250811 . Orisinal to City Clerk ORDINANCE 25��1 COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ,� ORDINANCE NO � An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibi.lities and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1g35, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the minimum qua.lifications in the specifications for Local Improvement Engineer the words "six yearst professional engineering experience, "; axid by substituting in lieu thereof the words "eight yearsi professional engi.neering experience, " . Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Recreation Leader III, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "High school graduation and 15 credit hours in courses pertaining to recreation; and three years� experience as a Recreation Leader II or equivalent. Each addit-ional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty � days after its passage, approval, and publication. � 0 0 U `il ;� ti � � O � �' o .^... v a ¢ U � � � � O ' `t w OCT 2 9 197t Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council -�t�er- � Carlson Tn Favor � Levine Meredith � C� A gainst sprafka 1970 � OCT 2 9 Mr Presiden�-{ rty) Appr Att t• `�`� � �� ty Clerk - Maqo O Form approved Cor�oration Counsel By �4J8LISHED OCT 31 �� Dvue.a�.remwe . ORDINANCE ���� : ������� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�I��f�'_� A� o�td3�ase� :maadfit� Oridiaancs I�to. 7�07, �ttl�d: ►'Aa ordi�aace $ada,� ths �s a�t rospaasiii�tl.es a�d the m�im�emn q�al3Statiaas �ar t� varLo�ts E2ssrrts af posi#�oas � t� Class3fi+�d Servfe� e#'tie+�e Ciljr.�' ap�psahd F�bru�s� �3, j933, ss sm�i�i. TH�C C4U�!tCIL OF T�E GITY O?r' S�AII�'I PJ4�iL � 4��: Setlfpa 1. T�at Ori3�e� l�o. 764T. sg�prow�d F�ss�s� I3; 1935, s� �n+�ted, tr�► sad t.�e ssm� is �aes�r ls:ths: �d lr! stsi�g ' ovt of th� mi�dm�m �cwtioas ia► +p�t s�p�eiilca�oas iez I.�e�esl�s��emsa�st Engi�rer the wards �'sis ��rs' protsss�oast '�ai5��r� ��ri�es.'; �d � s�= �ts 2ian�t3�irroL t� �sds �'�t�l�T�sss' �s+oE�as�r#arutl ��i!lfij i�lp�l'��c��r�� .'SeC'�f� a. T� i� Ol�i��. is i��d�� � ���! ii�i is her�i�tasll��r a�mp,i+�d b�► �tsilda� ost !he aaiais�mn 4�ea�la� � d�a spedtiestio�s for Ztecrartl� Z,ea��s III, a�l b�r s�et�►� iai liart ll�r�sf t� �o�nwfss: . '''Hish s¢hool s:a�ds�#� a�d 1� er�iit ]�tss i3a ta�ursts p�rts� to r�rsa�j aad ti�roe �SSSt �p�s�eaa� ss s ��+csw� I..�adar II os e�afial�t. Esc� a�ii!loa�sl ��ss o��s�li�� �speria�� ms� bs +rabslit+�t�ri to�r tf�re �s�di! le�t�s.*' Seetian 3. Tbis otdi�u�ce sl�sll!� e�E��d a�d bs �t losert �►ist� daTr �ter its parssg�, appra�sl, �d pstilie�ios. OCT 2 9 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays P�BSed by the Coun�it �— ��On Tn Favor Levine s�3rAt �� ro r�r. Pre�ident (McCarty►) OCT 2 9 1970 Approved: Attegt: City Clerk �ayor �� � Farm ap�rov� Corporq�,i�,ion Coun$el By , ,. � ' � ��I � '��'��' � �� , This ordina�tce' changea the inini�num qualificatiox�s for the t�tle�, Lc�cal Improvemeat �n�i.neer �r�d Recreation Leader III. Far the Local Impro.vement Engine�r the required number of years of professioaal e�tgiaeexing experienice is changed_from 6 to 8. Fnr the Recrea�tion-Leader III, t�e manx�;er in whieh esperience maly be substituted for education�s 6t;.rf p�e�,',,('�Q�f i � . � , � I � � � � � _, " I ��� '; < i , ! I st r/ � / 2nd /D%�� Laid over to n � 3rd and app � �Adopted (v Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler -..�-$�#{er-� Carlson Carlson Levine �evine 250��1 � Meredith �-�- Meredith Sprafka � �prafka J Tedesco .,,Ie�esee--- Mr. President McCarly IvTr. President McCarty O