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R�oil�utio� Ratifying Asaes�ment By—
File No ��
In the matter of the assesament of ��j� � � � � �� � �
�+wr �stx1�l+�1t � !ur + � � ��rM � i�r i�� a i►�r�atw�rs �'�'y►"; l�i
�ristl� �r �rar � �,�i�xr�t� �► �Itlr� a�� �t � ��wr
�nr� �rrr�ti+�r; +�w� #�t � arr�l �rlrM�t wd� �s� �a w�� +� s��wa�w�ai
�r � �i �la�i��c,�
under Preliminary Order � , ,approve� ������ ,
Intermediary Order � ,approvecl � � �,
Final Order �� ,approved �� �s �'� .
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and sa.id assess-
ment having been further considered by the Cauncil, and having been conaidered finally satiafactory,
be it therefore
RESOLVED, That tlie said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is herehy ordered to be submitted to the Diatrict Court of the County of R,amsey far canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RES4LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable �n `�
equal installments.
p�T 14 1970
Ye� F3 l)T L E R Nay$ Adopted by the Council
C�..f�!SON �T 14 1�7Q
!_:=�'.��i I�
,.� :_r,� ApProv
In Favor
Mr. Vice President Meredith ��l��nS�Mayor
� Against d 1J I�
Fo� x-s z� io-sa a� �
PUBLISHED OCT 17 ]970------- ``� �.
'� 25�`�74
� �'��:r�a�a ..,, , �
� CIT3� OF ST. PAUL ��o��� t.�♦ �
RQport of Gompletion of Ass�essment File No- ��
In the matter of the assesament of ��,� �,� � � � � � �
:. -°��NtM�iM► �► �M► �� � �" ��� � ��L�A�MI�► #� a
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1e�► �rr�1r w�d ���,
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unde'r Preliminary Order � ,approv� +� � � �
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Intermediary Order � ,approved � "� � ,
Fina1 Order � ,approved +� � � .
To the Council of the City of St. Pau�l:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo�rta to the Council the following as a atatement o�the ex-
penditurea necessarily incurred for �.nd in connection with th�e making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction coat�.�.. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .... .. .. . $ Ss,37s AT
Engineering . aad.I�spaaxims.... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ �.,� 73—
i�sa�lma� .Co�pt�oliler.�Cinsts. . . . .... . . .. .. .. .. . $ 3�3
Posta.� cards . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . $ 3� ��
Publications . . . . . . ... . . .. . . ...... .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . � 3�3
Collection costs . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ... $ B�6
Court coats for c6nfirma.tion . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . ... .. . $ 3A 3.�
TOTAL EXPFNI�"ZTUI�ES . . ... . . . . .. . ... . $ 9A,SS6
Charge to . ...�C.I.B..l�ad�. .9Z'f 7-Q�1... .. .. . .. $ S 1�046
. .. .. . ... .. . . .. . . .. ...... .. .. .. .. ... ... . . .. . . . . . . $
Net Asaessment . .. .. . . .. .. . . ... . . . .. .... ... . .. .. . $ 39,,507 7L
Said Commisaioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aecer-
tained, tawit: the sum of � �9,3��.76 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said ass�sment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
com�rleted by him, and which ia herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon �s may be
considered proper.
� �� ��
Dated Septe�her 8, 1970 T �--
� isaio e f ce.
Fo� x.z z� io.ga s�
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. � IVlir►nesota's 4argest
-�; ,
.V3` �` � ;_ WeeklY � � Newspaper�
S,'`A � �C . . .
'"'�r � ,�� 4- �
7he Of�icial Newspap�r of i!:c A.r-ch,�;o�: .,.;, � .
�;r:"fyaaoi�s und the Diocese af New Ulm •
244 Dayton Av., St. Paul, Minn. 55102
Telephune (Area Code 612) 227_£327�
Please reply to:
Pierra B. MaMen
. 1333 Edgecumb e Ho ad
St.Paul, 'Minn. 55116
(Mrs) Rosalie L. Butler
_ . Commissioner of Finance
Cit�r of Saint Paul
113 Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re:File 17282-P.19 i
Dear Mrs . �.itler: i
`rhanks f or the �eneral le tter of September 18th �
regarding file 172�?2-page 19. �
The letter is not clear as to what improvement on
Edgecumbe road is referred to - - the only one I
know of was the paving.
I dontt mind the assessment so much if the quality
of work is good. If the City d �_d it - then of
course I can understand that inspection can be
very mediocre. If a contractor did it - then the �
inspeetor for the public works is lax.
There is no drain either way at the end of our
alley so ever�T time the rain comes - we have plenty
c�' water near the curb and they a lso did a pretty
poor job getting the apron cf' the curb flush wi th
the ailey itself. Whoever did the re-paving on the
west side boulevard from Raridolph to Jefferson cer- �
tainly did a p;;or job. lt is rou�i and it doesn�t �
flush wi th the original pavement. "1'his is where
they p�at in the sewer this Sprin�.
Maybe you can ask someone in your office to set me
strai�ht on this - especially what asaessment we
are t alking about,
Yours sincerely,
r�>- _ �
��y`'°p Pierr`e . Mar �
�m,ni,; �
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3ept�b�er 28, 197�
Mr. Pierre B. Marien Re: Fil� I7282
1333 Sdgca�mba Road �dgaumbe �td. frcm
St. Paul, Minnesota SS102 Fairvie�a� to Jef�a�san
Dear Mr. M�rian:
Tbs publi� heariug sche�3uled !or October �, 1970, is fcrr tha
purpoQe of appraving th� a�seasme�►t for the imgrovesent of Edgce�be
Raad, This improv�eat vas for the con�truction of a bit+u�ina�e
w+erlay, or paving ot the stre�et surface, plas coastrnucting ss�+er,
Nater aad �as aervics conaect�.ons wh�xea necessary.
Thm purpas� of the l�tter to yon Was to inform you of the
dat� of the� public hoaxing be�ore the City Council, at vhich tinre
the council will hear all co�osnts frvm aft�cted propasty aWners,
as peztaia to tb��e imprav�ment and propt�sad asseaemant o� be�etit�.
I am gorward�.ng a copy of yoar lette� to tba Depart�aent cf
i�ciblic Wvrks, as ���1 aa tha City Clerk, to becc�ae a part of th�
racord in thia xs�axd.
Youra �r�rp Cruly,
Rosalis L. B�stler
Co�fsaioner ot` FinaIICe
ec: Public Works
City Clerk
Fil� 172$2