250812 OR161NAL TO CITY CLCFiK . ��o�-�r_ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO: � C U IL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTc WHEBEAS, '�he C<��.ittee on ya�ds, cc�pcsed ot the Mayor, �he Farchaaing Agent, the Cc�3ssioner of Finasice, and the Ce�i�sioner of Parks aad Recreation asid Pablic Bnildin�s of the Cit� of Saiat Paul, has sec�re�. aa agreement for t�e p�a.rchase of that certaa.n property described as follojr�; I�at fvarteen (l�+) in Bloek f<�r (�) in Cc�o Prospect Addition, acc., also Iac�ts fYf`teen (i5)aad sixteen (16) in Block frn�r (�) ia Cc�an.o Prospect Adclition, acc. WH�R&AS, The px�crpert�r descri'bed therein is aece�sary for the I�c�eb Lake Park Site, and the price at which �he p2crpert�y maT be pur.chased is at th� totel a�na�unt af �1.�,�0.�0, a fa3r and reasonable price accord3.n� to the appraisal obtained by the Cc�mm�i.ttee on yands; and tii�S, 3aid Ce��i�tee has reco�ended the pnrehase af said prcrperty at the priee stated a.brnre, as evidenced by the letter o�' sa3d Come3.ttee st�bae3.tted her�ith; now, theref'ore, be i� �►4LY&D, That pvrs�ant to Section 303 of the Charter of the City of �aint Pau]., the Cc�,nc3.1 of the City of Saint Patil. does hereb�r atitthor3.ze �e p�rehase -;, of the land described as: O ;-� Lot fourteen (1�) in Bioek faar (�+) in Cc�o P�spect Addition, o D acc., also 7,ots fif'teen (15) a�d s3.Steen (16) in Block �aar (�) � � in Como Pro$pect Addition, ace. 0 �: RF�OL�IED F�&, �iat �he prc�per City Offieials ar� hereby a�thorized � m an.d directed to pag to Willia� B�rkett ar�d Lenaise Barkett� recmrd fee c�ners, the svm of $1�+,000.0�, s�.id st� to be paid to the afmresa3d vendors frc�s PI$ � Fand Code 6000, to be reiml��trsed f'ron Far�d 9769-542-041, upon their t'arnishing ^ evidence of gc�od aiarketable title ir� the aforesatd vendors, aad th.e total payment to be made �pon tender by said parties of appropriate deeds conve�riag title to said prcperty �o �he City of Saint Paxt].. OCT 14 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Butler �� 1 4 1'�Q� Caxlson Approve� 19� Levine G �n Favor MPralit�t Sprafka J /t3t�ng Mayor A gainat Tedesco �: . r_.. ��y:=:�. ,� . 'PUBLISHED OGT 17 1��� Mr. 1/ice Prpsici°nt P/ier�dith � • � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Vcluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, �,. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L { Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hall �����2 $eint Paul, Minnssote 55102 ._ ss �etober��+, 197� Citg Cc�n.cil City of Sa3r�t Pagl. Geatlemen and Ma�d.am: The City of 3aint Paul., acting thrangh its 9aluation H��S.neer, has negotia�ed to pt�rchase certain praperty described as followa: Lot fourt�en (l�+) in Bloek �'crar (�) in Cum�o Prospect Addition, acc., also Lots Pifteen (i5) and sixteen (16) in Blo�k fc�vr (�) in. �om.o Prospect Addition, acc. The ow�ers of the above described land, Williaa �xurkett and I�ouise B�arkett, have aceepted ari offer teadered them by the City in the au�aant of �1�,m00.00 as compensation for the sale of the land to the City. This property, iacluding land and buildings, is needed by the City of Saint Pa�.l. for Loeb Lake Park. In view of the reasonable price for which it cau be p�trchased, said price bein,g the sppraised fair and rea$onable market value therefore, ve, the Co�ittee on �aads, do recc�er�d to the Co�cil of the Cit�y of Saint Paul that it authorize the p�trchase of said larid ia lie�a of coademmation proceedings at the price of $1�,C�.�O as negotiated with the e�er. Ver �rcnj. M Parchasing A � Co �sioner Paxks, l�ecreation and Publie Buiildi s � ���R� �-�ti��; Co�iasioner of Finance Parcel �a. 23 File No. 17�+24