 22, 1969 under Preliminary Order 241847 _, approved January 22, 1969 � Intermediary Order 250196 , a.pproved August 25, 1970 , Final Order - 250511 , approved�� �evtember 22, 1970 , The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the ta.king of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it F.esolved, That the said asse,sament of benefits be and the same is h.ereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as- sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the $d Qh e�nth �tgv ef ���er� 197U — —.__. , at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis- sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas ���� �� Nays A�j C�ir�.::�e�� O�/1 1 4 ��7Io L EV;, :� � Adopted by the Council._ _ _ ����T� A proved OCT 1 4 i9�O sFR��,;;a T E D i�.�,�'�� In Favor � .�t3ttnq Mayor Mr. Vice Presi' �" � �—Against Form R-s �C�eredith PUBt1SHED Q(;f��'� J� � �UN� �,� No�5���5 , CTTY OF ST. PAUL Resolution App�roving A�sessment By— and Figing Time of Hearing Z`hereon ��� In the matter of the asaessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction or recQn- struction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 69-M-481, Dist�ict No. 3, Levy No. 3, A"��SSAB�: I�.O. �243904 - Bates Ave. , both sides from Third St. to Fourth St. F.O. �k243901 - Fifth St. , both sides from Maria Ave, to ,�ates Ave. F.O. ��242095 - Euclid St. , both sides from Maria Ave, to Bates Ave. F.O. ��242094 - Plum St. , both sides from Maria Ave. to Mounds Blvd. F.O. �k241908 - Fifth St. , both sides from Mounds Blvd, to Maria Ave. �� NON-'ASSESSABLE: - -